private void cmbTableUn_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { grdData.Rows.Clear(); grdData.Columns.Clear(); mycon = new ADODB.Connection(); mycon.Open("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " + clsDataStorage.db.Name); recordSet = new ADODB.Recordset(); recordSet.Open("SELECT * FROM " + cmbTableUn.Text, mycon, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic); //clsDataStorage.db.OpenTable(cmbTableUn.Text); foreach (ADODB.Field field in recordSet.Fields) { grdData.Columns.Add("clm" + field.Name, field.Name); } while (!recordSet.EOF) { grdData.Rows.Add(); for (int i = 0; i < recordSet.Fields.Count; i++) { grdData.Rows[r].Cells[i].Value = recordSet.Fields[i].Value; } r++; recordSet.MoveNext(); } r = 0; recordSet.Close(); }
public string Gf_GroupSet(string shift, string setDate) { if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State == 0) { if (!GeneralCommon.GF_DbConnect()) { return(""); } } string sQuery; string group = "0"; sQuery = "SELECT Gf_Groupset('C3'," + shift + ",SUBSTR('" + setDate + "',1,8)) FROM DUAL"; ADODB.Recordset AdoRs = new ADODB.Recordset(); try { AdoRs.Open(sQuery, GeneralCommon.M_CN1, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly); if (!AdoRs.BOF && !AdoRs.EOF) { //RltValue = true; while (!AdoRs.EOF) { if (AdoRs.Fields[0].Value.ToString() == "") { group = ""; } else { group = AdoRs.Fields[0].Value.ToString(); } AdoRs.MoveNext(); } } GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); AdoRs = null; return(group); } catch (Exception ex) { if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State != 0) { GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); } AdoRs = null; return(""); } }
private double Cal_Plate_Wgt(string sMode, string sEndUseCd, string sStlgrd, double dThk, double dWid, double dLen) { double Plate_Wgt = 0; sQuery = "SELECT Gf_Cal_Plate_Wgt('" + sMode + "'"; sQuery = sQuery + " ,'" + sEndUseCd + "'"; sQuery = sQuery + " ,'" + sStlgrd + "'"; sQuery = sQuery + " ," + dThk; sQuery = sQuery + " ," + dWid; sQuery = sQuery + " ," + dLen; sQuery = sQuery + " ,0 )"; sQuery = sQuery + " FROM DUAL "; if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State == 0) { if (!GeneralCommon.GF_DbConnect()) { return(Plate_Wgt); } } ADODB.Recordset AdoRs = new ADODB.Recordset(); try { AdoRs.Open(sQuery, GeneralCommon.M_CN1, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly); if (!AdoRs.BOF && !AdoRs.EOF) { //RltValue = true; while (!AdoRs.EOF) { Plate_Wgt = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[0].Value); AdoRs.MoveNext(); } } //判断是不是需要关闭连接对象,有时候该方法是在查询过程中调用,关闭对象会导致框架查询报错 韩超 GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); AdoRs = null; return(Plate_Wgt); } catch (Exception ex) { // if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State != 0) GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); AdoRs = null; return(0); } }
private bool IsColumnReadOnly(string name, string column) { if (radioSql.Checked) { int tableid = Gateway.Default.SelectScalar <int>("select id from sysobjects where [name] = @name", new object[] { name }); byte status = Gateway.Default.SelectScalar <byte>("select status from syscolumns where [name] = @name and id = @id", new object[] { column, tableid }); return(status == 128); } else if (radioOracle.Checked) { return(false); } else if (radioMySql.Checked) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(^.*database=)([^;]+)(;.*)", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); string dbName = r.Replace(txtConnStr.Text, "$2").ToLower(); DataSet ds = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select EXTRA from COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = '" + dbName + "' and COLUMN_NAME = '" + column + "' and TABLE_NAME = ?TABLE_NAME", new object[] { name }); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString() == "auto_increment") { return(true); } } return(false); } else { ADODB.ConnectionClass conn = new ADODB.ConnectionClass(); conn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"; string connStr = txtConnStr.Text; conn.Open(connStr.Substring(connStr.ToLower().IndexOf("data source") + "data source".Length).Trim('=', ' '), null, null, 0); ADODB.Recordset rs = conn.GetType().InvokeMember("OpenSchema", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, conn, new object[] { ADODB.SchemaEnum.adSchemaColumns }) as ADODB.Recordset; rs.Filter = "TABLE_NAME='" + name + "'"; while (!rs.EOF) { if ((rs.Fields["COLUMN_NAME"].Value as string) == column && ((int)rs.Fields["DATA_TYPE"].Value) == 3 && Convert.ToByte(rs.Fields["COLUMN_FLAGS"].Value) == 90) { return(true); } rs.MoveNext(); } } return(false); }
protected override bool InternalNext() { if (_bOF) { _bOF = false; } else if (!_recordset.EOF) { _recordset.MoveNext(); } ClearValues(); return(!_recordset.EOF); }
private void ProcessSumAndUpdateRs() { short cNo = 0; string field = string.Empty; int attributeValueSum = 0; Recordset bankAttributesRs = null; try { //Calculate attribute value sum IGTComponent component = Components[ComponentName]; ADODB.Recordset kvaResultsRs = component.Recordset; if (kvaResultsRs.RecordCount > 0) { int deletetedValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(kvaResultsRs.Fields["KVA_Q"].Value)) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(kvaResultsRs.Fields["KVA_Q"].Value); kvaResultsRs.MoveFirst(); while (!kvaResultsRs.EOF) { attributeValueSum = attributeValueSum + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(kvaResultsRs.Fields["KVA_Q"].Value)) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(kvaResultsRs.Fields["KVA_Q"].Value)); kvaResultsRs.MoveNext(); } if (m_isDelete) { attributeValueSum = attributeValueSum - deletetedValue; } } //Get the attribute to be updated and update the attribute sum to this attribute string sqlString = string.Format("select g3e_field FIELD, g3e_cno CNO from G3E_ATTRIBUTEINFO_OPTABLE where g3e_ano = {0} ", Convert.ToInt32(m_Arguments.GetArgument(0))); ADODB.Recordset results = GetRecordSet(sqlString); if (results.RecordCount > 0) { results.MoveFirst(); cNo = Convert.ToInt16(results.Fields["CNO"].Value); field = Convert.ToString(results.Fields["FIELD"].Value); } bankAttributesRs = Components.GetComponent(cNo).Recordset; bankAttributesRs.MoveFirst(); bankAttributesRs.Fields[field].Value = attributeValueSum; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
// Need to reset the recordset position before doing any updates. // The position changes from the starting postion due to looping // through the recordset and possibly through other interfaces // that get called. private void ResetRecordPosition(ref ADODB.Recordset componentRS) { // Reset the recordset position if (m_RecordPosition != (int)componentRS.AbsolutePosition) { componentRS.MoveFirst(); while (!componentRS.EOF) { if (m_RecordPosition == (int)componentRS.AbsolutePosition) { break; } componentRS.MoveNext(); } } }
