public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            // This method gets called after a DataServiceContext has been instantiated. It gives us a chance to
            // perform further initialization work.
            // And as it happens, we have an interesting problem to solve! The typed data service context class
            // that Astoria's EntityClassGenerator generates handles the ResolveType delegate as follows:
            //   return this.GetType().Assembly.GetType (string.Concat ("<namespace>", typeName.Substring (19)), true);
            // Because LINQPad subclasses the typed data context when generating a query, GetType().Assembly returns
            // the assembly of the user query rather than the typed data context! To work around this, we must take
            // over the ResolveType delegate and resolve using the context's base type instead:

            var dsContext = (DataServiceContext)context;
            var typedDataServiceContextType = context.GetType ().BaseType;

            dsContext.ResolveType = name => typedDataServiceContextType.Assembly.GetType
                (typedDataServiceContextType.Namespace + "." + name.Split ('.').Last ());

            // The next step is to feed any supplied credentials into the Astoria service.
            // (This could be enhanced to support other authentication modes, too).
            var props = new AstoriaProperties (cxInfo);
            dsContext.Credentials = props.GetCredentials ();

            // Finally, we handle the SendingRequest event so that it writes the request text to the SQL translation window:
            dsContext.SendingRequest += (sender, e) => executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine (e.Request.RequestUri);
Example #2
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo,
            object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            var assembly = LoadAssembly(cxInfo);
            var configurator = Configurator(cxInfo, assembly);

            var ctx = DatabaseContext.Create(OpenDB(cxInfo, configurator.Item1.Configure),configurator.Item2);
 public virtual void Run(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var runners = GetMethodRunners(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
     if (runners == null)
     foreach (var runner in runners)
        public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
            DataContext context2 = context as DataContext;

            if (context2 != null)
Example #5
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo r, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     AstoriaHelper.InitializeContext(r, context, false);
 public virtual void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
		/// <summary>
		/// This virtual method is called after a query has completed. You can use this hook to
		/// perform cleanup activities such as disposing of the context or other objects.
		/// </summary>
		public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
			base.TearDownContext(cxInfo, context, executionManager, constructorArguments);
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            _connInfo = RavenConnectionDialogViewModel.Load(cxInfo);

            var rc = (RavenContext) context;
            rc.LogWriter = executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>In this driver, initialization consists of listening to the 
        /// <see cref="DataServiceContext.SendingRequest"/> event in order to extract the requested
        /// URI and display it in the SQL tab.</remarks>
        /// <param name="connectionInfo">The connection info.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="executionManager">The execution manager.</param>
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo connectionInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            var dsContext = (DataServiceContext)context;

            dsContext.SendingRequest += (sender, e) => executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine(e.Request.RequestUri);
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     base.InitializeContext(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var rc = context as CassandraDriverContext;
     rc.LogWriter = executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter;
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var nhContext = (NHibernateContext)context;
     nhContext.Session = GetSessionFactory(cxInfo).OpenSession();
 public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
     DataContext context2 = context as DataContext;
     if (context2 != null)
Example #14
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var dsContext = (DataServiceContext)context;
 public virtual void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
 public virtual void OnQueryFinishing(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
Example #19
 public override void OnQueryFinishing(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     base.OnQueryFinishing(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo r, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     AstoriaHelper.InitializeContext(r, context, false);
Example #21
 public virtual void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            base.InitializeContext(cxInfo, context, executionManager);

            var ctx = (JsonDataContextBase) context;

            var xInputs = cxInfo.DriverData.Element("inputDefs");
            if (xInputs == null)

            var jss = new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All };
            var inputs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<IJsonInput>>(xInputs.Value, jss).ToList();

