Example #1
 /*Function that takes in:
  * b. The Car to calculate the tax from.
  * then calls the tax function from the TaxCalculator class to calculate the tax for the car.*/
 private void calcTax(Car taxCar)
         /*If the car emits CO2 then we will calculate the tax cost when the item is clicked.*/
         if (taxCar.CO2gramsPerKilometer != null &&
             taxCar.CO2gramsPerKilometer != 0)
             TaxCalculator tax     = new TaxCalculator();
             float?        taxCost = tax.CalculateTax(taxCar);
     } catch (Exception e)
Example #2
        /*Function that takes in:
         * a. the classes Listed Object.
         * b. the element from the ListBox that the user has selected.*/
        public Listed ModelSelected(int element, Listed carList)
            Car car = null;

            /*If the user has selected a legitimate element that's not null.*/
            if (element > -1)
                /*selecting the car at the selected element.*/
                car = carList.CurrentCars.ElementAt(element);
                /*If the car we just got is not null then we will calculate the cost.*/
                if (car != null)
                    TaxCalculator tax     = new TaxCalculator();
                    float?        taxCost = tax.CalculateTax(car);

            /*setting the carLists selected car to either be the car at the element selected
             * or if the element selected is invalid then null.*/
            carList.SelectedCar = car;

            /*Returns the car list after we've seleted the chosen car.*/
Example #3
        public Overview()
            LoadCar load = new LoadCar();

            cars = load.Load();
            car  = load.LoadSelectedCar();

            /*Calculating the tax for each of the cars in car.*/
                foreach (Car theCar in cars)
                    if (theCar.CO2gramsPerKilometer != null &&
                        theCar.CO2gramsPerKilometer != 0)
                        TaxCalculator tax     = new TaxCalculator();
                        float?        taxCost = tax.CalculateTax(theCar);

                if (car.CO2gramsPerKilometer != null &&
                    car.CO2gramsPerKilometer != 0)
                    TaxCalculator tax     = new TaxCalculator();
                    float?        taxCost = tax.CalculateTax(car);
            } catch (Exception e)

            string thisDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().ToString();
            string fileLoc       = thisDirectory + @"\Images\LeafIcon.png";

            pictureBox1.Image    = Image.FromFile(fileLoc);
            pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;

            /*If the car is null that means that the user has not
             * yet selected a car to be there main car, in which case we will set the
             * first car in the array (if it exists) to be the selected car.*/
            if (car == null)
                /*Checking if the user has added any cars to the list before
                 * if they have we will set the first of these cars to be the selected cars, else
                 * we will display the user with an error message.*/
                if (cars != null && cars.Count() > 0)
                    SaveCar save = new SaveCar();

                    //printer so we can print information about the car.
                    CarPrinter printer = new CarPrinter();
                    string     info    = printer.carHeader(cars.ElementAt(0));
                    string     details = printer.printcar(cars.ElementAt(0), measurementSystem);
                    CarInfo.Text    = info;
                    CarDetails.Text = details;


                /*Else we have no saved cars either so we will
                 * display a messaage to the user saying we have no car.*/
                    CarInfo.Text    = "Error! Please go to Add Car and add your car/cars.";
                    CarDetails.Text = "Error!";
            //else a saved car does exist so use this instead.
                CarPrinter printer = new CarPrinter();
                string     info    = printer.carHeader(car);
                string     details = printer.printcar(car, measurementSystem);
                CarInfo.Text    = info;
                CarDetails.Text = details;
