private void Remove_OnClick(Gump g) { this.m_Account.Server.RemoveAccount(this.m_Account); Profiles.Save(); Engine.UpdateSmartLoginMenu(); this.Close(); }
private void Route_OnClick(Gump g) { if (this.m_OnClick != null) { this.m_OnClick(this); } }
public static void AddGumpTo(string Parent, Gump Child) { if (m_xFiles.Contains(Parent) && m_MainGumps.Contains(Parent)) { ((Gump) m_MainGumps[Parent]).Children.Add(Child); } }
public int Add(Gump ToAdd) { this.m_Array = null; Gumps.Invalidate(); ToAdd.Parent = this.m_Owner; this.m_Count++; return this.m_List.Add(ToAdd); }
public GHotspot(int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, Gump Target) : base(X, Y) { this.m_NormalHit = true; this.m_Width = Width; this.m_Height = Height; this.m_Target = Target; }
public Tooltip(string Text, bool Big, int Width) { this.m_Text = Text; this.m_Big = Big; this.m_Gump = null; this.m_Delay = 1f; this.m_WrapWidth = Width; }
protected internal override void OnDragDrop(Gump g) { if (g is GSpellIcon) { g.X = (Engine.GameX + this.m_GameOffsetX) + 2; g.Y = (Engine.GameY + this.m_GameOffsetY) + 2; } }
private void Okay_OnClick(Gump g) { string title = this.m_Title.String; string address = this.m_Address.String; string str3 = this.m_Port.String; Profiles.AddServer(new ServerProfile(title, address, Convert.ToInt32(str3))); Profiles.Save(); Engine.UpdateSmartLoginMenu(); this.Close(); }
public GSpellbookIcon(Gump book, Item container) : base(container.BookIconX, container.BookIconY, Spells.GetBookIcon(container.ID)) { this.m_Book = book; this.m_Container = container; this.m_Container.OpenSB = true; base.m_CanDrag = true; base.m_QuickDrag = false; base.m_GUID = string.Format("Spellbook Icon #{0}", container.Serial); }
private void Okay_OnClick(Gump g) { string title = this.m_Title.String; string username = this.m_Username.String; string password = this.m_Password.String; AccountProfile account = new AccountProfile(this.m_Server, title, username, password); this.m_Server.AddAccount(account); new ServerSync(this.m_Server, account, null); Profiles.Save(); Engine.UpdateSmartLoginMenu(); this.Close(); }
private void Delete_OnClick(Gump g) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(this.m_Macro.Actions); list.Remove(this.m_Action); this.m_Macro.Actions = (Action[]) list.ToArray(typeof(Action)); GMacroEditorForm parent = this.m_Panel.Parent.Parent as GMacroEditorForm; if (parent != null) { parent.Current = parent.Current; } Gumps.Destroy(this); Gumps.Focus = parent; }
private void Okay_OnClick(Gump g) { this.m_Account.Title = this.m_Title.String; this.m_Account.Username = this.m_Username.String; this.m_Account.Password = this.m_Password.String; if ((this.m_Account.Menu != null) && (this.m_Account.Menu != this.m_Account.Server.Menu)) { this.m_Account.Menu.Text = this.m_Account.Title; } new ServerSync(this.m_Account.Server, this.m_Account, null); Profiles.Save(); this.Close(); }
private void OnScroll(double vNew, double vOld, Gump sender) { int num = (int) vNew; Gump[] gumpArray = base.m_Children.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < gumpArray.Length; i++) { GServerEntry entry = gumpArray[i] as GServerEntry; if (entry != null) { entry.Y = entry.yBase - num; } } }
public override void UpdateGump(Gump g) { GMainMenu menu = (GMainMenu) g; GMenuItem item = (GMenuItem) menu.Children[0]; InfoNode active = base.Active as InfoNode; if (active == null) { item.Text = base.Name; } else { item.Text = active.Name; } }
