public void RemoveAllAttendancesOfEvent(Event anEvent)
            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Delete, typeof(Attendance));
            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "id_event", anEvent.Id);

            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
        public void RemoveAllAttendancesOfPerson(Person aPerson)
            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Delete, typeof(Attendance));
            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "id_person", aPerson.Id);

            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
    public void OnActivated()

        Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;


        SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (GroupMap));

        sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idGroup", _channelGroup.IdGroup);
        sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");

        SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

        IList<GroupMap> maps = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<GroupMap>(stmt.Execute());

        foreach (GroupMap map in maps)
          Channel channel = map.ReferencedChannel();
          if (!channel.IsTv)
          listView1.Items.Add(CreateItemForChannel(channel, map));
        bool isAllChannelsGroup = (_channelGroup.GroupName == TvConstants.TvGroupNames.AllChannels);
        removeChannelFromGroup.Enabled = !isAllChannelsGroup;
        mpButtonDel.Enabled = !isAllChannelsGroup;

        if (_channelGroup.GroupName != TvConstants.TvGroupNames.AllChannels)
          labelPinCode.Visible = true;
          textBoxPinCode.Visible = true;
          textBoxPinCode.Text = _channelGroup.PinCode;

      catch (Exception exp)
        Log.Error("OnActivated error: {0}", exp.Message);
        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
        private void CreateShareForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _channelNameLabel.Text = this.Channel.DisplayName;

            LinkedMediaPortalChannel linkedChannel = ChannelLinks.GetLinkedMediaPortalChannel(this.Channel);
            if (linkedChannel != null)
                SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(TvDatabase.GroupMap));
                sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", linkedChannel.Id);
                SqlResult result = Broker.Execute(sb.GetStatement());
                List<TvDatabase.GroupMap> groupMaps = (List<TvDatabase.GroupMap>)
                    ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(TvDatabase.GroupMap), result, new List<TvDatabase.GroupMap>());
                if (groupMaps.Count > 0)
                    foreach (ListViewItem item in _groupsListView.Items)
                        if (item.Tag is int
                            && (int)item.Tag == groupMaps[0].IdGroup)
                            item.Selected = true;
                            item.Selected = false;

                    foreach (ListViewItem item in _channelsListView.Items)
                        ChannelItem channelItem = item.Tag as ChannelItem;
                        if (channelItem.Channel.IdChannel == linkedChannel.Id)
                            item.Selected = true;
                            item.Selected = false;
Example #5
    protected override void OnPageLoad()
      Log.Debug("zaposd pageload");
      // following line should stay. Problems with OSD not
      // appearing are already fixed elsewhere
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Channel));
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "istv", 1);
      sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");
      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
      ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof (Channel), stmt.Execute());

      // if (g_application.m_pPlayer) g_application.m_pPlayer.ShowOSD(false);
      ResetAllControls(); // make sure the controls are positioned relevant to the OSD Y offset
      m_bNeedRefresh = false;
      m_dateTime = DateTime.Now;
      channelNr = GetChannelNumber();
      channelName = GetChannelName();
      idChannel = GetIdChannel();

      GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#currentmodule", GUILocalizeStrings.Get(100000 + GetID));
Example #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Retreives the first found instance of a 'Once' typed schedule given its Channel,Title,Start and End Times 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="idChannel">Channel id to look for</param>
    /// <param name="programName">Title we wanna look for</param>
    /// <param name="startTime">StartTime</param>
    /// <param name="endTime">EndTime</param>
    /// <returns>schedule instance or null</returns>
    public static Schedule RetrieveOnce(int idChannel, string programName, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
      //select * from 'foreigntable'
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Schedule));

      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "scheduleType", 0);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", idChannel);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "programName", programName);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "startTime", startTime);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "endTime", endTime);
      // passing true indicates that we'd like a list of elements, i.e. that no primary key
      // constraints from the type being retrieved should be added to the statement
      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

      // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
      IList<Schedule> getList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Schedule>(stmt.Execute());
      if (getList.Count != 0)
        return getList[0];
      return null;

      // TODO In the end, a GentleList should be returned instead of an arraylist
      //return new GentleList( typeof(ChannelMap), this );
Example #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Get a list of Conflicts referring to the current entity.
    /// </summary>
    public IList<Conflict> ConflictingSchedules()
      //select * from 'foreigntable'
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Conflict));

      // where foreigntable.foreignkey = ourprimarykey
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idConflictingSchedule", idSchedule);

      // passing true indicates that we'd like a list of elements, i.e. that no primary key
      // constraints from the type being retrieved should be added to the statement
      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

      // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
      return ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Conflict>(stmt.Execute());

      // TODO In the end, a GentleList should be returned instead of an arraylist
      //return new GentleList( typeof(CanceledSchedule), this );
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a wrapper for getting the channel by Name from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channelName">Channel Name.</param>
        /// <param name="idTvChannel">The id tv channel.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the channel name was found</returns>
        protected bool GetChannelByName(string channelName, out int idTvChannel)
            //Channel fch = Channel.Retrieve(
             idTvChannel = -1;
             SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Channel));

             sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "displayName", channelName.ToString());

             SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

             System.Collections.IList chList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(Channel), stmt.Execute());

             if (chList.Count > 0)
            idTvChannel = ((Channel)chList[0]).IdChannel;
            return true;

             return false;
Example #9
    public static Schedule FindNoEPGSchedule(Channel channel)
      int idChannel = channel.IdChannel;

      //select * from 'foreigntable'
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Schedule));

      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "scheduleType", 0);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", idChannel);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idParentSchedule", -1);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "series", false);
      // passing true indicates that we'd like a list of elements, i.e. that no primary key
      // constraints from the type being retrieved should be added to the statement
      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

      // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
      IList<Schedule> getList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Schedule>(stmt.Execute());
      if (getList.Count != 0)
        return getList[0];
      return null;
Example #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Retrieves an entity given it's filename.
    /// </summary>
    public static Recording Retrieve(string fileName)
      // Return null if id is smaller than seed and/or increment for autokey
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
        return null;

      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Recording));
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "fileName", fileName);

      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

      // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
      IList<Recording> getList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Recording>(stmt.Execute());
      if (getList.Count != 0)
        return getList[0];
      return null;
Example #11
    public override bool OnMessage(GUIMessage message)
      switch (message.Message)
        case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_WINDOW_DEINIT: // fired when OSD is hidden
            //if (g_application.m_pPlayer) g_application.m_pPlayer.ShowOSD(true);
            // following line should stay. Problems with OSD not
            // appearing are already fixed elsewhere
            //for (int i = (int)Controls.Panel1; i < (int)Controls.Panel2; i++)
            //  HideControl(GetID, i);
            GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#currentmodule", GUIWindowManager.GetWindow(message.Param1).GetModuleName());
            return true;

        case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_WINDOW_INIT: // fired when OSD is shown
            // following line should stay. Problems with OSD not
            // appearing are already fixed elsewhere
            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Channel));
            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "istv", 1);
            sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");
            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
            listTvChannels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof (Channel), stmt.Execute());
            GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#currentmodule", GetModuleName());
            previousProgram = null;
            // if (g_application.m_pPlayer) g_application.m_pPlayer.ShowOSD(false);
            ResetAllControls(); // make sure the controls are positioned relevant to the OSD Y offset
            isSubMenuVisible = false;
            m_iActiveMenuButtonID = 0;
            m_iActiveMenu = 0;
            m_bNeedRefresh = false;
            m_dateTime = DateTime.Now;
            FocusControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_PLAY, 0); // set focus to play button by default when window is shown
            for (int i = (int)Controls.Panel1; i < (int)Controls.Panel2; i++)
              ShowControl(GetID, i);
            if (g_Player.Paused)
              ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_PLAY, true);
              // make sure play button is down (so it shows the pause symbol)
              ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_PLAY, false); // make sure play button is up (so it shows the play symbol)
            m_delayInterval = MediaPortal.Player.Subtitles.SubEngine.GetInstance().DelayInterval;
            if (m_delayInterval > 0)
              m_subtitleDelay = MediaPortal.Player.Subtitles.SubEngine.GetInstance().Delay / m_delayInterval;
            m_delayIntervalAudio = PostProcessingEngine.GetInstance().AudioDelayInterval;
            if (m_delayIntervalAudio > 0)
              m_audioDelay = PostProcessingEngine.GetInstance().AudioDelay / m_delayIntervalAudio;

            GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#TV.View.HasTeletext", TVHome.Card.HasTeletext.ToString());

            MediaPortal.Player.VideoStreamFormat videoFormat = g_Player.GetVideoFormat();

             ((float)MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.GetVideoFormat().bitrate / 1024 / 1024).ToString("0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

              videoFormat.width.ToString() + "x" + videoFormat.height.ToString());

            GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#TV.TuningDetails.FreeToAir", string.Empty);

            Channel chan = TVHome.Navigator.Channel;
            if (chan != null)
              IList<TuningDetail> details = chan.ReferringTuningDetail();
              if (details.Count > 0)
                TuningDetail detail = null;
                switch (TVHome.Card.Type)
                  case TvLibrary.Interfaces.CardType.Analog:
                    foreach (TuningDetail t in details)
                      if (t.ChannelType == 0)
                        detail = t;
                  case TvLibrary.Interfaces.CardType.Atsc:
                    foreach (TuningDetail t in details)
                      if (t.ChannelType == 1)
                        detail = t;
                  case TvLibrary.Interfaces.CardType.DvbC:
                    foreach (TuningDetail t in details)
                      if (t.ChannelType == 2)
                        detail = t;
                  case TvLibrary.Interfaces.CardType.DvbS:
                    foreach (TuningDetail t in details)
                      if (t.ChannelType == 3)
                        detail = t;
                  case TvLibrary.Interfaces.CardType.DvbT:
                    foreach (TuningDetail t in details)
                      if (t.ChannelType == 4)
                        detail = t;
                    detail = details[0];
                GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#TV.TuningDetails.FreeToAir", detail.FreeToAir.ToString());
          return true;

        case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_SETFOCUS:
          goto case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_LOSTFOCUS;

        case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_LOSTFOCUS:
            if (message.SenderControlId == 13)
              return true;

        case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_CLICKED:
            int iControl = message.SenderControlId; // get the ID of the control sending us a message

            if (iControl == btnChannelUp.GetID)

            if (iControl == btnChannelDown.GetID)

            if (!g_Player.IsTVRecording)
              if (iControl == btnPreviousProgram.GetID)
                Program prog = GetChannel().GetProgramAt(m_dateTime);
                if (prog != null)
                  prog =
                      prog.StartTime.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)));
                  if (prog != null)
                    m_dateTime = prog.StartTime.AddMinutes(1);
              if (iControl == btnNextProgram.GetID)
                Program prog = GetChannel().GetProgramAt(m_dateTime);
                if (prog != null)
                  prog = GetChannel().GetProgramAt(prog.EndTime.AddMinutes(+1));
                  if (prog != null)
                    m_dateTime = prog.StartTime.AddMinutes(1);

            if (iControl >= (int)Controls.OSD_VOLUMESLIDER)
              // one of the settings (sub menu) controls is sending us a message
              Handle_ControlSetting(iControl, message.Param1);

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_PAUSE)
              if (g_Player.Paused)
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_PLAY, true);
                // make sure play button is down (so it shows the pause symbol)                
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_FFWD, false); // pop the button back to it's up state
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_REWIND, false); // pop the button back to it's up state
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_PLAY, false);
                // make sure play button is up (so it shows the play symbol)
                if (g_Player.Speed < 1) // are we not playing back at normal speed
                  ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_REWIND, true); // make sure out button is in the down position
                  ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_FFWD, false); // pop the button back to it's up state
                  ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_REWIND, false); // pop the button back to it's up state
                  if (g_Player.Speed == 1)
                    ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_FFWD, false); // pop the button back to it's up state

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_PLAY)
              int iSpeed = g_Player.Speed;
              if (iSpeed != 1) // we're in ffwd or rewind mode
                g_Player.Speed = 1; // drop back to single speed
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_REWIND, false); // pop all the relevant
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_FFWD, false); // buttons back to
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_PLAY, false); // their up state
                g_Player.Pause(); // Pause/Un-Pause playback
                if (g_Player.Paused)
                  ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_PLAY, true);
                  // make sure play button is down (so it shows the pause symbol)
                  ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_PLAY, false);
                  // make sure play button is up (so it shows the play symbol)

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_STOP)
              if (isSubMenuVisible) // sub menu currently active ?
                FocusControl(GetID, m_iActiveMenuButtonID, 0); // set focus to last menu button
                ToggleSubMenu(0, m_iActiveMenu); // hide the currently active sub-menu
              //g_application.m_guiWindowFullScreen.m_bOSDVisible = false;	// toggle the OSD off so parent window can de-init
              if (TVHome.Card.IsRecording)
                int id = TVHome.Card.RecordingScheduleId;
                if (id > 0)
              //GUIWindowManager.ShowPreviousWindow();							// go back to the previous window

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_REWIND)
              if (g_Player.Paused)
                g_Player.Pause(); // Unpause playback

              if (g_Player.Speed < 1) // are we not playing back at normal speed
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_REWIND, true); // make sure out button is in the down position
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_FFWD, false); // pop the button back to it's up state
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_REWIND, false); // pop the button back to it's up state
                if (g_Player.Speed == 1)
                  ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_FFWD, false); // pop the button back to it's up state

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_FFWD)
              if (g_Player.Paused)
                g_Player.Pause(); // Unpause playback

              if (g_Player.Speed > 1) // are we not playing back at normal speed
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_FFWD, true); // make sure out button is in the down position
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_REWIND, false); // pop the button back to it's up state
                ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_FFWD, false); // pop the button back to it's up state
                if (g_Player.Speed == 1)
                  ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_REWIND, false); // pop the button back to it's up state

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_SKIPBWD)
              if (_immediateSeekIsRelative)
              ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_SKIPBWD, false); // pop the button back to it's up state

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_SKIPFWD)
              if (_immediateSeekIsRelative)
              ToggleButton((int)Controls.OSD_SKIPFWD, false); // pop the button back to it's up state

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_MUTE)
              ToggleSubMenu(iControl, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBMENU_BG_VOL); // hide or show the sub-menu
              if (isSubMenuVisible) // is sub menu on?
                int iValue = g_Player.Volume;
                GUISliderControl pSlider = GetControl((int)Controls.OSD_VOLUMESLIDER) as GUISliderControl;
                if (null != pSlider)
                  pSlider.Percentage = iValue; // Update our volume slider accordingly ...
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VOLUMESLIDER); // show the volume control
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VOLUMESLIDER_LABEL);
                FocusControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VOLUMESLIDER, 0); // set focus to it
              else // sub menu is off
                FocusControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_MUTE, 0); // set focus to the mute button

