Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Makes a new Notebook in the account.
 /// </summary>
 public Notebook CreateNotebook(Notebook nb)
     lock (this)
         using (var httpClient = GetHttpClient())
             return GetNoteStoreClient(httpClient).createNotebook(this.authToken, nb);
			///** Asks the service to make a notebook with the provided name.
			// @param  notebook The desired fields for the notebook must be provided on this object. The name of the notebook must be set, and either the 'active' or 'defaultNotebook' fields may be set by the client at creation. If a notebook exists in the account with the same name (via case-insensitive compare), this will throw an EDAMUserException.
			// */
			public Notebook CreateNotebook(Notebook notebook)
				return Client.createNotebook(AuthenticationToken(), notebook);
			///** Submits notebook changes to the service. The provided data must include the notebook's guid field for identification.
			// @param  notebook The notebook object containing the requested changes.
			// */
			public int UpdateNotebook(Notebook notebook)
				return Client.updateNotebook(AuthenticationToken(), notebook);
		// Constructor for a Public notebook
		internal ENNotebook(Notebook publicNotebook, LinkedNotebook linkedNotebook)
			this.Notebook = publicNotebook;
			this.SharedNotebook = null;
			this.LinkedNotebook = linkedNotebook;
		// Constructor for a Business notebook
		internal ENNotebook(Notebook notebook, SharedNotebook sharedNotebook, LinkedNotebook linkedNotebook)
			this.Notebook = notebook;
			this.SharedNotebook = sharedNotebook;
			this.LinkedNotebook = linkedNotebook;
Example #6
 public Notebook CreateNotebook(Notebook n)
     return Note.CreateNotebook(n);
		// Constructor for a regular notebook
		internal ENNotebook(Notebook notebook)
			this.Notebook = notebook;
			this.SharedNotebook = null;
			this.LinkedNotebook = null;
Example #8
        /*private ProgressStatusClass ProgressStatus;*/
        public frmMain()


            lblInfo.Text = "Loading...";

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;


            //Registre = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Calexo\CaMuMa");
            Registre = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Calexo\CaMuMa", true);
            if (Registre == null) Registre = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Calexo\CaMuMa");
            myParams = new Parameters();

            //ProgressStatus = new ProgressStatusClass();

            userStoreUrl = new Uri(edamBaseUrl + "/edam/user");
            userStoreTransport = new THttpClient(userStoreUrl);
            userStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(userStoreTransport);
            userStore = new UserStore.Client(userStoreProtocol);

            sFolderList = new String[65535];


            bool versionOK = userStore.checkVersion("CaMuMa",
            //Console.WriteLine("Is my EDAM protocol version up to date? " + versionOK);


            if (!versionOK)
                MessageBox.Show("Version KO");
                //lblInfo.Text = "Ready...";

            userStoreProt = new TBinaryProtocol(new THttpClient(userStoreUrl));
            userStore = new UserStore.Client(userStoreProt, userStoreProt);
                notestoreUrl = new Uri(userStore.getNoteStoreUrl(myParams.DevKey));
                // Set up the NoteStore client
                noteStoreTrans = new THttpClient(notestoreUrl);
                //noteStoreTrans.setCustomHeader("User-Agent", "Calexo CaMuMa");

                noteStoreProt = new TBinaryProtocol(noteStoreTrans);
                noteStore = new NoteStore.Client(noteStoreProt, noteStoreProt);

                authToken = myParams.DevKey;

                notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Found " + notebooks.Count + " notebooks");
                //musicNotebook = notebooks[0];
                foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks)
                    // Console.WriteLine("  * " + notebook.Name);
                    //if (notebook.DefaultNotebook)
                    if (notebook.Name == myParams.Notebook)
                        musicNotebook = notebook;
                        cmbNotebook.Text = notebook.Name;


                tags = noteStore.listTags(authToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Found " + tags.Count + " tags");
                lblInfo.Text = "Ready !";

            catch (Evernote.EDAM.Error.EDAMUserException e)
                //mes e.ErrorCode;
                lblInfo.Text = "ERREUR : "  + e.ErrorCode;


                btnGo.Enabled = false;

            this.Cursor = DefaultCursor;
Example #9
        private void launch(BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            //this.pbProgress.Value = 0;
            //frmMain frmMainE = (frmMain)e.Argument;
            myParams = (Parameters)e.Argument;
            ProgressStatusClass myProgress = new ProgressStatusClass();