public GWindowsForm(int x, int y, int width, int height) : base(x, y) { base.m_CanDrag = true; base.m_QuickDrag = true; this.m_Width = width; this.m_Height = height; this.m_CaptionLabel = new GLabel("Form", Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Default, 7, 3); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_CaptionLabel); this.m_Client = new GEmpty(0, 0, 0, 0); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Client); this.m_CloseButton = new GWindowsButton("", 0, 0, 0x10, 14); this.m_CloseButton.ImageColor = 0; this.m_CloseButton.Image = Engine.m_FormX; this.m_CloseButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(this.CloseButton_Clicked); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_CloseButton); this.ResizeClient(); }
private void Slider_OnValueChange(double vNew, double vOld, Gump sender) { int num = (int)vNew; double tag = (int)sender.GetTag("Max"); tag = ((double)num) / tag; num = (int)-((((int)sender.GetTag("Max")) - base.m_Height) * tag); foreach (Gump gump in base.m_Children.ToArray()) { Type type = gump.GetType(); if (type == tGLabel) { gump.Y = num + ((int)gump.GetTag("yBase")); } else if (type == tGSkillGump) { gump.Y = num + ((GSkillGump)gump).yBase; } } }
private void Entry_OnHighlight(Gump g) { if (g.HasTag("HueID")) { int tag = (int)g.GetTag("HueID"); if ((tag >= 2) && (tag < 0x3ea)) { tag -= 2; int num2 = tag % 5; tag /= 5; int num3 = tag % 20; tag /= 20; int num4 = tag; this.m_Picker.Brightness = num2; this.m_Picker.ShadeX = num3; this.m_Picker.ShadeY = num4; this.m_Brightness.Refresh(); } } }
public virtual Gump GetGump() { if (this.m_Gump == null) { GWrappedLabel label; if ((this.m_Text == null) || (this.m_Text.Length <= 0)) { return((Gump)(this.m_Gump = null)); } this.m_Gump = new GAlphaBackground(0, 0, 100, 100); label = new GWrappedLabel(this.m_Text, Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Load(0x481), 4, 4, this.m_WrapWidth) { X = label.X - label.Image.xMin, Y = label.Y - label.Image.yMin }; this.m_Gump.Width = (label.Image.xMax - label.Image.xMin) + 9; this.m_Gump.Height = (label.Image.yMax - label.Image.yMin) + 9; this.m_Gump.Children.Add(label); } return(this.m_Gump); }
public override void UpdateGump(Gump g) { g.Children.Clear(); Table2DInfoNode active = base.Inputs[0].Active as Table2DInfoNode; if (active == null) { GLabel toAdd = new GLabel("Select a spell type from the list above.", Engine.GetUniFont(1), GumpHues.WindowText, 0, 0); g.Children.Add(toAdd); } else { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < active.Descriptors.Length; i++) { TableGump gump = new TableGump(active.Descriptors[i]) { Y = num }; num += gump.Height + 10; g.Children.Add(gump); } } }
private void TextBox_OnTextChange(string text, Gump g) { try { int num = Convert.ToInt32(text); if (num < 0) { this.m_Slider.SetValue(0.0, true); } else if (num > this.m_Amount) { this.m_Slider.SetValue((double)this.m_Amount, true); } else { this.m_Slider.SetValue((double)num, false); } } catch { } }
protected internal override void Draw(int x, int y) { Gump[] array = Gumps.Desktop.Children.ToArray(); float num = 1f; for (int i = Array.IndexOf(array, this) + 1; i < array.Length; i++) { Gump gump = array[i]; if (gump is IMessage) { IMessage message = (IMessage)gump; if (message.Visible && message.ImageRect.IntersectsWith(this.m_ImageRect)) { num += message.Alpha; } } } float alpha = this.Alpha; this.Alpha = (float)((1.0 / ((double)num)) * alpha); base.Draw(x, y); this.Alpha = alpha; }
