private void AddToCart(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
            if (Session["LoggedInId"] == null)
                lblPageName.Text = "Please sign in or register to add items!";
                lblPageName.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

            int addId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
            int custId, cartId;
            bool hasCart = false;
            if (Session["LoggedInId"] == null)
                custId = 1;
                custId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString());

                if (Session["cartID"] == null)
                using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent())
                    var check = (from c in context.Orders
                                 where c.CustomerID == custId && c.OrderStatus == "Active"
                                 orderby c.Id descending
                                 select c).FirstOrDefault();
                    if(check!= null)
                        Session["cartID"] = check.Id;
                        hasCart = true;
                if (!hasCart) {
                    var cart = new Orders();
                    cart.CustomerID = custId;
                    cart.OrderStatus = "Active";
                    cart.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
                    cart.SubTotal = 0;
                    using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent())
                        Session["cartID"] = cart.Id;
            cartId = Int32.Parse(Session["cartID"].ToString());
            using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent())
                var cart = (from c in context.Orders
                            where c.Id == cartId
                            select c).FirstOrDefault();
                var item = (from p in context.Products
                            where p.Id == addId
                            select p).FirstOrDefault();
                var checkItem = (from c in context.OrderItem
                                 where c.ProductID == item.Id && c.OrderID == cart.Id
                                 select c).FirstOrDefault();
                if (checkItem != null)
                    var orditem = new OrderItem();
                    orditem.CustomerID = custId;
                    orditem.OrderID = cartId;
                    orditem.ProductID = item.Id;
                    orditem.Quantity = 1; //hard coded, can add function to add multiple items
                if (cart != null)
                    cart.SubTotal += Decimal.Parse(item.UnitPrice.ToString());
                item.Stock--;   //remove from stock
        private void AddToCart(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
            if (Session["LoggedInId"] == null)
                lblProductName.Text = "Please sign in or register to add items!";
                lblProductName.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

            int addId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
            int custId, cartId;
            bool hasCart = false;
            if (Session["LoggedInId"] == null)
                custId = 1;
                custId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString());

            if (Session["CartID"] == null)
                using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent())
                    var check = (from c in context.Orders
                                 where c.CustomerID == custId && c.OrderStatus == "Active"
                                 orderby c.Id descending
                                 select c).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (check != null)
                        Session["cartID"] = check.Id;
                        hasCart = true;
                if (!hasCart)
                    var cart = new Orders();
                    cart.CustomerID = custId;
                    cart.OrderStatus = "Active";
                    cart.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
                    cart.SubTotal = 0;
                    using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent())
                        Session["cartID"] = cart.Id;
            cartId = Int32.Parse(Session["cartID"].ToString());
            using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent())
                int quantityToAdd;

                var cart = (from c in context.Orders
                            where c.Id == cartId
                            select c).FirstOrDefault();
                var item = (from p in context.Products
                            where p.Id == addId
                            select p).FirstOrDefault();
                var checkItem = (from c in context.OrderItem
                                 where c.ProductID == item.Id && c.OrderID == cart.Id
                                 select c).FirstOrDefault();

                if (checkItem != null)
                    checkItem.Quantity = checkItem.Quantity + Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue);
                    quantityToAdd = Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue);

                    var orditem = new OrderItem();
                    orditem.CustomerID = custId;
                    orditem.OrderID = cartId;
                    orditem.ProductID = item.Id;

                    if (Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue) > 1)
                        quantityToAdd = Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue);
                        orditem.Quantity = quantityToAdd;
                        quantityToAdd = 1;
                        orditem.Quantity = Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue);


                if (cart != null)
                    cart.SubTotal += Decimal.Parse((item.UnitPrice * Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue)).ToString()); //Subtotal now reflects unit price * quantity of units  --RID
                item.Stock = item.Stock - quantityToAdd;   //remove from stock


            Page.Response.Redirect(Page.Request.Url.ToString(), true);