public PathFinder(FloorGraph graph)
            if (graph == null)
                throw new Exception("Graph cannot be null");

            mGraph = graph;
 //This function finds a common node if there is one, otherwise it will return -1
 private int findCommonNode(FloorGraph extGraph)
     foreach (int key in fGraph.Nodes.Keys)
         if (extGraph.Nodes.ContainsKey(key))
        //Adds all nodes from the external graph
        private void fullExpand(FloorGraph extGraph)
            //Add nodes
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, FloorGraphNode> pair in extGraph.Nodes)
                List <int> incident = new List <int>();
                foreach (int i in pair.Value.GetIncident)
                fGraph.AddNode(pair.Value.Id, incident, pair.Value.Exit, pair.Value.Certainty, pair.Value.Live);

            //Add edges
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, FloorGraphEdge> pair in extGraph.Edges)
                fGraph.AddEdge(pair.Value.Id, pair.Value.Room, pair.Value.GetOrigin, pair.Value.GetDestination, pair.Value.Certainty, pair.Value.Live);
        //Use DFS to expand both mental maps
        private void DFSExpand(FloorGraph extGraph, int commonNode)
            //Start at common node, travel through the tree preferring lower EDGE id's
            //Travel along the external graphs path, add nodes, edges and references to internal graph

            //visited edges
            List <int> visited = new List <int>();

            //Set the highest certainty and liveness
            if (fGraph.Nodes[commonNode].Certainty > extGraph.Nodes[commonNode].Certainty)
                extGraph.Nodes[commonNode].Certainty = fGraph.Nodes[commonNode].Certainty;
                extGraph.Nodes[commonNode].Live      = fGraph.Nodes[commonNode].Live;
                fGraph.Nodes[commonNode].Certainty = extGraph.Nodes[commonNode].Certainty;
                fGraph.Nodes[commonNode].Live      = extGraph.Nodes[commonNode].Live;

            foreach (int e in extGraph.Nodes[commonNode].GetIncident)
                //If edge has not been visited yet
                if (!(visited.Contains(e)))
                    //Set edge to visited

                    //If iNodes does not contain a refrence to the edge
                    if (!(fGraph.Nodes[commonNode].GetIncident.Contains(e)))
                        int destNode = extGraph.Edges[e].GetDestination;

                        //Add reference in commonnode

                        //Copy edge to iEdges
                        extGraph.AddEdge(extGraph.Edges[e].Id, extGraph.Edges[e].Room, extGraph.Edges[e].GetOrigin, extGraph.Edges[e].GetDestination, extGraph.Edges[e].Certainty, extGraph.Edges[e].Live);

                        //Add destination node to iNodes
                        fGraph.AddNode(destNode, new List <int>(), extGraph.Nodes[destNode].Exit, extGraph.Nodes[destNode].Certainty, extGraph.Nodes[destNode].Live);

                        //Recurse on destination
                        DFSExpand(extGraph, destNode);
                        //set certainty and liveness
                        if (fGraph.Edges[e].Certainty > extGraph.Edges[e].Certainty)
                            extGraph.Edges[e].Certainty = fGraph.Edges[e].Certainty;
                            extGraph.Edges[e].Live      = fGraph.Edges[e].Live;
                            fGraph.Edges[e].Certainty = extGraph.Edges[e].Certainty;
                            fGraph.Edges[e].Live      = extGraph.Edges[e].Live;

                        //Recurse on destination
                        DFSExpand(extGraph, fGraph.Edges[e].GetDestination);
Example #5
 void Awake()
     fGraph          = new FloorGraph();
     Color32[,] grid = createGrid();