protected internal override void OnDragDrop(Gump g) { if ((g != null) && (g.GetType() == typeof(GDraggedItem))) { GDraggedItem item = (GDraggedItem)g; Item toEquip = item.Item; Item item3 = null; Gump[] gumpArray = base.m_Children.ToArray(); Point point = base.PointToClient(new Point(Engine.m_xMouse, Engine.m_yMouse)); for (int i = gumpArray.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((gumpArray[i] is GPaperdollItem) && gumpArray[i].HitTest(point.X - gumpArray[i].X, point.Y - gumpArray[i].Y)) { item3 = ((GPaperdollItem)gumpArray[i]).Item; break; } } if ((item3 != null) && Map.m_ItemFlags[item3.ID & 0x3fff][TileFlag.Container]) { Network.Send(new PDropItem(toEquip.Serial, -1, -1, 0, item3.Serial)); } else if (Map.m_ItemFlags[toEquip.ID & 0x3fff][TileFlag.Wearable]) { Network.Send(new PEquipItem(toEquip, this.m_Mobile)); } else { Network.Send(new PDropItem(toEquip.Serial, -1, -1, 0, World.Serial)); } Gumps.Destroy(item); } if (this.m_Image != null) { Gumps.Destroy(this.m_Image); this.m_Image = null; } }
protected internal override void OnDragDrop(Gump g) { if ((g != null) && (g.GetType() == typeof(GDraggedItem))) { GDraggedItem item = (GDraggedItem) g; Item toEquip = item.Item; Item item3 = null; Gump[] gumpArray = base.m_Children.ToArray(); Point point = base.PointToClient(new Point(Engine.m_xMouse, Engine.m_yMouse)); for (int i = gumpArray.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((gumpArray[i] is GPaperdollItem) && gumpArray[i].HitTest(point.X - gumpArray[i].X, point.Y - gumpArray[i].Y)) { item3 = ((GPaperdollItem) gumpArray[i]).Item; break; } } if ((item3 != null) && Map.m_ItemFlags[item3.ID & 0x3fff][TileFlag.Container]) { Network.Send(new PDropItem(toEquip.Serial, -1, -1, 0, item3.Serial)); } else if (Map.m_ItemFlags[toEquip.ID & 0x3fff][TileFlag.Wearable]) { Network.Send(new PEquipItem(toEquip, this.m_Mobile)); } else { Network.Send(new PDropItem(toEquip.Serial, -1, -1, 0, World.Serial)); } Gumps.Destroy(item); } if (this.m_Image != null) { Gumps.Destroy(this.m_Image); this.m_Image = null; } }
protected internal override void OnDragEnter(Gump g) { if ((g != null) && (g.GetType() == typeof(GDraggedItem))) { GDraggedItem item = (GDraggedItem)g; Item item2 = item.Item; int iD = item2.ID; int hue = item2.Hue; Engine.ItemArt.Translate(ref iD, ref hue); if (Map.m_ItemFlags[iD][TileFlag.Wearable]) { if (this.m_Image != null) { Gumps.Destroy(this.m_Image); } this.m_Image = new GImage(Gumps.GetEquipGumpID(iD, this.m_Gender, ref hue), Hues.GetItemHue(iD, hue), 8, 0x13); this.m_Image.Alpha = 0.5f; int count = base.m_Children.Count; LayerComparer paperdoll = LayerComparer.Paperdoll; int num4 = paperdoll.GetValue(iD, (Layer)Map.GetQuality(iD)); for (int i = 0; i < base.m_Children.Count; i++) { Gump gump = base.m_Children[i]; if (gump.GetType() == typeof(GPaperdollItem)) { GPaperdollItem item3 = (GPaperdollItem)gump; if (paperdoll.GetValue(item3.Item.ID, (Layer)((byte)item3.Layer)) < num4) { count = i; break; } } } base.m_Children.Insert(count, this.m_Image); } } }
