public static Acc_Voucher GetAllAcc_WorkFlowVoucher(string voucherKey) { ConnectionManager conManager = new ConnectionManager(ConnectionName.HR); Acc_Voucher voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); IDataReader reader = null; String sql = "select * from Acc_Voucher where VoucherKey='" + voucherKey + "'"; try { conManager.OpenDataReader(sql, out reader); while (reader.Read()) { Acc_Voucher newAcc_Voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); newAcc_Voucher.SetData(reader); voucher = newAcc_Voucher; } return(voucher); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) { reader.Close(); } } }
public static Acc_Voucher GetAllAcc_Voucher(string voucherNo) { ConnectionManager conManager = new ConnectionManager(ConnectionName.HR); Acc_Voucher voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); IDataReader reader = null; String sql = "select VoucherKey,VoucherTypeKey,FYKey,OrgKey,VoucherDate,VoucherNo,VoucherClient,PayRec,VoucherDesc,IsPost,PostDate,PostBy,EntryDate,EntryUserKey,LastUpdateDate,LastUpdateUserKey,NField_1,NField_2,TField_1,TField_2,TField_3,TField_4,TField_5,DField_1,DField_2,IField_1,BField_1,CheckNo,CheckDate from Acc_Voucher where VoucherNo='" + voucherNo + "'"; try { conManager.OpenDataReader(sql, out reader); while (reader.Read()) { Acc_Voucher newAcc_Voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); newAcc_Voucher.SetData(reader); voucher = newAcc_Voucher; } return(voucher); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) { reader.Close(); } } }
public static CustomList <Acc_Voucher> GetAllAcc_Voucher(Int32 CostCenterID, Int32 BranchOrUnit, Int32 bankBranch, String fromDate, String toDate) { ConnectionManager conManager = new ConnectionManager(ConnectionName.HR); CustomList <Acc_Voucher> Acc_VoucherCollection = new CustomList <Acc_Voucher>(); IDataReader reader = null; String sql = "spBankReconciliation " + CostCenterID + "," + BranchOrUnit + "," + bankBranch + "," + "'" + fromDate + "','" + toDate + "'"; try { conManager.OpenDataReader(sql, out reader); while (reader.Read()) { Acc_Voucher newAcc_Voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); newAcc_Voucher.SetDataBankReconciliation(reader); Acc_VoucherCollection.Add(newAcc_Voucher); } return(Acc_VoucherCollection); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) { reader.Close(); } } }
public static CustomList <Acc_Voucher> GetAllAcc_Voucher(Int32 VoucherTypeKey) { ConnectionManager conManager = new ConnectionManager(ConnectionName.HR); CustomList <Acc_Voucher> Acc_VoucherCollection = new CustomList <Acc_Voucher>(); IDataReader reader = null; String sql = "spFindVoucher " + VoucherTypeKey; try { conManager.OpenDataReader(sql, out reader); while (reader.Read()) { Acc_Voucher newAcc_Voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); newAcc_Voucher.SetData(reader); Acc_VoucherCollection.Add(newAcc_Voucher); } return(Acc_VoucherCollection); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) { reader.Close(); } } }
public static CustomList <Acc_Voucher> GetAllAcc_VoucherSearch(string searchStr, string blank) { ConnectionManager conManager = new ConnectionManager(ConnectionName.HR); CustomList <Acc_Voucher> Acc_VoucherCollection = new CustomList <Acc_Voucher>(); IDataReader reader = null; String sql = "EXEC spGetSearchVoucher " + searchStr; try { conManager.OpenDataReader(sql, out reader); while (reader.Read()) { Acc_Voucher newAcc_Voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); newAcc_Voucher.SetDataSearch(reader); Acc_VoucherCollection.Add(newAcc_Voucher); } return(Acc_VoucherCollection); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) { reader.Close(); } } }
public static CustomList <Acc_Voucher> GetAllAcc_Voucher() { ConnectionManager conManager = new ConnectionManager(ConnectionName.HR); CustomList <Acc_Voucher> Acc_VoucherCollection = new CustomList <Acc_Voucher>(); IDataReader reader = null; const String sql = "select VoucherKey,VoucherTypeKey,FYKey,OrgKey,VoucherDate,VoucherNo,VoucherClient,PayRec,VoucherDesc,IsPost,PostDate,PostBy,EntryDate,EntryUserKey,LastUpdateDate,LastUpdateUserKey,NField_1,NField_2,TField_1,TField_2,TField_3,TField_4,TField_5,DField_1,DField_2,IField_1,BField_1,CheckNo,CheckDate from Acc_Voucher Where IsPost=0 Order By VoucherDate Desc"; try { conManager.OpenDataReader(sql, out reader); while (reader.Read()) { Acc_Voucher newAcc_Voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); newAcc_Voucher.SetData(reader); Acc_VoucherCollection.Add(newAcc_Voucher); } Acc_VoucherCollection.InsertSpName = "spInsertAcc_Voucher"; Acc_VoucherCollection.UpdateSpName = "spUpdateAcc_Voucher"; Acc_VoucherCollection.DeleteSpName = "spDeleteAcc_Voucher"; return(Acc_VoucherCollection); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) { reader.Close(); } } }
