Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            // This method gets called after a DataServiceContext has been instantiated. It gives us a chance to
            // perform further initialization work.
            // And as it happens, we have an interesting problem to solve! The typed data service context class
            // that Astoria's EntityClassGenerator generates handles the ResolveType delegate as follows:
            //   return this.GetType().Assembly.GetType (string.Concat ("<namespace>", typeName.Substring (19)), true);
            // Because LINQPad subclasses the typed data context when generating a query, GetType().Assembly returns
            // the assembly of the user query rather than the typed data context! To work around this, we must take
            // over the ResolveType delegate and resolve using the context's base type instead:

            var dsContext = (DataServiceContext)context;
            var typedDataServiceContextType = context.GetType ().BaseType;

            dsContext.ResolveType = name => typedDataServiceContextType.Assembly.GetType
                (typedDataServiceContextType.Namespace + "." + name.Split ('.').Last ());

            // The next step is to feed any supplied credentials into the Astoria service.
            // (This could be enhanced to support other authentication modes, too).
            var props = new AstoriaProperties (cxInfo);
            dsContext.Credentials = props.GetCredentials ();

            // Finally, we handle the SendingRequest event so that it writes the request text to the SQL translation window:
            dsContext.SendingRequest += (sender, e) => executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine (e.Request.RequestUri);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo,
            object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            var assembly = LoadAssembly(cxInfo);
            var configurator = Configurator(cxInfo, assembly);

            var ctx = DatabaseContext.Create(OpenDB(cxInfo, configurator.Item1.Configure),configurator.Item2);
 public virtual void Run(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var runners = GetMethodRunners(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
     if (runners == null)
     foreach (var runner in runners)
        public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
            DataContext context2 = context as DataContext;

            if (context2 != null)
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo r, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     AstoriaHelper.InitializeContext(r, context, false);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public virtual void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
		/// <summary>
		/// This virtual method is called after a query has completed. You can use this hook to
		/// perform cleanup activities such as disposing of the context or other objects.
		/// </summary>
		public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
			base.TearDownContext(cxInfo, context, executionManager, constructorArguments);
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            _connInfo = RavenConnectionDialogViewModel.Load(cxInfo);

            var rc = (RavenContext) context;
            rc.LogWriter = executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>In this driver, initialization consists of listening to the 
        /// <see cref="DataServiceContext.SendingRequest"/> event in order to extract the requested
        /// URI and display it in the SQL tab.</remarks>
        /// <param name="connectionInfo">The connection info.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="executionManager">The execution manager.</param>
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo connectionInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            var dsContext = (DataServiceContext)context;

            dsContext.SendingRequest += (sender, e) => executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine(e.Request.RequestUri);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     base.InitializeContext(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var rc = context as CassandraDriverContext;
     rc.LogWriter = executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter;
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var nhContext = (NHibernateContext)context;
     nhContext.Session = GetSessionFactory(cxInfo).OpenSession();
 public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
     DataContext context2 = context as DataContext;
     if (context2 != null)
Exemplo n.º 14
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
Exemplo n.º 15
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var dsContext = (DataServiceContext)context;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public virtual void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
Exemplo n.º 17
 public virtual void OnQueryFinishing(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
Exemplo n.º 19
 public override void OnQueryFinishing(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     base.OnQueryFinishing(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo r, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     AstoriaHelper.InitializeContext(r, context, false);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public virtual void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            base.InitializeContext(cxInfo, context, executionManager);

            var ctx = (JsonDataContextBase) context;

            var xInputs = cxInfo.DriverData.Element("inputDefs");
            if (xInputs == null)

            var jss = new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All };
            var inputs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<IJsonInput>>(xInputs.Value, jss).ToList();

