Example #1
    private IEnumerator CheckPlayerHealth(GameObject player)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f));

        if (player.GetComponent <PlayerStats>().GetHealth() <= 0)
            monsterCurrentState = monsterState.killedPlayer;
Example #2
 void OnCollisionEnter(Collision player)
     if (player.transform.tag == "Player")
         storedPlayerID      = player.transform.gameObject.name;
         lastFoundPlayer     = player.transform.gameObject;
         monsterCurrentState = monsterState.foundNewPlayer;
Example #3
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.PageDown))
        //Perform a switch on the enum declared above to check the current state of the monster
        switch (monsterCurrentState)
        case (monsterState.chooseFirstPath):
            indexOfPath = Random.Range(0, monsterPaths.Length);
            chosenPath          = monsterPaths[indexOfPath];
            monsterCurrentState = monsterState.onPath;

        case (monsterState.onPath):
            //When the monsters current position is close to the current path block by 2 blocks then find another path
            if ((monster.transform.position - chosenPath.transform.position).magnitude < 2)
                indexOfPath = Random.Range(0, monsterPaths.Length);
                chosenPath = monsterPaths[indexOfPath];
            //Find all players in the players array and locate distance between monster and player
            foreach (GameObject player in players)
                playerDistance = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, player.transform.position);
                //if distance is under 8 blocks then execute the following
                if (playerDistance < 8)
                    //executes when the monster first locates a player and sets the unique player id/gameobject as well as the monster state
                    if (foundInitialPlayer == false)
                        storedPlayerID      = player.name;
                        lastFoundPlayer     = player;
                        monsterCurrentState = monsterState.foundNewPlayer;
                        foundInitialPlayer  = true;
                    //executes when a second player is found after the fact a monster has found the first player. Overwrites the existing unique id/gameobject for monster and sets monster state
                    else if (foundInitialPlayer == true && storedPlayerID != player.name)
                        storedPlayerID      = player.name;
                        lastFoundPlayer     = player;
                        monsterCurrentState = monsterState.foundNewPlayer;
            //while monster is still on monster path, if player is found in the monsters sights he will set his current state to found player and continue to chase
            if (Physics.Raycast(raycastPoint.transform.position, raycastPoint.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), out findPlayer, 10))
                if (findPlayer.transform.tag == "Player")
                    storedPlayerID      = findPlayer.transform.gameObject.name;
                    lastFoundPlayer     = findPlayer.transform.gameObject;
                    monsterCurrentState = monsterState.foundNewPlayer;
            //if monster can still sense old player after another new player is found then give him immunity for 12 seconds and when timer hits 0 then make him able to reaggro player again
            if (foundInitialPlayer == true && playerImmunityTimer >= 0)
                playerImmunityTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
            else if (playerImmunityTimer < 0)
                foundInitialPlayer  = false;
                playerImmunityTimer = 12;

        case (monsterState.foundNewPlayer):
            //if a new player is found the keep setting the destination of the monster to the player but also - time from the aggro timer
            aggroTimer         -= Time.deltaTime;
            foundPlayerDistance = Vector3.Distance(this.gameObject.transform.position, lastFoundPlayer.transform.position);
            //if monster and player are two blocks close to eachother then damage player. Once attacked monster attack will be on cooldown.
            if (foundPlayerDistance < 2 && monsterAttackCooldown == false)
                //perform a slerp here to look at the player and perform an attack once spotted
                if (Physics.Raycast(raycastPoint.transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), out findPlayer, 10))
                    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(lastFoundPlayer.transform.position - transform.position), Time.deltaTime * 10);
                    if (findPlayer.transform.tag == "Player")
                        anim.SetInteger("AttackMixer", Random.Range(0, 2));
                        GetComponent <NetworkAnimator>().SetTrigger("Punch");
                        monsterAttackCooldown = true;
            //if aggro timer hits 0 then set monster state to foundNewPath where he will find another path to follow
            if (aggroTimer <= 0)
                aggroTimer          = 6;
                monsterCurrentState = monsterState.foundNewPath;
            //if monster sees a player then set aggro timer to 8 and continue following player
            if (Physics.Raycast(raycastPoint.transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), out findPlayer, 10))
                if (findPlayer.transform.tag == "Player")
                    aggroTimer = 8;
                    if (findPlayer.transform.gameObject != lastFoundPlayer.transform.gameObject)
                        storedPlayerID  = findPlayer.transform.gameObject.name;
                        lastFoundPlayer = findPlayer.transform.gameObject;

        //find another path for monster once monster finds a path point
        case (monsterState.foundNewPath):
            indexOfPath = Random.Range(0, monsterPaths.Length);
            chosenPath          = monsterPaths[indexOfPath];
            monsterCurrentState = monsterState.onPath;

        case (monsterState.killedPlayer):
            if (executeOnce == false)
                executeOnce = true;
                anim.SetBool("Roar", true);
Example #4
 public void Continue()
     monsterCurrentState = monsterState.foundNewPath;
     executeOnce         = false;