// Loop through the current Premise records on the active Service Point feature // and validate that the entered ESI Location on the current Premise record // does not exist on another Premise record for the active Service Point. private bool ValidateDuplicateOnExistingFID(string esiLocation, ADODB.Recordset componentRS) { bool returnValue = true; try { componentRS.MoveFirst(); int currentRecordPosition = 0; string currentESILocation = ""; while (!componentRS.EOF) { currentRecordPosition = (int)componentRS.AbsolutePosition; if (currentRecordPosition != m_RecordPosition) { if (!Convert.IsDBNull(componentRS.Fields[FIELD_PREMISE_ESI_LOCATION].Value)) { currentESILocation = componentRS.Fields[FIELD_PREMISE_ESI_LOCATION].Value.ToString(); if (esiLocation == currentESILocation) { if (m_InteractiveMode) { MessageBox.Show(ERROR_DUPLICATE_ESILOCATION_SRVCPT, "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } returnValue = false; break; } } } componentRS.MoveNext(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (m_InteractiveMode) { MessageBox.Show("Error in fiESILocationUpdate:ValidateDuplicateOnExistingFID - " + ex.Message, "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } returnValue = false; } return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// Method to update the Structure Id of associated work points for a structure /// </summary> /// <param name="fno"></param> /// <param name="fid"></param> /// <param name="newStructureId"></param> private void UpdateAssociatedWorkPointsStructureId(short fno, int fid, string newStructureId) { List <int> workPointFidList = null; try { int recordsAffected = 0; ADODB.Recordset rs = DataContext.Execute("select g3e_fid WPFID from workpoint_cu_n where assoc_fid = " + fid + " and assoc_fno =" + fno, out recordsAffected, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, new int[0]); if (rs != null && rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); workPointFidList = new List <int>(); while (!rs.EOF) { workPointFidList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(rs.Fields["WPFID"].Value)); rs.MoveNext(); } } if (workPointFidList != null) { foreach (int wpFid in workPointFidList) { IGTKeyObject workPointFeature = m_DataContext.OpenFeature(191, wpFid); if (workPointFeature != null) { Recordset workPointFeatureRs = workPointFeature.Components.GetComponent(19101).Recordset; if (workPointFeatureRs != null && workPointFeatureRs.RecordCount > 0) { workPointFeatureRs.MoveFirst(); workPointFeatureRs.Fields["STRUCTURE_ID"].Value = newStructureId; } } } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public string GetPreferredCuFilterString(ADODB.Recordset p_PreferredCuRecords) { List <string> sPreferredCuList = new List <string>(); string sReturnFilter = string.Empty; if (p_PreferredCuRecords != null) { if (p_PreferredCuRecords.RecordCount > 0) { p_PreferredCuRecords.MoveFirst(); while (p_PreferredCuRecords.EOF == false) { sPreferredCuList.Add("'" + Convert.ToString(p_PreferredCuRecords.Fields["CU_CODE"].Value) + "'"); p_PreferredCuRecords.MoveNext(); } sReturnFilter = string.Join(",", sPreferredCuList.ToArray()); } } return(sReturnFilter); }
/// <summary> /// Copies the contents of an ADO Recordset object onto a worksheet, beginning /// at the upper-left corner of the specified range. /// </summary> public void CopyFromRecordset(ADODB.Recordset recordset) { // Copying from recordset activates the worksheet, if it wasn't already active. _worksheet.Activate(); // Loop through all the records in the set. for (int recordNum = 0; recordNum < recordset.RecordCount; recordNum++) { // Write all the fields in the record. for (int fieldNum = 0; fieldNum < recordset.Fields.Count; fieldNum++) { writeRecordsetFieldToCell( recordset.Fields[fieldNum], _minRowIndex + recordNum, _minColIndex + fieldNum ); } recordset.MoveNext(); } }
private void UpdateADODBRecordset_from_ADODataTable(DataTable inTable, ref ADODB.Recordset adoRs) { ADODB.Fields adoFields = adoRs.Fields; System.Data.DataColumnCollection inColumns = inTable.Columns; //Delete if (adoRs.RecordCount > 0) { adoRs.MoveFirst(); } while (!adoRs.EOF) { adoRs.Delete(); adoRs.MoveNext(); } //Add foreach (DataRow dr in inTable.Rows) { // Proceso las que no estan borradas if (dr.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted) { adoRs.AddNew(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < inColumns.Count; columnIndex++) { ADODB.Field field = adoFields[columnIndex]; try { adoFields[columnIndex].Value = dr[columnIndex]; } catch (Exception ex) { string message = string.Format("Error al actualizar la columna {0}.{1}: {2}", inTable.TableName, field.Name, ex.Message); throw new XTangoException(message); } } } } }
private void lvSummaryResults_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { lvDetailedResults.Items.Clear(); //SS:01/03/2018:2018-R1:ABSEXCH-19796: When Running the ExchDVT.exe, SQL Admin Passwords are visible in dump file. ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADODB.Command cmd = new ADODB.Command(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT [IntegrityErrorMessage] " + ", [SchemaName] " + ", [TableName] " + ", [PositionID] " + "FROM [common].[SQLDataValidation] " + "WHERE IntegrityErrorCode = '" + lvSummaryResults.SelectedItems[0].Text + "' " + "AND SchemaName = '" + lvSummaryResults.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[3].Text + "' " + "ORDER BY PositionID"; cmd.CommandTimeout = 10000; if (conn.State == 0) { if (connPassword.Trim() == "") { conn.Open(); } else { conn.Open(ExchequerCommonSQLConnection, "", connPassword.Trim(), (int)ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeUnknown); } } conn.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient; cmd.CommandType = ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText; cmd.ActiveConnection = conn; ADODB.Recordset recordSet = null; object objRecAff; try { recordSet = (ADODB.Recordset)cmd.Execute(out objRecAff, Type.Missing, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText); } catch { throw; } for (int i = 0; i < recordSet.RecordCount; i++) { ListViewItem lvItem = new ListViewItem(recordSet.Fields[0].Value); lvItem.SubItems.Add(recordSet.Fields[1].Value); lvItem.SubItems.Add(recordSet.Fields[2].Value); lvItem.SubItems.Add(recordSet.Fields[3].Value.ToString()); lvDetailedResults.Items.Add(lvItem); recordSet.MoveNext(); } if (conn.State == 1) { conn.Close(); } lvDetailedResults.Visible = true; btnReturnToSummary.Visible = true; lvSummaryResults.Visible = false; }
public void SearchCommentsData() { string sql; string sDate; string sQuery; int i; if (txt_DATE.RawDate.Length != 8) { sDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); } else { sDate = txt_DATE.RawDate; } sql = " SELECT YEAR_PLAN_WGT , YEAR_FIN_WGT , YEAR_PROD_PROG , "; sql = sql + " YEAR_PROG , YEAR_AVE_NEED , YEAR_LEFT_DAY , "; sql = sql + " NULL , "; sql = sql + " MONTH_PLAN_WGT , MONTH_FIN_WGT , MONTH_PROD_PROG , "; sql = sql + " MONTH_PROG , MONTH_AVE_NEED , MONTH_LEFT_DAY , "; sql = sql + " NULL "; sql = sql + " FROM gp_zb_mon "; sql = sql + " WHERE PLT = 'C3' "; sql = sql + " AND PROD_DATE = '" + sDate + "' "; sQuery = sql; if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State == 0) { if (!GeneralCommon.GF_DbConnect()) { return; } } ADODB.Recordset AdoRs = new ADODB.Recordset(); try { AdoRs.Open(sQuery, GeneralCommon.M_CN1, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly); while (!AdoRs.EOF) { for (int j = 6; j <= 7; j++) { for (i = 2; i <= 14; i += 2) { if (j == 6) { if (!(AdoRs.Fields[i / 2 - 1].Value == null || convertD(AdoRs.Fields[i / 2 - 1].Value.ToString()) == 0)) { ss3.ActiveSheet.Cells[j - 1, i - 1].Text = AdoRs.Fields[i / 2 - 1].Value.ToString(); } } else { if (!(AdoRs.Fields[i / 2 + 6].Value == null | convertD(AdoRs.Fields[i / 2 + 6].Value.ToString()) == 0)) { ss3.ActiveSheet.Cells[j - 1, i - 1].Text = AdoRs.Fields[i / 2 + 6].Value.ToString(); } } } } AdoRs.MoveNext(); } AdoRs.Close(); AdoRs = null; //判断是不是需要关闭连接对象,有时候该方法是在查询过程中调用,关闭对象会导致框架查询报错 韩超 GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State != 0) GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); AdoRs.Close(); AdoRs = null; } }