                .ForEach(c=> ctx._jsonTextInputs.Add(c.InputGuid, c.Json));
Example #23
 public virtual void OnQueryFinishing(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var settings = GetCxSettings(cxInfo);
     var initType = settings.DriverInitializerType;
     if (initType == null) { return; }
     var initializer = initType.GetInstance<IDriverInitializer>();
     if (initializer == null) { return; }
     initializer.Run(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
Example #25
 public virtual void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
 public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
     base.TearDownContext(cxInfo, context, executionManager, constructorArguments);
     var rc = context as RavenContext;
     if (rc != null)
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo connectionInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            var dsContext = (DataServiceContext)context;

            var properties = connectionInfo.GetConnectionProperties();
            dsContext.Credentials = properties.GetCredentials();

            dsContext.Configurations.RequestPipeline.OnMessageCreating += args =>
                var message = new CustomizedRequestMessage(args, properties);
                return message;

            dsContext.SendingRequest2 += (s, e) =>

                if (properties.LogMethod)

                if (properties.LogHeaders)
                    var headers = string.Join("\r\n", e.RequestMessage.Headers.Select(o => $"\t{o.Key}:{o.Value}"));
		/// <summary>
		/// This virtual method is called after a data context object has been instantiated, in
		/// preparation for a query. You can use this hook to perform additional initialization work.
		/// </summary>
		public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
			// At this point, context is set to a ready-to-go DB2Connection.

			// NOTE: A useful application of overriding InitializeContext is to set up population of the SQL translation tab.
			executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine("I have nothing to say to you.");
			//executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine($"Executing object of type {context.GetType()}: {context.ToString()}");
			//executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine($"Properties: {string.Join(", ", context.GetType().GetProperties().Select(x => x.Name))}");
			//executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine($"Methods: {string.Join(", ", context.GetType().GetMethods().Select(x => x.Name))}");

			// TODO: How can I grab a copy of the SQL I'm executing?

			base.InitializeContext(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
    /// <summary>
    /// Populate SQL tab if sql logging is wanted.
    /// </summary>
    public override void OnQueryFinishing(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager) {
      // LINQPad populates the sql tab just after this method is called, so this is our last chance to grab the sql.
      // The stopwatch is also stopped after this method completes, so any wait here counts in total exec time shown for the query.
      // The problem is that we're using a trace listener to obtain the sql, and it won't necessarily have the sql message
      // by the time this is called.  If we have it fire an event to tell us when the sql mesage has arrived it will be too late.
      // So, we ask the logger for it, and the logger will impose a short wait if it's not ready.  If the wait period
      // elapses without having obtained the sql, then we don't have anything to show in the sql tab for this execution.

      if (Logging) {
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called after the query's main thread has finished running the user's code,
        /// but before the query has stopped. If you've spun up threads that are still writing results, you can 
        /// use this method to wait out those threads.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cxInfo"> Connection information, as entered by the user. </param>
        /// <param name="context"> Context </param>
        /// <param name="executionManager"> execution manager </param>
        public override void OnQueryFinishing(
            IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            var playback = (Playback)context.GetType().GetProperty("playback").GetValue(context, new object[] { });

            if (playback != null)
    /// <summary>
    /// This is called after the EM is constructed.    
    /// </summary>
    public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager) {

      // Set properties on the EM now

      // Initialize sql logging if enabled.
Example #32
 public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
 protected virtual IEnumerable<MethodRunner> GetMethodRunners(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var runners = new List<MethodRunner>();
     runners.Add(new MethodRunner("Sitecore.ContentSearch.Hooks.Initializer, Sitecore.ContentSearch", "Initialize"));
     return runners;
 public override void OnQueryFinishing(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     base.OnQueryFinishing(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
 /// <summary>
 /// This virtual method is called after a query has completed. You can use this hook to
 /// perform cleanup activities such as disposing of the context or other objects.</summary>
 public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo pCxInfo, object pContext, QueryExecutionManager pExecutionManager, object[] pConstructorArguments) 
     MethodInfo lMethod = pContext.GetType().GetMethod("CloseSession");
     lMethod.Invoke(pContext, new object[] { });
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo connectionInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     //TODO: Create LuceneProvider
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     // If the data context happens to be a LINQ to SQL DataContext, we can look up the SQL translation window.
     var l2s = context as System.Data.Linq.DataContext;
     if (l2s != null) l2s.Log = executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter;