Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Randomly generates a firm object (production technology and output market parameters).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ip">A pointer to the collection of input parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="FirmID">Unique identifier for this firm (run number)</param>
        public Firm(InputParameters ip, int FirmID)
            // Choose random values for DISP2 (the top DISP1 resources
            // account for DISP2 percent of total resource costs), and
            // density (sparsity) of resource consumption pattern matrix
            this.g = GenRandNumbers.GenUniformDbl(ip.DISP2_MIN, ip.DISP2_MAX);
            this.d = GenRandNumbers.GenUniformDbl(ip.DNS_MIN, ip.DNS_MAX);

            // Generate the true product margins and the true, optimal
            // decision vector. Keep generating new margins until there
            // is at least one product in the optimal mix.
            RowVector MAR, DECT0;

                MAR   = this.GenMargins(ip);
                DECT0 = MAR.Map(x => (x < 1.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0);
            } while (DECT0.TrueForAll(x => x == 0.0));

            // Generate vector of maximum production quantities
            this.mxq = this.GenMXQ(ip);
            // And associated vector of optimal production quantities
            ColumnVector QT = mxq.ewMultiply(DECT0);

            // Flowchart 5.1 - Create resource consumption pattern matrix
            this.res_cons_pat = GenResConsPat(ip);

            // Flowchart 5.2 - Compute TRU
            // Calculate vector of total units of resource
            // consumption, by product
            ColumnVector TRU = this.CalcResConsumption(QT);

            // Flowchart 5.3 - Compute MAXRU
            // Calculate resource consumption under the assumption
            // that all products are produced at maximum quantity
            ColumnVector MAXRU = this.CalcResConsumption(mxq);

            RowVector RCC, PC_B, RCCN;
            double    TCT0;

            #region Flowchart 5.4 - Generate RCC, RCU, and RCCN

            /* -------------------------------- */
            // Flowchart 5.4(a)-(g)

            // Generate vector of total resource costs (RCC)
            RCC = GenRCC(ip);

            /* -------------------------------- */
            // Flowchart 5.4(h)

            // Now generate unit resource costs (RCU) by doing element-wise
            // division of RCC by MAXRU
            this.rcu = RCC.Map((x, i) => x / MAXRU[i]);

            /* -------------------------------- */
            // Flowchart 5.4(i)

            // Compute new RCC vector (RCCN) based on unit resource
            // costs (RCU) and true unit resource consumption (TRU)
            RCCN = this.rcu.ewMultiply(TRU);
            // Check to see if the first resource (RCCN[0]) is the largest.
            // If not, increase RCU[0] by just enough to make it so.
            if (RCCN[0] < RCCN.Skip(1).Max() + 1)
                RCCN[0]     = Math.Ceiling(RCCN.Max()) + 1.0;
                this.rcu[0] = RCCN[0] / TRU[0];


            // Flowchart 5.5 - Calculate PC_B
            // Calculate true unit product costs
            PC_B = this.CalcTrueProductCosts();

            // Flowchart 5.6 - Compute total costs TCT0
            // Compute total costs
            TCT0 = this.CalcTotCosts(QT);

            // Flowchart 5.7 - Rename RCCN to RCC
            RCC         = RCCN;
            initial_rcc = RCC;

            #region Flowchart 5.8 - Calculate SP, TRV0, PROFITT0

            // Calculate product selling prices, total revenue, and profit
            this.sp = PC_B.ewMultiply(MAR);
            double TRV0 = this.sp * QT;
            this.profitt0 = TRV0 - TCT0;


            // 5.9(a) Create RANK vector
            // Note: this method provides a stable sort. It's important to use a stable sort.
            initial_rank = Enumerable.Range(0, RCC.Dimension).OrderByDescending(i => RCC[i]).ToArray();

            #region Flowchart 5.9(b) - Create RES_CONS_PAT_PRCT

            this.res_cons_pat_prct = new RectangularMatrix(ip.RCP, ip.CO);

            for (int r = 0; r < this.res_cons_pat.RowCount; ++r)
                RowVector rv = this.res_cons_pat.Row(r);
                if (TRU[r] != 0.0)
                    rv = rv.Map((alt_ij, col) => alt_ij * QT[col] / TRU[r]);
                    if (Math.Abs(rv.Sum() - 1.0) > 0.01)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Sum of row of RES_CONS_PAT_PRCT not equal to 1.");
                    rv = rv.Map(alt_ij => 0.0);

                this.res_cons_pat_prct.CopyRowInto(rv, r);


            #region Flowchart 5.9(c) - Create correlation matrix
            // Create correlation matrix for rows of RES_CONS_PAT_PRCT
            MultivariateSample mvs = new MultivariateSample(ip.RCP);
            for (int c = 0; c < this.res_cons_pat_prct.ColumnCount; ++c)

            this.pearsoncorr = new SymmetricMatrix(ip.RCP);

            for (int i = 0; i < mvs.Dimension; ++i)
                for (int j = i; j < mvs.Dimension; ++j)
                    //PearsonCorr[i, j] = mvs.PearsonRTest( i, j ).Statistic;
                    this.pearsoncorr[i, j] = mvs.TwoColumns(i, j).PearsonRTest().Statistic;


            // Flowchart 5.10 - Logging true system
            // Note: I'm deliberately passing copies of the fields MXQ, SP, etc.
                ip, this, FirmID,
                MAR, DECT0,
                TRV0, TCT0, profitt0,
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Console header



            #region Read input file and create InputParameters object

            FileInfo inputFile = new FileInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\input.txt");

            if (!inputFile.Exists)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find input file: \n{0}", inputFile.FullName);
                Console.WriteLine("Aborting. Press ENTER to end the program.");

            InputParameters ip = new InputParameters(inputFile);


            #region Make a copy of the input file

            // We found it helpful to make a copy of the input file every time we ran the
            // simulation. We stamp the copy's filename with the date and time so that
            // we know which results files correspond to which input file.
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            string   inputFileCopyName =
                    "input {0:D2}-{1:D2}-{2:D4} {3:D2}h {4:D2}m {5:D2}s, seed {6:G}.txt",
            FileInfo inputFileCopy = new FileInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\" + inputFileCopyName);
            inputFile.CopyTo(inputFileCopy.FullName, true);
            File.SetCreationTime(inputFileCopy.FullName, dt);
            File.SetLastWriteTime(inputFileCopy.FullName, dt);


            #region Create output files



            #region Generate Sample of Firms and their Cost Systems

            Firm[] sampleFirms = new Firm[ip.NUM_FIRMS];

            for (int firmID = 1; firmID <= ip.NUM_FIRMS; ++firmID)
                    "Starting firm {0:D3} of {1}",
                    firmID + 1, sampleFirms.Length

                Firm f = new Firm(ip, firmID);
                sampleFirms[firmID - 1] = f;

                for (int a_indx = 0; a_indx < ip.ACP.Count; ++a_indx)
                    int a = ip.ACP[a_indx];

                    for (int p_indx = 0; p_indx < ip.PACP.Count; ++p_indx)
                        int p = ip.PACP[p_indx];

                        for (int r_indx = 0; r_indx < ip.PDR.Count; ++r_indx)
                            int r = ip.PDR[r_indx];

                            // Create a cost system
                            CostSys costsys = new CostSys(ip, f, a, p, r);
                            int costSysID = f.costSystems.Count;
                            Output.LogCostSys(costsys, firmID, costSysID);

                            // Generate a starting decision for the cost system.
                            RowVector startingDecision;
                            if (ip.STARTMIX == 0)
                                startingDecision = f.CalcOptimalDecision();
                                var ones = Enumerable.Repeat(1.0, ip.CO).ToList();
                                startingDecision = new RowVector(ones);
                                for (int i = 0; i < startingDecision.Dimension; ++i)
                                    if (GenRandNumbers.GenUniformDbl() < ip.EXCLUDE)
                                        startingDecision[i] = 0.0;

                            /* Examine error in cost from implementing this decision.
                             * Assume the firm implements the decision startingDecision. Upon
                             * doing so, it will observe total resource consumption. It will then
                             * allocate resources to cost pools, as per the B parameter of the cost
                             * system, choose drivers as per the D parameter of the cost system,
                             * and then allocate resources to cost objects and compute reported costs.
                             * The reported costs are returned as PC_R. The difference
                             * between these and the true benchmark costs (PC_B) is used to compute
                             * the mean percent error in costs.
                            RowVector PC_R = costsys.CalcReportedCosts(ip, startingDecision);
                            RowVector PC_B = f.CalcTrueProductCosts();
                            double    MPE  = PC_B.Zip(PC_R, (pc_b, pc_r) => Math.Abs(pc_b - pc_r) / pc_b).Sum() / PC_B.Dimension;
                            Output.LogCostSysError(costsys, firmID, costSysID, startingDecision, PC_B, PC_R, MPE);

                            /* Assume the firm implements the decision startingDecision. Upon
                             * doing so, it will observe total resource consumption. It will then
                             * allocate resources to cost pools, as per the B parameter of the cost
                             * system, choose drivers as per the D parameter of the cost system,
                             * and then allocate resources to cost objects and compute reported costs.
                             * The reported costs are returned as PC_R. Upon observing the
                             * reported costs, the firm may wish to update its original decision. When
                             * it implements the updated decision, costs will change again. The outcome
                             * of this process will either be an equilibrium decision (fixed point), or
                             * a cycle of decisions.
                            (CostSystemOutcomes stopCode, RowVector endingDecision) = costsys.EquilibriumCheck(ip, startingDecision);
                            Output.LogCostSysLoop(costsys, firmID, costSysID, startingDecision, endingDecision, stopCode);


            Console.WriteLine("Writing output files...");