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_SUBTITLES)
              ToggleSubMenu(iControl, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBMENU_BG_SUBTITLES); // hide or show the sub-menu
              if (isSubMenuVisible)
                // set the controls values
                GUISliderControl pControl = (GUISliderControl)GetControl((int)Controls.OSD_SUBTITLE_DELAY);
                pControl.SpinType = GUISpinControl.SpinType.SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_FLOAT;
                pControl.FloatInterval = 1;
                pControl.SetRange(-10, 10);
                SetSliderValue(-10, 10, m_subtitleDelay, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBTITLE_DELAY);
                SetCheckmarkValue(g_Player.EnableSubtitle, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBTITLE_ONOFF);
                // show the controls on this sub menu
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBTITLE_DELAY);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBTITLE_DELAY_LABEL);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBTITLE_ONOFF);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBTITLE_LIST);

                FocusControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBTITLE_DELAY, 0);
                // set focus to the first control in our group
                PopulateSubTitles(); // populate the list control with subtitles for this video

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_BOOKMARKS)
              //not used

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO)
              ToggleSubMenu(iControl, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBMENU_BG_VIDEO); // hide or show the sub-menu
              if (isSubMenuVisible) // is sub menu on?
                // set the controls values
                float fPercent = (float)(100 * (g_Player.CurrentPosition / g_Player.Duration));
                SetSliderValue(0.0f, 100.0f, (float)fPercent, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEOPOS);

                bool hasPostProc = g_Player.HasPostprocessing;
                if (hasPostProc)
                  IPostProcessingEngine engine = PostProcessingEngine.GetInstance();
                  SetCheckmarkValue(engine.EnablePostProcess, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_DEBLOCK_ONOFF);
                  SetCheckmarkValue(engine.EnableResize, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_RESIZE_ONOFF);
                  SetCheckmarkValue(engine.EnableCrop, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_CROP_ONOFF);
                  SetCheckmarkValue(engine.EnableDeinterlace, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_DEINTERLACE_ONOFF);
                  ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_DEBLOCK_ONOFF);
                  ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_RESIZE_ONOFF);
                  ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_CROP_ONOFF);
                  ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_DEINTERLACE_ONOFF);
                  ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_CROP_VERTICAL);
                  ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_CROP_HORIZONTAL);
                  ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_CROP_VERTICAL_LABEL);
                  ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEO_POSTPROC_CROP_HORIZONTAL_LABEL);

                //SetCheckmarkValue(g_stSettings.m_bNonInterleaved, Controls.OSD_NONINTERLEAVED);
                //SetCheckmarkValue(g_stSettings.m_bNoCache, Controls.OSD_NOCACHE);
                //SetCheckmarkValue(g_stSettings.m_bFrameRateConversions, Controls.OSD_ADJFRAMERATE);

                // show the controls on this sub menu
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEOPOS);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEOPOS_LABEL);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_NONINTERLEAVED);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_NOCACHE);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_ADJFRAMERATE);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_SATURATIONLABEL);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_SATURATION);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_SHARPNESSLABEL);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_SHARPNESS);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_BRIGHTNESS);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_BRIGHTNESSLABEL);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_CONTRAST);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_CONTRASTLABEL);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_GAMMA);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_GAMMALABEL);
                FocusControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_VIDEOPOS, 0); // set focus to the first control in our group

            if (iControl == (int)Controls.OSD_AUDIO)
              ToggleSubMenu(iControl, (int)Controls.OSD_SUBMENU_BG_AUDIO); // hide or show the sub-menu
              if (isSubMenuVisible) // is sub menu on?
                int iValue = g_Player.Volume;
                GUISliderControl pSlider = GetControl((int)Controls.OSD_AUDIOVOLUMESLIDER) as GUISliderControl;
                if (null != pSlider)
                  pSlider.Percentage = iValue; // Update our volume slider accordingly ...

                // set the controls values
                GUISliderControl pControl = (GUISliderControl)GetControl((int)Controls.OSD_AVDELAY);
                pControl.SpinType = GUISpinControl.SpinType.SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_FLOAT;
                pControl.SetRange(-20, 20);
                SetSliderValue(-20, 20, m_audioDelay, (int)Controls.OSD_AVDELAY);

                bool hasPostProc = g_Player.HasPostprocessing;
                if (hasPostProc)
                  GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#TvOSD.AudioVideoDelayPossible", "true");
                  pControl.FloatInterval = 1;
                  GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#TvOSD.AudioVideoDelayPossible", "false");
                  pControl.FloatValue = 0;
                  m_audioDelay = 0;
                  pControl.FloatInterval = 0;

                // show the controls on this sub menu
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_AVDELAY);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_AVDELAY_LABEL);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_AUDIOSTREAM_LIST);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_AUDIOVOLUMESLIDER);
                ShowControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_AUDIOVOLUMESLIDER_LABEL);

                FocusControl(GetID, (int)Controls.OSD_AVDELAY, 0); // set focus to the first control in our group
                PopulateAudioStreams(); // populate the list control with audio streams for this video

            return true;
      return base.OnMessage(message);
Example #12
 public Program GetProgramAt(DateTime date, string title)
   //IFormatProvider mmddFormat = new CultureInfo(String.Empty, false);
   //DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
   SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Program));
   sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "Title", title);
   sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", IdChannel);
   sb.AddConstraint(Operator.GreaterThan, "endTime", date);
   sb.AddConstraint(Operator.LessThanOrEquals, "startTime", date);
   sb.AddOrderByField(true, "startTime");
   SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
   IList<Program> programs = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Program>(stmt.Execute());
   if (programs.Count == 0)
     return null;
   return programs[0];
Example #13
    private void UpdateNowAndNext()
      if (_currentProgram != null)
        if (DateTime.Now >= _currentProgram.StartTime && DateTime.Now <= _currentProgram.EndTime)

      _currentProgram = null;
      _nextProgram = null;

      DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Program));
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", IdChannel);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.GreaterThanOrEquals, "endTime", date);
      sb.AddOrderByField(true, "startTime");
      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
      IList<Program> programs = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Program>(stmt.Execute());
      if (programs.Count == 0)
      _currentProgram = programs[0];
      if (_currentProgram.StartTime >= date)
        _nextProgram = _currentProgram;
        _currentProgram = null;
        if (programs.Count == 2)
          _nextProgram = programs[1];
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a list which contains token in the description
 /// </summary>
 private IList<Program> ContainsInGenre(string Token)
   SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Program));
   sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Like, "genre", "%" + Token + "%");
   SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
   return ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Program>(stmt.Execute());
    private void getTvServerChannels()
      CBChannelGroup chGroup = (CBChannelGroup)GroupComboBox.SelectedItem;

      IList<Channel> Channels;
      if (chGroup != null && chGroup.idGroup != -1)
        SqlBuilder sb1 = new SqlBuilder(Gentle.Framework.StatementType.Select, typeof (Channel));
        SqlStatement stmt1 = sb1.GetStatement(true);
        SqlStatement ManualJoinSQL = new SqlStatement(stmt1.StatementType, stmt1.Command,
                                                        "select c.* from Channel c join {0}GroupMap g on c.idChannel=g.idChannel where c.{1} = 1 and g.idGroup = '{2}' order by g.sortOrder",
                                                        IsTvMapping ? "" : "Radio", IsTvMapping ? "isTv" : "isRadio",
                                                        chGroup.idGroup), typeof (Channel));
        Channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Channel>(ManualJoinSQL.Execute());
        SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Channel));
        sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");
        if (IsTvMapping)
          sb.AddConstraint("isTv = 1");
          sb.AddConstraint("isRadio = 1");
        SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
        Channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Channel>(stmt.Execute());

      foreach (Channel chan in Channels)
        if (!_channelMapping.ContainsKey(chan.DisplayName))
          ChannelMap channel = new ChannelMap();
          channel.displayName = chan.DisplayName;
          _channelMapping.Add(chan.DisplayName, channel);
Example #16
    public bool Import(string fileName, bool deleteBeforeImport, bool showProgress)
      _errorMessage = "";
      if (_isImporting == true)
        _errorMessage = "already importing...";
        return false;
      _isImporting = true;

      bool result = false;
      XmlTextReader xmlReader = null;