            // List of listed extensions when Only Music Files is Checked
            List<string> sExtOK = new List<string>();

            foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks)
                if (notebook.Name == myParams.Notebook)
                    musicNotebook = notebook;

            // Liste des M-0Top
            if (chkRegenLists.Checked)
                //TextWriter tw_lst = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma-top.lst", false, Encoding.Default);
                TextWriter tw_lst = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma-top.lst", false, Encoding.GetEncoding(850));

                NoteFilter filter = new NoteFilter();
                filter.NotebookGuid = musicNotebook.Guid;
                //filter.Words = "intitle:\"" + dir.Name + "\"";
                //any: "Camuma ID: 153266"  intitle:"Muse - 1999 - Showbiz"
                //filter.Words = "\"CaMuMa ID: " + sId + "\"";
                // Recherche par CaMuMa ID ou Titre
                //filter.Words = "any: \"CaMuMa ID: " + sId + "\" intitle:\"" + dir.Name + "\"";
                filter.Words = "tag:M-0Top";
                NotesMetadataResultSpec spec = new NotesMetadataResultSpec();
                spec.IncludeTitle = true;
                int pageSize = 10;
                int offset = 0;
                NotesMetadataList notes = noteStore.findNotesMetadata(authToken, filter, 0, pageSize, spec);
                do {
                    notes = noteStore.findNotesMetadata(authToken, filter, offset, pageSize, spec);
                    foreach (NoteMetadata note in notes.Notes) {
                        Console.WriteLine("M-0Top : " + note.Title);
                    offset = offset + notes.Notes.Count;
                } while (notes.TotalNotes > offset);
            } //Liste des M-0Top

            /*if (chkPdf.Checked)
                PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();
                pdf.PageLayout = PdfPageLayout.TwoColumnLeft;
                //pdf.PageMode = PdfPageMode.
                pdf.Info.Title = "CaMuMa List";
                //pdf.Info.Producer = "Calexo CaMuMa";
                pdf.Info.Creator = "Calexo CaMuMa";

            // Listing all directories
            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(myParams.Folder);
            DirectoryInfo dir2;
            //String sMsg="";
            Int32 i = 0;
            foreach (DirectoryInfo f in dir.GetDirectories())
                this.sFolderList[i] = f.FullName;
                dir2 = new DirectoryInfo(this.sFolderList[i]);
                foreach (DirectoryInfo f2 in dir2.GetDirectories())
                    this.sFolderList[i] = f2.FullName;

                myProgress.Info = i + " directories...";
                worker.ReportProgress(0, myProgress);

            //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma.lst", false, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode);
            //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma.lst", false, Encoding.GetEncoding(65001));
            //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma.lst", false, Encoding.BigEndianUnicode);
            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma.lst", false, Encoding.Default);

            // Checking each directory
            // Checking if MP3 or Flac is here
            // Adding note
            bool isFlac, isMP3, isAlac, isWma;
            bool isFolderJPG;
            bool isSpotify;
            String sFileList;
            String sContent = "";
            String sFolderJPG = "";
            Int32 j = 0;
            String sId = "";
            List<string> lTagNames;
            String sArtist, sAlbum, sYear; //, sGenre;
            Boolean isParsed;
            Regex oRegex; MatchCollection oMatchCollection;

            String regArtist = @"^(?<ARTIST>([\w\'\(\)\&\, -])*([\w\'\(\)\&\,]))";
            String regAlbum = @"(?<ALBUM>([\w\'\(\)\-\&\,\. ])+)$";
            String regYear = @"(?<YEAR>([0-9]{4}))";
            String regDash = "[ ]+-[ ]+";

            foreach (String sDirName in sFolderList)
                if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
                    e.Cancel = true;

                if (sDirName != null)
                    dir = new DirectoryInfo(sDirName);
                    isFlac = false;
                    isMP3 = false;
                    isWma = false;
                    isAlac = false;
                    isSpotify = false;
                    isFolderJPG = false;
                    sFolderJPG = "";
                    sFileList = "<div ><ul>";// "<div><b>" + WebUtility.HtmlEncode("Liste des fichiers :") + "</b></div>";
                    sContent = "";
                    sArtist = ""; sAlbum = ""; sYear = ""; //sGenre = "";
                    isParsed = false;

                    if (chkAddIdTags.Checked)
                        if (File.Exists(dir.FullName + "\\camuma.id"))
                            TextReader tr = new StreamReader(dir.FullName + "\\camuma.id");
                            sId = tr.ReadLine().Trim();
                            Random rRnd = new Random();
                            int iRnd = rRnd.Next(1001, 999999);
                            sId = iRnd.ToString().PadLeft(6,'0');
                            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@dir.FullName + "\\camuma.id", sId);