public bool Gf_Sp_Display3(ADODB.Connection Conn, FarPoint.Win.Spread.FpSpread oSpread, string sQuery, Collection lColumn, bool MsgChk) { bool returnValue = false; int iCount; int iRowCount; int iColcount; object[,] ArrayRecords; ADODB.Recordset AdoRs; if (Conn.State == 0) { if (GeneralCommon.GF_DbConnect() == false) { return(false); } } AdoRs = new ADODB.Recordset(); try { returnValue = true; //if (oSpread.ActiveSheet.RowCount > 0) //{ // // // //'Hux,修改。 // //'解决:Spread有两条数据时,点击列头排序后,再点击Spread插入,Spread行清除时报错。 // oSpread.ActiveSheet.AutoSortColumn(0); // oSpread.ActiveSheet.RowCount = 0; //} //FarPoint.Win.Spread.FpSpread with_1 = oSpread; iCount = 0; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; /////////20130606begin解决保存失败后,第一次查询提示算数运算符溢出的问题 AdoRs.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient; AdoRs.CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic; //AdoRs.CursorType = //AdoRs.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer; //AdoRs.Open(sQuery, Conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, 1); AdoRs.Open(sQuery, Conn); /////////20130606end if (AdoRs.BOF || AdoRs.EOF) { if (MsgChk) { GeneralCommon.Gp_MsgBoxDisplay("无法找到该资料..!!!", "I", ""); } returnValue = false; AdoRs.Close(); AdoRs = null; Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; return(returnValue); } int RsRowCount = AdoRs.RecordCount; int RsColCount = AdoRs.Fields.Count; ArrayRecords = new object[RsRowCount, RsColCount]; int i = 0; while (!AdoRs.EOF) { for (int j = 0; j < AdoRs.Fields.Count; j++) { ArrayRecords[i, j] = AdoRs.Fields[j].Value; } i++; AdoRs.MoveNext(); } AdoRs.Close(); AdoRs = null; //此处进行表单数据录入 int ROW = 0; int Col = 0; if (ArrayRecords.GetLength(0) != 0) { for (iRowCount = 0; iRowCount < ArrayRecords.GetLength(0); iRowCount++) { for (iColcount = 1; iColcount <= 7; iColcount++) { if (substr(ArrayRecords[iRowCount, 0].ToString(), 1, 1) == "0") { Col = 2 * iColcount - 2; } else if (substr(ArrayRecords[iRowCount, 0].ToString(), 1, 1) == "1") { Col = 2 * iColcount - 1; } if (substr(ArrayRecords[iRowCount, 0].ToString(), 0, 1) == "A") { ROW = 0; } else if (substr(ArrayRecords[iRowCount, 0].ToString(), 0, 1) == "B") { ROW = 1; } else if (substr(ArrayRecords[iRowCount, 0].ToString(), 0, 1) == "C") { ROW = 2; } else if (substr(ArrayRecords[iRowCount, 0].ToString(), 0, 1) == "D") { ROW = 3; } else if (substr(ArrayRecords[iRowCount, 0].ToString(), 0, 1) == "T") { ROW = 4; } if (ArrayRecords[iRowCount, iColcount].ToString() == "" || ArrayRecords[iRowCount, iColcount].ToString() == "0") { oSpread.ActiveSheet.Cells[ROW, Col].Text = ""; } else { oSpread.ActiveSheet.Cells[ROW, Col].Text = ArrayRecords[iRowCount, iColcount].ToString(); } } } } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; ArrayRecords = null; } catch (Exception ex) { AdoRs = null; returnValue = false; GeneralCommon.Gp_MsgBoxDisplay((string)("Gf_Sp_Display Error : " + ex.Message), "", ""); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; if (Information.Err().Number == 438 || Information.Err().Number == -2147467259) { Conn.Close(); } } return(returnValue); }
} // end function; public void match_delay_equip(short useval) { //on error GoTo err_match; ADODB.Recordset rec1 = null; string str1; int delay_id; int stand_id; //useval = 2 force the match and only in basecase ...; if (glngwid != 0) { return; //exit Sub; } //Open(); str1 = "SELECT tblequip.* FROM tblequip;"; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref rec1, str1); delay_id = find_nameItem("Delay", 0, Eq_type, 0); stand_id = find_nameItem("standard", 0, Eq_type, 0); while (!rec1.EOF) { if ((useval == 0)) { //' using type to set grpsize; if (((int)rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value) == delay_id) // gerg - I'm not sure if this will work, if not try int.Parse(rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value.ToString()) == delay_id { rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value = -1; } else if (((short)rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value) == -1) { //' standard type but grpsiz = -1; rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value = 1; } ; } else if ((useval == 1)) { if (((short)rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value) == -1) { rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value = delay_id; } else if ((int)rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value != delay_id) { //' grpsiz = 2, type = delay ??; rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value = stand_id; } ; } else if ((useval == 2)) { //'' force to -1 / delay if either is set.; if (short.Parse(rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value.ToString()) == -1) { rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value = delay_id; } else if ((int)rec1.Fields["EQUIPTYPE"].Value == delay_id) { rec1.Fields["grpsiz"].Value = -1; } ; } ; rec1.Update(); rec1.MoveNext(); } ; // end of while ... //exit_match: DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec1); rec1 = null; return; //exit Sub; //err_match: ; // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); // resume exit_match; } // end sub;
private void CHEMISTRY_DISP() { if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State == 0) { if (!GeneralCommon.GF_DbConnect()) { return; } } ADODB.Recordset AdoRs = new ADODB.Recordset(); string sQuery; sQuery = "SELECT ELEMENT_CD, ELEMENT_VAL FROM NISCO.FP_CHEMISTRY WHERE HEAT_NO = '" + txt_new_slab_no.Text + "' ORDER BY SEQ_NO "; try { AdoRs.Open(sQuery, GeneralCommon.M_CN1, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly); //bool RltValue = false; if (!AdoRs.BOF && !AdoRs.EOF) { //RltValue = true; while (!AdoRs.EOF) { switch (AdoRs.Fields[0].Value.ToString()) { case "C": txt_c.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Mn": txt_mn.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "P": txt_p.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "S": txt_s.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Si": txt_si.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Ceq": txt_ceq.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Nb": txt_nb.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Cu": txt_cu.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "V": txt_v.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Cr": txt_cr.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Ni": txt_ni.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Alt": txt_alt.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Mo": txt_mo.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Ti": txt_ti.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "W": txt_w.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "B": txt_b.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Re": txt_re.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Pb": txt_pb.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Ca": txt_ca.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "N": txt_n.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "H": txt_h.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "O": txt_o.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Als": txt_als.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Zr": txt_zr.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Mg": txt_mg.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Sn": txt_sn.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "As": txt_as.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Co": txt_co.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Te": txt_te.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Bi": txt_bi.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Sb": txt_sb.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Zn": txt_zn.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Se": txt_se.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Ta": txt_ta.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; case "Pcm": txt_pcm.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[1].Value); break; } AdoRs.MoveNext(); } } sQuery = " SELECT STEEL_NET_WGT "; sQuery = sQuery + " FROM NISCO.FP_CHARGE "; sQuery = sQuery + " WHERE HEAT_NO LIKE '" + txt_new_slab_no.Text.Trim() + "%'"; txt_wgt.NumValue = 0; txt_wgt.NumValue = GeneralCommon.Gf_FloatFind(GeneralCommon.M_CN1, sQuery); txt_slabcnt.Text = ss1.ActiveSheet.RowCount.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State != 0) { GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); } AdoRs = null; //RltValue = false; GeneralCommon.Gp_MsgBoxDisplay("数据读取失败" + ex.Message, "", ""); } }
