Example #1
        public BMS Parse(string path)
            BMS bms = new BMS();
            //default encoding: Shift-JIS?
            Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(932);
            String line;

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                return null;

            using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path))
                //detect charset
                Ude.CharsetDetector cdet = new Ude.CharsetDetector();
                if(cdet.Charset != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Charset: {0}, confidence: {1}", cdet.Charset, cdet.Confidence);
                    encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(cdet.Charset);
                    Console.WriteLine("Detection Failed");

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, encoding))
                bms.path = Directory.GetParent(path).FullName;

                while((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    ProcessBMSLine(line.Trim(), bms);

            return bms;
Example #2
        private void CalculatePulse(BMS bms)
            //fill omitted line events
            for(int i = 1; i <= bms.info.maxMeasure; i++)
                    bms.bmsEvents.Add(new LineEvent(i, 1));


            ulong[] accumYList = new ulong[bms.info.maxMeasure+10];
            double[] measureLengthList = Enumerable.Repeat((double)1, bms.info.maxMeasure + 1).ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < bms.bmsEvents.Count(); i++)
                if (bms.bmsEvents[i].eventType == EventType.LineEvent)
                    measureLengthList[bms.bmsEvents[i].measure] = ((LineEvent)bms.bmsEvents[i]).measureLength;

            //fill accumYList
            accumYList[0] = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i <= measureLengthList.Length; i++)
                accumYList[i] = accumYList[i - 1] + (ulong)(measureLengthList[i - 1] * bms.info.resolution);

            //calcY bmsEvents and resolution
            foreach (BmsEvent be in bms.bmsEvents)
                be.calcY(bms.info.resolution, measureLengthList[be.measure], accumYList[be.measure]);

Example #3
    public void loadBMS()
        if (!File.Exists(path))
            string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
            if (args.Length != 0)
                path = args[args.Length - 1];

        //Open without argument
        while (!File.Exists(path))
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
            openFileDialog.Filter = "BMS Files|*.bms;*.bme;*.bml;*.pms";
            openFileDialog.Title = "Select a BMS File";
            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                path = openFileDialog.FileName;

        BMSParser.BMSParser bmsParser = new BMSParser.BMSParser();
        bms = bmsParser.Parse(path);
        titleText.GetComponent<Text>().text = bms.info.title;
        subtitleText.GetComponent<Text>().text = bms.info.subtitle;
        artistText.GetComponent<Text>().text = bms.info.artist;
        genreText.GetComponent<Text>().text = bms.info.genre;
        if (bms.info.subartists.Count != 0)
            subartistText.GetComponent<Text>().text = bms.info.subartists[0];

        if (File.Exists(bms.path + "\\" + bms.info.eyecatch_image))
            Texture2D bgaTex = Util.LoadImageFromPath(bms.path + "\\" + bms.info.eyecatch_image);
            eyecatchImage.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = Sprite.Create(bgaTex, new Rect(0, 0, bgaTex.width, bgaTex.height), new Vector2(0, 0));
Example #4
    IEnumerator Start()
        bmsLoader = GameObject.Find("BMSLoader").GetComponent<BMSLoader>();
        bms = bmsLoader.bms;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);

        Time.timeScale = 0.0f;
        //set camera variables
        worldScreenHeight = Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2;
        worldScreenWidth = worldScreenHeight / Screen.height * Screen.width;

        if(bms == null)
            Debug.Log("Parsing Failed");

        currBpm = bms.info.init_bpm;

        //get components
        bgImage = bga.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
        layerImage = bgaLayer.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
        gstBga = bgaVideo.GetComponent<GstUnityBridgeTexture>();
        gstLayer = bgaLayerVideo.GetComponent<GstUnityBridgeTexture>();