                        // Ajout au camuma.lst
                        tw.WriteLine(sId + ":" + dir.FullName.Replace(myParams.Folder+"\\",""));

                        if (!File.Exists(dir.FullName + "\\camuma.png"))
                            QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.M);
                            QrCode qrCode = new QrCode();
                            //QrCode qrCode = qrEncoder.Encode(sId, out qrCode);
                            qrEncoder.TryEncode("camuma://" + sId, out qrCode);
                            //GraphicsRenderer renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(5, Brushes.Black, Brushes.White);
                            GraphicsRenderer renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedModuleSize(5, QuietZoneModules.Zero), Brushes.Black, Brushes.White);
                            //int pixelSize = renderer.Measure( qrCode.Matrix.Width).Width;
                            //WriteableBitmap wBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(pixelSize, pixelSize, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Gray8, null);
                            //renderer.CreateImageFile(qrCode.Matrix, @dir.FullName + "\\camuma.png", ImageFormat.Png);

                            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(@dir.FullName + "\\camuma.png", FileMode.Create))
                                renderer.WriteToStream(qrCode.Matrix, ImageFormat.Png, stream);

                            SizeF size;
                            Font f = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif,20);
                            // creates 1Kx1K image buffer and uses it to find out how bit the image needs to be to fit the text
                            using (Image imageg = (Image)new Bitmap(1000, 1000))
                                size = Graphics.FromImage(imageg).MeasureString(sId, f);

                            using (Bitmap image = new Bitmap((int)size.Width, (int)size.Height)) //,, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
                                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage((Image)image);
                                //g.TranslateTransform(image.Width, image.Height);
                                //g.RotateTransform(180.0F); //note that we need the rotation as the default is down
                                //Color colBG = new Color();
                                g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
                                // draw text
                                g.DrawString(sId, f, Brushes.Black, 0f, 0f);

                                //note that this image has to be a PNG, as GDI+'s gif handling renders any transparency as black.
                                //context.Response.AddHeader("ContentType", "image/png");
                                using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
                                    //note that context.Response.OutputStream doesn't support the Save, but does support WriteTo
                                    image.Save(memStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@dir.FullName + "\\camumaid.png", memStream.ToArray());


                    foreach (FileInfo f in dir.GetFiles())
                        //if (f.Extension.Equals("flac", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                        if (f.Extension.Equals(".flac", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) isFlac = true;
                        else if (f.Extension.Equals(".mp3", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) isMP3 = true;
                        else if (f.Extension.Equals(".wma", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) isWma = true;
                        else if (f.Extension.Equals(".alac", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) isAlac = true;
                        else if (f.Name.Equals("folder.jpg", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            isFolderJPG = true;
                            sFolderJPG = f.FullName;
                        if (!chkMusicFiles.Checked || sExtOK.Contains(f.Extension.ToLower()))
                            sFileList += "<li>" + WebUtility.HtmlEncode(f.Name) + "</li>";
                    sContent = "<h1>" + WebUtility.HtmlEncode(dir.Name) + "</h1>";
                    sContent += sFileList + "</ul></div>";

                    if (isMP3 || isFlac || isWma || isAlac)
                        myProgress.ProgressValue = j;
                        myProgress.Info = j + "/" + i +" \nAlbum...";
                        worker.ReportProgress(j, myProgress);
                        //Info("Creating Note... " + j + "/" + i);

                        lTagNames = new List<string>();
                        if (isMP3) lTagNames.Add("M-MP3");
                        if (isFlac) lTagNames.Add("M-FLAC");
                        if (isAlac) lTagNames.Add("M-ALAC");
                        if (isWma) lTagNames.Add("M-WMA");
                        if (isFolderJPG) lTagNames.Add("M-Cover");
                        else lTagNames.Add("M-NoCover");

                        Console.WriteLine(dir.Name + "...");

