private GenericMenu MenuForSoundTimeLine(JTimelineSound Soundline, JSoundTrack linetrack) { GenericMenu contextMenu = new GenericMenu(); contextMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("AddNewTrack"), false, (obj) => AddNewSoundTrack(((JTimelineBase)((object[])obj)[0])), new object[] { Soundline }); float newTime = (((UnityEngine.Event.current.mousePosition.x + XScroll) / DisplayArea.width) * Soundline.Sequence.Duration) / XScale; contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent("Add Original AudioClip"), false, (obj) => AddNewSoundState(((JTimelineSound)((object[])obj)[0]), ((JSoundTrack)((object[])obj)[1]), ((float)((object[])obj)[2]), ((string)((object[])obj)[3]), null), new object[] { Soundline, linetrack, newTime, "" } ); //删除时 contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent("Add New AudioClip"), false, (obj) => PickNewAudioClip(((JTimelineSound)((object[])obj)[0]), ((JSoundTrack)((object[])obj)[1]), ((float)((object[])obj)[2]), ((string)((object[])obj)[3])), new object[] { Soundline, linetrack, newTime, "" } ); //删除时间线 contextMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("DeleteSoundLine"), false, (obj) => RemoveSoundTimeline(((JTimelineSound)((object[])obj)[0]), ((JSoundTrack)((object[])obj)[1])), new object[] { Soundline, linetrack }); return(contextMenu); }
public ContextData(int controlId, Type type, Type pairedType, JTimelineBase line, JSoundTrack track, string category, string label, float firetime) { ControlID = controlId; Type = type; PairedType = pairedType; Line = line; Track = track; Category = category; Label = label; Firetime = firetime; }
private void AddNewSoundState(JTimelineSound line, JSoundTrack track, float time, string stateName, AudioClip clip) { controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(track.GetInstanceID(), FocusType.Passive); var clipData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <JSoundClipData>(); clipData.TargetObject = line.AffectedObject.gameObject; clipData.StartTime = time; if (clip == null) { if (line.OrientationClip != null) { clipData.Clip = line.OrientationClip; } } else { clipData.Clip = clip; } if (clipData.Clip == null) { SequenceWindow.ShowNotification(new GUIContent("AudioClip is NULL")); } if (clipData.Clip != null) { clipData.SoundDuration = clipData.Clip.length; clipData.PlaybackDuration = clipData.SoundDuration; clipData.Track = track; track.AddClip(clipData); } if (timelineClipRenderDataMap.ContainsKey(track)) { var cachedData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <JClipRenderData>(); cachedData.ClipData = clipData; timelineClipRenderDataMap[track].Add(cachedData); } else { var cachedData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <JClipRenderData>(); cachedData.ClipData = clipData; List <JClipRenderData> list = new List <JClipRenderData>(); list.Add(cachedData); timelineClipRenderDataMap.Add(track, list); } }
private void RemoveSoundTimeline(JTimelineSound line, JSoundTrack track) { if (timelineClipRenderDataMap.ContainsKey(track)) { timelineClipRenderDataMap.Remove(track); } JTimelineContainer contain = line.TimelineContainer; line.RemoveTrack(track); if (line.SoundTracks.Count == 0) { DestroyImmediate(line.gameObject); } //删除的是最后一个 删除掉container if (contain.Timelines.Length == 0) { DestroyImmediate(contain.gameObject); } }
private void AddRenderDataForSound(JTimelineBase timeline) { if (timeline is JTimelineSound) { JTimelineSound Soundline = (JTimelineSound)timeline; List <JClipRenderData> list = new List <JClipRenderData>(); for (int k = 0; k < Soundline.SoundTracks.Count; k++) { JSoundTrack track = Soundline.SoundTracks[k]; for (int l = 0; l < track.TrackClips.Count; l++) { JSoundClipData SoundClipData = track.TrackClips[l]; var cachedData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <JClipRenderData>(); cachedData.ClipData = SoundClipData; list.Add(cachedData); } if (!timelineClipRenderDataMap.ContainsKey(track)) { timelineClipRenderDataMap.Add(track, list); } } } }
public void RemoveTrack(JSoundTrack soundTrack) { SoundTracks.Remove(soundTrack); }
public void AddTrack(JSoundTrack soundTrack) { soundTrack.TimeLine = this; SoundTracks.Add(soundTrack); }
