void Update() { //Check if the Bsave is at surface. Thsi is a temporary solution the OnTriggerEnter method is a little bit more elegant // but will only work right when the mouth peace flips with the beaver sprite whoch it hopefully will. if (playerStateScript.GetIsSuffocating() && transform.position.y > 2.4f) { rBody.gravityScale = constants.waterGravity; } // beaver is suffocating and out of water if (playerStateScript.GetCanBreathe() && playerStateScript.GetIsSuffocating()) { //set gravity back rBody.gravityScale = constants.airGravity; //isSuffocating = false; playerStateScript.SetIsSuffocating(false); //print("isSuffocating set false"); // reset the beaver to be in the normal layer where they can interact with obstacles transform.FindChild("Beaver").gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Non_Interactable"); beaverMouth.transform.FindChild("beaver_mouth").gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Non_Interactable"); //animator.SetBool ("at_surface", true); // sets animator so that it transitions form foating to idle animator.SetTrigger("surface"); // sets the icon animator to normal // iconIndicator.SetTrigger ("out_of_water"); // iconIndicator.SetBool("isDead", false); //movingScript.enabled = true; // enable movement again (same for dashing and throwing) movingScript.SetMoveForce(constants.moveForceNormal); dashScript.enabled = true; throwingScript.enabled = true; colDetectScript.enabled = true; beaverPearlCollider.GetComponent <Collider2D> ().enabled = true; } // beaver is fine and under water else if (!playerStateScript.GetIsSuffocating() && !playerStateScript.GetCanBreathe()) { animator.SetBool("at_surface", false); check_breathing(); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // iconAnim.ResetTrigger ("breathing_in"); // iconAnim.ResetTrigger ("breathing_out"); // iconAnim.ResetTrigger ("breath_held"); // above water if (playerStateScript.GetCanBreathe()) { iconAnim.SetBool("isDead", false); iconAnim.SetBool("underwater", false); } else { iconAnim.SetBool("underwater", true); } // underwater and is dead if (!playerStateScript.GetCanBreathe() && playerStateScript.GetIsSuffocating()) { iconAnim.SetTrigger("is_dead"); iconAnim.SetBool("isDead", true); } if (!playerStateScript.GetCanBreathe()) { iconAnim.SetTrigger("breath_held"); } // breathing in and out in the game (while not suffocating). if (!playerStateScript.GetIsSuffocating()) { if (Input.GetKey(breatheIn)) { iconAnim.SetTrigger("breathing_in"); } if (Input.GetKey(breatheOut)) { iconAnim.SetTrigger("breathing_out"); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //move the player position //for xbox controller float h = moveInputScript.GetMoveHorizontalAxis(); //mov_horiz float v = moveInputScript.GetMoveVerticalAxis(); //mov_vert //check if can breathe and set their color if (beaverMouth.transform.position.y >= constants.waterSurface) { //if transitioning to can beathe, play sound if (!playerStateScript.GetCanBreathe()) { soundPlayer.PlayClip(surfacingSound, 1.0f); } playerStateScript.SetCanBreathe(true); if ("1" == playerStateScript.GetTeamNumber()) { beaverSprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = constants.team1Color; } else { beaverSprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = constants.team2Color; } } else { //if transitioning to can't beathe, play sound if (playerStateScript.GetCanBreathe()) { soundPlayer.PlayClip(divingSound, 1.0f); } playerStateScript.SetCanBreathe(false); if ("1" == playerStateScript.GetTeamNumber()) { beaverSprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = constants.team1ColorWater; } else { beaverSprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = constants.team2ColorWater; } } if (!playerStateScript.GetIsSuffocating()) { //check if in water or at surface if (transform.position.y >= constants.waterSurface) { animator.SetBool("on_land", false); //check if walking on platform //if( transform.position.y >= platformSurface && playerStateScript.GetIsTouchingPlatform()) { if (playerStateScript.GetIsTouchingPlatform()) { rBody.gravityScale = landGravity; if (transform.position.y >= platformSurface) { animator.SetBool("on_land", true); v = 0; //do not allow vertical movement when on the platform } } else { rBody.gravityScale = airGravity; } } else { rBody.gravityScale = waterGravity; animator.SetBool("on_land", false); } } //set animation if stick is moved enough if ((Mathf.Abs(h) > leftAnalogThresh) || (Mathf.Abs(v) > leftAnalogThresh)) { //show the player moving animation animator.SetBool("is_moving", true); //move the player in the direction of the input rBody.AddForce(new Vector2(moveForce * h, 0)); rBody.AddForce(new Vector2(0, moveForce * v)); } else { animator.SetBool("is_moving", false); } // ******** // * Had to take out the following to let the dash do it's thing // *********** ////limit to max speed in x //if (rBody.velocity.x > maxSpeed) //{ // rBody.velocity = new Vector2(maxSpeed, rBody.velocity.y); //} //else if (rBody.velocity.x < maxSpeed * -1) //{ // rBody.velocity = new Vector2(maxSpeed * -1, rBody.velocity.y); //} ////limit to max speed in y //if (rBody.velocity.y > maxSpeed) //{ // rBody.velocity = new Vector2(rBody.velocity.x, maxSpeed); //} //else if (rBody.velocity.y < maxSpeed * -1) //{ // rBody.velocity = new Vector2(rBody.velocity.x, maxSpeed * -1); //} //point the beaver_sprite in the same direction as it is moving RotateBeaver(h, v); //set the offset pearl object to point in the direction it will be thrown //also sets throw angle //flip the orientation of the sprite if direction was changed if ((facingRight && h < 0) || (!facingRight && h > 0)) { Flip(); } }