protected internal override void Render(int X, int Y) { if (base.m_Visible) { if (!m_Fade) { base.Alpha = 1f; this.m_State = FadeState.Opaque; base.Render(X, Y); } else { int x = X + this.X; int y = Y + this.Y; this.Draw(x, y); Gump[] gumpArray = base.m_Children.ToArray(); float alpha = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < gumpArray.Length; i++) { Gump gump = gumpArray[i]; if (gump.m_ITranslucent) { ITranslucent translucent = (ITranslucent)gump; alpha = translucent.Alpha; translucent.Alpha *= base.m_fAlpha; gump.Render(x, y); translucent.Alpha = alpha; } else { gump.Render(x, y); } } } } }
public override void UpdateGump(Gump g) { g.Children.Clear(); Table2DInfoNode active = base.Inputs[0].Active as Table2DInfoNode; if (active == null) { GLabel toAdd = new GLabel("Select a weapon type from the list above.", Engine.GetUniFont(1), GumpHues.WindowText, 0, 0); g.Children.Add(toAdd); } else { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < active.Descriptors.Length; i++) { TableGump gump = new TableGump(active.Descriptors[i]) { Y = num }; num += gump.Height + 10; g.Children.Add(gump); } } }
public virtual Gump GetGump() { if (this.m_Gump == null) { GWrappedLabel label; if ((this.m_Text == null) || (this.m_Text.Length <= 0)) { return (Gump) (this.m_Gump = null); } this.m_Gump = new GAlphaBackground(0, 0, 100, 100); label = new GWrappedLabel(this.m_Text, Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Load(0x481), 4, 4, this.m_WrapWidth) { X = label.X - label.Image.xMin, Y = label.Y - label.Image.yMin }; this.m_Gump.Width = (label.Image.xMax - label.Image.xMin) + 9; this.m_Gump.Height = (label.Image.yMax - label.Image.yMin) + 9; this.m_Gump.Children.Add(label); } return this.m_Gump; }
private void Cancel_OnClick(Gump g) { this.Close(); }
public static void AttackModeToggle_OnClick(Gump Sender) { Network.Send(new PSetWarMode(!World.Player.Flags[MobileFlag.Warmode], 0x20, 0)); }
public static void AppearanceHueProperty_OnClick(Gump Sender) { string tag = (string) Sender.GetTag("Property"); Gump gump = (Gump) Sender.GetTag("Preview"); Gump gump2 = (Gump) Sender.GetTag("Image"); GBackground background = new GBackground(0xe14, 0x97, 310, 0x1db, 0x7d, true); Gump toAdd = null; string str = tag; if (str != null) { str = string.IsInterned(str); if (str == "Skin Tone") { toAdd = new GSkinHuePickerAll(background.OffsetX, background.OffsetY, background.UseWidth, background.UseHeight); ((GSkinHuePickerAll) toAdd).OnHueRelease = new OnHueSelect(Engine.AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueRelease); ((GSkinHuePickerAll) toAdd).OnHueSelect = new OnHueSelect(Engine.AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueSelect); toAdd.SetTag("Back", background); toAdd.SetTag("Preview", gump); toAdd.SetTag("Image", gump2); toAdd.SetTag("Sender", Sender); } else if (str == "Shirt Color") { toAdd = new GHuePickerAll(background.OffsetX, background.OffsetY, background.UseWidth, background.UseHeight); ((GHuePickerAll) toAdd).OnHueRelease = new OnHueSelect(Engine.AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueRelease); ((GHuePickerAll) toAdd).OnHueSelect = new OnHueSelect(Engine.AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueSelect); toAdd.SetTag("Back", background); toAdd.SetTag("Preview", gump); toAdd.SetTag("Image", gump2); toAdd.SetTag("Sender", Sender); } else if (str == "Pants Color") { toAdd = new GHuePickerAll(background.OffsetX, background.OffsetY, background.UseWidth, background.UseHeight); ((GHuePickerAll) toAdd).OnHueRelease = new OnHueSelect(Engine.AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueRelease); ((GHuePickerAll) toAdd).OnHueSelect = new OnHueSelect(Engine.AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueSelect); toAdd.SetTag("Back", background); toAdd.SetTag("Preview", gump); toAdd.SetTag("Image", gump2); toAdd.SetTag("Sender", Sender); } else if (str == "Hair Color") { toAdd = new GHairHuePickerAll(background.OffsetX, background.OffsetY, background.UseWidth, background.UseHeight); ((GHairHuePickerAll) toAdd).OnHueRelease = new OnHueSelect(Engine.AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueRelease); ((GHairHuePickerAll) toAdd).OnHueSelect = new OnHueSelect(Engine.AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueSelect); toAdd.SetTag("Back", background); toAdd.SetTag("Preview", gump); toAdd.SetTag("Image", gump2); toAdd.SetTag("Sender", Sender); } else { if (str != "Facial Hair Color") { return; } toAdd = new GHairHuePickerAll(background.OffsetX, background.OffsetY, background.UseWidth, background.UseHeight); ((GHairHuePickerAll) toAdd).OnHueRelease = new OnHueSelect(Engine.AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueRelease); ((GHairHuePickerAll) toAdd).OnHueSelect = new OnHueSelect(Engine.AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueSelect); toAdd.SetTag("Back", background); toAdd.SetTag("Preview", gump); toAdd.SetTag("Image", gump2); toAdd.SetTag("Sender", Sender); } toAdd.X += (background.UseWidth - toAdd.Width) / 2; toAdd.Y += (background.UseHeight - toAdd.Height) / 2; background.Children.Add(toAdd); Gumps.Desktop.Children.Add(background); } }
private void HueReleased(int hue, Gump g) { this.m_Entry.SetValue(hue); Gumps.Destroy(this); }
public override void UpdateGump(Gump g) { }
protected internal override void OnDragLeave(Gump g) { if (this.m_Image != null) { Gumps.Destroy(this.m_Image); this.m_Image = null; } }
public int IndexOf(Gump Child) { return(this.m_List.IndexOf(Child)); }
public GMouseRouter(int GumpID, int X, int Y, Gump Target) : this(GumpID, Hues.Default, X, Y, Target) { }
public GSecureTrade(int serial, Gump container, string myName, string theirName) : base(50, 50, 0x119, 0x74) { this.m_Serial = serial; this.m_Container = container; base.m_CanDrop = true; base.FillAlpha = 0.5f; base.FillColor = 0x6080ff; GBorder3D toAdd = new GBorder3D(false, 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height) { FillAlpha = 0f, ShouldHitTest = false }; base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); GBorder3D borderd2 = new GBorder3D(true, 6, 6, 0x84, 0x68) { FillAlpha = 0f, ShouldHitTest = false }; base.m_Children.Add(borderd2); GBorder3D borderd3 = new GBorder3D(false, 7, 7, 130, 20) { ShouldHitTest = false }; GLabel label = new GLabel(this.Truncate(myName, Engine.GetUniFont(1), borderd3.Width - 0x1c), Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Load(1), 0, 0); borderd3.Children.Add(label); label.Center(); label.X = 0x1c - label.Image.xMin; base.m_Children.Add(borderd3); GBorder3D borderd4 = new GBorder3D(true, 0x8f, 6, 0x84, 0x68) { FillAlpha = 0f, ShouldHitTest = false }; base.m_Children.Add(borderd4); GBorder3D borderd5 = new GBorder3D(false, 0x90, 7, 130, 20) { ShouldHitTest = false }; GLabel label2 = new GLabel(this.Truncate(theirName, Engine.GetUniFont(1), borderd5.Width - 0x1c), Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Load(1), 0, 0); borderd5.Children.Add(label2); label2.Center(); label2.X = (borderd5.Width - 0x1c) - label2.Image.xMax; base.m_Children.Add(borderd5); GAlphaBackground