Example #1
        /// <summary> Gets the name and the group name for the given player. </summary>
        public static void GetEntry(Player p, Player dst, out string name, out string group)
            string col = Entities.GetSupportedCol(dst, p.color);

            group = Server.TablistGlobal ? "On " + p.level.name : "&fPlayers";
            name  = col + p.truename;
            IGame game = p.level.CurrentGame();

            if (game != null)
                game.GetTabName(p, dst, ref name, ref group);

            if (p.hidden && p.IsAfk)
                name += " &f(Hid, &7AFK)"; return;
            if (p.hidden)
                name += " &f(Hid)";
            if (p.IsAfk)
                name += " &7(AFK)";