private static List <AssetHistory> ProcessAssetHistoryRS(ADODB.Recordset _ors, GTDiagnostics _odiag) { List <AssetHistory> histList = null; int g3eFid; try { AssetHistory obj = null; histList = new List <AssetHistory>(); while ((!_ors.EOF) && (!_ors.BOF)) { obj = new AssetHistory(); obj.G3E_FID = Convert.ToInt32(_ors.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value.ToString().Trim()); g3eFid = obj.G3E_FID; obj.G3E_FNO = Convert.ToInt16(_ors.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value.ToString().Trim()); string sCNO = _ors.Fields["G3E_CNO"].Value.ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sCNO)) { obj.G3E_CNO = Convert.ToInt16(sCNO); } else { obj.G3E_CNO = 0; } string sANO = _ors.Fields["G3E_ANO"].Value.ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sANO)) { obj.G3E_ANO = Convert.ToInt32(sANO); } else { obj.G3E_ANO = 0; } string sCID = _ors.Fields["G3E_CID"].Value.ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sCID)) { obj.G3E_CID = Convert.ToInt32(sCID); } else { obj.G3E_CID = 0; } obj.StructureID_1 = _ors.Fields["STRUCTURE_ID_1"].Value.ToString().Trim(); string sx = _ors.Fields["OGG_X_1"].Value.ToString().Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sx)) { LogMessage(_odiag, "ProcessAssetHistoryRS", "LocationXYZ", "No location for x value for fid = " + obj.G3E_FID.ToString()); obj = null; } string sy = _ors.Fields["OGG_Y_1"].Value.ToString().Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sy)) { LogMessage(_odiag, "ProcessAssetHistoryRS", "LocationXYZ", "No location for y value for fid = " + g3eFid); obj = null; } if (obj != null) { obj.OGG_X1 = Convert.ToDouble(sx); obj.OGG_Y1 = Convert.ToDouble(sy); string sz = _ors.Fields["OGG_Z_1"].Value.ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sz)) { obj.OGG_Z1 = Convert.ToDouble(sz); } else { obj.OGG_Z1 = 0; } string oldValue = _ors.Fields["VALUE_OLD"].Value.ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldValue)) { obj.OLD_VALUE = oldValue; } string newValue = _ors.Fields["VALUE_NEW"].Value.ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newValue)) { obj.NEW_VALUE = newValue; } obj.ChangeOperation = _ors.Fields["CHANGE_OPERATION"].Value.ToString().Trim(); string sChangeDate = _ors.Fields["CHANGE_DATE"].Value.ToString().Trim(); DateTime changedate; DateTime.TryParse(sChangeDate, out changedate); obj.ChangeDate = changedate; histList.Add(obj); } _ors.MoveNext(); } if (histList.Count == 0) { return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(_odiag, "ProcessAssetHistoryRS", ex); throw ex; } return(histList); }
//日期格式 public string Gf_DTSet(string DTCheck, string DTFlag) { if (DTCheck == "D") { DTCheck = "D"; } else { DTCheck = "S"; } DTFlag = "C"; string sQuery = ""; int sQuery_Len = 0; string time = ""; switch (DTCheck) { case "S": sQuery = "SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') FROM DUAL"; sQuery_Len = 14; break; case "I": sQuery = "SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDDHH24MI') FROM DUAL"; sQuery_Len = 12; break; case "H": sQuery = "SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDDHH24') FROM DUAL"; sQuery_Len = 10; break; case "D": sQuery = "SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD') FROM DUAL"; sQuery_Len = 8; break; case "T": sQuery = "SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24MISS') FROM DUAL"; sQuery_Len = 6; break; case "M": sQuery = "SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMM') FROM DUAL"; sQuery_Len = 6; break; case "Y": sQuery = "SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYY') FROM DUAL"; sQuery_Len = 4; break; } if (DTFlag == "C") { if (DTCheck == "T") { return(DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss")); } return((DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")).Substring(0, sQuery_Len)); } if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State == 0) { if (!GeneralCommon.GF_DbConnect()) { return("00000000000000"); } } ADODB.Recordset AdoRs = new ADODB.Recordset(); try { AdoRs.Open(sQuery, GeneralCommon.M_CN1, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly); if (!AdoRs.BOF && !AdoRs.EOF) { //RltValue = true; while (!AdoRs.EOF) { if (AdoRs.Fields[0].Value.ToString() == "") { time = ""; } else { time = AdoRs.Fields[0].Value.ToString(); } AdoRs.MoveNext(); } } else { time = "00000000000000"; } GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); AdoRs = null; return(time); } catch (Exception ex) { if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State != 0) { GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); } AdoRs = null; return("00000000000000"); } }
private void ExecuteSql(ThreadObj Param) { string query = Param.Query; // new recordset reference ADODB.Recordset Data = null; // keep a connection reference ADODB.Connection Connect = null; try { // change cursor to wait cursor this.Invoke(ChangeCursorDel, new object[] { Cursors.WaitCursor }); // initialize the message string to be empty string Message = ""; string Warnings = ""; // keep track of the max number of columns int nMaxNumCols = 0; // fill in a data table with our results DataTable SqlResults = new DataTable(); // open the connection Connect = new Connection(); Connect.ConnectionString = Param.ConnectionString; Connect.CursorLocation = CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient; Connect.Open(); // initialize an object to store the number of records affected object obRecsAffected; // number of queries returned so far is none int nQueriesReturned = 0; // construct a command object ADODB.Command SqlCmd = new Command(); SqlCmd.ActiveConnection = Connect; SqlCmd.CommandText = (string)query; SqlCmd.CommandType = CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText; // execute the sql statement Data = Connect.Execute((string)query, out obRecsAffected); // while there are recordsets while (Data != null) { // for this query, print out all the errors that occurred foreach (ADODB.Error e in Connect.Errors) { Warnings += e.Description + "\r\n"; } // we have another query, increment the count nQueriesReturned++; // if there is something to read (hence the object is not closed)... if ((ADODB.ObjectStateEnum)Data.State != ADODB.ObjectStateEnum.adStateClosed) { // count of rows retrieved int nRowsRecieved = 0; // if this recordset has more columns in it than previous columns for (int i = nMaxNumCols; i < Data.Fields.Count; i++) { // add a column and increment the max col count DataColumn temp = new DataColumn(Data.Fields[i].Name, typeof(string)); SqlResults.Columns.Add(temp); nMaxNumCols++; } // grab the current time in ticks long InitialTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; // while there is stuff in the recordset while (!Data.EOF) { // create a new row DataRow tempRow = SqlResults.NewRow(); // fill each column with data for (int i = 0; i < Data.Fields.Count; i++) { tempRow[i] = Data.Fields[i].Value.ToString(); } // add it to the results SqlResults.Rows.Add(tempRow); nRowsRecieved++; // if the user didnt cancel, display the record number being loaded, otherwise the user did cancel so stop doing work if (!m_bUserCancel) { this.Invoke(SetResultsDel, new object[] { String.Format("Loading Record {0} in Query {1}...", nRowsRecieved, nQueriesReturned), false }); } else { this.Invoke(SetResultsDel, new object[] { "Canceling... Please wait...", false }); break; } // continue to the next record in the recordset Data.MoveNext(); } // the time elapsed is the time now minus the initial double TimeElapsed = ((float)(DateTime.Now.Ticks - InitialTime)) / 10000000.0; // add the number of rows returned and how long it took to the messages to display once the results are ready to be displayed Message += nQueriesReturned + ": " + nRowsRecieved + " row(s) returned. " + String.Format("({0:0.0000} seconds)", TimeElapsed) + "\r\n"; } else { // otherwise, it was a non action query, so records must have been affected Message += nQueriesReturned + ": " + (int)obRecsAffected + " record(s) affected.