private void SoundGUI(JTimelineSound Soundline, JSoundTrack linetrack, JClipRenderData[] renderDataList) { GenericMenu contextMenu = new GenericMenu(); ///event 右键点击 bool isContext = UnityEngine.Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && UnityEngine.Event.current.button == 1; bool isChoose = UnityEngine.Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && UnityEngine.Event.current.button == 0 && UnityEngine.Event.current.clickCount == 1; bool hasBox = false; Rect DisplayAreaTemp = DisplayArea; DisplayAreaTemp.x = 0; DisplayAreaTemp.y = 0; for (int j = 0; j < renderDataList.Length; j++) { JClipRenderData renderdata = renderDataList[j]; JSoundClipData SoundClipData = (JSoundClipData)renderdata.ClipData; JSoundTrack track = SoundClipData.Track; if (linetrack != track) { continue; } var startX = ConvertTimeToXPos(SoundClipData.StartTime); var endX = ConvertTimeToXPos(SoundClipData.StartTime + SoundClipData.PlaybackDuration); var transitionX = ConvertTimeToXPos(SoundClipData.StartTime + SoundClipData.TransitionDuration); var handleWidth = 2.0f; Rect renderRect = new Rect(startX, DisplayArea.y, endX - startX, DisplayArea.height); Rect transitionRect = new Rect(startX, DisplayArea.y, transitionX - startX, DisplayArea.height); Rect leftHandle = new Rect(startX, DisplayArea.y, handleWidth * 2.0f, DisplayArea.height); Rect rightHandle = new Rect(endX - (handleWidth * 2.0f), DisplayArea.y, handleWidth * 2.0f, DisplayArea.height); Rect labelRect = new Rect(); Rect renderRecttemp = renderRect; renderRecttemp.x -= DisplayArea.x; renderRecttemp.y = 0; Rect transitionRecttemp = transitionRect; transitionRecttemp.y = 0; transitionRecttemp.x -= DisplayArea.x; Rect leftHandletemp = leftHandle; leftHandletemp.y = 0; leftHandletemp.x -= DisplayArea.x; Rect rightHandletemp = rightHandle; rightHandletemp.x -= DisplayArea.x; rightHandletemp.y = 0; //GUI.color = new Color(243 / 255.0f, 154 / 255.0f, 0 / 255.0f, 1f); GUI.color = ColorTools.GetGrandientColor((float)renderdata.index / (float)CountClip); if (SelectedObjects.Contains(renderdata)) { GUI.color = ColorTools.SelectColor; } Texture2D texture = AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(SoundClipData.Clip); if (texture != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(renderRecttemp, texture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); } else { GUI.Box(renderRecttemp, "", USEditorUtility.NormalWhiteOutLineBG); } if (SoundClipData.CrossFade) { GUI.Box(transitionRecttemp, ""); } GUI.Box(leftHandletemp, ""); GUI.Box(rightHandletemp, ""); labelRect = renderRecttemp; labelRect.width = DisplayArea.width; renderdata.renderRect = renderRect; renderdata.labelRect = renderRect; renderdata.renderPosition = new Vector2(startX, DisplayArea.y); renderdata.transitionRect = transitionRect; renderdata.leftHandle = leftHandle; renderdata.rightHandle = rightHandle; renderdata.ClipData = SoundClipData; if (SoundClipData.CrossFade) { labelRect.x = labelRect.x + (transitionX - startX); } else { labelRect.x += 4.0f; // Nudge this along a bit so it isn't flush with the side. } GUI.color =; GUI.Label(labelRect, SoundClipData.FriendlyName); GUI.color = Color.white; if (isContext && renderRecttemp.Contains(UnityEngine.Event.current.mousePosition)) { hasBox = true; contextMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("DeleteClip"), false, (obj) => RemoveSoundClip(((JClipRenderData)((object[])obj)[0])), new object[] { renderdata }); } if (isContext && renderRecttemp.Contains(UnityEngine.Event.current.mousePosition)) { UnityEngine.Event.current.Use(); contextMenu.ShowAsContext(); } } if (!hasBox && isChoose && DisplayAreaTemp.Contains(UnityEngine.Event.current.mousePosition) && (UnityEngine.Event.current.control || UnityEngine.Event.current.command)) { //代码选中hierarchy中的对象 显示inspector 按住Ctrl or command //GameObject go = GameObject.Find(; Selection.activeGameObject = Soundline.gameObject; EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(Soundline.gameObject); } if (!hasBox && isContext && DisplayAreaTemp.Contains(UnityEngine.Event.current.mousePosition)) { contextMenu = MenuForSoundTimeLine(Soundline, linetrack); } if (!hasBox && isContext && DisplayAreaTemp.Contains(UnityEngine.Event.current.mousePosition)) { UnityEngine.Event.current.Use(); contextMenu.ShowAsContext(); } // Handle the case where the object picker has a value selected. if (UnityEngine.Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && UnityEngine.Event.current.commandName == "ObjectSelectorClosed") { if (EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerControlID() == controlID) { UnityEngine.Object pickedObject = EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerObject(); if (pickedObject != null) { AudioClip clip = (AudioClip)pickedObject; AddNewSoundState((JTimelineSound)savedData.Line, (JSoundTrack)savedData.Track, savedData.Firetime,, clip); } UnityEngine.Event.current.Use(); } } }
private void PickNewAudioClip(JTimelineSound line, JSoundTrack track, float time, string stateName) { ContextData data = new ContextData(controlID, typeof(JTimelineSound), typeof(AudioClip), line, track, "", "", time); showObjectPicker(data); }