Example #1
        /*--- General Methods ---------------------------------------*/

        /// <summary>Propagate incoming lookaheads through this item to others need to
        /// be changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="incoming">symbols to potentially be added to lookahead of this item.
        /// </param>
        public virtual void  propagate_lookaheads(terminal_set incoming)
            bool change = false;

            /* if we don't need to propagate, then bail out now */
            if (!needs_propagation && (incoming == null || incoming.empty()))

            /* if we have null incoming, treat as an empty set */
            if (incoming != null)
                /* add the incoming to the lookahead of this item */
                change = lookahead().add(incoming);

            /* if we changed or need it anyway, propagate across our links */
            if (change || needs_propagation)
                /* don't need to propagate again */
                needs_propagation = false;

                /* propagate our lookahead into each item we are linked to */
                for (int i = 0; i < propagate_items().Count; i++)
                    ((lalr_item)(propagate_items().Peek(propagate_items().Count - (i + 1)))).propagate_lookaheads(lookahead());
Example #2
        /*--- General Methods ---------------------------------------*/
        /// <summary>Propagate incoming lookaheads through this item to others need to 
        /// be changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="incoming">symbols to potentially be added to lookahead of this item.
        /// </param>
        public virtual void propagate_lookaheads(terminal_set incoming)
            bool change = false;

            /* if we don't need to propagate, then bail out now */
            if (!needs_propagation && (incoming == null || incoming.empty()))
                return ;

            /* if we have null incoming, treat as an empty set */
            if (incoming != null)
                /* add the incoming to the lookahead of this item */
                change = lookahead().add(incoming);

            /* if we changed or need it anyway, propagate across our links */
            if (change || needs_propagation)
                /* don't need to propagate again */
                needs_propagation = false;

                /* propagate our lookahead into each item we are linked to */
                 for (int i = 0; i < propagate_items().Count; i++)
                    ((lalr_item) (propagate_items().Peek(propagate_items().Count - (i + 1)))).propagate_lookaheads(lookahead());
Example #3
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
        /// <summary>Fill in the parse table entries for this state.  There are two 
        /// parse tables that encode the viable prefix recognition machine, an 
        /// action table and a reduce-goto table.  The rows in each table 
        /// correspond to states of the machine.  The columns of the action table
        /// are indexed by terminal symbols and correspond to either transitions 
        /// out of the state (shift entries) or reductions from the state to some
        /// previous state saved on the stack (reduce entries).  All entries in the
        /// action table that are not shifts or reduces, represent errors.    The
        /// reduce-goto table is indexed by non terminals and represents transitions 
        /// out of a state on that non-terminal.<p>
        /// Conflicts occur if more than one action needs to go in one entry of the
        /// action table (this cannot happen with the reduce-goto table).  Conflicts
        /// are resolved by always shifting for shift/reduce conflicts and choosing
        /// the lowest numbered production (hence the one that appeared first in
        /// the specification) in reduce/reduce conflicts.  All conflicts are 
        /// reported and if more conflicts are detected than were declared by the
        /// user, code generation is aborted.
        /// *
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="act_table">   the action table to put entries in.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="reduce_table">the reduce-goto table to put entries in.
        /// </param>
        public virtual void build_table_entries(parse_action_table act_table, parse_reduce_table reduce_table)
            parse_action_row our_act_row;
            parse_reduce_row our_red_row;
            lalr_item itm;
            parse_action act, other_act;
            symbol sym;
            terminal_set conflict_set = new terminal_set();

            /* pull out our rows from the tables */
            our_act_row = act_table.under_state[index()];
            our_red_row = reduce_table.under_state[index()];

            /* consider each item in our state */
            //UPGRADE_TODO: method 'java.util.Enumeration.hasMoreElements' was converted to ' ' which has a different behavior. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1073_javautilEnumerationhasMoreElements"'
             for (System.Collections.IEnumerator i = items().all(); i.MoveNext(); )
                //UPGRADE_TODO: method 'java.util.Enumeration.nextElement' was converted to ' ' which has a different behavior. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1073_javautilEnumerationnextElement"'
                itm = (lalr_item) i.Current;

                /* if its completed (dot at end) then reduce under the lookahead */
                if (itm.dot_at_end())
                    act = new reduce_action(itm.the_production());

                    /* consider each lookahead symbol */
                     for (int t = 0; t < terminal.number(); t++)
                        /* skip over the ones not in the lookahead */
                        if (!itm.lookahead().contains(t))

                        /* if we don't already have an action put this one in */
                        if (our_act_row.under_term[t].kind() == parse_action.ERROR)
                            our_act_row.under_term[t] = act;
                            /* we now have at least one conflict */
                            terminal term = terminal.find(t);
                            other_act = our_act_row.under_term[t];

                            /* if the other act was not a shift */
                            if ((other_act.kind() != parse_action.SHIFT) && (other_act.kind() != parse_action.NONASSOC))
                                /* if we have lower index hence priority, replace it*/
                                if (itm.the_production().index() < ((reduce_action) other_act).reduce_with().index())
                                    /* replace the action */
                                    our_act_row.under_term[t] = act;
                                /*  Check precedences,see if problem is correctable */
                                if (fix_with_precedence(itm.the_production(), t, our_act_row, act))
                                    term = null;
                            if (term != null)