\r\n"; } // if the user canceled, just return the form to its original state and state that the user canceled if (m_bUserCancel) { this.Invoke(SetUpFormDel, new object[] { true }); this.Invoke(ShowResultsDel, new object[] { SqlResults, Message }); this.Invoke(SetResultsDel, new object[] { "Loading Was Canceled by User.", true }); return; } // try to go to the next recordset try { Data = Data.NextRecordset(out obRecsAffected); } catch (COMException ex) { // if for some reason, the provider doesnt like that, just break out on the first recordset if (ex.ErrorCode == -2146825037) { Data = null; } else { // otherwise, just rethrow our excetion, its a bigger problem throw ex; } } } this.Invoke(SetMessageDel, new object[] { Warnings.Trim() }); // after all records have been run through, go ahead and show the results this.Invoke(ShowResultsDel, new object[] { SqlResults, Message }); } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorText = ""; if (Connect.Errors.Count > 0) { // for this query, print out all the errors that occurred foreach (ADODB.Error e in Connect.Errors) { ErrorText += "Error " + e.Number + ": " + e.Description + "\r\n"; } Connect.Errors.Clear(); } else { ErrorText = "Error: " + ex.Message; } // if any exception does happen, dont display results, but print out the error this.Invoke(SetResultsDel, new object[] { ErrorText.Trim(), true }); this.Invoke(SetUpFormDel, new object[] { true }); // change cursor to default cursor this.Invoke(ChangeCursorDel, new object[] { Cursors.Default }); return; } finally { if (Data != null && Data.State != (int)ConnectionState.Closed) { Data.Close(); } } }
private void CreateSpreadSheet(ADODB.Recordset objRS, string strPath) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); Workbook xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet); Sheets xlSheets = xlWB.Worksheets; Worksheet xlWS = new Worksheet(); xlWS = xlSheets.get_Item(1); //adding headers to spreadsheet xlWS.Columns["AM"].NumberFormat = "@"; int t = 1; while (objRS.EOF != true) { for (int j = 0; j < objRS.Fields.Count; j++) { if (t == 1) { xlWS.Cells.set_Item(t, j + 1, objRS.Fields[j].Name.ToString()); } // try - to catch bogus data that might appear in recordset (bad characters, etc.) try { xlWS.Cells.set_Item(t + 1, j + 1, objRS.Fields[j].Value); } catch { xlWS.Cells.set_Item(t + 1, j + 1, ""); } } if (objRS.EOF != true) { objRS.MoveNext(); t++; } } xlWS.Columns.AutoFit(); if (File.Exists(strPath)) { File.Delete(strPath); } xlWB.SaveAs(strPath, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //Kill excel object from memory xlWB.Close(); xlApp.Quit(); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWS); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWB); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp); xlWS = null; xlWB = null; xlApp = null; GC.GetTotalMemory(false); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); GC.GetTotalMemory(true); }
private bool IsColumnPrimaryKey(string name, string column) { if (radioSql.Checked) { int tableid = Gateway.Default.SelectScalar <int>("select id from sysobjects where [name] = @name", new object[] { name }); DataSet ds = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select FROM syscolumns a inner join sysobjects d on and d.xtype='U' and<>'dtproperties' where (SELECT count(*) FROM sysobjects WHERE (name in (SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE (id = AND (indid in (SELECT indid FROM sysindexkeys WHERE (id = AND (colid in (SELECT colid FROM syscolumns WHERE (id = AND (name = AND (xtype = 'PK'))>0 and = @id", new object[] { tableid }); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString() == column) { return(true); } } } else if (radioOracle.Checked) { DataSet ds = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select b.COLUMN_NAME from USER_CONSTRAINTS a,USER_CONS_COLUMNS b where a.CONSTRAINT_NAME=b.CONSTRAINT_NAME and a.table_name=b.table_name and constraint_type='P' and a.owner=b.owner and a.table_name = :name", new object[] { name }); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString() == column) { return(true); } } } else if (radioMySql.Checked) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(^.*database=)([^;]+)(;.*)", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); string dbName = r.Replace(txtConnStr.Text, "$2").ToLower(); DataSet ds = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select COLUMN_NAME from KEY_COLUMN_USAGE where CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = '" + dbName + "' and CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'PRIMARY' and TABLE_NAME = ?TABLE_NAME", new object[] { name }); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString() == column) { return(true); } } } else { ADODB.ConnectionClass conn = new ADODB.ConnectionClass(); conn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"; string connStr = txtConnStr.Text; conn.Open(connStr.Substring(connStr.ToLower().IndexOf("data source") + "data source".Length).Trim('=', ' '), null, null, 0); ADODB.Recordset rs = conn.GetType().InvokeMember("OpenSchema", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, conn, new object[] { ADODB.SchemaEnum.adSchemaPrimaryKeys }) as ADODB.Recordset; rs.Filter = "TABLE_NAME='" + name + "'"; while (!rs.EOF) { if ((rs.Fields["COLUMN_NAME"].Value as string) == column) { return(true); } rs.MoveNext(); } } return(false); }
private void enablemenu() { ADODB.Connection ADOconn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADOconn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog= " + decoder.InitialCatalog + ";Data Source=" + decoder.DataSource + ";", decoder.UserID, decoder.Password, 0); ADODB.Recordset cus = new ADODB.Recordset(); cus = new ADODB.Recordset(); //string sql = "SELECT menu_code FROM menu_master where id in (select form_id from userpriv where dsp=1 and group_name = (select group_name from userinfo where userid='" + Gvar.Userid+ "'))"; string sql = "SELECT m.menu_code,p.* FROM menu_master as M inner join userpriv as p on where p.dsp=1 and p.group_name = (select group_name from userinfo where userid='" + Gvar.Userid + "')"; cus.Open(sql, ADOconn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1); while (!cus.EOF) { string mnu = cus.Fields[0].Value.ToString(); string prv; Gvar.Priv menu_item = new Gvar.Priv(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cus.Fields["ins"].Value.ToString())) { cus.Fields["ins"].Value = 0; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cus.Fields["upd"].Value.ToString())) { cus.Fields["upd"].Value = 0; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cus.Fields["del"].Value.ToString())) { cus.Fields["del"].Value = 0; } if ((bool)cus.Fields["ins"].Value) { prv = "1"; } else { prv = "0"; } if ((bool)cus.Fields["upd"].Value) { prv = prv + "1"; } else { prv = prv + "0"; } if ((bool)cus.Fields["del"].Value) { prv = prv + "1"; } else { prv = prv + "0"; } lstmenu.Items.Add(mnu); lstpriv.Items.Add(prv); menu_item.Menu = mnu; menu_item.priv = prv; Gvar.User_Priv.Add(menu_item); cus.MoveNext(); ////foreach (ToolStripMenuItem toolSripItem in menuStrip.Items) ////{ //// if (toolSripItem.HasDropDownItems) //// { //// foreach (ToolStripItem toolSripItem1 in toolSripItem.DropDownItems) //// { //// if (toolSripItem1 is ToolStripSeparator) continue; //// if (toolSripItem1 is ToolStripMenuItem) //// // insert_menu(menuItem.Text, toolSripItem.Name, 1, toolSripItem.Text, "", 'A'); //// if (toolSripItem1.Name==mnu) //// toolSripItem.Visible = true; //// { //call recursively //// // disableMenu((ToolStripMenuItem)toolSripItem); //// } //// } //// } ////} } ADOconn.Close(); //cus.Close(); }
