protected override void InternalInsert(string[] names, object[] values) { _recordset.AddNew(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); for (int index = 0; index < names.Length; index++) { _recordset.Fields[names[index]].Value = values[index]; } _recordset.Update(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); }
public static UsuariosBO UpdateUsuario(UsuariosBO Usuario, ADODB.Connection cn) { var RsUsuarios = new ADODB.Recordset(); var LibORGM = new SQL(); var Serializer = new SerializerFO(); try { RsUsuarios.Open(String.Format("SELECT * FROM dbo.Usuarios WHERE Usuario = '{0}'", Usuario.Usuario), cn, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); if (RsUsuarios.EOF) { RsUsuarios.AddNew(); RsUsuarios.Fields["Usuario"].Value = Usuario.Usuario; RsUsuarios.Fields["SenhaAcesso"].Value = Usuario.SenhaAcesso; RsUsuarios.Fields["TokenAcesso"].Value = CriptografiaFO.EncriptarMD5(Usuario.TokenAcesso); } RsUsuarios.Fields["Inativo"].Value = Usuario.Inativo; RsUsuarios.Update(); RsUsuarios.Close(); Usuario = UsuariosDA.GetUsuarios(Usuario.Usuario, cn); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(Usuario); }
private void save_form() { try { //ADOconn.BeginTrans(); ADODB.Recordset cus = new ADODB.Recordset(); //ADOconn.BeginTrans(); if (cmbgrp.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Invalid User Group", "Invalid Entry"); return; } dgv1.EndEdit(); ADODB.Connection ADOconn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADOconn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog= " + decoder.InitialCatalog + ";Data Source=" + decoder.DataSource + ";", decoder.UserID, decoder.Password, 0); for (int i = 1; i < dgv1.RowCount; i++) { if (dgv1["id", i].Value == null) { continue; } cus = new ADODB.Recordset(); sql = "SELECT * FROM userpriv where GROUP_NAME ='" + cmbgrp.Text + "' and form_id=" + dgv1["id", i].Value; cus.Open(sql, ADOconn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1); if (cus.RecordCount == 0) { cus.AddNew(); } cus.Fields["GROUP_NAME"].Value = cmbgrp.Text; cus.Fields["form_id"].Value = dgv1["id", i].Value; cus.Fields["ins"].Value = dgv1["ins", i].Value; cus.Fields["upd"].Value = dgv1["upd", i].Value; //cus.Fields["qry"].Value = dgv1["qry",i].Value; cus.Fields["del"].Value = dgv1["del", i].Value; cus.Fields["dsp"].Value = dgv1["dsp", i].Value; cus.Fields["Menu_Name"].Value = dgv1["Menu_Name", i].Value; cus.Update(); } string grp = cmbgrp.Text; sql = "SELECT distinct group_name FROM UserPriv "; SqlDataAdapter adagrp = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, Conn); ///ada.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Leaders"); DataSet grpds = new DataSet(); adagrp.Fill(grpds, "UserPriv"); cmbgrp.DisplayMember = "group_name"; cmbgrp.DataSource = grpds.Tables[0]; cmbgrp.Text = grp; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public void InsertAdo() { var con = new Connection(); con.Open("Provider='sqloledb';Data Source='(local)';Initial Catalog='Proba';Integrated Security='SSPI';"); var rec = new Recordset(); rec.Open("SELECT s1, s2 FROM Tabl1", con, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, 0); rec.MoveFirst(); rec.Fields["s1"].Value = "s"; rec.Fields["s2"].Value = "s"; rec.Update("s1", rec.Fields["s1"].Value); rec.Close(); con.Close(); }
public void MegaInsertAdo() { var con = new Connection(); con.Open("Provider='sqloledb';Data Source='(local)';Initial Catalog='Proba';Integrated Security='SSPI';"); var rec = new Recordset(); rec.Open("SELECT s1,s2 FROM Tabl2", con, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, 0); for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; ++i) { //string [] f={"s1","s2"}; int[] f = { 0, 1 }; string [] v = { "s1", "s2" }; rec.AddNew(f, v); //rec.Fields["s2"].Value = i.ToString(); //rec.Fields["s2"].Value = "new"; rec.Update(f, v); } rec.Close(); con.Close(); }
} // end sub; void set_utlimit(float x1) { //on error GoTo err_setlimit; ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; //Set Database variable; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "tblgeneral"); reccust.MoveFirst(); //'reccust.edit; reccust.Fields["utlimit"].Value = x1; reccust.Update(); //exit_setlimit: DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); reccust = null; return; //exit Sub; //err_setlimit: // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); //RESUME NEXT } // end sub;
} // end sub; void set_modified_date() { //on error GoTo err_setdate; ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; //Set Database variable; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "tblgeneral"); reccust.MoveFirst(); //'reccust.edit; reccust.Fields["DateM"].Value = System.DateTime.Now; reccust.Update(); //exit_setdate: DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); reccust = null; return; //exit Sub; //err_setdate: // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); //RESUME NEXT } // end sub;
} // end function; public void match_delay_equip(short useval) { //on error GoTo err_match; ADODB.Recordset rec1 = null; string str1; int delay_id; int stand_id; //useval = 2 force the match and only in basecase ...; if (glngwid != 0) { return; //exit Sub; } //Open(); str1 = "SELECT tblequip.* FROM tblequip;"; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref rec1, str1); delay_id = find_nameItem("Delay", 0, Eq_type, 0); stand_id = find_nameItem("standard", 0, Eq_type, 0); while (!rec1.EOF) { if ((useval == 0)) { //' using type to set grpsize; if (((int)rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value) == delay_id) // gerg - I'm not sure if this will work, if not try int.Parse(rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value.ToString()) == delay_id { rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value = -1; } else if (((short)rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value) == -1) { //' standard type but grpsiz = -1; rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value = 1; } ; } else if ((useval == 1)) { if (((short)rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value) == -1) { rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value = delay_id; } else if ((int)rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value != delay_id) { //' grpsiz = 2, type = delay ??; rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value = stand_id; } ; } else if ((useval == 2)) { //'' force to -1 / delay if either is set.; if (short.Parse(rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value.ToString()) == -1) { rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value = delay_id; } else if ((int)rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value == delay_id) { rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value = -1; } ; } ; rec1.Update(); rec1.MoveNext(); } ; // end of while ... //exit_match: DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec1); rec1 = null; return; //exit Sub; //err_match: ; // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); // resume exit_match; } // end sub;
public int Count; // counts # times run then erases database -- nothing in it... a.mdb !! public float RunSql2(string str1, short level1) { //on error GoTo err_RunSql2; ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; short ret; int i; float retval; string str2; retval = -1; if (globaldb_a == null) { try { if (!File.Exists("")) { File.Copy(DbUse.GetMainDirectory() + "App_Data\\" + "", varlocal + ""); } if (!File.Exists("")) { File.Copy(DbUse.GetMainDirectory() + "App_Data\\" + "", varlocal + ""); } } catch (Exception) { } globaldb_a = new ADODB.Connection(); Count = 0; } else { Count++; DbUse.CloseAdo(globaldb_a); } if (Count > 2000) { try { File.Copy("", "", true); Count = 0; } catch (Exception) { } } DbUse.open_ado(ref globaldb_a, ""); // DOES A CONVERSION OF AN EXPRESSION (6+7*4) TO A NUMBER... if ((str1.Trim() == "'") | (str1.Trim() == ".") | (str1.Trim() == ",")) { retval = (float)0.0; return(retval); } str2 = "SELECT tbldummy.GeneralID, " + str1 + " AS a1 FROM tbldummy;"; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb_a, ref reccust, str2); try { // xxx tomorrow on run times += <> /()*., no '"?:;[]{}|&!