Example #1
        public static Matrix GetOrientation(float x, float y)
            Matrix Transformation = Matrix.Identity;

            Transformation.Up      = PlanetEarth.GetNormal(x, y);
            Transformation.Right   = PlanetEarth.GetTangentX(x, y);
            Transformation.Forward = -PlanetEarth.GetTangentY(x, y);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  有两个Map的坐标计算采集车朝向
        ///  Calculate the orientation by the given 2 points in Map's coordinate,
        ///  which can be converted from long-lat by Map.GetMapCoord
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pa"></param>
        /// <param name="pb"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        Quaternion GetOrientation(Point pa, Point pb)
            float alng;
            float alat;
            float blng;
            float blat;

            // 先得到两个点的经纬度
            // first convert the coord to long-lat
            Map.GetCoord(pa.X, pa.Y, out alng, out alat);
            Map.GetCoord(pb.X, pb.Y, out blng, out blat);

            // 法向
            // calculate the normal vector(up vector)
            Vector3 n = PlanetEarth.GetNormal(alng, alat);

            // 高度
            // elevation
            float   altA = map.GetHeight(alng, alat);
            Vector3 posA = PlanetEarth.GetPosition(alng, alat, altA + PlanetEarth.PlanetRadius);
            float   altB = map.GetHeight(blng, blat);
            Vector3 posB = PlanetEarth.GetPosition(blng, blat, altB + PlanetEarth.PlanetRadius);

            Vector3 dir = posB - posA;

            Vector3 bi = Vector3.Cross(n, dir);


            n = Vector3.Cross(dir, bi);

            // 采集车旋转World矩阵由向量基构建
            // constitute a final world matrix using these vectors
            Matrix result = Matrix.Identity;

            result.Right   = bi;
            result.Up      = n;
            result.Forward = -dir;