      // remove old programs
      _status.Status = "Removing old programs";
      _status.Channels = 0;
      _status.Programs = 0;
      _status.StartTime = DateTime.Now;
      _status.EndTime = new DateTime(1971, 11, 6);
      if (showProgress && ShowProgress != null) ShowProgress(_status);


      // for each channel, get the last program's time
      Dictionary<int, DateTime> lastProgramForChannel = new Dictionary<int, DateTime>();
      IList channels = Channel.ListAll();
      foreach (Channel ch in channels)
        SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(TvDatabase.Program));
        sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", ch.IdChannel);
        sb.AddOrderByField(false, "starttime");
        SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
        IList programsInDbs = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(TvDatabase.Program), stmt.Execute());

        DateTime lastProgram = DateTime.MinValue;
        if (programsInDbs.Count > 0)
          TvDatabase.IProgram p = (TvDatabase.Program)programsInDbs[0];
          lastProgram = p.EndTime;
        lastProgramForChannel[ch.IdChannel] = lastProgram;

      //TVDatabase.SupressEvents = true;
      bool useTimeZone = layer.GetSetting("xmlTvUseTimeZone", "false").Value == "true";
      int hours = Int32.Parse(layer.GetSetting("xmlTvTimeZoneHours", "0").Value);
      int mins = Int32.Parse(layer.GetSetting("xmlTvTimeZoneMins", "0").Value);
      int timeZoneCorrection = hours * 60 + mins;

      ArrayList Programs = new ArrayList();
      Dictionary<int, ChannelPrograms> dChannelPrograms = new Dictionary<int, ChannelPrograms>();
        Log.WriteFile("xmltv import {0}", fileName);

        // Make sure the file exists before we try to do any processing
        if (File.Exists(fileName))
          _status.Status = "Loading channel list";
          _status.Channels = 0;
          _status.Programs = 0;
          _status.StartTime = DateTime.Now;
          _status.EndTime = new DateTime(1971, 11, 6);
          if (showProgress && ShowProgress != null) ShowProgress(_status);

          Dictionary<int, Channel> guideChannels = new Dictionary<int, Channel>();

          IList<Channel> allChannels = Channel.ListAll();

          int iChannel = 0;

          xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(fileName);

          #region import non-mapped channels by their display-name

          if (xmlReader.ReadToDescendant("tv"))
            // get the first channel
            if (xmlReader.ReadToDescendant("channel"))
                String id = xmlReader.GetAttribute("id");
                if (id == null || id.Length == 0)
                  Log.Error("  channel#{0} doesnt contain an id", iChannel);
                  String displayName = null;

                  XmlReader xmlChannel = xmlReader.ReadSubtree();
                  xmlChannel.ReadStartElement(); // read channel
                  // now, xmlChannel is positioned on the first sub-element of <channel>
                  while (!xmlChannel.EOF)
                    if (xmlChannel.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                      switch (xmlChannel.Name)
                        case "display-name":
                        case "Display-Name":
                          if (displayName == null) displayName = xmlChannel.ReadString();
                          else xmlChannel.Skip();
                          // could read more stuff here, like icon...
                          // unknown, skip entire node
                  if (xmlChannel != null)
                    xmlChannel = null;

                  if (displayName == null || displayName.Length == 0)
                    Log.Error("  channel#{0} xmlid:{1} doesnt contain an displayname", iChannel, id);
                    Channel chan = null;

                    // a guide channel can be mapped to multiple tvchannels
                    foreach (Channel ch in allChannels)
                      if (ch.ExternalId == id)
                        chan = ch;
                        chan.ExternalId = id;

                      if (chan == null)
                        // no mapping found, ignore channel

                      ChannelPrograms newProgChan = new ChannelPrograms();
                      newProgChan.Name = chan.DisplayName;
                      newProgChan.ExternalId = chan.ExternalId;

                      Log.WriteFile("  channel#{0} xmlid:{1} name:{2} dbsid:{3}", iChannel, chan.ExternalId,
                                    chan.DisplayName, chan.IdChannel);
                      if (!guideChannels.ContainsKey(chan.IdChannel))
                        guideChannels.Add(chan.IdChannel, chan);
                        dChannelPrograms.Add(chan.IdChannel, newProgChan);

                    if (showProgress && ShowProgress != null) ShowProgress(_status);
                // get the next channel
              } while (xmlReader.ReadToNextSibling("channel"));



          SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Channel));
          sb.AddOrderByField(true, "externalId");
          sb.AddConstraint("externalId IS NOT null");
          sb.AddConstraint(Operator.NotEquals, "externalId", "");

          SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
          allChannels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Channel>(stmt.Execute());
          if (allChannels.Count == 0)
            _isImporting = false;
            if (xmlReader != null)
              xmlReader = null;

            return true;

          /*  design:
           * 1. create a Dictionary<string,Channel> using the externalid as the key,
           *    add all channels to this Dictionary 
           *    Note: channel -> guidechannel is a one-to-many relationship. 
           * 2. Read all programs from the xml file
           * 3. Create a program for each mapped channel
          Dictionary<string, List<Channel>> allChannelMappingsByExternalId = new Dictionary<string, List<Channel>>();

          string previousExternalId = null;
          // one-to-many so we need a collection of channels for each externalId
          List<Channel> eidMappedChannels = new List<Channel>();

          for (int i = 0; i < allChannels.Count; i++)
            Channel ch = (Channel)allChannels[i];

            if (previousExternalId == null)
              previousExternalId = ch.ExternalId;
            else if (ch.ExternalId == previousExternalId)
              // got all channels for this externalId. Add the mappings
              allChannelMappingsByExternalId.Add(previousExternalId, eidMappedChannels);
              // new externalid, create a new List & add the channel to the new List
              eidMappedChannels = new List<Channel>();
              previousExternalId = ch.ExternalId;

            if (i == allChannels.Count - 1)
              allChannelMappingsByExternalId.Add(previousExternalId, eidMappedChannels);

          int programIndex = 0;
          _status.Status = "Loading TV programs";
          if (showProgress && ShowProgress != null) ShowProgress(_status);

          Log.Debug("xmltvimport: Reading TV programs");
          if (xmlReader != null)
            xmlReader = null;
          xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
          if (xmlReader.ReadToDescendant("tv"))
            // get the first programme
            if (xmlReader.ReadToDescendant("programme"))
              #region read programme node

                ChannelPrograms channelPrograms = new ChannelPrograms();

                String nodeStart = xmlReader.GetAttribute("start");
                String nodeStop = xmlReader.GetAttribute("stop");
                String nodeChannel = xmlReader.GetAttribute("channel");

                String nodeTitle = null;
                String nodeCategory = null;
                String nodeDescription = null;
                String nodeEpisode = null;
                String nodeRepeat = null;
                String nodeEpisodeNum = null;
                String nodeEpisodeNumSystem = null;
                String nodeDate = null;
                String nodeStarRating = null;
                String nodeClassification = null;