            /* consider each outgoing transition */
             for (lalr_transition trans = transitions(); trans != null; trans = trans.next())
                /* if its on an terminal add a shift entry */
                sym = trans.on_symbol();
                if (!sym.is_non_term())
                    act = new shift_action(trans.to_state());

                    /* if we don't already have an action put this one in */
                    if (our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()].kind() == parse_action.ERROR)
                        our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()] = act;
                        /* we now have at least one conflict */
                        production p = ((reduce_action) our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()]).reduce_with();

                        /* shift always wins */
                        if (!fix_with_precedence(p, sym.index(), our_act_row, act))
                            our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()] = act;
                    /* for non terminals add an entry to the reduce-goto table */
                    our_red_row.under_non_term[sym.index()] = trans.to_state();

            /* if we end up with conflict(s), report them */
            if (!conflict_set.empty())
Example #4
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /// <summary>Fill in the parse table entries for this state.  There are two
        /// parse tables that encode the viable prefix recognition machine, an
        /// action table and a reduce-goto table.  The rows in each table
        /// correspond to states of the machine.  The columns of the action table
        /// are indexed by terminal symbols and correspond to either transitions
        /// out of the state (shift entries) or reductions from the state to some
        /// previous state saved on the stack (reduce entries).  All entries in the
        /// action table that are not shifts or reduces, represent errors.    The
        /// reduce-goto table is indexed by non terminals and represents transitions
        /// out of a state on that non-terminal.<p>
        /// Conflicts occur if more than one action needs to go in one entry of the
        /// action table (this cannot happen with the reduce-goto table).  Conflicts
        /// are resolved by always shifting for shift/reduce conflicts and choosing
        /// the lowest numbered production (hence the one that appeared first in
        /// the specification) in reduce/reduce conflicts.  All conflicts are
        /// reported and if more conflicts are detected than were declared by the
        /// user, code generation is aborted.
        /// *
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="act_table">   the action table to put entries in.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="reduce_table">the reduce-goto table to put entries in.
        /// </param>
        public virtual void  build_table_entries(parse_action_table act_table, parse_reduce_table reduce_table)
            parse_action_row our_act_row;
            parse_reduce_row our_red_row;
            lalr_item        itm;
            parse_action     act, other_act;
            symbol           sym;
            terminal_set     conflict_set = new terminal_set();

            /* pull out our rows from the tables */
            our_act_row = act_table.under_state[index()];
            our_red_row = reduce_table.under_state[index()];

            /* consider each item in our state */
            //UPGRADE_TODO: method 'java.util.Enumeration.hasMoreElements' was converted to ' ' which has a different behavior. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1073_javautilEnumerationhasMoreElements"'
            for (System.Collections.IEnumerator i = items().all(); i.MoveNext();)
                //UPGRADE_TODO: method 'java.util.Enumeration.nextElement' was converted to ' ' which has a different behavior. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1073_javautilEnumerationnextElement"'
                itm = (lalr_item)i.Current;

                /* if its completed (dot at end) then reduce under the lookahead */
                if (itm.dot_at_end())
                    act = new reduce_action(itm.the_production());

                    /* consider each lookahead symbol */
                    for (int t = 0; t < terminal.number(); t++)
                        /* skip over the ones not in the lookahead */
                        if (!itm.lookahead().contains(t))

                        /* if we don't already have an action put this one in */
                        if (our_act_row.under_term[t].kind() == parse_action.ERROR)
                            our_act_row.under_term[t] = act;
                            /* we now have at least one conflict */
                            terminal term = terminal.find(t);
                            other_act = our_act_row.under_term[t];

                            /* if the other act was not a shift */
                            if ((other_act.kind() != parse_action.SHIFT) && (other_act.kind() != parse_action.NONASSOC))
                                /* if we have lower index hence priority, replace it*/
                                if (itm.the_production().index() < ((reduce_action)other_act).reduce_with().index())
                                    /* replace the action */
                                    our_act_row.under_term[t] = act;
                                /*  Check precedences,see if problem is correctable */
                                if (fix_with_precedence(itm.the_production(), t, our_act_row, act))
                                    term = null;
                            if (term != null)

            /* consider each outgoing transition */
            for (lalr_transition trans = transitions(); trans != null; trans = trans.next())
                /* if its on an terminal add a shift entry */
                sym = trans.on_symbol();
                if (!sym.is_non_term())
                    act = new shift_action(trans.to_state());

                    /* if we don't already have an action put this one in */
                    if (our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()].kind() == parse_action.ERROR)
                        our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()] = act;
                        /* we now have at least one conflict */
                        production p = ((reduce_action)our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()]).reduce_with();

                        /* shift always wins */
                        if (!fix_with_precedence(p, sym.index(), our_act_row, act))
                            our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()] = act;
                    /* for non terminals add an entry to the reduce-goto table */
                    our_red_row.under_non_term[sym.index()] = trans.to_state();

            /* if we end up with conflict(s), report them */
            if (!conflict_set.empty())