        //set variables
        ulong maxSoundObjectId = 0;
        ulong maxBgaHeaderId = 0;

        foreach (BmsEvent be in bms.bmsEvents)
            if (be.eventType == BMSParser.EventType.NoteEvent && ((NoteEvent)be).id > maxSoundObjectId)
                maxSoundObjectId = ((NoteEvent)be).id;
        foreach (BGAHeader bh in bms.bga.bga_header)
            if (bh.id > maxBgaHeaderId)
                maxBgaHeaderId = bh.id;

        bgaSprites = new Sprite[maxBgaHeaderId+10];
        layerSprites = new Sprite[maxBgaHeaderId+10];
        eventLength = bms.bmsEvents.Count;

        pulseConstant = bms.info.init_bpm * bms.info.resolution / (60 * 4);
        lastPulse = bms.bmsEvents[bms.bmsEvents.Count - 1].y;
        resolution = bms.info.resolution;

        judge = GameObject.Find("Judge");
        judgeImage = GameObject.Find("JudgeImage").GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Image>();
        titleText = GameObject.Find("TitleText").GetComponent<Text>();
        subtitleText = GameObject.Find("SubtitleText").GetComponent<Text>();
        artistText = GameObject.Find("ArtistText").GetComponent<Text>();
        bpmText = GameObject.Find("BpmText").GetComponent<Text>();
        bgaText = GameObject.Find("BgaText").GetComponent<Text>();
        layerText = GameObject.Find("LayerText").GetComponent<Text>();
        pulseText = GameObject.Find("PulseText").GetComponent<Text>();
        genreText = GameObject.Find("GenreText").GetComponent<Text>();
        timeText = GameObject.Find("TimeText").GetComponent<Text>();
        measureText = GameObject.Find("MeasureText").GetComponent<Text>();
        totalText = GameObject.Find("TotalText").GetComponent<Text>();
        resolutionText = GameObject.Find("ResolutionText").GetComponent<Text>();
        soundText = GameObject.Find("SoundCountText").GetComponent<Text>();
        comboText = GameObject.Find("ComboText").GetComponent<Text>();
        loadingStatusText = GameObject.Find("LoadingStatusText").GetComponent<Text>();

        soundObjects = new GameObject[1296];

        //set Text
        titleText.text = "Title: " + bms.info.title;
        subtitleText.text = "Subtitle: " + bms.info.subtitle;
        artistText.text = "Artist: " + bms.info.artist;
        bpmText.text = "Bpm: " + bms.info.init_bpm;
        genreText.text = "Genre: " + bms.info.genre;
        totalText.text = "Total: " + bms.info.total;
        measureText.text = "Measure: 0/" + bms.info.maxMeasure;
        resolutionText.text = "Resolution: " + bms.info.resolution;

        loadingStatusText.text = "Loading BGA...";
        yield return null;

        loadingStatusText.text = "Loading Sound...";
        yield return null;

        loadingStatusText.text = "Drawing Notes...";
        yield return null;

        Component[] sources = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AudioSource)) as Component[];
        audioSources = new AudioSource[sources.Length];
        sources.CopyTo(audioSources, 0);

        //Check how many sounds are playing..
        InvokeRepeating("CurrentlyPlaying", 1f, 0.5f);

        DrawBMSGraph dbg = graphPanel.GetComponent<DrawBMSGraph>();
        loadingStatusText.text = "Done";
        yield return null;

        isLoaded = true;
        timeOffset = Time.time;
        dbg.timeOffset = timeOffset;

        Time.timeScale = 1.0f;
Example #5
        private void ProcessLn(BMS bms)
            int eventCount = bms.bmsEvents.Count();
            for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++)
                if (bms.bmsEvents[i].eventType == EventType.NoteEvent)
                    NoteEvent ne = (NoteEvent)bms.bmsEvents[i];

                    //green note
                    if ((ne.channel >= 181 && ne.channel <= 189) || (ne.channel >= 217 && ne.channel <= 225))
                        int j = i + 1;
                        //find end note
                        while (j < eventCount - 1 && (bms.bmsEvents[j].eventType != EventType.NoteEvent ||
                            ((NoteEvent)bms.bmsEvents[j]).x != ne.x))

