Example #1
 void Start()
     pt               = PaintableTexture.Instance;
     sb               = stickHolder.GetComponent <StickBehavior>();
     h2c              = h2view.GetComponent <h2viewcontrol>();
     stickInitQ       = stickHolder.transform.localRotation;
     cameraInitQ      = camera.transform.localRotation;
     surfaceInitQ     = surface.transform.localRotation;
     Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
     Cursor.visible   = false;
Example #2
 void Start()
     pt = PaintableTexture.Instance;
     // Todo: replace below with singletons to avoid need for linking in the editor
     sb               = stickHolder.GetComponent <StickBehavior>();
     helpScreen       = helpScreenParent.GetComponent <HelpScreen>();
     h2c              = h2view.GetComponent <h2viewcontrol>();
     stickInitQ       = stickHolder.transform.localRotation;
     cameraInitQ      = camera.transform.localRotation;
     surfaceInitQ     = surface.transform.localRotation;
     Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
     Cursor.visible   = false;