private List <UInt32> writeSubroutineMakeNoneMapIconsInvisible(AddressMapper addressMapper, VAVAddr entryAddr, VAVAddr returnContinueAddr, VAVAddr returnMakeInvisibleAddr)
            var Scene_Layout_Obj_SetVisible = addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x8006f854);
            // precondition:  r31  MapIconButton*
            //                 r5  is unused
            // postcondition:  r0  is map icon type
            //                 r5  is 0
            var asm = new List <UInt32>();

            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(5, 0x188, 31));                                     // get current map id into r5
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.cmpwi(5, -1));                                          // map id == -1 ?
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.bne(8));                                                // {
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(3, 0x28, 31));                                      //   \ 
            asm.Add(, 0));                                              //   |
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(4, -0x6600, 13));                                   //   | make "NEW" text invisible
            asm.Add(, asm.Count, Scene_Layout_Obj_SetVisible)); //   /
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(3, 0x28, 31));                                      //   \ 
            asm.Add(, 0));                                              //   / make Locked Map Icon "(?)" invisible
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.b(entryAddr, asm.Count, returnMakeInvisibleAddr));      //   returnMakeInvisibleAddr
                                                                                       // } else {
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(0, 0x184, 3));                                      //   get map icon type (replaced opcode)
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.b(entryAddr, asm.Count, returnContinueAddr));           //   returnContinueAddr
                                                                                       // }
        private List <UInt32> writeSubroutineGetMapsInZone(AddressMapper addressMapper, List <MapDescriptor> mapDescriptors, VAVAddr mapSetZoneOrderTable, VAVAddr entryAddr, VAVAddr returnAddr)
            PowerPcAsm.Pair16Bit v = PowerPcAsm.make16bitValuePair((UInt32)mapSetZoneOrderTable);
            // precondition:  r5  MapSet
            //               r29  _ZONE_TYPE
            //               r30  int* array containing map ids
            //                r3,r4,r6,r7,r31  unused
            // postcondition: r3  num maps (must be same as in SubroutineGetNumMapsInZone)
            var asm    = new List <UInt32>();
            var asm_l2 = new List <UInt32>();
            var asm_l3 = new List <UInt32>();

            asm.Add(, 0));
            var mapSets = (from m in mapDescriptors where m.MapSet != -1 orderby m.MapSet select m.MapSet).Distinct();

            foreach (var mapSet in mapSets)
                asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.cmpwi(5, mapSet));
                var zones = (from m in mapDescriptors where m.MapSet == mapSet && m.Zone != -1 orderby m.Zone select m.Zone).Distinct();
                foreach (var zone in zones)
                    asm_l2.Add(PowerPcAsm.cmpwi(29, zone));
                    IOrderedEnumerable <MapDescriptor> maps;
                    if (zone == 0)
                        maps = from m in mapDescriptors where m.MapSet == mapSet && m.Zone == 1 orderby m.Order select m;
                    else if (zone == 1)
                        maps = from m in mapDescriptors where m.MapSet == mapSet && m.Zone == 0 orderby m.Order select m;
                        maps = from m in mapDescriptors where m.MapSet == mapSet && m.Zone == zone orderby m.Order select m;
                    short i = 0;
                    asm_l3.Add(, (short)maps.Count()));
                    foreach (var map in maps)
                        short mapId         = (short)mapDescriptors.IndexOf(map);
                        var   mapDescriptor = mapDescriptors[i];
                        asm_l3.Add(, mapId));
                        asm_l3.Add(PowerPcAsm.stw(4, i, 30));
                        i += 4;
                    asm_l2.Add(PowerPcAsm.bne(asm_l3.Count + 1));
                asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.bne(asm_l2.Count + 1));
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.b(entryAddr, asm.Count, returnAddr));
        private List <UInt32> writeSubroutineGetNumMapsInZone(List <MapDescriptor> mapDescriptors)
            // precondition:  r3  _ZONE_TYPE
            // postcondition: r3  num maps
            var asm = new List <UInt32>();

            for (short i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.cmpwi(3, i));
                asm.Add(, (short)(from m in mapDescriptors where m.Zone == i && m.MapSet == 0 select m).Count()));
        private List <UInt32> writeGetDescriptionForCustomSquareRoutine(AddressMapper addressMapper, VAVAddr routineStartAddress)
            var asm = new List <UInt32>();
            var gameUiTextGetString  = addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x800f78dc);
            var gameUiTextGetCardMsg = addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x800f837c);
            var gameBoard            = PowerPcAsm.make16bitValuePair((UInt32)addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x8054d018));

            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lis(7, gameBoard.upper16Bit));                                //
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.addi(7, 7, gameBoard.lower16Bit));                            // r7 <- start of gameboard table containing all squares
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.mulli(8, 24, 0x54));                                          // r8 <- squareId * 0x54 (the size of each square)
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.add(6, 7, 8));                                                // r6 <- the current square
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lbz(8, 0x4d, 6));                                             // r8 <- square.squareType
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.cmpwi(8, 0x2e));                                              // if(square.squareType == 0x2e)
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.bne(3));                                                      // {
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lbz(4, 0x18, 6));                                             //   r4 <- square.district_color
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.b(routineStartAddress, asm.Count, gameUiTextGetCardMsg));     //   goto Game::uitext::get_card_message(r4)
                                                                                             // }
            asm.Add(, 0x0));                                                  // \
            asm.Add(, 0x0));                                                  // | No message arguments
            asm.Add(, 0x0));                                                  // /
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.b(routineStartAddress, asm.Count, gameUiTextGetString));      // goto Game::uitext::get_string(r4, 0, 0, 0)