                        if (j < eventCount)
                            ne.l = bms.bmsEvents[j].y - ne.y;
                    else if ((int)ne.id == bms.info.lnObj)
                        int j = i - 1;

                        while (j >= 0 && (bms.bmsEvents[j].eventType != EventType.NoteEvent ||
                            ((NoteEvent)bms.bmsEvents[j]).x != ne.x))
                        if (j != -1)
                            ((NoteEvent)bms.bmsEvents[j]).l = ne.y - bms.bmsEvents[j].y;
Example #6
        private void ProcessBMSLine(String line, BMS bms)
            char[] seperators = { ' ', '\t', ' ' };
            String[] args = line.Split(seperators, 2);

            if ( !(args[0].StartsWith("#")) )

            args[0] = args[0].ToUpper();

            if (args.Count() > 1)
                if (args[0].StartsWith("#WAV")) //add soundchannel, note information will be added later.
                    int id = BMSUtil.HexToInt(args[0].Substring(4, 2));
                    bms.info.soundHeaders.Add( new SoundHeader(id, args[1]) );
                else if (args[0].StartsWith("#BMP"))
                    int id = BMSUtil.HexToInt(args[0].Substring(4, 2));
                    bms.bga.bga_header.Add(new BGAHeader(id, args[1]));
                else if (args[0] == "#BPM") //init bpm
                    bms.info.init_bpm = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]);
                else if (args[0].StartsWith("#BPM")) //bpm changing events, add to bpmHeader
                    int id = BMSUtil.HexToInt(args[0].Substring(4, 2));
                    bms.info.bpmHeaders[id] =  new BpmHeader(id, Convert.ToDouble(args[1]));
                else if (args[0].StartsWith("#STOP")) //Stop events
                    int id = BMSUtil.HexToInt(args[0].Substring(5, 2));
                    bms.info.stopHeaders[id] = new StopHeader(id, Convert.ToUInt64(args[1]));
                else if (args[0] == "#TITLE")
                    bms.info.title = args[1];
                else if (args[0] == "#SUBTITLE")
                    bms.info.subtitle = args[1];
                else if (args[0] == "#PLAYER")
                    int player = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);

                    if(player == 3)
                        bms.info.mode_hint = "beat-14k";
                else if (args[0] == "#GENRE")
                    bms.info.genre = args[1];
                else if (args[0] == "#ARTIST")
                    bms.info.artist = args[1];
                else if (args[0] == "#PLAYLEVEL")
                    if (!ulong.TryParse(args[1], out bms.info.level))
                        bms.info.level = 0;
                else if (args[0] == "#RANK")
                    int rank = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);

                    //adjust judge_rank based on LR2's #RANK criteria.
                    if (rank == 0)
                        bms.info.judge_rank *= (8 / 21);
                    else if (rank == 1)
                        bms.info.judge_rank *= (15 / 21);
                    else if (rank == 2)
                        bms.info.judge_rank *= (18 / 21);
                else if (args[0] == "#STAGEFILE")
                    bms.info.eyecatch_image = args[1];
                else if (args[0] == "#TOTAL")
                    bms.info.total = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]);
                else if (args[0] == "#VOLWAV")
                    //VOLWAV is Obsoleted
                else if (args[0] == "#SUBARTIST")
                else if (args[0] == "#BANNER")
                    bms.info.banner_image = args[1];
                else if (args[0] == "#DIFFICULTY")
                    bms.info.difficulty = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);
                else if (args[0] == "#LNOBJ")
                    bms.info.lnObj = BMSUtil.HexToInt(args[1]);
                else if (args[0] == "#LNTYPE")
                    //LNTYPE is almost obsolete?
                else if (args[0] == "#BACKBMP")
                    bms.info.back_bmp = args[1];
                else if (args[0] == "#COMMENT")
                    bms.info.comment = args[1];
                args = line.Split(':');

                if (args.Count() < 2 || args[0].Length < 6)
                //TODO if 192 % args.count != 0 change resolution
                int measure = Convert.ToInt32(args[0].Substring(1, 3));
                int channel = BMSUtil.HexToInt(args[0].Substring(4, 2));

                if (bms.info.maxMeasure < measure)
                    bms.info.maxMeasure = measure;