background = new GAlphaBackground(1, 1, 5, 0x72) { ShouldHitTest = false, BorderColor = 0xc0c0c0, FillColor = 0xc0c0c0, FillAlpha = 1f }; base.m_Children.Add(background); background = new GAlphaBackground(0x113, 1, 5, 0x72) { ShouldHitTest = false, BorderColor = 0xc0c0c0, FillColor = 0xc0c0c0, FillAlpha = 1f }; base.m_Children.Add(background); background = new GAlphaBackground(6, 1, 0x10d, 5) { ShouldHitTest = false, BorderColor = 0xc0c0c0, FillColor = 0xc0c0c0, FillAlpha = 1f }; base.m_Children.Add(background); background = new GAlphaBackground(6, 110, 0x10d, 5) { ShouldHitTest = false, BorderColor = 0xc0c0c0, FillColor = 0xc0c0c0, FillAlpha = 1f }; base.m_Children.Add(background); background = new GAlphaBackground(0x8a, 6, 5, 0x68) { ShouldHitTest = false, BorderColor = 0xc0c0c0, FillColor = 0xc0c0c0, FillAlpha = 1f }; base.m_Children.Add(background); }
private void Add_OnClick(Gump g) { Engine.AddTextMessage("Enter hue name:"); Engine.Prompt = new HuePrompt(this.m_Picker.Hue, this); }
private void KeyboardFlipper_OnClick(Gump g) { this.ShowKeyboard = !this.ShowKeyboard; }
protected internal override void Render(int X, int Y) { if (this.m_AlphaRegions.Count == 0) { base.Render(X, Y); } else if (base.m_Visible) { int x = X + this.X; int y = Y + this.Y; this.Draw(x, y); Gump[] gumpArray = base.m_Children.ToArray(); RectangleList list = new RectangleList(); RectangleList list2 = new RectangleList(); int num3 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gumpArray.Length; i++) { Gump gump = gumpArray[i]; if (gump is GTransparentRegion) { num3++; continue; } if (num3 >= this.m_AlphaRegions.Count) { gump.Render(x, y); continue; } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(gump.X, gump.Y, gump.Width, gump.Height); list.Add(rect); for (int j = num3; j < this.m_AlphaRegions.Count; j++) { Gump gump2 = (Gump)this.m_AlphaRegions[j]; if (gump2 is GTransparentRegion) { Rectangle a = new Rectangle(gump2.X, gump2.Y, gump2.Width, gump2.Height); Rectangle rectangle3 = Rectangle.Intersect(a, rect); list.Remove(rectangle3); list2.Add(rectangle3); } } if (list2.Count > 0) { for (int k = i + 1; k < gumpArray.Length; k++) { Gump gump3 = gumpArray[k]; if (gump3 is GServerBackground) { GServerBackground background = (GServerBackground)gump3; Rectangle rectangle4 = new Rectangle(background.X + background.OffsetX, background.Y + background.OffsetY, background.UseWidth, background.UseHeight); list.Remove(rectangle4); list2.Remove(rectangle4); } else if (gump3 == this.m_AlphaRegions[this.m_AlphaRegions.Count - 1]) { break; } } if ((list2.Count == 1) && (list.Count == 0)) { Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(true); Renderer.SetAlpha(0.5f); gump.Render(x, y); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(false); } else { for (int m = 0; m < list.Count; m++) { Rectangle rectangle5 = list[m]; if (Renderer.SetViewport(x + rectangle5.X, y + rectangle5.Y, rectangle5.Width, rectangle5.Height)) { gump.Render(x, y); } } for (int n = 0; n < list2.Count; n++) { Rectangle rectangle6 = list2[n]; if (Renderer.SetViewport(x + rectangle6.X, y + rectangle6.Y, rectangle6.Width, rectangle6.Height)) { Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(true); Renderer.SetAlpha(0.5f); gump.Render(x, y); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(false); } } if ((list.Count > 0) || (list2.Count > 0)) { Renderer.SetViewport(0, 0, Engine.ScreenWidth, Engine.ScreenHeight); } } list.Clear(); list2.Clear(); continue; } gump.Render(x, y); } } }