public static string build_sms(ADODB.Recordset rec) { SqlConnectionStringBuilder decoder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Con"].ConnectionString); ADODB.Connection ADOconn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADOconn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog= " + decoder.InitialCatalog + ";Data Source=" + decoder.DataSource + ";", decoder.UserID, decoder.Password, 0); string sql; sql = "SELECT * from sms_ini"; ADODB.Recordset sms = new Recordset(); sms.Open(sql, ADOconn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1); string post_data = sms.Fields["sms_parameter"].Value.ToString(); //post_data = post_data.Replace("$strlang", cb_sms_lang.SelectedIndex.ToString()); post_data = post_data.Replace("$smsid", sms.Fields["sms_header"].Value.ToString()); while (!rec.EOF) { string mob_no = rec.Fields["ACC_MOBILE_NO"].Value.ToString().Trim(); if (mob_no.Length > 9) { mob_no = "966" + mob_no.Substring(mob_no.Length - 9); } else { mob_no = "0"; return(""); } // == "\r\n" post_data = post_data.Replace("$mobileno", mob_no); post_data = post_data.Replace("$smsid", sms.Fields["sms_header"].Value.ToString()); string mesg = ""; mesg = sms.Fields["sms_customer_en"].Value.ToString(); mesg = mesg.Replace("$payamt", rec.Fields["payamt"].Value.ToString()); mesg = mesg.Replace("$balamt", rec.Fields["balamt"].Value.ToString()); mesg = mesg.Replace("#", "\n"); string responseString = Send_Sms(sms.Fields["sms_url"].Value.ToString(), post_data, mesg, 0); // Task taskA = new Task( () => Send_Sms(sms.Fields["sms_url"].Value.ToString(), post_data, mesg,1)); //Start the task. // taskA.Start(); // taskA.Wait(); rec.MoveNext(); } return(""); //foreach (DataRowView r in sms) //{ // if (!Validation.IsNull(r["sms_ini"])) // r["veh_model_code"] [0][0]; //} }
private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ADODB.Recordset rsMail = null; ADODB.Recordset rsContract = null; ADODB.Recordset rsMailSettings = null; ADODB.Connection connDb = null; bool solde = false; string destinataire = ""; bool contratEchu = false; string CONN_DB = ""; // if (args==null) // Application.Exit(); if (args == null) { CONN_DB = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\lementor\StudiosUnis\LeMentorÉlèveTables.mdb;"; } else { CONN_DB = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + args; } try { connDb = new ADODB.Connection(); rsMail = new ADODB.Recordset(); rsMailSettings = new ADODB.Recordset(); rsContract = new ADODB.Recordset(); System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient client = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(); client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; client.EnableSsl = true; client.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; System.Net.Mail.MailMessage msg = null; connDb.Open(CONN_DB); rsMail.Open("select * from emailmessage", connDb, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); rsMailSettings.Open("select * from cie", connDb, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); if (!rsMail.EOF) { rsMail.MoveFirst(); } if (!rsMailSettings.EOF) { rsMailSettings.MoveFirst(); client.Port = rsMailSettings.Fields["PortSmtp"].Value; // rsMailSettings.Fields["PortSmtp"].Value; client.Host = rsMailSettings.Fields["ServerSmtp"].Value.ToString(); client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(rsMailSettings.Fields["E-mail"].Value.ToString(), rsMailSettings.Fields["MotdePasseE-mail"].Value); } while (!rsMail.EOF) { solde = rsMail.Fields["solde"].Value; contratEchu = rsMail.Fields["contratechu"].Value; //destinataire = rsMail.Fields["destinataire"].Value.ToString(); // destinataire = ""; msg = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(); msg.From = new MailAddress(rsMailSettings.Fields["e-mail"].Value.ToString()); msg.Subject = rsMail.Fields["sujet"].Value.ToString(); msg.Body = rsMail.Fields["texte"].Value.ToString(); msg.IsBodyHtml = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rsMail.Fields["destinataire"].Value.ToString())) { throw new Exception("Destinataire Manquant!"); } else { msg.To.Add(destinataire); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rsMail.Fields["cc"].Value.ToString())) { msg.CC.Add(rsMail.Fields["cc"].Value.ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rsMail.Fields["cci"].Value.ToString())) { msg.Bcc.Add(rsMail.Fields["cci"].Value.ToString()); } if (rsMail.Fields["fichier"].Value.ToString().Length > 3) { System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment; attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(rsMail.Fields["fichier"].Value.ToString()); msg.Attachments.Add(attachment); } client.Send(msg); // if (rsMail.Fields["fichier"].Value.ToString().Length > 3) // File.Delete(rsMail.Fields["fichier"].Value.ToString()); msg = null; rsContract.Open("select * from GA_Eleve_Cours where [noidcours] =" + rsMail.Fields["noidcours"].Value.ToString(), connDb, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); if (!rsContract.EOF) { rsContract.MoveFirst(); if (rsMail.Fields["ContratEchu"].Value == true) { rsContract.Fields["NotficationContratEchu"].Value = true; } if (rsMail.Fields["solde"].Value == true) { rsContract.Fields["DernDateNotificationsolde"].Value = rsMail.Fields["DernDateNotificationsolde"].Value; rsContract.Fields["NbreNotificationsolde"].Value = rsMail.Fields["NbreNotificationsolde"].Value; } rsContract.Update(); } rsContract.Close(); rsMail.Delete(); rsMail.MoveNext(); if (!rsMail.EOF) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000);//limite les chances d'être taggé comme spam par le fournisseur d'envoi en envoyant pas trop vite les emails. } //msg.CC.Add(Email); } /* * if (Attachments.Count() > 0) * { * foreach (var item in Attachments) * { * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) * { * System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment; * attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(item); * msg.Attachments.Add(attachment); * } * } * } */ if (((solde == false && contratEchu == false) || (rsMail.RecordCount == 1)) && destinataire.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Message Envoyé : à " + destinataire); Application.Exit(); } else { // MessageBox.Show("Message Envoyé : à " + rsMail.RecordCount.ToString() + " clients."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("ÉCHEC d'envoi de courier !"); Application.Exit(); } try { if (rsMail.State != 0) { rsMail.Close(); } rsMail = null; if (rsMailSettings.State != 0) { rsMailSettings.Close(); } rsMailSettings = null; if (rsContract.State != 0) { rsContract.Close(); } rsContract = null; Application.Exit(); } catch { Application.Exit(); } }
public string Gf_ShiftSet3(string WKDATE) { if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State == 0) { if (!GeneralCommon.GF_DbConnect()) { return(""); } } string Shift_HH = "0"; string sQuery; sQuery = "SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24MI') FROM DUAL"; ADODB.Recordset AdoRs = new ADODB.Recordset(); try { if (WKDATE != "") { return(WKDATE); } AdoRs.Open(sQuery, GeneralCommon.M_CN1, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly); if (!AdoRs.BOF && !AdoRs.EOF) { //RltValue = true; while (!AdoRs.EOF) { if (AdoRs.Fields[0].Value.ToString() == "") { Shift_HH = ""; } else { Shift_HH = AdoRs.Fields[0].Value.ToString(); } AdoRs.MoveNext(); } } GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); AdoRs = null; if (Convert.ToInt32(Shift_HH) < 800) { return("1"); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(Shift_HH) < 1600) { return("2"); } else { return("3"); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State != 0) { GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); } AdoRs = null; return("0"); } }
