private IEnumerable <LectionModel> GetSampleLection(LectionModel lection = null) { List <LectionModel> common = new List <LectionModel>() { new LectionModel() { Id = 1, LecturersId = 1, SubjectsId = 3 }, new LectionModel() { Id = 2, LecturersId = 2, SubjectsId = 2 }, new LectionModel() { Id = 3, LecturersId = 3, SubjectsId = 1 }, }; if (lection != null) { common[lection.Id] = lection; } return(common); }
public void FindLectionsById_ValidCall() { Mock <ILectionsRepository> mockGradeRepository = MockLectionRepository; mockGradeRepository.Setup(mr => mr.FindByID(It.IsAny <int>())) .Returns((int s) => GetSampleLection().Where(x => x.Id == s).FirstOrDefault()); _mockLectionRepository = mockGradeRepository.Object; int checkingId = 1; LectionModel expected = _mockLectionRepository.FindByID(checkingId); var t = GetSampleLection().Where(x => x.Id == checkingId); Assert.True(expected != null); // Test if null Assert.That(expected.LecturersId, Is.EqualTo(GetSampleLection().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == checkingId).LecturersId)); }
public void AddLection_Successful() { Mock <ILectionsRepository> mockGradeRepository = MockLectionRepository; mockGradeRepository.Setup(mr => mr.AddLection(It.IsAny <LectionModel>())) .Returns(GetSampleLection().Max(u => u.Id) + 1); _mockLectionRepository = mockGradeRepository.Object; LectionModel expected = new LectionModel() { Id = 3, LecturersId = 2, SubjectsId = 3 }; int count = _mockLectionRepository.AddLection(expected); Assert.IsNotNull(expected); // Test if null Assert.AreEqual(expected.Id + 1, count); // Verify the expected Number pre-insert }
public void UpdateLections_Successful() { Mock <ILectionsRepository> mockGradeRepository = MockLectionRepository; mockGradeRepository.Setup(mr => mr.UpdateLection(It.IsAny <LectionModel>())) .Returns((LectionModel s) => s); _mockLectionRepository = mockGradeRepository.Object; LectionModel expected = new LectionModel() { Id = 3, LecturersId = 2, SubjectsId = 3 }; var actual = _mockLectionRepository.UpdateLection(expected); Assert.IsNotNull(expected); // Test if null Assert.AreEqual(expected.Id, actual.Id); // Verify the expected Number pre-insert }
// PUT: api/Lections/5 public IHttpActionResult Put(int id, LectionModel value) { if (id != value.LectionID) { return(BadRequest()); } try { LectionDTO edited = map.Map <LectionDTO>(value); _db.LectionService.EditLection(edited); } catch { if (!LectionExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public void Put(int id, [FromBody] LectionModel value) { _lection.UpdateLection(value); }
public void Post([FromBody] LectionModel value) { _lection.AddLection(value); }
public LectionModel UpdateLection(LectionModel grade) { return(_lectionRepository.UpdateLection(grade)); }
public int AddLection(LectionModel grade) { return(_lectionRepository.AddLection(grade)); }
public IHttpActionResult Post(LectionModel value) { _db.LectionService.CreateLection(map.Map <LectionDTO>(value)); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { }, value)); }
// GET: api/Lections/5 public LectionModel Get(int id) { LectionModel result = map.Map <LectionModel>(_db.LectionService.GetByID(id)); return(result); }