Example #1
    public void Add_User(object s, EventArgs e)
        Utility Util = new Utility();

        if (Page.IsValid)

            UserRepository User = new UserRepository();

            User.UserName = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Username.UniqueID]);
            User.Password = Encryption.Encrypt(Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Password1.UniqueID]));
            User.Email1 = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Email.UniqueID]);
            User.FirstName = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Firstname.UniqueID]);
            User.LastName = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Lastname.UniqueID]);
            User.SetSex = Request.Form[RadioButtonSex.UniqueID];
            User.CityID = 1;
            User.StateID = 8;
            User.CountryID = 18;
            /*User.CityID = Int16.Parse(Request.Form[City.UniqueID]);
            User.StateID = Int16.Parse(Request.Form[State.UniqueID]);
            User.CountryID = Int16.Parse(Request.Form[Cntry.UniqueID]);*/
            User.DOB = DateTime.Parse(Date1.CalendarDateString);
            if (Int32.Parse(Request.Form[Newsletter.UniqueID]) == 1)
                User.canEmailSend = true;
                User.canEmailSend = false;

            User.ECPreference = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < ExamCategoryList.Items.Count; i++)
                if (ExamCategoryList.Items[i].Selected)
                    if (User.ECPreference.Length > 0)
                        User.ECPreference += ",";
                    User.ECPreference += ExamCategoryList.Items[i].Value;
            User.Mobile = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Mobile.UniqueID]);
            User.Address = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Address.UniqueID]);
            //User.ContactMe = Int32.Parse(Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[ContactMe.UniqueID]));
            User.Website = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Website.UniqueID]);
            User.AboutMe = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[AboutMe.UniqueID]);
            //User.GUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

            //Prevent username and email duplication. Ensure that all username and email in the database are unique.
            //This initialize the value.
            UserNameAndEmailValidation.Param(User.UserName, User.Email1);

            #region Form Input Validation
            //Handles validation of username and email. This prevent duplication.
            if (!UserNameAndEmailValidation.IsValid)
                lbvalenght.Text = UserNameAndEmailValidation.ErrMsg;
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            if (!Validator.IsValidUserName(User.UserName))
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Username must be at least 6 characters long and 15 characters maximun, and should only contain AlphaNumeric.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            //Let's decrypt the password for validation.
            if (!Validator.IsValidPassword(Encryption.Decrypt(User.Password)))
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Password must be at least 6 characters long and 12 characters maximun, and should only contain AlphaNumeric.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            //Let's decrypt the password for validation.
            if (Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Password1.UniqueID]) != Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Password2.UniqueID]))
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Password did not matach. Please re-enter a password and make sure they both match.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            if (!Validator.IsValidEmail(User.Email1))
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Invalid email address. Email address must be a valid format.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            if (!Validator.IsValidName(User.FirstName))
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Firstname should be alphabet and not contain illegal characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            if (!Validator.IsValidName(User.LastName))
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Firstname should be alphabet and not contain illegal characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            if (User.CountryID == null)
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: You must select a country.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            if (User.AboutMe.Length > 500)
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: About me text is too long. Maximum of 500 characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            if (User.Website.Length > 75)
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Website URL is too long. Maximum of 75 characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            if (Request.Form[txtsecfield.UniqueID] != this.securecode)
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Security Code Does not Match.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";


            if (UserImageFileUpload.HasFile)
                int FileSize = UserImageFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength;
                string contentType = UserImageFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType;

                //File type validation
                if (!contentType.Equals("image/gif") &&
                    !contentType.Equals("image/jpeg") &&
                    !contentType.Equals("image/jpg") &&
                    lbvalenght.Text = "<br>File format is invalid. Only gif, jpg, jpeg or png files are allowed.";
                    lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                // File size validation
                if (FileSize > constant.UserImageMaxSize)
                    lbvalenght.Text = "<br>File size exceed the maximun allowed 60000 bytes";
                    lbvalenght.Visible = true;


            //ImageUploadManager.UploadUserImage(User, PlaceHolder1, GetUserImage.ImagePathForUserPhoto, constant.UserImageMaxSize);

            if (User.Add(User) != 0)
                JSLiteral.Text = "Error occured while processing your submit.";


            //Create login session variable. During registration we never create login in cookies as we have not asked his permission
            CookieLoginHelper.CreateLoginSession(Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Username.UniqueID]), Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Password1.UniqueID]));

            User = null;

            Response.Redirect("/User/" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Username.UniqueID]));

            JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Invalid security code. Make sure you type it correctly.");

            lblinvalidsecode.Text = "Invalid security code. Make sure you type it correctly.";
            lblinvalidsecode.Visible = true;


        Util = null;
Example #2
    //Handles final login process with validation
    private void ProcessLoginCheck(string Username, string Password)
        //Instantiate validation
        Utility Util = new Utility();

        //Validate admin login. Encrypt the password so it mathc to the database.file:///D:\tutorials\web\asp.net\sample\NewWebsite\admin\managermain.aspx
        if (!Blogic.ValidateAdminLogin(Username, Encryption.Encrypt(Password)))
            //Create admin login session
            CookieLoginHelper.CreateAdminLoginSession(Username, Password);

            //If everything is okay, then redirect to the Manager Main page.
            uname.Text = "";
            lblerror.Text = "Invalid Login Credential";
            JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Invalid Login Credential");

        Util = null;