@#$%^& NO: [0-31] 33-39 42 58,59 63 64 91-96 123-127 retval = (float)(double.Parse(reccust.Fields["a1"].Value.ToString())); } catch (Exception e) { // ERRORMSG tomorrow //MyUtilities.MsgBox("Error in solving Operation Time/Data Equation: " + conn.ConnectionString + " (" + e.Message + ")"); string str3; str3 = e.Message; //retval = (float) -777.0; retval = float.NaN; } finally { DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); DbUse.CloseAdo(globaldb_a); //gwwdd adding error here !!! if (float.IsNaN(retval) || retval < -100) { try { DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "zstblerrors"); reccust.AddNew(); if (Oper_err_id > 0) { reccust.Fields["Level"].Value = 0; // Error; calc_return |= ERR_FLAG; reccust.Fields["Table"].Value = "Operations"; string errorMsg = " Product " + Part_err_name + " Operation " + Oper_err_name + " has an operation time which is not a number. "; if (!inOperRoutingPages) { errorMsg += "Go to Product Operations/Routing Page, hit the [Show Real Times] button and look for field value NaN."; } else { errorMsg += "Look for field value NaN."; } reccust.Fields["Text"].Value = errorMsg; reccust.Fields["mpxFlag"].Value = -1; reccust.Fields["partid"].Value = Part_err_id; reccust.Fields["operid"].Value = Oper_err_id; reccust.Fields["Wid"].Value = glngwid; reccust.Update(); } else { // ROUTING DATA ERROR. reccust.Fields["Level"].Value = 0; // Error; calc_return |= ERR_FLAG; reccust.Fields["Table"].Value = "Routing"; string errorMsg = " Product " + Part_err_name + " FROM Operation " + Oper_err_name + " has an % routing value that is not a number. "; if (!inOperRoutingPages) { errorMsg += "Go to Product Operations/Routing Page, Scroll down to the ROUTING AREA hit the [Show Real Percentage] button and Look for field value NaN. "; } else { errorMsg += "Look for field value NaN."; } reccust.Fields["Text"].Value = errorMsg; reccust.Fields["mpxFlag"].Value = -1; reccust.Fields["partid"].Value = Part_err_id; reccust.Fields["operid"].Value = -1 * Oper_err_id; reccust.Fields["Wid"].Value = glngwid; reccust.Update(); } } catch (Exception exp) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(this.username); logFiles.ErrorLog(exp); } finally { DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); } } } return(retval); //err_RunSql2: /*if (level1 == 1) * { * retval = -999; * return retval; //exit Function; * };*/ /* if ((Err.Number == 3075)) * { * //parathesis problem; * // msgbox("Error in evaluating string " + str1 + " Parathesis Problem? " + ErrorToString() + " Using -999 as the value", 0, appl_name); * * //unsolved parameter; * // msgbox("Error in evaluating string " + str1 + " Unresolved Parameter? " + ErrorToString() + " Using -999 as the value", 0, appl_name); * * //divide by zero error; * // msgbox("Error in evaluating string " + str1 + " Divide by zero error? " + ErrorToString() + " Using -999 as the value", 0, appl_name); * * //a parameter has a null value. Check 'switch' and 'iif'; * // msgbox("Error in evaluating string " + str1 + " Null value! iif or Switch Problem? " + ErrorToString() + " Using -999 as the value", 0, appl_name); * * // msgbox("Error in evaluating string " + str1 + " Unknown Problem? " + ErrorToString() + " Using -999 as the value", 0, appl_name); * retval = -999; * return retval; //exit Function; * }; */ //retval = -999; //return retval; //RESUME NEXT } // end function;
private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ADODB.Recordset rsMail = null; ADODB.Recordset rsContract = null; ADODB.Recordset rsMailSettings = null; ADODB.Connection connDb = null; bool solde = false; string destinataire = ""; bool contratEchu = false; string CONN_DB = ""; // if (args==null) // Application.Exit(); if (args == null) { CONN_DB = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\lementor\StudiosUnis\LeMentorÉlèveTables.mdb;"; } else { CONN_DB = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + args; } try { connDb = new ADODB.Connection(); rsMail = new ADODB.Recordset(); rsMailSettings = new ADODB.Recordset(); rsContract = new ADODB.Recordset(); System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient client = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(); client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; client.EnableSsl = true; client.