                XmlReader xmlProg = xmlReader.ReadSubtree();
                xmlProg.ReadStartElement(); // read programme
                // now, xmlProg is positioned on the first sub-element of <programme>
                while (!xmlProg.EOF)
                  if (xmlProg.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    switch (xmlProg.Name)
                      case "title":
                        if (nodeTitle == null) nodeTitle = xmlProg.ReadString();
                        else xmlProg.Skip();
                      case "category":
                        if (nodeCategory == null) nodeCategory = xmlProg.ReadString();
                        else xmlProg.Skip();
                      case "desc":
                        if (nodeDescription == null) nodeDescription = xmlProg.ReadString();
                        else xmlProg.Skip();
                      case "sub-title":
                        if (nodeEpisode == null) nodeEpisode = xmlProg.ReadString();
                        else xmlProg.Skip();
                      case "previously-shown":
                        if (nodeRepeat == null) nodeRepeat = xmlProg.ReadString();
                        else xmlProg.Skip();
                      case "episode-num":
                        if (xmlProg.GetAttribute("system").Equals("xmltv_ns")) 
                            nodeEpisodeNumSystem = xmlProg.GetAttribute("system");
                            nodeEpisodeNum = xmlProg.ReadString();
                        else if (nodeEpisodeNum == null && xmlProg.GetAttribute("system").Equals("onscreen"))
                          nodeEpisodeNumSystem = xmlProg.GetAttribute("system");
                          nodeEpisodeNum = xmlProg.ReadString();
                        else xmlProg.Skip();
                      case "date":
                        if (nodeDate == null) nodeDate = xmlProg.ReadString();
                        else xmlProg.Skip();
                      case "star-rating":
                        if (nodeStarRating == null) nodeStarRating = xmlProg.ReadInnerXml();
                        else xmlProg.Skip();
                      case "rating":
                        if (nodeClassification == null) nodeClassification = xmlProg.ReadInnerXml();
                        else xmlProg.Skip();
                        // unknown, skip entire node
                if (xmlProg != null)
                  xmlProg = null;


                #region verify/convert values (programme)

                if (nodeStart != null && nodeChannel != null && nodeTitle != null &&
                    nodeStart.Length > 0 && nodeChannel.Length > 0 && nodeTitle.Length > 0)
                  string description = "";
                  string category = "-";
                  string serEpNum = "";
                  string date = "";
                  string seriesNum = "";
                  string episodeNum = "";
                  string episodeName = "";
                  string episodePart = "";
                  int starRating = -1;
                  string classification = "";

                  string title = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(nodeTitle);

                  long startDate = 0;
                  if (nodeStart.Length >= 14)
                    if (Char.IsDigit(nodeStart[12]) && Char.IsDigit(nodeStart[13]))
                      startDate = Int64.Parse(nodeStart.Substring(0, 14)); //20040331222000
                      startDate = 100 * Int64.Parse(nodeStart.Substring(0, 12)); //200403312220
                  else if (nodeStart.Length >= 12)
                    startDate = 100 * Int64.Parse(nodeStart.Substring(0, 12)); //200403312220

                  long stopDate = startDate;
                  if (nodeStop != null)
                    if (nodeStop.Length >= 14)
                      if (Char.IsDigit(nodeStop[12]) && Char.IsDigit(nodeStop[13]))
                        stopDate = Int64.Parse(nodeStop.Substring(0, 14)); //20040331222000
                        stopDate = 100 * Int64.Parse(nodeStop.Substring(0, 12)); //200403312220
                    else if (nodeStop.Length >= 12)
                      stopDate = 100 * Int64.Parse(nodeStop.Substring(0, 12)); //200403312220

                  startDate = CorrectIllegalDateTime(startDate);
                  stopDate = CorrectIllegalDateTime(stopDate);
                  string timeZoneStart = "";
                  string timeZoneEnd = "";
                  if (nodeStart.Length > 14)
                    timeZoneStart = nodeStart.Substring(14);
                    timeZoneStart = timeZoneStart.Trim();
                    timeZoneEnd = timeZoneStart;
                  if (nodeStop != null)
                    if (nodeStop.Length > 14)
                      timeZoneEnd = nodeStop.Substring(14);
                      timeZoneEnd = timeZoneEnd.Trim();

                  // add time correction

                  // correct program starttime
                  DateTime dateTimeStart = longtodate(startDate);
                  dateTimeStart = dateTimeStart.AddMinutes(timeZoneCorrection);

                  if (useTimeZone)
                    int off = GetTimeOffset(timeZoneStart);
                    int h = off / 100; // 220 -> 2,  -220 -> -2
                    int m = off - (h * 100); // 220 -> 20, -220 -> -20

                    dateTimeStart = dateTimeStart.AddHours(-h);
                    dateTimeStart = dateTimeStart.AddMinutes(-m);
                    dateTimeStart = dateTimeStart.ToLocalTime();
                  startDate = datetolong(dateTimeStart);

                  if (nodeStop != null)
                    // correct program endtime
                    DateTime dateTimeEnd = longtodate(stopDate);
                    dateTimeEnd = dateTimeEnd.AddMinutes(timeZoneCorrection);

                    if (useTimeZone)
                      int off = GetTimeOffset(timeZoneEnd);
                      int h = off / 100; // 220 -> 2,  -220 -> -2
                      int m = off - (h * 100); // 220 -> 20, -220 -> -20

                      dateTimeEnd = dateTimeEnd.AddHours(-h);
                      dateTimeEnd = dateTimeEnd.AddMinutes(-m);
                      dateTimeEnd = dateTimeEnd.ToLocalTime();
                    stopDate = datetolong(dateTimeEnd);
                  else stopDate = startDate;

                  //int channelId = -1;
                  //string channelName = "";

                  if (nodeCategory != null)
                    category = nodeCategory;

                  if (nodeDescription != null)
                    description = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(nodeDescription);
                  if (nodeEpisode != null)
                    episodeName = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(nodeEpisode);
                    if (title.Length == 0)
                      title = nodeEpisode;

                  if (nodeEpisodeNum != null)
                    if (nodeEpisodeNumSystem != null)
                      if (nodeEpisodeNumSystem == "xmltv_ns")
                        serEpNum = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(nodeEpisodeNum.Replace(" ", ""));
                        int dot1 = serEpNum.IndexOf(".", 0);
                        int dot2 = serEpNum.IndexOf(".", dot1 + 1);
                        seriesNum = serEpNum.Substring(0, dot1);
                        episodeNum = serEpNum.Substring(dot1 + 1, dot2 - (dot1 + 1));
                        episodePart = serEpNum.Substring(dot2 + 1, serEpNum.Length - (dot2 + 1));
                        //xmltv_ns is theorically zero-based number will be increased by one
                        seriesNum = CorrectEpisodeNum(seriesNum, 1);
                        episodeNum = CorrectEpisodeNum(episodeNum, 1);
                        episodePart = CorrectEpisodeNum(episodePart, 1);
                      else if (nodeEpisodeNumSystem == "onscreen")
                        // example: 'Episode #FFEE' 
                        serEpNum = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(nodeEpisodeNum);
                        int num1 = serEpNum.IndexOf("#", 0);
                        if (num1 > 0)
                          episodeNum = CorrectEpisodeNum(serEpNum.Substring(num1, serEpNum.Length - num1), 0);
                          if (serEpNum.IndexOf(":", 0) > 0)
                            episodeNum = CorrectEpisodeNum(serEpNum, 0);
                            Regex regEpisode = new Regex("(?<episode>\\d*)\\D*(?<series>\\d*)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
                            Match m = regEpisode.Match(serEpNum);
                            if (m.Success)
                              episodeNum = CorrectEpisodeNum(m.Groups["episode"].Value, 0);
                              seriesNum = CorrectEpisodeNum(m.Groups["series"].Value, 0);
                              episodeNum = CorrectEpisodeNum(serEpNum, 0);
                      // fixing mantis bug 1486: XMLTV import doesn't take episode number from TVGuide.xml made by WebEPG 
                      // example: '5' like WebEPG is creating
                      serEpNum = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(nodeEpisodeNum.Replace(" ", ""));
                      episodeNum = CorrectEpisodeNum(serEpNum, 0);

