Example #1
 private Lazy <BitmapSource> CreateLazyBitmap(StandardRgbBitmap sourceBitmap, StandardRgbColor[] colors, int[] clusterWeights, StandardRgbColor[] clusterColors)
     return(new Lazy <BitmapSource>(() =>
         UpdateColorHistogram(clusterWeights, clusterColors);
         return new StandardRgbBitmap(colors, sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height, sourceBitmap.DpiX, sourceBitmap.DpiY).ToBitmapSource();
Example #2
        public static byte[] ToBgra32PixelArray(this StandardRgbBitmap bitmap, out int stride)
            stride = bitmap.Width * sizeof(int);

            byte[] rawPixels = new byte[stride * bitmap.Height];
            for (int i = 0; i < rawPixels.Length; i += 4)
                int source = i / 4;
                rawPixels[i]     = bitmap.Pixels[source].B;
                rawPixels[i + 1] = bitmap.Pixels[source].G;
                rawPixels[i + 2] = bitmap.Pixels[source].R;
                rawPixels[i + 3] = 0xFF;

Example #3
        private async Task ComputeSingle()
            int clusters;

            if (!int.TryParse(ClusterCountSingle.Text, out clusters))
                MessageBox.Show("Could not parse the cluster count");
            if (clusters < 1 || clusters > 100)
                MessageBox.Show("Clusters must be between 1 and 100");

            StandardRgbBitmap sourceBitmap = sourceImage.ToStandardRgbBitmap();

            Func <Task>[] tasks =
                () => rgbOperation.RunAsync(sourceBitmap,    clusters, originalFileName, ShowSteps.IsChecked == true),
                () => cieLuvOperation.RunAsync(sourceBitmap, clusters, originalFileName, ShowSteps.IsChecked == true),
                () => cieLabOperation.RunAsync(sourceBitmap, clusters, originalFileName, ShowSteps.IsChecked == true)

            if (ParallelExecution.IsChecked == true)
                await Task.WhenAll(tasks.Select(t => t()));
                foreach (var t in tasks)
                    await t();
Example #4
        public async Task RunAsync(StandardRgbBitmap sourceBitmap, int clusters, string originalFileName, bool showAllSteps)
            this.originalFileName = originalFileName;
            this.Bitmap           = null;
            IsRunning             = true;
            IsComplete            = false;
            ColorWeights          = null;
            Colors      = null;
            PixelWidth  = sourceBitmap.Width;
            PixelHeight = sourceBitmap.Height;
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            string currentStatus = "Computing clusters...";
            Lazy <BitmapSource> currentBitmap = new Lazy <BitmapSource>(() => null);

            EventHandler onTick = (sender, e) =>
                Status = $"{currentStatus} [{DateTime.Now - startTime:mm\\:ss}]";
                Bitmap = currentBitmap.Value;

            DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), DispatcherPriority.Normal, onTick, Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher);


            BitmapCluster targetBitmap = null;

            if (clusters < 16)
                currentStatus = "Creating initial 16-cluster seed... (iteration 0)";
                targetBitmap  = new BitmapCluster(sourceBitmap.Pixels, colorSpace, 16);
                await targetBitmap.ClusterAsync(async i =>
                    currentStatus = $"Creating initial 16-cluster seed... (iteration {i})";
                    if (showAllSteps)
                        var currentBitmapContent = await targetBitmap.RenderAsync();
                        currentBitmap            = CreateLazyBitmap(sourceBitmap, currentBitmapContent, targetBitmap.GetClusterWeights(), targetBitmap.GetClusterMeans());
                }, 3);

                currentStatus = $"Rendering 16-cluster image...";
                var intermediateBitmapContent = await targetBitmap.RenderAsync();

                currentBitmap = CreateLazyBitmap(sourceBitmap, intermediateBitmapContent, targetBitmap.GetClusterWeights(), targetBitmap.GetClusterMeans());

                currentStatus = $"Choosing refined seed colors...";
                var newSeedClusters = await targetBitmap.ChooseDifferentiatedClusters(clusters);

                targetBitmap = new BitmapCluster(sourceBitmap.Pixels, colorSpace, newSeedClusters);
                targetBitmap = new BitmapCluster(sourceBitmap.Pixels, colorSpace, clusters);

            currentStatus = $"Computing {clusters}-cluster image... (iteration 0)";
            await targetBitmap.ClusterAsync(async i =>
                currentStatus = $"Computing {clusters}-cluster image... (iteration {i})";
                if (showAllSteps)
                    var currentBitmapContent = await targetBitmap.RenderAsync();
                    currentBitmap            = CreateLazyBitmap(sourceBitmap, currentBitmapContent, targetBitmap.GetClusterWeights(), targetBitmap.GetClusterMeans());
            }, 200);

            currentStatus = $"Rendering {clusters}-cluster image...";
            var finalBitmapContent = await targetBitmap.RenderAsync();

            currentBitmap = CreateLazyBitmap(sourceBitmap, finalBitmapContent, targetBitmap.GetClusterWeights(), targetBitmap.GetClusterMeans());
            Bitmap        = currentBitmap.Value;

            Status     = null;
            IsRunning  = false;
            IsComplete = true;
Example #5
        public static BitmapSource ToBitmapSource(this StandardRgbBitmap bitmap)
            byte[] rawPixels = ToBgra32PixelArray(bitmap, out int stride);

            return(BitmapSource.Create(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, bitmap.DpiX, bitmap.DpiY, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, rawPixels, stride));