                        // ARTIST - YEAR - ALBUM
                        oRegex = new Regex(regArtist + regDash + regYear + regDash + regAlbum);
                        oMatchCollection = oRegex.Matches(dir.Name);
                        foreach (Match oMatch in oMatchCollection)
                            Console.WriteLine(" * " + oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"] + ":" + oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"] + "(" + oMatch.Groups["YEAR"] + ")");
                            sArtist = oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"].ToString();
                            sYear = oMatch.Groups["YEAR"].ToString();
                            sAlbum = oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"].ToString();
                            isParsed = true;

                        // ARTIST - ALBUM - YEAR
                        if (!isParsed)
                            oRegex = new Regex(regArtist + regDash + regAlbum + regDash + regYear);
                            oMatchCollection = oRegex.Matches(dir.Name);
                            foreach (Match oMatch in oMatchCollection)
                                Console.WriteLine(" * " + oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"] + ":" + oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"] + "(" + oMatch.Groups["YEAR"] + ")");
                                sArtist = oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"].ToString();
                                sYear = oMatch.Groups["YEAR"].ToString();
                                sAlbum = oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"].ToString();
                                isParsed = true;

                        // ARTIST - ALBUM
                        if (!isParsed)
                            oRegex = new Regex(regArtist + regDash + regAlbum);
                            oMatchCollection = oRegex.Matches(dir.Name);
                            foreach (Match oMatch in oMatchCollection)
                                //lTagNames.Add (oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"].ToString());
                                Console.WriteLine(" * " + oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"] + ":" + oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"]);
                                sArtist = oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"].ToString();
                                sAlbum = oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"].ToString();
                                isParsed = true;

                        if (isParsed)
                            sArtist = sArtist.Trim();
                            sYear = sYear.Trim();
                            sAlbum = sAlbum.Trim();
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sArtist)) lTagNames.Add("M-Artist:" + sArtist);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sYear)) lTagNames.Add("M-Year:" + sYear);
                            else lTagNames.Add("M-Year:None");
                            //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sAlbum)) lTagNames.Add("M-Album:" + sAlbum);

                            myProgress.Info = j + "/" + i + "\n"  + "Album : " + sArtist + ":" + sAlbum + "... ";
                            worker.ReportProgress(j, myProgress);
                        else lTagNames.Add("M-NotParsed");

                        // Spotify
                        if (chkSpotify.Checked)
                                SearchResults<Album> spoRes = Search.SearchAlbums(dir.Name);
                                if (spoRes.SearchResultsPage.Length > 0)
                                    Album album = spoRes.SearchResultsPage.First();
                                    Console.WriteLine(" * Spotify : " + album.Artist + " - " + album.Name + " (" + album.Url + ")");
                                    sContent += "<div><br/></div>";
                                    sContent += "<h2>Liens</h2>";
                                    sContent += "<div><strong>Spotify</strong> : ";
                                    sContent += "<a href=\"" + album.Url + "\">";
                                    sContent += WebUtility.HtmlEncode(album.Artist + " - " + album.Name + " : " + album.Url);
                                    sContent += "</a>";
                                    sContent += "</div>";

                                    isSpotify = true;
                            catch (WebException we)
                                Console.WriteLine(" * Spotify : " + we.Message);
                            catch (System.FormatException we)
                                Console.WriteLine(" * Spotify : " + we.Message);
                        } // chkSpotify true

                        /*foreach (Album album in spoRes.SearchResultsPage)
                            Console.WriteLine(" * Spotify : " + album.Artist + " - " + album.Name + " (" + album.Url + ")");

                        // Add CaMuMa Id
                        sContent += "<div><p><i>CaMuMa ID:</i> <a href=\"camuma://" + sId + "\">" + sId + "</a></p>";
                        byte[] image = ReadFully(File.OpenRead(@dir.FullName + "\\camuma.png"));
                        byte[] hashQR = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(image);
                        String hashHexQR = BitConverter.ToString(hashQR).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
                        //sContent += "<a href=\"camuma://" + sId + "\">";
                        sContent += "<en-media type=\"image/png\" hash=\"" + hashHexQR + "\"/>";
                        sContent += "</div>";
                        Data data = new Data();
                        data.Size = image.Length;
                        data.BodyHash = hashQR;
                        data.Body = image;
                        Resource imgQR = new Resource();
                        imgQR.Mime = "image/png";
                        imgQR.Data = data;
                        Console.WriteLine(@dir.FullName + "\\camuma.png -> " + hashHexQR);

