private void DetectField() { bool hasTypeDecl = Token.IncludesType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.TypeDecl); bool hasSemiColon = Token.IncludesType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.SemiColon); if (hasTypeDecl && hasSemiColon) { DebugDK.Log("Detected a field in the line : '" + Token.SmashTokens(GetCurrentLine(), "") + "'"); int typeDeclIndex = Token.IndexOfType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.TypeDecl); string name = Token.SmashTokens(Token.GetRange(GetCurrentLine(), 0, typeDeclIndex), ""); int semiColonIndex = Token.IndexOfType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.SemiColon); string type = Token.SmashTokens(Token.GetRange(GetCurrentLine(), typeDeclIndex + 1, semiColonIndex), ""); PField field; = RemoveWhitespace(name); field.type = GetFromHashtable(RemoveWhitespace(type), ref defs); field.tags = GetTags(); if (inStruct) { fieldBuffer.Add(field); } DebugDK.Log("Extracted from line, fieldname : " + + ", fieldtype: " + field.type + ", tags : " + ", adding field to fieldBuffer : " + inStruct); } }
public Lexer(FileHandler fh) { DebugDK.SetPrefix("Lexer"); DebugDK.Log("Creating lexer. \n[Lexer] Loading file."); fileHandler = fh; fh.LoadFile(); DebugDK.Log("Creating Hashtable"); InitHastable(); }
public void GiveStructInheritance() { ArrayList newStructs = new ArrayList(); DebugDK.Log("Giving each struct its inheritant fields."); DebugDK.Log("Looping to all the structs."); for (int i = 0; i < structs.Count; i++) { PStruct currentStruct = (PStruct)structs[i]; DebugDK.Log("Checking if this struct has inheritance..., struct is : " + + " |" + i); if (currentStruct.inheritance != "") { DebugDK.Log("Current struct has inheritance : " + currentStruct.inheritance); DebugDK.Log("Looping through all the structs to find a match..."); // NOTE: change removebeginwhitespace function at the inheritance detection if problems with finding. foreach (PStruct pStruct in structs) { DebugDK.Log(" Looking for match with struct " +; if ( == currentStruct.inheritance) { DebugDK.Log(" Match found. Adding fields."); ArrayList newField = new ArrayList(); foreach (PField p in pStruct.fields) { newField.Add(p); } foreach (PField p in currentStruct.fields) { newField.Add(p); } currentStruct.fields = (PField[])newField.ToArray(typeof(PField)); } } } newStructs.Add(currentStruct); } structs = newStructs; DebugDK.Log("Struct inheritance is done."); }
public void ParseAllLines() { DebugDK.Log("Starting parser"); while (true) { if (currentLine >= lexer.fileTokens.Length) { break; } ParseCurrentLine(); //Debug.Log("Parsing next line, current state is : \n " + " tagBuffer : " + decoratorBuffer + ", inStruct : " + inStruct + ", currentLine : " + currentLine); } DebugDK.Log("Parser is done."); }
private void DetectDecorator() { if (decoratorBuffer != "") { decoratorBuffer = ""; } bool hasDeco = Token.IncludesType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.Tag); if (hasDeco) { DebugDK.Log("Detected a tag in the line : '" + Token.SmashTokens(GetCurrentLine(), "") + "'"); decoratorBuffer = Token.SmashTokens(Token.GetRange(GetCurrentLine(), 1, GetCurrentLine().Length), ""); DebugDK.Log("New tag found : '" + decoratorBuffer); } }
private void DetectEndOfScope() { bool hasCloseCurly = Token.IncludesType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.CloseCurly); if (hasCloseCurly) { DebugDK.Log("Detected an end of scope in line : '" + Token.SmashTokens(GetCurrentLine(), "") + "'"); DebugDK.Log("Adding a struct : " + inStruct); if (inStruct) { DebugDK.Log("Adding the fieldBuffer to currentStruct."); activeStruct.fields = (PField[])fieldBuffer.ToArray(typeof(PField)); // adding the fields DebugDK.Log("Adding the currentStruct to structs."); structs.Add(activeStruct); } inStruct = false; } }
public void PrintAllData() { if (DebugDK.log) { DebugDK.Log("\nWriting out all of the resulting parser data (PStructs) : "); foreach (PStruct ps in structs) { DebugDK.Log(PStruct.ToString(ps)); } DebugDK.Log("Definitions : "); foreach (DictionaryEntry e in defs) { DebugDK.Log(e.Key + " : " + defs[e.Key]); } DebugDK.Log("Flags : "); foreach (DictionaryEntry e in flags) { DebugDK.Log(e.Key + " : " + flags[e.Key]); } } }
private void DetectStruct() { bool hasStruct = Token.IncludesType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.Struct); bool noSemiColon = !Token.IncludesType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.SemiColon); bool hasInheritance = Token.IncludesType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.Inheritance); if ((hasStruct && noSemiColon) || hasInheritance) { DebugDK.Log("Detected a struct in the line : '" + Token.SmashTokens(GetCurrentLine(), "") + "'"); inStruct = true; string inheritance = ""; int start = Token.IndexOfType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.Struct) + 1; int stop; if (hasInheritance) { stop = Token.IndexOfType(GetCurrentLine(), TokenTypes.Inheritance); inheritance = Token.SmashTokens(Token.GetRange(GetCurrentLine(), stop + 1, GetCurrentLine().Length), ""); } else { stop = GetCurrentLine().Length; } string name = Token.SmashTokens(Token.GetRange(GetCurrentLine(), start, stop), ""); = RemoveWhitespace(name); activeStruct.inheritance = RemoveWhitespace(inheritance); activeStruct.tags = GetTags(); fieldBuffer = new ArrayList(); // reset fields DebugDK.Log("Extracted from line, structname : " + + ", inheritance : " + activeStruct.inheritance + ", tags : "); } }
public void LexAllLines() { ArrayList tokens = new ArrayList(); DebugDK.Print("Reading and extracting tokens from file : " + fileHandler.path); DebugDK.Log("Lexing all lines."); while (true) { if (currentLine >= fileHandler.fileLines.Length) { break; } tokens.Add(Token.RemoveBeginWhiteSpace(LexCurrentLine())); currentLine++; //Debug.Log("Lexing next line, current state is : "); //Debug.Log(" currentLine : " + currentLine + ", lineIndex : " + lineIndex); } fileTokens = (Token[][])tokens.ToArray(typeof(Token[])); DebugDK.Log("Lexer is done."); }
public PTag[] ExtractTags(string s, bool addDefault) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); DebugDK.Log("extracting tags from " + s); string currentTagName = ""; PTag currentTag; string argString = ""; bool inArguments = false; string[] tagArgs = { }; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { char current = s[i]; { // argument checking if (current.Equals('(')) // entering { inArguments = true; } if (inArguments) // adding { argString += current; } if (current.Equals(')')) // extracting & reset { inArguments = false; tagArgs = ExtractArguments(argString, false); DebugDK.Log("found arguments : "); //Token.PrintStringArr(ref tagArgs); argString = ""; } } if (!inArguments) { if (!current.Equals(')') && !current.Equals(',')) { currentTagName += current; } if ((current.Equals(',') || i == s.Length - 1)) { DebugDK.Log("moving on to next tag, current name is " + currentTagName); = RemoveWhitespace(currentTagName); currentTag.arguments = tagArgs; result.Add(currentTag); { currentTagName = ""; string[] temp = { }; tagArgs = temp; } } } } return((PTag[])result.ToArray(typeof(PTag))); }