private List <UInt32> writeRuleSetFromMapRoutine(AddressMapper addressMapper, VAVAddr routineStartAddress)
            var Game_GetRuleFlag = addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x801cca98);

            // precondition: r24 is mapId
            // precondition: r25 is global rule set which we are gonna use to store the linkreturn
            var asm = new List <UInt32>();

            asm.Add(, 24));                                             // r3 <- r24
            asm.Add(, asm.Count, Game_GetRuleFlag));  // r3 <- bl Game_GetRuleFlag(r3)
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.stw(3, 0x53f4, 29));                                    // gameRule <- r3
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.blr());                                                 // return
        private List <UInt32> writeSubroutineInitMapIdsForMapIcons(AddressMapper addressMapper, VAVAddr entryAddr)
            var JUtility_memset = addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x80004714);
            // precondition: r3 is newly created map icon array
            //               r16 is the amount of map ids in the array (size / 4)
            //               r24 is unused
            // postcondition: r24 is the map icon array
            var asm = new List <UInt32>();

            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.mflr(24));                                     // save the link register
            asm.Add(, -1));                                    // fill with 0xff
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.rlwinm(5, 16, 0x3, 0x0, 0x1d));                // get the size of the array
            asm.Add(, asm.Count, JUtility_memset));    // call JUtility_memset(array*, 0xff, array.size)
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.mtlr(24));                                     // restore the link register
            asm.Add(, 3));                                    // move array* to r24
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.blr());                                        // return