/// <summary> /// Format Text /// </summary> public string FormatText(object o) { Utility Util = new Utility(); string formattxt = Util.FormatText(Convert.ToString(o)); Util = null; return formattxt; }
public void AddFeed(short state) { Feed feed = new Feed(); Utility Util = new Utility(); feed.Author = "Administrator"; foreach (sCategory cat in constant.FeedCategory) { if(cat.Name == "JOBS") feed.CategoryID = cat.ID; } feed.Title = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[JobTitle.UniqueID]); feed.Link = constant.JobsPageBase + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[JobLink.UniqueID]); string tmp = ""; GenerateSummary(ref tmp); testsummary.Text = tmp; feed.Summary = tmp; //feed. GenerateDetails(ref tmp); testdetails.Text = tmp; feed.Description = tmp; feed.isValid = state; feed.DisplayIn = "-1"; SummaryPreview.Visible = true; DetailPreview.Visible = true; if ((state == 1) || (state == 2)) { FeedRepository feedrep = new FeedRepository(); if (feedrep.isFeedLinkDuplicate(feed.Link, feed.CategoryID) == 0) { feedrep.Add(feed); } else { lblWarningMessage.Visible = true; lblWarningMessage.Text = "Error!! FeedLink is Duplicate"; } feedrep = null; } Util = null; feed = null; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //Populate year in the dropdwonlist - starting from 2000 to the current year. lblrecordperpageFooter.Text = "Showing default 40 records per page"; //Set the default pagesize. dgrd_announcement.PageSize = 40; //Data binding BindData(); //Release allocated memory Util = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Get Feed title, author, date, hits, summmary, description etc from feed id /// </summary> public override void FillUp(int ID) { Utility Util = new Utility(); try { IDataReader dr = Blogic.ActionProcedureDataProvider.GetFeedDetails(ID); if (dr.Read()) { //dr.Read(); //Feed item = new Feed(); if (dr["Title"] != DBNull.Value) { this.Title = (string)dr["Title"]; } this.FeedID = ID; if (dr["Title"] != DBNull.Value) { this.Title = (string)dr["Title"]; } if (dr["Author"] != DBNull.Value) { this.Author = (string)dr["Author"]; } if (dr["Description"] != DBNull.Value) { this.Description = (string)dr["Description"]; } if (dr["Summary"] != DBNull.Value) { this.Summary = (string)dr["Summary"]; } if (dr["Link"] != DBNull.Value) { this.Link = (string)dr["Link"]; } if (dr["Category"] != DBNull.Value) { this.CategoryID = (int)dr["Category"]; } if (dr["DatePublished"] != DBNull.Value) { this.DatePublised = (DateTime)dr["DatePublished"]; } if (dr["isValid"] != DBNull.Value) { this.isValid = Int16.Parse(dr["isValid"].ToString()); } if (dr["DisplayIn"] != DBNull.Value) { this.DisplayIn = (string)dr["DisplayIn"]; } } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Get total article count ArticleCount = 10;// Blogic.ActionProcedureDataProvider.ArticleCountAll; //Assign selected value to lastviewed dropdown menu int lv = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["lv"]); GetLastViewedSelectedValue(lv); if (!IsPostBack) { //Populate year in the dropdwonlist - starting from 2000 to the current year. int tempDT = DateTime.Now.Year; for (int i = tempDT; (tempDT - i) < 9; i--) ddlyear.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString())); MonthSearch(); //Populate dropdown category list GetDropdownCategoryList(); //Display A-Z alhpabet letter announcement name lblalphaletter.Text = AlphabetLink.BuildLink("feedmanager.aspx?l=", "dlet", "Browse all announcement starting with letter", " "); //Get admin username from the sessioan variable and place it in the label. lblletterlegend.Text = "Announcement A-Z:"; lblunapproved2.Visible = false; lblmangermainpage.Text = "Default View"; lblmangeraddpagelink.Text = "Add Feed"; lblmangermainpagelink.ToolTip = "Back to Default View"; lbCountAnnouncement.Text = "Total Approved Announcements: ";// +string.Format("{0:#,###}", Blogic.ActionProcedureDataProvider.GetHomepageTotalAnnouncementCount); lbCountCat.Text = "Total Category: ";// +Blogic.ActionProcedureDataProvider.GetHomepageTotalCategoryCount; lblunapproved.Text = "Deactivated Feeds: ";// +Blogic.ActionProcedureDataProvider.AdminAnnouncementManagerGetWaitingforApprovalCount; lblsaved.Text = "Saved Feeds: "; //lblrecordperpage.Text = "Default 40 records per page"; lblrecordperpageFooter.Text = "Showing default 40 records per page"; lblrecordperpageTop.Text = "- 40 records per page"; approvallink.ToolTip = "There are (";// +Blogic.ActionProcedureDataProvider.AdminAnnouncementManagerGetWaitingforApprovalCount + ") announcements waiting for your approval. Click this link to approve the announcement"; //Data binding /*BindData(); LastUpdatedAnnouncements.DataSource = Blogic.ActionProcedureDataProvider.GetLast10UpdatedAnnouncement; LastUpdatedAnnouncements.DataBind(); */ //Release allocated memory Util = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Admin section username and password validation. /// </summary> public static void IsAdminAuthenticated() { Utility Util = new Utility(); if (!CookieLoginHelper.IsLoginAdminSessionExists) { //Redirect to admin login page. Util.PageRedirect(6); } Util = null; }
public void GenerateDetails(ref string detailtags) { Utility Util = new Utility(); detailtags = "<div class=\"jobDetail unit\">" + "<ul> <li>"; string tmp = ""; GenerateTableTags(ref tmp, tbldtl); if (tmp.Length != 0) { detailtags += "<h5>" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[DetailTbl.UniqueID]) + "</h5>"; detailtags += tmp; detailtags += "<br />"; } tmp = ""; GenerateTableTags(ref tmp, tbldtl2); if (tmp.Length != 0) { detailtags += "<h5>" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Detail2Tbl.UniqueID]) + "</h5>"; detailtags += tmp; detailtags += "<br />"; } detailtags += "<p><h5>How To Apply: </h5>" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[HowToApply.UniqueID]) + "</p>"; detailtags += "<br />"; tmp = ""; GenerateTableTags(ref tmp, tblimpdate); if (tmp.Length != 0) { detailtags += "<h5>" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[ImpDatesTbl.UniqueID]) + "</h5>"; detailtags += tmp; detailtags += "<br />"; } detailtags += "<p><h5>How To Prepare: </h5>" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[HowToPrepare.UniqueID]) + "</p>"; detailtags += "<br />"; tmp = ""; GenerateTableTags(ref tmp, tblpaidtest); if (tmp.Length != 0) { detailtags += "<h5>" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[PaidTestTbl.UniqueID]) + "</h5>"; detailtags += tmp; detailtags += "<br />"; } tmp = ""; GenerateTableTags(ref tmp, tblfreetest); if (tmp.Length != 0) { detailtags += "<h5>" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[FreeTestTbl.UniqueID]) + "</h5>"; detailtags += tmp; detailtags += "<br />"; } detailtags += "</li></ul>"; }
public void GenerateSummary(ref string summarytags) { Utility Util = new Utility(); summarytags = "<div class=\"jobDetail unit\">" + "<table width=\"80%\" border=\"0\"><tr><td align=\"left\"><img src=" + "\"" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[logoimg.UniqueID]) + "\"" + "runat=\"server\"" + "/ ><td align=\"right\">" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[LastDate.UniqueID]) + "</tr></table> <br /><br /><br />" + "<ul> <li> <table width=\"80%\"> " + "<tr> <td class=\"txt\" width=\"40%\" align=\"left\"><b>Eligibility: </b>" + "<td class=\"txt\" width=\"60%\" align=\"left\">" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Eligiblity.UniqueID]) + "<tr> <td class=\"txt\" width=\"40%\" align=\"left\"><b>Location: </b>" + "<td class=\"txt\" width=\"60%\" align=\"left\">" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Location.UniqueID]) + "<tr> <td class=\"txt\" width=\"40%\" align=\"left\"><b>Job Category: </b>" + "<td class=\"txt\" width=\"60%\" align=\"left\">" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[JobCategory.UniqueID]) + "<tr> <td class=\"txt\" width=\"40%\" align=\"left\"><b>Last Date: </b>" + "<td class=\"txt\" width=\"60%\" align=\"left\">" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[LastDate.UniqueID]) + "<tr> <td class=\"txt\" width=\"40%\" align=\"left\"><b>Job Type: </b>" + "<td class=\"txt\" width=\"60%\" align=\"left\">" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[JobType.UniqueID]) + "<tr> <td class=\"txt\" width=\"40%\" align=\"left\"><b>Hiring Process: </b>" + "<td class=\"txt\" width=\"60%\" align=\"left\">" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[HiringProcess.UniqueID]) + "</table>"; string tmp = ""; GenerateTableTags(ref tmp, tblsmmry); if (tmp.Length != 0) { summarytags += "<br />"; summarytags += "<h5>" + Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[SummaryTbl.UniqueID]) + "</h5>"; summarytags += tmp; } summarytags += "</li></ul></div>"; }