                  if (nodeDate != null)
                    date = nodeDate;

                  if (nodeStarRating != null)
                    starRating = ParseStarRating(nodeStarRating);

                  if (nodeClassification != null)
                    classification = nodeClassification;

                  if (showProgress && ShowProgress != null && (_status.Programs % 100) == 0) ShowProgress(_status);


                  #region create a program for every mapped channel

                  List<Channel> mappedChannels;

                  if (allChannelMappingsByExternalId.ContainsKey(nodeChannel))
                    mappedChannels = allChannelMappingsByExternalId[nodeChannel];
                    if (mappedChannels != null && mappedChannels.Count > 0)
                      foreach (Channel chan in mappedChannels)
                        // get the channel program
                        channelPrograms = dChannelPrograms[chan.IdChannel];

                        if (chan.IdChannel < 0)

                        title = title.Replace("\r\n", " ");
                        title = title.Replace("\n\r", " ");
                        title = title.Replace("\r", " ");
                        title = title.Replace("\n", " ");
                        title = title.Replace("  ", " ");

                        description = description.Replace("\r\n", " ");
                        description = description.Replace("\n\r", " ");
                        description = description.Replace("\r", " ");
                        description = description.Replace("\n", " ");
                        description = description.Replace("  ", " ");

                        episodeName = episodeName.Replace("\r\n", " ");
                        episodeName = episodeName.Replace("\n\r", " ");
                        episodeName = episodeName.Replace("\r", " ");
                        episodeName = episodeName.Replace("\n", " ");
                        episodeName = episodeName.Replace("  ", " ");

                        Program prog = new Program(chan.IdChannel, longtodate(startDate), longtodate(stopDate), title,
                                                   description, category, Program.ProgramState.None,
                                                   System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value, seriesNum,
                                                   episodeNum, episodeName, episodePart, starRating, classification, -1);
                        //prog.Description = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strDescription);
                        //prog.StartTime = iStart;
                        //prog.EndTime = iStop;
                        //prog.Title = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strTitle);
                        //prog.Genre = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strCategory);
                        //prog.Channel = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strChannelName);
                        //prog.Date = strDate;
                        //prog.Episode = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strEpisode);
                        //prog.Repeat = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strRepeat);
                        //prog.SeriesNum = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strSeriesNum);
                        //prog.EpisodeNum = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strEpisodeNum);
                        //prog.EpisodePart = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strEpisodePart);
                        //prog.StarRating = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strStarRating);
                        //prog.Classification = ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strClasification);
                // get the next programme
              } while (xmlReader.ReadToNextSibling("programme"));
              //if (xmlReader != null) xmlReader.Close();


              #region sort & remove invalid programs. Save all valid programs

              Log.Debug("xmltvimport: Sorting TV programs");

              _status.Programs = 0;
              _status.Status = "Sorting TV programs";
              if (showProgress && ShowProgress != null) ShowProgress(_status);
              DateTime dtStartDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0);

              foreach (ChannelPrograms progChan in Programs)
                // empty, skip it
                if (progChan.programs.Count == 0) continue;

                progChan.programs.AlreadySorted = true;
                progChan.programs.RemoveOverlappingPrograms(); // be sure that we do not have any overlapping

                // get the id of the channel, just get the IdChannel of the first program
                int idChannel = progChan.programs[0].IdChannel;

                if (!deleteBeforeImport)
                  // retrieve all programs for this channel
                  SqlBuilder sb2 = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Program));
                  sb2.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", idChannel);
                  sb2.AddOrderByField(false, "starttime");
                  SqlStatement stmt2 = sb2.GetStatement(true);
                  ProgramList dbPrograms = new ProgramList();
                  ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Program>(stmt2.Execute(), dbPrograms);
                  progChan.programs.RemoveOverlappingPrograms(dbPrograms, true);

                for (int i = 0; i < progChan.programs.Count; ++i)
                  Program prog = progChan.programs[i];
                  // don't import programs which have already ended...
                  if (prog.EndTime <= dtStartDate)

                  DateTime start = prog.StartTime;
                  DateTime end = prog.EndTime;
                  DateTime airDate = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value;
                    airDate = prog.OriginalAirDate;
                    if (airDate > System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value &&
                        airDate < System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value)
                      prog.OriginalAirDate = airDate;
                  catch (Exception)
                    Log.Info("XMLTVImport: Invalid year for OnAirDate - {0}", prog.OriginalAirDate);

                  if (prog.StartTime < _status.StartTime)
                    _status.StartTime = prog.StartTime;
                  if (prog.EndTime > _status.EndTime)
                    _status.EndTime = prog.EndTime;
                  if (showProgress && ShowProgress != null && (_status.Programs % 100) == 0) ShowProgress(_status);
                Log.Info("XMLTVImport: Inserting {0} programs for {1}", progChan.programs.Count.ToString(),
                                       ? DeleteBeforeImportOption.OverlappingPrograms
                                       : DeleteBeforeImportOption.None, ThreadPriority.BelowNormal);



            //TVDatabase.SupressEvents = false;
            if (programIndex > 0)
              _errorMessage = "File imported successfully";
              result = true;
              _errorMessage = "No programs found";
          _errorMessage = "No xmltv file found";
          _status.Status = _errorMessage;
          Log.Error("xmltv data file was not found");
      catch (Exception ex)
        _errorMessage = String.Format("Invalid XML file:{0}", ex.Message);
        _status.Status = String.Format("invalid XML file:{0}", ex.Message);
        Log.Error("XML tv import error loading {0} err:{1} \n {2}", fileName, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);


      Programs = null;

      _isImporting = false;
      //      TVDatabase.SupressEvents = false;
      if (xmlReader != null)
        xmlReader = null;
      return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the Program in the database if it exists or add if it is new.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mpProgram">The Program to add to the database</param>
        protected void UpdateProgram(Program mpProgram)
            IFormatProvider mmddFormat = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(String.Empty, false);
             SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(Gentle.Framework.StatementType.Select, typeof(Program));
             // startTime < MyEndTime AND endTime > MyStartTime
             // OR ==
             string sqlW1 = String.Format("(StartTime < '{0}' and EndTime > '{1}')", mpProgram.EndTime.ToString(tvLayer.GetDateTimeString(), mmddFormat), mpProgram.StartTime.ToString(tvLayer.GetDateTimeString(), mmddFormat));
             string sqlW2 = String.Format("(StartTime = '{0}' and EndTime = '{1}')", mpProgram.StartTime.ToString(tvLayer.GetDateTimeString(), mmddFormat), mpProgram.EndTime.ToString(tvLayer.GetDateTimeString(), mmddFormat));

             sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", mpProgram.IdChannel);
             sb.AddConstraint(string.Format("({0} or {1}) ", sqlW1, sqlW2));
             sb.AddOrderByField(true, "starttime");

             SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
             IList progList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(Program), stmt.Execute());

             if (progList.Count > 0)
            bool bMatch = false;
            foreach (Program prog in progList)
               if (!bMatch && prog.StartTime == mpProgram.StartTime && prog.EndTime == mpProgram.EndTime && prog.Title == mpProgram.Title)
                  //update - but only allow one match
                  bMatch = true;
                  prog.Classification  = mpProgram.Classification;
                  prog.Description     = mpProgram.Description;
                  prog.EpisodeNum      = mpProgram.EpisodeNum;
                  prog.Genre           = mpProgram.Genre;
                  prog.OriginalAirDate = mpProgram.OriginalAirDate;
                  prog.SeriesNum       = mpProgram.SeriesNum;
                  prog.StarRating      = mpProgram.StarRating;
                  prog.Title           = mpProgram.Title;
                  prog.EpisodeName     = mpProgram.EpisodeName;
            if (!bMatch)
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a wrapper for getting the channel by xmlTvId from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlTvId">xmlTvId aka ExternalID</param>
        /// <param name="idTvChannel">The id tv channel.</param>
        /// <param name="strTvChannel">The name tv channel.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the channel name was found</returns>
        protected bool LookupEPGMapping(string xmlTvId, out int idTvChannel, out string strTvChannel)
            //Channel fch = Channel.Retrieve(
            idTvChannel  = -1;
            strTvChannel = String.Empty;

            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Channel));

            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "externalId", xmlTvId.ToString());

            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

            System.Collections.IList chList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(Channel), stmt.Execute());

            if (chList.Count > 0)
               idTvChannel  = ((Channel)chList[0]).IdChannel;
               strTvChannel = ((Channel)chList[0]).DisplayName;
               return true;

            return false;
Example #19
    public static Recording ActiveRecording(string title, int idChannel)
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Recording));
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "isRecording", true);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "title", title);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", idChannel);

      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

      // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
      IList<Recording> getList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Recording>(stmt.Execute());
      if (getList.Count != 0)
        return getList[0];
      return null;
    public void ReLoad()
        Log.Info("get channels from database");
        SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Channel));
        sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "isTv", 1);
        sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");
        SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
        channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof (Channel), stmt.Execute());
        Log.Info("found:{0} tv channels", channels.Count);

        TvBusinessLayer layer = new TvBusinessLayer();
        RadioChannelGroup allRadioChannelsGroup =
        IList<Channel> radioChannels = layer.GetAllRadioChannels();
        if (radioChannels != null)
          if (radioChannels.Count > allRadioChannelsGroup.ReferringRadioGroupMap().Count)
            foreach (Channel radioChannel in radioChannels)
              layer.AddChannelToRadioGroup(radioChannel, allRadioChannelsGroup);

        Log.Info("get all groups from database");
        sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (ChannelGroup));
        sb.AddOrderByField(true, "groupName");
        stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
        IList<ChannelGroup> groups = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<ChannelGroup>(stmt.Execute());
        IList<GroupMap> allgroupMaps = GroupMap.ListAll();

        bool hideAllChannelsGroup = false;
        using (
          Settings xmlreader =
            new MPSettings())
          hideAllChannelsGroup = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("mytv", "hideAllChannelsGroup", false);

        foreach (ChannelGroup group in groups)
          if (group.GroupName == TvConstants.TvGroupNames.AllChannels)
            foreach (Channel channel in channels)
              if (channel.IsTv == false)
              bool groupContainsChannel = false;
              foreach (GroupMap map in allgroupMaps)
                if (map.IdGroup != group.IdGroup)
                if (map.IdChannel == channel.IdChannel)
                  groupContainsChannel = true;
              if (!groupContainsChannel)
                layer.AddChannelToGroup(channel, TvConstants.TvGroupNames.AllChannels);

        groups = ChannelGroup.ListAll();
        foreach (ChannelGroup group in groups)
          //group.GroupMaps.ApplySort(new GroupMap.Comparer(), false);
          if (hideAllChannelsGroup && group.GroupName.Equals(TvConstants.TvGroupNames.AllChannels) && groups.Count > 1)
        Log.Info("loaded {0} tv groups", m_groups.Count);

        //TVHome.Connected = true;
      catch (Exception ex)
        Log.Error("TVHome: Error in Reload");
        //TVHome.Connected = false;
Example #21
    /// <summary>
    /// Static method to retrieve all instances that are stored in the database in one call
    /// </summary>
    public static IList<Recording> ListAllActive()
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Recording));
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "isRecording", true);

      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

      // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
      return ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Recording>(stmt.Execute());
    public override void OnSectionActivated()
        TvBusinessLayer layer = new TvBusinessLayer();
        Setting setting = layer.GetSetting("epgRadioStoreOnlySelected");
        mpCheckBoxStoreOnlySelected.Checked = (setting.Value == "yes");
        Dictionary<string, CardType> cards = new Dictionary<string, CardType>();
        IList<Card> dbsCards = Card.ListAll();
        foreach (Card card in dbsCards)
          cards[card.DevicePath] = RemoteControl.Instance.Type(card.IdCard);

        SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Channel));
        sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");
        SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
        IList<Channel> channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Channel>(stmt.Execute());

        foreach (Channel ch in channels)
          bool analog = false;
          bool dvbc = false;
          bool dvbt = false;
          bool dvbs = false;
          bool atsc = false;
          bool dvbip = false;
          bool hasFta = false;
          bool hasScrambled = false;
          if (ch.IsRadio == false)
          if (ch.IsWebstream())

          IList<TuningDetail> tuningDetails = ch.ReferringTuningDetail();
          foreach (TuningDetail detail in tuningDetails)
            if (detail.FreeToAir)
              hasFta = true;
            if (!detail.FreeToAir)
              hasScrambled = true;

          int imageIndex;
          if (hasFta && hasScrambled)
            imageIndex = 2;
          else if (hasScrambled)
            imageIndex = 1;
            imageIndex = 0;

          ListViewItem item = mpListView1.Items.Add(ch.DisplayName, imageIndex);
          foreach (ChannelMap map in ch.ReferringChannelMap())
            if (cards.ContainsKey(map.ReferencedCard().DevicePath))
              CardType type = cards[map.ReferencedCard().DevicePath];
              switch (type)
                case CardType.Analog:
                  analog = true;
                case CardType.DvbC:
                  dvbc = true;
                case CardType.DvbT:
                  dvbt = true;
                case CardType.DvbS:
                  dvbs = true;
                case CardType.Atsc:
                  atsc = true;
                case CardType.DvbIP:
                  dvbip = true;
          string line = "";
          if (analog)
            line += "Analog";
          if (dvbc)
            if (line != "")
              line += ",";
            line += "DVB-C";
          if (dvbt)
            if (line != "")
              line += ",";
            line += "DVB-T";
          if (dvbs)
            if (line != "")
              line += ",";
            line += "DVB-S";
          if (atsc)
            if (line != "")
              line += ",";
            line += "ATSC";
          if (dvbip)
            if (line != "")
              line += ",";
            line += "DVB-IP";
          item.Checked = ch.GrabEpg;
          item.Tag = ch;
        public Instrument[] RetrieveAll()
            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Instrument));
            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