private void DisplayResults() { lvSummaryResults.Items.Clear(); //SS:01/03/2018:2018-R1:ABSEXCH-19796: When Running the ExchDVT.exe, SQL Admin Passwords are visible in dump file. ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADODB.Command cmd = new ADODB.Command(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT [IntegrityErrorCode] " + ", [SummaryDescription] = CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), count(IntegrityErrorCode)) + ' ' + [IntegritySummaryDescription] " + ", [Severity] " + ", [SchemaName] " + ", [TableName] " + "FROM [common].[SQLDataValidation] " + "GROUP BY SchemaName, Severity, IntegrityErrorCode, IntegritySummaryDescription, TableName " + "ORDER BY SchemaName, Severity, IntegrityErrorCode"; cmd.CommandTimeout = 10000; if (conn.State == 0) { if (connPassword.Trim() == "") { conn.Open(); } else { conn.Open(ExchequerCommonSQLConnection, "", connPassword.Trim(), (int)ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeUnknown); } } conn.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient; cmd.CommandType = ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText; cmd.ActiveConnection = conn; ADODB.Recordset recordSet = null; object objRecAff; try { recordSet = (ADODB.Recordset)cmd.Execute(out objRecAff, Type.Missing, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText); } catch { throw; } for (int i = 0; i < recordSet.RecordCount; i++) { ListViewItem lvItem = new ListViewItem(recordSet.Fields[0].Value); lvItem.SubItems.Add(recordSet.Fields[1].Value); lvItem.SubItems.Add(recordSet.Fields[2].Value); lvItem.SubItems.Add(recordSet.Fields[3].Value); lvItem.SubItems.Add(recordSet.Fields[4].Value); lvSummaryResults.Items.Add(lvItem); recordSet.MoveNext(); } if (conn.State == 1) { conn.Close(); } // Set INI file based on results of each company foreach (ListViewItem lvItem in lvCompanies.CheckedItems) { tsCheckStatus.Text = "Updating INI file: " + lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.TrimEnd(); Thread.Sleep(1000); Application.DoEvents(); //SS:01/03/2018:2018-R1:ABSEXCH-19796: When Running the ExchDVT.exe, SQL Admin Passwords are visible in dump file. conn = new ADODB.Connection(); Command command = new ADODB.Command(); command.CommandText = "SELECT RCount = COUNT(*) " + "FROM [common].[SQLDataValidation] " + "WHERE UPPER(Severity) = 'HIGH' " + "AND SchemaName = '" + lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.TrimEnd() + "'"; command.CommandTimeout = 10000; if (conn.State == 0) { if (connPassword.Trim() == "") { conn.Open(); } else { conn.Open(ExchequerCommonSQLConnection, "", connPassword.Trim(), (int)ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeUnknown); } } conn.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient; command.ActiveConnection = conn; ADODB.Recordset rs = null; Object objAff; try { rs = (ADODB.Recordset)command.Execute(out objAff, Type.Missing, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText); } catch { throw; } { if (Convert.ToInt32(rs.Fields["RCount"].Value) == 0) { // Posting Enabled tsCheckStatus.Text = "Posting Enabled: " + lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.TrimEnd(); Thread.Sleep(1000); Application.DoEvents(); PostingEnabledDisabled(true, lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.TrimEnd()); lvItem.SubItems[4].Text = "Enabled"; } else { // Posting Disabled tsCheckStatus.Text = "Posting Disabled: " + lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.TrimEnd(); Thread.Sleep(1000); Application.DoEvents(); PostingEnabledDisabled(false, lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.TrimEnd()); lvItem.SubItems[4].Text = "Disabled"; } } if (conn.State == 1) { conn.Close(); } } tsCheckStatus.Text = "Check Complete"; Thread.Sleep(1000); Application.DoEvents(); }
public void Get_OldSms_Info() { string tmHeatNo; string sQuery; sQuery = " SELECT HEAT_NO "; sQuery = sQuery + " FROM NISCO.FP_CHARGE "; sQuery = sQuery + " WHERE HEAT_NO LIKE '" + txt_new_slab_no.Text.Trim() + "%'"; tmHeatNo = GeneralCommon.Gf_FloatFind(GeneralCommon.M_CN1, sQuery).ToString(); if (tmHeatNo.Trim() != "0") { return; } sQuery = "SELECT * FROM NISCO.GP_OLDSMSCHEMIF WHERE NEW_HEAT_NO = '" + txt_new_slab_no.Text.Trim() + "'"; ADODB.Recordset AdoRs = new ADODB.Recordset(); //bool RltValue = false; try { AdoRs.Open(sQuery, GeneralCommon.M_CN1, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly); //bool RltValue = false; if (!AdoRs.BOF && !AdoRs.EOF) { //RltValue = true; while (!AdoRs.EOF) { txt_act_stlgrd_dec.Text = AdoRs.Fields[5].Value.ToString(); txt_thk.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[6].Value); txt_wid.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[7].Value); txt_len.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[8].Value); txt_wgt.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[9].Value); txt_slabcnt.NumValue = Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[10].Value); txt_car_no.Text = AdoRs.Fields[13].Value == "" ? "0" : AdoRs.Fields[13].Value.ToString(); txt_c.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[14].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[14].Value); txt_si.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[15].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[15].Value); txt_mn.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[16].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[16].Value); txt_p.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[17].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[17].Value); txt_s.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[18].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[18].Value); txt_cu.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[19].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[19].Value); txt_alt.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[20].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[20].Value); txt_als.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[21].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[21].Value); txt_b.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[22].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[22].Value); txt_ni.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[23].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[23].Value); txt_cr.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[24].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[24].Value); txt_mo.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[25].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[25].Value); txt_w.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[26].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[26].Value); txt_ti.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[27].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[27].Value); txt_v.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[28].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[28].Value); txt_zr.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[29].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[29].Value); txt_pb.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[30].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[30].Value); txt_sn.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[31].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[31].Value); txt_as.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[32].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[32].Value); txt_ca.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[33].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[33].Value); txt_co.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[34].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[34].Value); txt_mg.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[35].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[35].Value); txt_te.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[36].