public static async Task <string> Run([QueueTrigger("scrape")] string json,
                                              ILogger logger)
            logger.LogInformation($"LuisFunction invoked:\n{json}");

            var luisInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LuisInput>(json);

            var missingPerson = new MissingPerson
                SourceUrl         = luisInput.SourceUrl,
                TweetUrl          = luisInput.TweetUrl,
                TwitterProfileUrl = luisInput.TwitterProfileUrl,
                Summary           = luisInput.Summary ?? "",
                ShortSummary      = luisInput.ShortSummary ?? "",
                UserLocation      = luisInput.UserLocation

            string shortSummary = luisInput.ShortSummary;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shortSummary))
                string[]            sentences   = Regex.Split(shortSummary, @"(?<=[\.!\?])\s+");
                List <LuisV2Entity> allEntities = new List <LuisV2Entity>();
                foreach (string batch in BatchSentences(sentences, 500).Take(3))
                    logger.LogInformation($"Sending LUIS query \"{batch}\".");
                    var luisResult = await GetLuisResult(batch, logger);

                    if (luisResult != null)
                        if (luisResult.TopScoringIntent.Intent == "GetDescription")
                        logger.LogWarning("LUIS did not return entities to process.");

                MapLuisResultToMissingPerson(missingPerson, allEntities, logger);
                logger.LogWarning($"LUIS skipped tweet {luisInput.TweetUrl} due to missing short summary.");

            var result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(missingPerson);

        private static void MapLuisResultToMissingPerson(MissingPerson missingPerson, List <LuisV2Entity> entities, ILogger logger)
            //construct the missing person record from the LUIS result, some properties are constructed from a combination of luis results

            // select the best name from the names that are returned using heuristic
            var nameEntity =
                entities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Type == "builtin.personName" && f.Entity.Contains(' ') && f.Role == "subject") ??
                entities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Type == "builtin.personName" && f.Entity.Contains(' ') && f.Role == null) ??
            string personName = nameEntity?.Entity;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(personName))
                var myTi = new CultureInfo("en-US", false);
                personName = myTi.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(personName);
            missingPerson.Name = personName;

            // Select the best report location
            var cityEntity =
                //entities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Type == "") ??

            missingPerson.City = cityEntity?.Entity;

            missingPerson.Province =
                entities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Type == "provinceV2")?.Resolution.FirstOrDefaultElement() ??

            var age = entities.SelectTopScoreInt("Age") ??
                      entities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Type == "builtin.age")?.FirstOrDefaultAgeResolution() ??
                      entities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Type == "ageV2")?.EntityAsInt();

            missingPerson.Age = age.GetValueOrDefault(0);

            missingPerson.Gender =
                entities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Type == "genderV2")?.Resolution.FirstOrDefaultElement() ??

            missingPerson.Ethnicity =
                entities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Type == "ethnicityV2")?.Resolution.FirstOrDefaultElement() ??

            missingPerson.MissingSince = entities.SelectTopScoreDateTime("MissingSince");

            missingPerson.Height = entities.SelectTopScore("Height")?.Entity;
            missingPerson.Weight = entities.SelectTopScore("Weight")?.Entity;

            // if a found entity exists then the result is
            missingPerson.Found = entities.Exists(w => w.Type == "Found") ||
                                  string.Equals(entities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Type == "locatedV2")?.Resolution.FirstOrDefaultElement(), "Located", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                                  ? 1 : 0;