Example #1
		public override void CreateScene()
			// set ambient light
			scene.AmbientLight = new ColorEx( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f );

			scene.SetSkyBox( true, "Skybox/Morning", 5000 );

			// create a default point light
			Light light = scene.CreateLight( "MainLight" );
			light.Type = LightType.Directional;
			Vector3 dir = new Vector3( 0.5f, -1, 0 );
			light.Direction = dir;
			light.Diffuse = new ColorEx( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f );
			light.Specular = ColorEx.White;

			// create a plane
			plane = new MovablePlane( "ReflectPlane" );
			plane.D = 0;
			plane.Normal = Vector3.UnitY;

			// create another plane to create the mesh.  Ogre's MovablePlane uses multiple inheritance, bah!
			Plane tmpPlane = new Plane();
			tmpPlane.D = 0;
			tmpPlane.Normal = Vector3.UnitY;

			MeshManager.Instance.CreatePlane( "ReflectionPlane", ResourceGroupManager.DefaultResourceGroupName, tmpPlane, 2000, 2000, 1, 1, true, 1, 1, 1, Vector3.UnitZ );
			planeEntity = scene.CreateEntity( "Plane", "ReflectionPlane" );

			// create an entity from a model
			Entity knot = scene.CreateEntity( "Knot", "knot.mesh" );
			knot.MaterialName = "TextureFX/Knot";

			// create an entity from a model
			Entity head = scene.CreateEntity( "Head", "ogrehead.mesh" );

			// attach the render to texture entity to the root of the scene
			SceneNode rootNode = scene.RootSceneNode;
			planeNode = rootNode.CreateChildSceneNode();

			planeNode.AttachObject( planeEntity );
			planeNode.AttachObject( plane );
			planeNode.Translate( new Vector3( 0, -10, 0 ) );

			// tilt it a little to make it interesting
			planeNode.Roll( 5 );

			rootNode.CreateChildSceneNode( "Head" ).AttachObject( head );

			// create a render texture
			Texture texture = TextureManager.Instance.CreateManual( "RttTex", ResourceGroupManager.DefaultResourceGroupName, TextureType.TwoD, 512, 512, 0, Axiom.Media.PixelFormat.R8G8B8, TextureUsage.RenderTarget );
			RenderTarget rttTex = texture.GetBuffer().GetRenderTarget();

			reflectCam = scene.CreateCamera( "ReflectCam" );
			reflectCam.Near = camera.Near;
			reflectCam.Far = camera.Far;
			reflectCam.AspectRatio = (float)window.GetViewport( 0 ).ActualWidth / (float)window.GetViewport( 0 ).ActualHeight;

			Viewport viewport = rttTex.AddViewport( reflectCam );
		    viewport.SetClearEveryFrame( true );
			viewport.ShowOverlays = false;
			viewport.BackgroundColor = ColorEx.Black;

			Material mat = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.Create( "RttMat", ResourceGroupManager.DefaultResourceGroupName );
			TextureUnitState t = mat.GetTechnique( 0 ).GetPass( 0 ).CreateTextureUnitState( "RustedMetal.jpg" );
			t = mat.GetTechnique( 0 ).GetPass( 0 ).CreateTextureUnitState( "RttTex" );

			// blend with base texture
			t.SetColorOperationEx( LayerBlendOperationEx.BlendManual, LayerBlendSource.Texture, LayerBlendSource.Current,
				ColorEx.White, ColorEx.White, 0.25f );

			t.SetProjectiveTexturing( true, reflectCam );

			// register events for viewport before/after update
			rttTex.AfterUpdate += new RenderTargetEventHandler( rttTex_AfterUpdate );
			rttTex.BeforeUpdate += new RenderTargetEventHandler( rttTex_BeforeUpdate );

			// set up linked reflection
			reflectCam.EnableReflection( plane );

			// also clip
			reflectCam.EnableCustomNearClipPlane( plane );

			planeEntity.MaterialName = "RttMat";

			Entity clone = null;

			for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
				// create a new node under the root
				SceneNode node = scene.CreateSceneNode();

				// calculate a random position
				Vector3 nodePosition = new Vector3();
				nodePosition.x = Utility.SymmetricRandom() * 750.0f;
				nodePosition.y = Utility.SymmetricRandom() * 100.0f + 25;
				nodePosition.z = Utility.SymmetricRandom() * 750.0f;

				// set the new position
				node.Position = nodePosition;

				// attach this node to the root node
				rootNode.AddChild( node );

				// clone the knot
				string cloneName = string.Format( "Knot{0}", i );
				clone = knot.Clone( cloneName );

				// add the cloned knot to the scene
				node.AttachObject( clone );

			camera.Position = new Vector3( -50, 100, 500 );
			camera.LookAt( new Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ) );