            Instrument[] instruments = (Instrument[])ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(Instrument), stmt.Execute());
            return instruments;
Example #24
 private TvDatabase.Channel InternalGetChannelBy(ChannelType channelType, string columnName, object value, out bool duplicateChannelsFound)
     SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(TvDatabase.Channel));
     sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, columnName, value);
     sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "visibleInGuide", true);
     if (channelType == ChannelType.Television)
         sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "isTv", true);
         sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "isRadio", true);
     SqlResult result = Broker.Execute(sb.GetStatement());
     if (result.Rows.Count == 1)
         duplicateChannelsFound = false;
         IList channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(TvDatabase.Channel), result);
         return channels[0] as TvDatabase.Channel;
     duplicateChannelsFound = (result.Rows.Count > 0);
     return null;
Example #25
    /// <summary>
    /// Retreives the programs with a given title and starting between given Start and End Times 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="title">Title we wanna look for</param>
    /// <param name="startTime">StartTime</param>
    /// <param name="endTime">EndTime</param>
    /// <param name="idChannel">The id of the channel</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static IList<Schedule> RetrieveByTitleAndTimesInterval(string title, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime,
                                                                  int idChannel)
      //select * from 'foreigntable'
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Schedule));

      // where foreigntable.foreignkey = ourprimarykey
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "programName", title);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.GreaterThanOrEquals, "startTime", startTime);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.GreaterThanOrEquals, "endTime", endTime);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", idChannel);
      // passing true indicates that we'd like a list of elements, i.e. that no primary key
      // constraints from the type being retrieved should be added to the statement
      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
      // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
      return ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Schedule>(stmt.Execute());
    private void LoadDirectory()
      GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, listPriorities.GetID);
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Schedule));
      sb.AddOrderByField(false, "priority");
      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
      IList itemlist = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof (Schedule), stmt.Execute());

      int total = 0;
      foreach (Schedule rec in itemlist)
        if (rec.IsSerieIsCanceled(rec.StartTime, rec.IdChannel))
        GUIListItem item = new GUIListItem();
        item.Label = String.Format("{0}.{1}", total, rec.ProgramName);
        item.TVTag = rec;
        string strLogo = Utils.GetCoverArt(Thumbs.TVChannel, rec.ReferencedChannel().DisplayName);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLogo))                      
          strLogo = "defaultVideoBig.png";
        TvServer server = new TvServer();
        VirtualCard card;
        if (server.IsRecordingSchedule(rec.IdSchedule, out card))
          if (rec.ScheduleType != (int)ScheduleRecordingType.Once)
            item.PinImage = Thumbs.TvRecordingSeriesIcon;
            item.PinImage = Thumbs.TvRecordingIcon;
        else if (rec.ReferringConflicts().Count > 0)
          item.PinImage = Thumbs.TvConflictRecordingIcon;
        item.ThumbnailImage = strLogo;
        item.IconImageBig = strLogo;
        item.IconImage = strLogo;

      //set object count label
      GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#itemcount", Utils.GetObjectCountLabel(total));

      GUIControl.SelectItemControl(GetID, listPriorities.GetID, m_iSelectedItem);
    private void comboBoxGroups_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
      ComboBoxExItem idItem = (ComboBoxExItem)comboBoxGroups.Items[comboBoxGroups.SelectedIndex];
      if (idItem.Id == -1)
        SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Channel));
        sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");
        SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
        IList<Channel> channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Channel>(stmt.Execute());
        foreach (Channel ch in channels)
          if (ch.IsTv == false) continue;
          bool hasFta = false;
          bool hasScrambled = false;
          IList<TuningDetail> tuningDetails = ch.ReferringTuningDetail();
          foreach (TuningDetail detail in tuningDetails)
            if (detail.FreeToAir)
              hasFta = true;
            if (!detail.FreeToAir)
              hasScrambled = true;

          int imageIndex;
          if (hasFta && hasScrambled)
            imageIndex = 5;
          else if (hasScrambled)
            imageIndex = 4;
            imageIndex = 3;
          ComboBoxExItem item = new ComboBoxExItem(ch.DisplayName, imageIndex, ch.IdChannel);

        ChannelGroup group = ChannelGroup.Retrieve(idItem.Id);
        IList<GroupMap> maps = group.ReferringGroupMap();
        foreach (GroupMap map in maps)
          Channel ch = map.ReferencedChannel();
          if (ch.IsTv == false) continue;
          bool hasFta = false;
          bool hasScrambled = false;
          IList<TuningDetail> tuningDetails = ch.ReferringTuningDetail();
          foreach (TuningDetail detail in tuningDetails)
            if (detail.FreeToAir)
              hasFta = true;
            if (!detail.FreeToAir)
              hasScrambled = true;

          int imageIndex;
          if (hasFta && hasScrambled)
            imageIndex = 5;
          else if (hasScrambled)
            imageIndex = 4;
            imageIndex = 3;
          ComboBoxExItem item = new ComboBoxExItem(ch.DisplayName, imageIndex, ch.IdChannel);
      if (mpComboBoxChannels.Items.Count > 0)
        mpComboBoxChannels.SelectedIndex = 0;
Example #28
    public static Schedule RetrieveSpawnedSchedule(int parentScheduleId, DateTime startTime)
      //select * from 'foreigntable'
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Schedule));

      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idParentSchedule", parentScheduleId);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "startTime", startTime);

      // passing true indicates that we'd like a list of elements, i.e. that no primary key
      // constraints from the type being retrieved should be added to the statement
      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

      // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
      IList<Schedule> getList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Schedule>(stmt.Execute());
      if (getList.Count != 0)
        return getList[0];
        //select * from 'foreigntable'
        sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Schedule));
        sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idParentSchedule", parentScheduleId);
        // passing true indicates that we'd like a list of elements, i.e. that no primary key
        // constraints from the type being retrieved should be added to the statement
        stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

        // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
        getList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Schedule>(stmt.Execute());
        if (getList.Count != 0)
          return getList[0];
      return null;
    private void AddSelectedItemsToGroup(MPListView sourceListView)
      if (_channelGroup == null)

      TvBusinessLayer layer = new TvBusinessLayer();
      foreach (ListViewItem sourceItem in sourceListView.SelectedItems)
        Channel channel = null;
        if (sourceItem.Tag is Channel)
          channel = (Channel)sourceItem.Tag;
        else if (sourceItem.Tag is RadioGroupMap)
          channel = layer.GetChannel(((RadioGroupMap)sourceItem.Tag).IdChannel);

        RadioGroupMap groupMap = null;

        layer.AddChannelToRadioGroup(channel, _channelGroup);

        //get the new group map and set the listitem tag
        SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (RadioGroupMap));

        sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", channel.IdChannel);
        sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idGroup", _channelGroup.IdGroup);

        SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

        groupMap = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<RadioGroupMap>(stmt.Execute());

        foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1.Items)
          if ((item.Tag as Channel) == channel)
            item.Tag = groupMap;
Example #30
    public static IList<Schedule> FindOrphanedOnceSchedules()
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Schedule));

      DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "scheduleType", 0);
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.LessThan, "endtime", now);
      // passing true indicates that we'd like a list of elements, i.e. that no primary key
      // constraints from the type being retrieved should be added to the statement
      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

      // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
      IList<Schedule> getList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Schedule>(stmt.Execute());
      IList<Schedule> newList = new List<Schedule>();
      if (getList.Count > 0)
        foreach (Schedule schedule in getList)
          DateTime endPostTime = schedule.endTime.AddMinutes(schedule.postRecordInterval);

          if (endPostTime < now)
      return newList;