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; System.Net.Mail.MailMessage msg = null; connDb.Open(CONN_DB); rsMail.Open("select * from emailmessage", connDb, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); rsMailSettings.Open("select * from cie", connDb, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); if (!rsMail.EOF) { rsMail.MoveFirst(); } if (!rsMailSettings.EOF) { rsMailSettings.MoveFirst(); client.Port = rsMailSettings.Fields["PortSmtp"].Value; // rsMailSettings.Fields["PortSmtp"].Value; client.Host = rsMailSettings.Fields["ServerSmtp"].Value.ToString(); client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(rsMailSettings.Fields["E-mail"].Value.ToString(), rsMailSettings.Fields["MotdePasseE-mail"].Value); } while (!rsMail.EOF) { solde = rsMail.Fields["solde"].Value; contratEchu = rsMail.Fields["contratechu"].Value; //destinataire = rsMail.Fields["destinataire"].Value.ToString(); // destinataire = ""; msg = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(); msg.From = new MailAddress(rsMailSettings.Fields["e-mail"].Value.ToString()); msg.Subject = rsMail.Fields["sujet"].Value.ToString(); msg.Body = rsMail.Fields["texte"].Value.ToString(); msg.IsBodyHtml = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rsMail.Fields["destinataire"].Value.ToString())) { throw new Exception("Destinataire Manquant!"); } else { msg.To.Add(destinataire); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rsMail.Fields["cc"].Value.ToString())) { msg.CC.Add(rsMail.Fields["cc"].Value.ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rsMail.Fields["cci"].Value.ToString())) { msg.Bcc.Add(rsMail.Fields["cci"].Value.ToString()); } if (rsMail.Fields["fichier"].Value.ToString().Length > 3) { System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment; attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(rsMail.Fields["fichier"].Value.ToString()); msg.Attachments.Add(attachment); } client.Send(msg); // if (rsMail.Fields["fichier"].Value.ToString().Length > 3) // File.Delete(rsMail.Fields["fichier"].Value.ToString()); msg = null; rsContract.Open("select * from GA_Eleve_Cours where [noidcours] =" + rsMail.Fields["noidcours"].Value.ToString(), connDb, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); if (!rsContract.EOF) { rsContract.MoveFirst(); if (rsMail.Fields["ContratEchu"].Value == true) { rsContract.Fields["NotficationContratEchu"].Value = true; } if (rsMail.Fields["solde"].Value == true) { rsContract.Fields["DernDateNotificationsolde"].Value = rsMail.Fields["DernDateNotificationsolde"].Value; rsContract.Fields["NbreNotificationsolde"].Value = rsMail.Fields["NbreNotificationsolde"].Value; } rsContract.Update(); } rsContract.Close(); rsMail.Delete(); rsMail.MoveNext(); if (!rsMail.EOF) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000);//limite les chances d'être taggé comme spam par le fournisseur d'envoi en envoyant pas trop vite les emails. } //msg.CC.Add(Email); } /* * if (Attachments.Count() > 0) * { * foreach (var item in Attachments) * { * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) * { * System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment; * attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(item); * msg.Attachments.Add(attachment); * } * } * } */ if (((solde == false && contratEchu == false) || (rsMail.RecordCount == 1)) && destinataire.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Message Envoyé : à " + destinataire); Application.Exit(); } else { // MessageBox.Show("Message Envoyé : à " + rsMail.RecordCount.ToString() + " clients."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("ÉCHEC d'envoi de courier !"); Application.Exit(); } try { if (rsMail.State != 0) { rsMail.Close(); } rsMail = null; if (rsMailSettings.State != 0) { rsMailSettings.Close(); } rsMailSettings = null; if (rsContract.State != 0) { rsContract.Close(); } rsContract = null; Application.Exit(); } catch { Application.Exit(); } }