Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the fast organic layout.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        public void execute(Object parent)
            mxIGraphModel model = graph.Model;

            // Finds the relevant vertices for the layout
            int           childCount = model.GetChildCount(parent);
            List <Object> tmp        = new List <Object>(childCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                Object child = model.GetChildAt(parent, i);

                if (!IsCellIgnored(child))

            vertexArray = tmp.ToArray();
            int n = vertexArray.Length;

            dispX         = new double[n];
            dispY         = new double[n];
            cellLocation  = new double[n][];
            isMoveable    = new bool[n];
            neighbours    = new int[n][];
            radius        = new double[n];
            radiusSquared = new double[n];

            minDistanceLimitSquared = minDistanceLimit * minDistanceLimit;

            if (forceConstant < 0.001)
                forceConstant = 0.001;

            forceConstantSquared = forceConstant * forceConstant;

            // Create a map of vertices first. This is required for the array of
            // arrays called neighbours which holds, for each vertex, a list of
            // ints which represents the neighbours cells to that vertex as
            // the indices into vertexArray
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexArray.Length; i++)
                Object vertex = vertexArray[i];
                cellLocation[i] = new double[2];

                // Set up the mapping from array indices to cells
                indices[vertex] = i;
                mxGeometry bounds = model.GetGeometry(vertex);

                // Set the X,Y value of the internal version of the cell to
                // the center point of the vertex for better positioning
                double width  = bounds.Width;
                double height = bounds.Height;

                // Randomize (0, 0) locations
                double x = bounds.X;
                double y = bounds.Y;

                cellLocation[i][0] = x + width / 2.0;
                cellLocation[i][1] = y + height / 2.0;

                radius[i]        = Math.Min(width, height);
                radiusSquared[i] = radius[i] * radius[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                dispX[i]      = 0;
                dispY[i]      = 0;
                isMoveable[i] = graph.IsCellMovable(vertexArray[i]);

                // Get lists of neighbours to all vertices, translate the cells
                // obtained in indices into vertexArray and store as an array
                // against the orginial cell index
                Object[] edges = mxGraphModel.GetEdges(model, vertexArray[i]);
                Object[] cells = mxGraphModel.GetOpposites(model, edges,
                                                           vertexArray[i], true, true);

                neighbours[i] = new int[cells.Length];

                for (int j = 0; j < cells.Length; j++)
                    int?index = indices[cells[j]];

                    // Check the connected cell in part of the vertex list to be
                    // acted on by this layout
                    if (index != null)
                        neighbours[i][j] = (int)index;

                    // Else if index of the other cell doesn't correspond to
                    // any cell listed to be acted upon in this layout. Set
                    // the index to the value of this vertex (a dummy self-loop)
                    // so the attraction force of the edge is not calculated
                        neighbours[i][j] = i;
            temperature = initialTemp;

            // If max number of iterations has not been set, guess it
            if (maxIterations == 0)
                maxIterations = (int)(20 * Math.Sqrt(n));

            // Main iteration loop
            for (iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; iteration++)
                if (!allowedToRun)

                // Calculate repulsive forces on all vertices

                // Calculate attractive forces through edges


            // Moved cell location back to top-left from center locations used in
            // algorithm
                double?minx = null;
                double?miny = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < vertexArray.Length; i++)
                    Object     vertex = vertexArray[i];
                    mxGeometry geo    = model.GetGeometry(vertex);

                    if (geo != null)
                        cellLocation[i][0] -= geo.Width / 2.0;
                        cellLocation[i][1] -= geo.Height / 2.0;

                        geo = geo.Clone();

                        geo.X = graph.Snap(cellLocation[i][0]);
                        geo.Y = graph.Snap(cellLocation[i][1]);

                        model.SetGeometry(vertex, geo);

                        if (minx == null)
                            minx = geo.X;
                            minx = Math.Min((double)minx, geo.X);

                        if (miny == null)
                            miny = geo.Y;
                            miny = Math.Min((double)miny, geo.Y);

                // Modifies the cloned geometries in-place. Not needed
                // to clone the geometries again as we're in the same
                // undoable change.
                if (minx != null || miny != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertexArray.Length; i++)
                        Object     vertex = vertexArray[i];
                        mxGeometry geo    = model.GetGeometry(vertex);

                        if (geo != null)
                            if (minx != null)
                                geo.X -= ((double)minx) - 1;

                            if (miny != null)
                                geo.Y -= ((double)miny) - 1;