private void SetDataInControls(Acc_Voucher aV) { try { txtVoucher.Text = aV.VoucherNo; txtVoucherDate_nc.Text = aV.VoucherDate == DateTime.MinValue ? string.Empty : aV.VoucherDate.ToString(STATIC.StaticInfo.GridDateFormat); if (aV.CurrencyID != 0) ddlCurrencyID.SelectedValue = aV.CurrencyID.ToString(); txtChequeNo.Text = aV.CheckNo; txtChequeDate.Text = aV.CheckDate == DateTime.MinValue ? string.Empty : aV.CheckDate.ToString(StaticInfo.GridDateFormat); txtVoucherDescription.Text = aV.VoucherDesc; txtChequeNo.Text = aV.CheckNo; } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } }
private void PopulatePFVoucherInformation(Acc_Voucher aV) { try { SetDataInControls(aV); AccVoucherDetList = manager.GetAllAcc_VoucherDet(aV.VoucherKey); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Decimal totalDr = 0.0M; Decimal totalCr = 0.0M; CustomList<Acc_Voucher> lstAccVoucher = AccVoucherList; if (lstAccVoucher.Count == 0) { Acc_Voucher newVoucher = new Acc_Voucher(); lstAccVoucher.Add(newVoucher); } SetDataFromControlToObject(ref lstAccVoucher); CustomList<Acc_VoucherDet> lstAccVoucherDet = AccVoucherDetList; foreach (Acc_VoucherDet vD in lstAccVoucherDet) { totalDr += vD.Dr; totalCr += vD.Cr; } if (totalDr == totalCr) { if (!((PageBase)this.Page).CheckUserAuthentication(lstAccVoucher, lstAccVoucherDet)) return; manager.SavePFVoucher(ref lstAccVoucher, ref lstAccVoucherDet, prifix); if (StatusID > 0) _WF.InsertWorkFlowTransaction(MenuID,StatusID, UserCode, 0, lstAccVoucher[0].VoucherKey, true, "", false, false); ((PageBase)this.Page).SuccessMessage = (StaticInfo.SavedSuccessfullyMsg + ". Voucher No: " + manager.VoucherID); } else { ((PageBase)this.Page).ErrorMessage = ("Dr and Cr must be equal."); return; } btnNew_Click(null, null); } catch (SqlException ex) { ((PageBase)this.Page).ErrorMessage = (ExceptionHelper.getSqlExceptionMessage(ex)); } catch (Exception ex) { ((PageBase)this.Page).ErrorMessage = (ExceptionHelper.getExceptionMessage(ex)); } }
public static Acc_Voucher GetAllAcc_WorkFlowVoucher(string voucherKey) { ConnectionManager conManager = new ConnectionManager(ConnectionName.HR); Acc_Voucher voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); IDataReader reader = null; String sql = "select * from Acc_Voucher where VoucherKey='" + voucherKey + "'"; try { conManager.OpenDataReader(sql, out reader); while (reader.Read()) { Acc_Voucher newAcc_Voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); newAcc_Voucher.SetData(reader); voucher = newAcc_Voucher; } return voucher; } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) reader.Close(); } }
public static Acc_Voucher GetAllAcc_Voucher(string voucherNo) { ConnectionManager conManager = new ConnectionManager(ConnectionName.HR); Acc_Voucher voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); IDataReader reader = null; String sql = "select VoucherKey,VoucherTypeKey,FYKey,OrgKey,VoucherDate,VoucherNo,VoucherClient,PayRec,VoucherDesc,IsPost,PostDate,PostBy,EntryDate,EntryUserKey,LastUpdateDate,LastUpdateUserKey,NField_1,NField_2,TField_1,TField_2,TField_3,TField_4,TField_5,DField_1,DField_2,IField_1,BField_1,CheckNo,CheckDate from Acc_Voucher where VoucherNo='" + voucherNo + "'"; try { conManager.OpenDataReader(sql, out reader); while (reader.Read()) { Acc_Voucher newAcc_Voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); newAcc_Voucher.SetData(reader); voucher = newAcc_Voucher; } return voucher; } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) reader.Close(); } }
public static CustomList<Acc_Voucher> GetAllAcc_Voucher(Int32 CostCenterID, Int32 BranchOrUnit, Int32 bankBranch, String fromDate, String toDate) { ConnectionManager conManager = new ConnectionManager(ConnectionName.HR); CustomList<Acc_Voucher> Acc_VoucherCollection = new CustomList<Acc_Voucher>(); IDataReader reader = null; String sql = "spBankReconciliation " + CostCenterID + "," + BranchOrUnit + "," + bankBranch + "," + "'" + fromDate + "','" + toDate + "'"; try { conManager.OpenDataReader(sql, out reader); while (reader.Read()) { Acc_Voucher newAcc_Voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); newAcc_Voucher.SetDataBankReconciliation(reader); Acc_VoucherCollection.Add(newAcc_Voucher); } return Acc_VoucherCollection; } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) reader.Close(); } }
public static CustomList<Acc_Voucher> GetAllAcc_Voucher(Int32 VoucherTypeKey) { ConnectionManager conManager = new ConnectionManager(ConnectionName.HR); CustomList<Acc_Voucher> Acc_VoucherCollection = new CustomList<Acc_Voucher>(); IDataReader reader = null; String sql = "spFindVoucher "+VoucherTypeKey; try { conManager.OpenDataReader(sql, out reader); while (reader.Read()) { Acc_Voucher newAcc_Voucher = new Acc_Voucher(); newAcc_Voucher.SetData(reader); Acc_VoucherCollection.Add(newAcc_Voucher); } return Acc_VoucherCollection; } catch(Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) reader.Close(); } }