protected internal override void OnDragEnter(Gump g) { if ((g != null) && (g.GetType() == typeof(GDraggedItem))) { GDraggedItem item = (GDraggedItem) g; Item item2 = item.Item; int iD = item2.ID; int hue = item2.Hue; Engine.ItemArt.Translate(ref iD, ref hue); if (Map.m_ItemFlags[iD][TileFlag.Wearable]) { if (this.m_Image != null) { Gumps.Destroy(this.m_Image); } this.m_Image = new GImage(Gumps.GetEquipGumpID(iD, this.m_Gender, ref hue), Hues.GetItemHue(iD, hue), 8, 0x13); this.m_Image.Alpha = 0.5f; int count = base.m_Children.Count; LayerComparer paperdoll = LayerComparer.Paperdoll; int num4 = paperdoll.GetValue(iD, (Layer) Map.GetQuality(iD)); for (int i = 0; i < base.m_Children.Count; i++) { Gump gump = base.m_Children[i]; if (gump.GetType() == typeof(GPaperdollItem)) { GPaperdollItem item3 = (GPaperdollItem) gump; if (paperdoll.GetValue(item3.Item.ID, (Layer) ((byte) item3.Layer)) < num4) { count = i; break; } } } base.m_Children.Insert(count, this.m_Image); } } }
private void All_OnClick(Gump g) { this.Mods ^= MacroModifiers.All; }
public GumpList(Gump Owner) { this.m_Owner = Owner; this.m_Array = m_Empty; }
public static void AppearanceHuePicker_OnHueSelect(int Hue, Gump Sender) { GImage tag = (GImage) Sender.GetTag("Image"); if ((((int) tag.GetTag("ItemID")) == 0) || !Map.m_ItemFlags[((int) tag.GetTag("ItemID")) & 0x3fff][TileFlag.PartialHue]) { Hue ^= 0x8000; } tag.Hue = Hues.Load(Hue); }
private void OnTextChange(string text, Gump g) { base.Active = text; }
protected internal override void OnDragDrop(Gump g) { if (this.m_Container != null) { this.m_Container.OnDragDrop(g); } }
protected internal virtual void OnDragLeave(Gump g) { }
protected internal virtual void OnFocusChanged(Gump Focused) { }
private void Alt_OnClick(Gump g) { this.m_Macro.Alt = !this.m_Macro.Alt; this.UpdateModifier(this.m_Alt, "Alt", this.m_Macro.Alt); this.NotifyParent(); }
public void SetMouseOverride(Gump g) { this.m_Override = g; base.m_QuickDrag = base.m_CanDrag = ((g != null) && g.m_CanDrag) && g.m_QuickDrag; }
private void Ctrl_OnClick(Gump g) { this.m_Macro.Control = !this.m_Macro.Control; this.UpdateModifier(this.m_Ctrl, "Ctrl", this.m_Macro.Control); this.NotifyParent(); }
private void HueSelected(int hue, Gump g) { this.m_Entry.SetValue(hue); }
private void Shift_OnClick(Gump g) { this.m_Macro.Shift = !this.m_Macro.Shift; this.UpdateModifier(this.m_Shift, "Shift", this.m_Macro.Shift); this.NotifyParent(); }
private void ValueType_OnClick(Gump g) { this.m_ShowReal = !this.m_ShowReal; this.m_ValueType.Text = this.m_ShowReal ? "Real Values" : "Used Values"; this.m_ValueType.X = 4 - this.m_ValueType.Image.xMin; this.m_ValueType.Y = (base.m_Height - 5) - this.m_ValueType.Image.yMax; this.m_SkillList.ShowReal = this.m_ShowReal; }
private void SetIndex_OnClick(Gump g) { this.Index = (int)g.GetTag("Index"); Gumps.Destroy(this.m_Dropdown); }
private void Slider_OnValueChange(double v, double old, Gump g) { this.m_TextBox.String = ((int)v).ToString(); }
protected internal virtual void OnDragDrop(Gump g) { }
private void Lock_OnStateChange(int state, Gump g) { SkillLock @lock = (SkillLock) state; if (this.m_Skill.Lock != @lock) { this.m_Skill.Lock = @lock; Network.Send(new PUpdateSkillLock(this.m_Skill)); } }
protected internal virtual void OnDragEnter(Gump g) { }