Example #1
        public MyVector GetClosestPointOnTriangle(MyVector point)
            MyVector ab = this.Vertex2 - this.Vertex1;
            MyVector ac = this.Vertex3 - this.Vertex1;
            MyVector bc = this.Vertex3 - this.Vertex2;

            MyVector ap = point - this.Vertex1;
            MyVector bp = point - this.Vertex2;
            MyVector cp = point - this.Vertex3;

            // Compute parametric position s for projection P' of P on AB,
            // P' = A + s*AB, s = snom/(snom+sdenom)
            double snom   = MyVector.Dot(ap, ab);
            double sdenom = MyVector.Dot(bp, this.Vertex1 - this.Vertex2);

            // Compute parametric position t for projection P' of P on AC,
            // P' = A + t*AC, s = tnom/(tnom+tdenom)
            double tnom   = MyVector.Dot(ap, ac);
            double tdenom = MyVector.Dot(cp, this.Vertex1 - this.Vertex3);

            if (snom <= 0d && tnom <= 0d)
                return(this.Vertex1); // Vertex region early out

            // Compute parametric position u for projection P' of P on BC,
            // P' = B + u*BC, u = unom/(unom+udenom)
            double unom   = MyVector.Dot(bp, bc);
            double udenom = MyVector.Dot(cp, this.Vertex2 - this.Vertex3);

            if (sdenom <= 0d && unom <= 0d)
                return(this.Vertex2); // Vertex region early out
            if (tdenom <= 0d && udenom <= 0d)
                return(this.Vertex3); // Vertex region early out

            MyVector pa = this.Vertex1 - point;
            MyVector pb = this.Vertex2 - point;

            // P is outside (or on) AB if the triple scalar product [N PA PB] <= 0
            MyVector n  = MyVector.Cross(ab, ac);
            double   vc = MyVector.Dot(n, MyVector.Cross(pa, pb));

            // If P outside AB and within feature region of AB,
            // return projection of P onto AB
            if (vc <= 0d && snom >= 0d && sdenom >= 0d)
                return(this.Vertex1 + snom / (snom + sdenom) * ab);

            MyVector pc = this.Vertex3 - point;

            // P is outside (or on) BC if the triple scalar product [N PB PC] <= 0
            double va = MyVector.Dot(n, MyVector.Cross(pb, pc));

            // If P outside BC and within feature region of BC,
            // return projection of P onto BC
            if (va <= 0d && unom >= 0d && udenom >= 0d)
                return(this.Vertex2 + unom / (unom + udenom) * bc);

            // P is outside (or on) CA if the triple scalar product [N PC PA] <= 0
            double vb = MyVector.Dot(n, MyVector.Cross(pc, pa));

            // If P outside CA and within feature region of CA,
            // return projection of P onto CA
            if (vb <= 0d && tnom >= 0d && tdenom >= 0d)
                return(this.Vertex1 + tnom / (tnom + tdenom) * ac);

            // P must project inside face region. Compute Q using barycentric coordinates
            double u = va / (va + vb + vc);
            double v = vb / (va + vb + vc);
            double w = 1d - u - v; // = vc / (va + vb + vc)

            return(u * this.Vertex1 + v * this.Vertex2 + w * this.Vertex3);