                .ForEach(c=> ctx._jsonTextInputs.Add(c.InputGuid, c.Json));
Exemplo n.º 23
 public virtual void OnQueryFinishing(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
Exemplo n.º 24
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var settings = GetCxSettings(cxInfo);
     var initType = settings.DriverInitializerType;
     if (initType == null) { return; }
     var initializer = initType.GetInstance<IDriverInitializer>();
     if (initializer == null) { return; }
     initializer.Run(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public virtual void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
Exemplo n.º 26
 public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
     base.TearDownContext(cxInfo, context, executionManager, constructorArguments);
     var rc = context as RavenContext;
     if (rc != null)
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo connectionInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            var dsContext = (DataServiceContext)context;

            var properties = connectionInfo.GetConnectionProperties();
            dsContext.Credentials = properties.GetCredentials();

            dsContext.Configurations.RequestPipeline.OnMessageCreating += args =>
                var message = new CustomizedRequestMessage(args, properties);
                return message;

            dsContext.SendingRequest2 += (s, e) =>

                if (properties.LogMethod)

                if (properties.LogHeaders)
                    var headers = string.Join("\r\n", e.RequestMessage.Headers.Select(o => $"\t{o.Key}:{o.Value}"));
Exemplo n.º 28
		/// <summary>
		/// This virtual method is called after a data context object has been instantiated, in
		/// preparation for a query. You can use this hook to perform additional initialization work.
		/// </summary>
		public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
			// At this point, context is set to a ready-to-go DB2Connection.

			// NOTE: A useful application of overriding InitializeContext is to set up population of the SQL translation tab.
			executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine("I have nothing to say to you.");
			//executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine($"Executing object of type {context.GetType()}: {context.ToString()}");
			//executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine($"Properties: {string.Join(", ", context.GetType().GetProperties().Select(x => x.Name))}");
			//executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine($"Methods: {string.Join(", ", context.GetType().GetMethods().Select(x => x.Name))}");

			// TODO: How can I grab a copy of the SQL I'm executing?

			base.InitializeContext(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
    /// <summary>
    /// Populate SQL tab if sql logging is wanted.
    /// </summary>
    public override void OnQueryFinishing(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager) {
      // LINQPad populates the sql tab just after this method is called, so this is our last chance to grab the sql.
      // The stopwatch is also stopped after this method completes, so any wait here counts in total exec time shown for the query.
      // The problem is that we're using a trace listener to obtain the sql, and it won't necessarily have the sql message
      // by the time this is called.  If we have it fire an event to tell us when the sql mesage has arrived it will be too late.
      // So, we ask the logger for it, and the logger will impose a short wait if it's not ready.  If the wait period
      // elapses without having obtained the sql, then we don't have anything to show in the sql tab for this execution.

      if (Logging) {
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called after the query's main thread has finished running the user's code,
        /// but before the query has stopped. If you've spun up threads that are still writing results, you can 
        /// use this method to wait out those threads.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cxInfo"> Connection information, as entered by the user. </param>
        /// <param name="context"> Context </param>
        /// <param name="executionManager"> execution manager </param>
        public override void OnQueryFinishing(
            IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            var playback = (Playback)context.GetType().GetProperty("playback").GetValue(context, new object[] { });

            if (playback != null)
    /// <summary>
    /// This is called after the EM is constructed.    
    /// </summary>
    public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager) {

      // Set properties on the EM now

      // Initialize sql logging if enabled.
Exemplo n.º 32
 public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager, object[] constructorArguments)
 protected virtual IEnumerable<MethodRunner> GetMethodRunners(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     var runners = new List<MethodRunner>();
     runners.Add(new MethodRunner("Sitecore.ContentSearch.Hooks.Initializer, Sitecore.ContentSearch", "Initialize"));
     return runners;
 public override void OnQueryFinishing(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     base.OnQueryFinishing(cxInfo, context, executionManager);
 /// <summary>
 /// This virtual method is called after a query has completed. You can use this hook to
 /// perform cleanup activities such as disposing of the context or other objects.</summary>
 public override void TearDownContext(IConnectionInfo pCxInfo, object pContext, QueryExecutionManager pExecutionManager, object[] pConstructorArguments) 
     MethodInfo lMethod = pContext.GetType().GetMethod("CloseSession");
     lMethod.Invoke(pContext, new object[] { });
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo connectionInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     //TODO: Create LuceneProvider
Exemplo n.º 37
 public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
     // If the data context happens to be a LINQ to SQL DataContext, we can look up the SQL translation window.
     var l2s = context as System.Data.Linq.DataContext;
     if (l2s != null) l2s.Log = executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter;