Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will compute the new acceleration based on the force pushing against the ball.  The result will overwrite the
        /// current acceleration
        /// </summary>
        private void TimerSprtAccel(MyVector force)
            // Make the PartialAccel into a clone of the force passed in
            MyVector partialAccel = force.Clone();

            // I will divide by mass, and it will no longer be force, it will be change in accel (the property guarantees that mass
            // isn't zero)

            // Add the partial accel to this ball's accel
Example #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyVector v1 = new MyVector(3, 4, 5);

            v1.Add(1, 2, 3);


            MyVector v2 = v1.Clone();


        /// <summary>
        /// This function will set the center position to the center of the rectangle passed in, and set the zoom so that I can
        /// see everything inside the rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// I will be in static mode after this call (as opposed to chase mode)
        /// </remarks>
        public void ZoomRectangle(MyVector cornerLower, MyVector cornerUpper)
            // Figure out the position.  By setting it to a new vector, I've gone into static mode
            _centerPoint = cornerLower + cornerUpper;

            // Set temp X and Y to the zoom rectangle width and height
            double tempX = cornerUpper.X - cornerLower.X;
            double tempY = cornerUpper.Y - cornerLower.Y;

            // Now set temp X and Y to the corresponding zoom factors
            tempX = this.Width / tempX;
            tempY = this.Height / tempY;

            // Store the lower of the two
            if (tempX < tempY)
                _zoom = tempX;
                _zoom = tempY;
Example #4
        private void Copy()
            if (_mode != SelectionMode.Selected || _selectedObjects.Count == 0)

            _clipboardPositionCenter = new MyVector();

            foreach (RadarBlip blip in _map.GetAllBlips())
                if (_selectedObjects.Contains(blip.Token))
                    _myClipboard.Add(Scenes.CloneBlip(blip, _map));

            if (_myClipboard.Count > 0)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This function prunes the list of positions that are too old.  It then figures out the average velocity
        /// of the remaining positions.
        /// </summary>
        private MyVector TimerSprtCalculateVelocity()
            const int RETENTION = 75;		// milliseconds

            int curTick = Environment.TickCount;

            // Add the current to the list
            _prevMousePositions.Add(new MousePosition(_curMousePoint.Clone()));

            #region Prune List

            int lastIndex = -1;
            for (int cntr = _prevMousePositions.Count - 1; cntr >= 0; cntr--)
                if (curTick - _prevMousePositions[cntr].Tick > RETENTION)
                    // This item is too old.  And since the list is in time order, all the entries before this are also too old
                    lastIndex = cntr;

            if (lastIndex >= 0)
                //_prevMousePositions.RemoveRange(lastIndex, _prevMousePositions.Count - lastIndex);
                _prevMousePositions.RemoveRange(0, lastIndex + 1);


            #region Calculate Velocity

            MyVector retVal = new MyVector(0, 0, 0);

            // Add up all the instantaneous velocities
            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < _prevMousePositions.Count - 1; cntr++)
                retVal.Add(_prevMousePositions[cntr + 1].Position - _prevMousePositions[cntr].Position);

            // Take the average
            if (_prevMousePositions.Count > 2)		// if count is 0 or 1, then retVal will still be (0,0,0).  If it's 2, then I would be dividing by 1, which is pointless
                retVal.Divide(_prevMousePositions.Count - 1);


            // Exit Function
            return retVal;
        protected void GetCollisionNormalAndPointsOfContact_SphereSphere(out MyVector normal, out double normalMagnitude, out MyVector pointOfContact1, out MyVector pointOfContact2, BallBlip ball1, BallBlip ball2)
            // Vector that is perpendicular to the tangent of the collision, and it points in the direction of object 1.  Real
            // easy when dealing with spheres     :)
            normal = ball2.Ball.Position - ball1.Ball.Position;

            // Remember this length
            normalMagnitude = normal.GetMagnitude();

            // This needs to be returned as a unit vector

            // Start them off as unit vectors
            pointOfContact1 = normal.Clone();
            pointOfContact2 = normal.Clone();

            // Finish (use the ratio of their radii)
            pointOfContact1.Multiply((ball1.Ball.Radius / (ball1.Ball.Radius + ball2.Ball.Radius)) * normalMagnitude);
            pointOfContact2.Multiply((ball2.Ball.Radius / (ball1.Ball.Radius + ball2.Ball.Radius)) * normalMagnitude * -1);		// I want this one pointing the other direction

            // Now that I have the points of contact relative to the centers of position, I need to make them
            // relative to the centers of mass
            if (ball1.TorqueBall != null)

            if (ball2.TorqueBall != null)