                        // On ajoute si on n'est pas dans le Action AddSpotify
                        // ou si il y a effectivement du Spotify
                        if (chkEvernote.Checked)
                            if (!rbActSpotify.Checked || isSpotify)
                                // On recherche la note avec le même titre
                                NoteFilter filter = new NoteFilter();
                                filter.NotebookGuid = musicNotebook.Guid;
                                //filter.Words = "intitle:\"" + dir.Name + "\"";
                                //any: "Camuma ID: 153266"  intitle:"Muse - 1999 - Showbiz"
                                //filter.Words = "\"CaMuMa ID: " + sId + "\"";
                                // Recherche par CaMuMa ID ou Titre
                                //filter.Words = "any: \"CaMuMa ID: " + sId + "\" intitle:\"" + dir.Name + "\"";
                                filter.Words = "\"CaMuMa ID: " + sId;
                                NotesMetadataResultSpec spec = new NotesMetadataResultSpec();
                                spec.IncludeTitle = true;
                                int pageSize = 10;
                                NotesMetadataList notes = noteStore.findNotesMetadata(authToken, filter, 0, pageSize, spec);

                                // Non existing Note
                                if (notes.TotalNotes == 0)
                                    // If Adding ou Replacing
                                    if (rbAdd.Checked || rbReplace.Checked)
                                        // Creating new note
                                        createNote(sFolderJPG, sContent, dir.Name, lTagNames, imgQR);
                                        Console.WriteLine(" * Creation");
                                else if (notes.TotalNotes == 1)
                                    NoteMetadata noteToMod = notes.Notes.First();
                                    Console.WriteLine(" * Existing...");
                                    if (rbReplace.Checked)
                                        Note note = noteStore.getNote(authToken, noteToMod.Guid, true, true, false, false);
                                        String hashHex = "";

                                        // Suppr tags négatifs (NotParsed, ...)
                                        // Adding new tags
                                        note.TagNames = lTagNames;
                                        byte[] hash = null;
                                        if (sFolderJPG != "")
                                            Console.WriteLine(" * folder.jpg exists");
                                            image = ReadFully(File.OpenRead(sFolderJPG));
                                            hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(image);
                                            hashHex = BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

                                        if (note.Content != nodeContentEnrich(sContent, hashHex))
                                            Console.WriteLine(" * Different contents");
                                            note.Content = nodeContentEnrich(sContent, hashHex);
                                            note.Resources = new List<Resource>();

                                            if (hash != null)
                                                Console.WriteLine(" * Adding folder image");
                                                Data dataF = new Data();
                                                dataF.Size = image.Length;
                                                dataF.BodyHash = hash;
                                                dataF.Body = image;
                                                Resource resource = new Resource();
                                                resource.Mime = "image/jpg";
                                                resource.Data = dataF;


                                            Console.WriteLine("Res : " + note.Resources.Count);

                                            note.UpdateSequenceNum = 0;
                                            note.Updated = 0;

                                            Note newNote = noteStore.updateNote(authToken, note);

                                            if (newNote != null)
                                                Console.WriteLine(" * Modified");
                                                Console.WriteLine("Res : " + newNote.Resources.Count);
                                                //Console.WriteLine(note.UpdateSequenceNum + " -> " + newNote.UpdateSequenceNum);
                                                Console.WriteLine(" * Modification failed");

                                } // TotalNotes=1
                                else // More than 1 matches
                                    createNote(sFolderJPG, sContent, dir.Name, lTagNames, imgQR);
                                    Console.WriteLine(" * ERROR - Multiple found");
                            } // ActSpotify
                        } // chkEvernote

                //this.pbProgress.Maximum = i;
                //pbProgress.Value = j;

                myProgress.ProgressMax = i;
                myProgress.ProgressValue = j;
                worker.ReportProgress(j, myProgress);
		// Constructor for a Business notebook
		internal ENNotebook(Notebook notebook, SharedNotebook sharedNotebook, LinkedNotebook linkedNotebook)
			Notebook = notebook;
			SharedNotebook = sharedNotebook;
			LinkedNotebook = linkedNotebook;
		// Constructor for a Public notebook
		internal ENNotebook(Notebook publicNotebook, LinkedNotebook linkedNotebook)
			Notebook = publicNotebook;
			SharedNotebook = null;
			LinkedNotebook = linkedNotebook;
		// Constructor for a regular notebook
		internal ENNotebook(Notebook notebook)
			Notebook = notebook;
			SharedNotebook = null;
			LinkedNotebook = null;