                //measure length channel
                if(channel == 2)
                    bms.bmsEvents.Add(new LineEvent(measure, Convert.ToDouble(args[1])));

                IEnumerable<string> notes = BMSUtil.Split(args[1], 2);
                IEnumerator<string> noteEnum = notes.GetEnumerator();
                int argsLength = notes.Count<string>();
                int argIndex = 0;
                double measureDiv;

                    if(noteEnum.Current!= "00")
                        measureDiv = (double)argIndex / argsLength;
                        int id = BMSUtil.HexToInt(noteEnum.Current);

                        if (channel == 3)
                            //channel 03 use 00-FF hex
                            int bpm = Convert.ToInt32(noteEnum.Current, 16);
                            bms.bmsEvents.Add(new BpmEvent(bpm, measure, measureDiv));
                        //bga base
                        else if(channel == 4)
                            bool isVideo = false;

                            if (bms.bga.bga_header.Find(x => (int)x.id == id) != null)
                                isVideo = IsVideo(bms.bga.bga_header.Find(x => (int)x.id == id).name);

                            bms.bmsEvents.Add(new BGAEvent(id, measure, measureDiv, EventType.BGAEvent, isVideo));
                        //bga poor
                        else if (channel == 6)
                            bool isVideo = false;
                            if (bms.bga.bga_header.Find(x => (int)x.id == id) != null)
                                isVideo = IsVideo(bms.bga.bga_header.Find(x => (int)x.id == id).name);
                            bms.bmsEvents.Add(new BGAEvent(id, measure, measureDiv, EventType.PoorEvent, isVideo));
                        //bga layer
                        else if(channel == 7)
                            bool isVideo = false;
                            if (bms.bga.bga_header.Find(x => (int)x.id == id) != null)
                                isVideo = IsVideo(bms.bga.bga_header.Find(x => (int)x.id == id).name);
                            bms.bmsEvents.Add(new BGAEvent(id, measure, measureDiv, EventType.LayerEvent, isVideo));
                        //channel 08 => Find bpm from bpmHeader and add BpmEvent
                        else if (channel == 8)
                            double bpm = bms.info.bpmHeaders.Find(x => (x != null && x.id == id)).bpm;
                            bms.bmsEvents.Add(new BpmEvent(bpm, measure, measureDiv));
                        else if(channel == 9)
                            ulong stopDuration = bms.info.stopHeaders.Find(x => (x != null && x.id == (ulong)id)).duration;
                            bms.bmsEvents.Add(new StopEvent(stopDuration, measure, measureDiv));
                        //note channel
                            bms.bmsEvents.Add(new NoteEvent(true, id, measure, measureDiv, channel));
Example #7
        private void FillRealTime(BMS bms)
            double currTime = 0;
            ulong currPulse = 0;
            ulong deltaPulse = 0;
            double currBpm = bms.info.init_bpm;
            ulong resolution = bms.info.resolution;
            double pulseConst = 4 * 60 / (currBpm * resolution);
            BmsEvent currEvent;

            for (int i = 0; i < bms.bmsEvents.Count; i++)
                currEvent = bms.bmsEvents[i];
                deltaPulse = currEvent.y - currPulse;
                currPulse = currEvent.y;

                currTime += pulseConst * deltaPulse;
                currEvent.time = currTime;

                if(currEvent.eventType == EventType.BpmEvent)
                    currBpm = ((BpmEvent)currEvent).bpm;
                    pulseConst = 4 * 60 / (currBpm * resolution);
                else if(currEvent.eventType == EventType.StopEvent)
                    ((StopEvent)currEvent).durationTime = pulseConst * ((StopEvent)currEvent).duration;