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[36].Value); txt_bi.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[37].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[37].Value); txt_sb.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[38].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[38].Value); txt_zn.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[39].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[39].Value); txt_nb.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[40].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[40].Value); txt_ceq.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[41].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[41].Value); txt_re.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[42].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[42].Value); txt_ta.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[43].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[43].Value); txt_n.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[44].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[44].Value); txt_h.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[45].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[45].Value); txt_o.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[46].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[46].Value); txt_se.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[47].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[47].Value); txt_pcm.NumValue = AdoRs.Fields[48].Value == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AdoRs.Fields[48].Value); AdoRs.MoveNext(); } comm_slab_test(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State != 0) { GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); } AdoRs = null; //RltValue = false; GeneralCommon.Gp_MsgBoxDisplay("数据读取失败" + ex.Message, "", ""); } }
private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtConnStr.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Connection string cannot be null!"); return; } if (btnConnect.Text == "Disconnect") { EnableGenEntity(false); return; } RefreshConnectionStringAutoComplete(); DataSet dsTables = null; DataSet dsViews = null; if (radioSql.Checked || radioAccess.Checked) { try { if (radioSql.Checked) { Gateway.SetDefaultDatabase(DatabaseType.SqlServer, txtConnStr.Text); if (checkSql2005.Checked) { dsTables = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select [name] from sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and [name] <> 'sysdiagrams' order by [name]", null); } else { dsTables = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select [name] from sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and status > 0 order by [name]", null); } foreach (DataRow row in dsTables.Tables[0].Rows) { tables.Items.Add(row["Name"].ToString()); } if (checkSql2005.Checked) { dsViews = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select [name] from sysobjects where xtype = 'V' order by [name]", null); } else { dsViews = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select [name] from sysobjects where xtype = 'V' and status > 0 order by [name]", null); } foreach (DataRow row in dsViews.Tables[0].Rows) { views.Items.Add(row["Name"].ToString()); } } else if (radioAccess.Checked) { Gateway.SetDefaultDatabase(DatabaseType.MsAccess, txtConnStr.Text); ADODB.ConnectionClass conn = new ADODB.ConnectionClass(); conn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"; string connStr = txtConnStr.Text; conn.Open(connStr.Substring(connStr.ToLower().IndexOf("data source") + "data source".Length).Trim('=', ' '), null, null, 0); ADODB.Recordset rsTables = conn.GetType().InvokeMember("OpenSchema", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, conn, new object[] { ADODB.SchemaEnum.adSchemaTables }) as ADODB.Recordset; ADODB.Recordset rsViews = conn.GetType().InvokeMember("OpenSchema", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, conn, new object[] { ADODB.SchemaEnum.adSchemaViews }) as ADODB.Recordset; while (!rsViews.EOF) { if (!(rsViews.Fields["TABLE_NAME"].Value as string).StartsWith("MSys")) { views.Items.Add(rsViews.Fields["TABLE_NAME"].Value.ToString()); } rsViews.MoveNext(); } while (!rsTables.EOF) { if (!(rsTables.Fields["TABLE_NAME"].Value as string).StartsWith("MSys")) { bool isView = false; foreach (string item in views.Items) { if (item.Equals(rsTables.Fields["TABLE_NAME"].Value.ToString())) { isView = true; break; } } if (!isView) { tables.Items.Add(rsTables.Fields["TABLE_NAME"].Value.ToString()); } } rsTables.MoveNext(); } rsTables.Close(); rsViews.Close(); conn.Close(); } EnableGenEntity(true); } catch (Exception ex) { EnableGenEntity(false); MessageBox.Show("Read/write database error!\r\n" + ex.ToString()); } } else if (radioOracle.Checked) { Gateway.SetDefaultDatabase(DatabaseType.Oracle, txtConnStr.Text); dsTables = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select * from user_tables where global_stats = 'NO' and (not table_name like '%$%')", null); foreach (DataRow row in dsTables.Tables[0].Rows) { tables.Items.Add(row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString()); } dsViews = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select * from user_views where (not view_name like '%$%') and (not view_name like 'MVIEW_%') and (not view_name like 'CTX_%') and (not view_name = 'PRODUCT_PRIVS')", null); foreach (DataRow row in dsViews.Tables[0].Rows) { views.Items.Add(row["VIEW_NAME"].ToString()); } EnableGenEntity(true); } else if (radioMySql.Checked) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(^.*database=)([^;]+)(;.*)", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); string dbName = r.Replace(txtConnStr.Text, "$2").ToLower(); Gateway.SetDefaultDatabase(DatabaseType.MySql, r.Replace(txtConnStr.Text, "$1information_schema$3")); dsTables = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select * from TABLES where TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' and TABLE_SCHEMA = '" + dbName + "'", null); foreach (DataRow row in dsTables.Tables[0].Rows) { tables.Items.Add(row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString()); } dsViews = Gateway.Default.SelectDataSet("select * from TABLES where TABLE_TYPE = 'VIEW' and TABLE_SCHEMA = '" + dbName + "'", null); foreach (DataRow row in dsViews.Tables[0].Rows) { views.Items.Add(row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString()); } EnableGenEntity(true); } else { EnableGenEntity(false); MessageBox.Show("EntityGen tool only supports SqlServer, MsAccess, MySql and Oracle Database!"); } }
public string Gf_CarInfFind(string Car_no, string Car_knd, string nameType) { if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State == 0) { if (!GeneralCommon.GF_DbConnect()) { return("FAIL"); } } string sQuery; string Gf_CarInfFind = ""; switch (nameType) { case "1": //最大装载量 sQuery = "SELECT H.CAR_WGT_MAX FROM HP_CAR_IMF H WHERE H.CAR_NO = '" + Car_no + "' AND H.CAR_KND = '" + Car_knd + "' "; break; case "2": //装载量(适量) sQuery = "SELECT H.CAR_WGT_AVE FROM HP_CAR_IMF H WHERE H.CAR_NO = '" + Car_no + "' AND H.CAR_KND = '" + Car_knd + "' "; break; default: //可装车长度 sQuery = "SELECT H.CAR_LEN FROM HP_CAR_IMF H WHERE H.CAR_NO = '" + Car_no + "' AND H.CAR_KND = '" + Car_knd + "' "; break; } ADODB.Recordset AdoRs = new ADODB.Recordset(); try { AdoRs.Open(sQuery, GeneralCommon.M_CN1, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly); if (!AdoRs.BOF && !AdoRs.EOF) { //RltValue = true; while (!AdoRs.EOF) { if (AdoRs.Fields[0].Value.ToString() == "") { Gf_CarInfFind = ""; } else { Gf_CarInfFind = AdoRs.Fields[0].Value.ToString(); } AdoRs.MoveNext(); } } GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); AdoRs = null; return(Gf_CarInfFind); } catch (Exception ex) { if (GeneralCommon.M_CN1.State != 0) { GeneralCommon.M_CN1.Close(); } AdoRs = null; return(""); } }