Example #1
    public static IList<Program> RetrieveWorkingDays(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int channelId, int maxDays)
      SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof (Program));

      // where foreigntable.foreignkey = ourprimarykey      
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.GreaterThanOrEquals, "endTime", DateTime.Now /*startTime*/);
      if (maxDays > 0)
        sb.AddConstraint(Operator.LessThan, "startTime", DateTime.Now.AddDays(maxDays));
      sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", channelId);
      sb.AddParameter("pStartTime", typeof (DateTime));
      sb.AddParameter("pEndTime", typeof (DateTime));
      AddTimeRangeConstraint(sb, "startTime", "endTime", "pStartTime", "pEndTime", (endTime.Day != startTime.Day));
      AddWorkingDaysConstraint(sb, "startTime");
      // passing true indicates that we'd like a list of elements, i.e. that no primary key
      // constraints from the type being retrieved should be added to the statement
      SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
      stmt.SetParameter("pStartTime", startTime);
      stmt.SetParameter("pEndTime", endTime);
      // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
      return ObjectFactory.GetCollection<Program>(stmt.Execute());