Example #1
    public void GenerateDoors()
        //generate 20 doors
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            //instantiate new door, at an offset based on iterator
            GameObject newDoor      = Instantiate(door, new Vector3(0, 0, i * 2.1f), Quaternion.identity);
            doorData   selectedData = null;
            //Create a random float
            float randomChance = Random.Range(float.Epsilon, doorData.totalChance);
            //iterate through door data array until the first door to break the chance threshold occurs
            for (int j = 0; j < doorDataContainer.Count; j++)
                randomChance -= doorDataContainer[j].chance;

                if (randomChance <= 0)
                    //load the current iteration of door container into the selected data var
                    selectedData = doorDataContainer[j];

            //assign values of selected data to new door
            newDoor.GetComponent <Door>().hot   = selectedData.hot;
            newDoor.GetComponent <Door>().noisy = selectedData.noisy;
            newDoor.GetComponent <Door>().safe  = selectedData.safe;
Example #2
    //convert data from test to usable
    public void convertData()
        //sum of elapsed chance reset
        doorData.totalChance = 0;
        //for the length of the data array
        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length - 1; i++)
            //split each set of 4 values into an array of 4 values, char char char float
            string[] dataArray   = data[i + 1].Split(seperatorChar);
            doorData currentDoor = new doorData();
            //if Y, door is hot, set bool true
            currentDoor.hot = (char.Parse(dataArray[0]) == 'Y');
            //if Y, door is noisy, set bool true
            currentDoor.noisy = (char.Parse(dataArray[1]) == 'Y');
            //if Y, door is safe, set bool true
            currentDoor.safe = (char.Parse(dataArray[2]) == 'Y');
            //Take probability as a float
            currentDoor.chance = float.Parse(dataArray[3]);
            //add door to list
            //add chance of door to totalchance used for debugging
            doorData.totalChance += currentDoor.chance;

        // if total probabilities are either less than, or greater than 100%, the file is invalid and an error is thrown.
        if ((doorData.totalChance - 1f) <= errorTolerance)
            Debug.Log("Probabilities  total to 100%. Valid file.");
            //disables menu UI
            // Locks cursor
            Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
            Cursor.visible   = false;

            //generates doors
            Debug.Log("Probabilities do not total to 100%. Invalid file.");
Example #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Node Node1 = new Node();
        Node Node2 = new Node();
        Node Node3 = new Node();
        Node Node4 = new Node();
        Node Node5 = new Node();

        doorData Door1 = new doorData(new Vector2(0.45f, 0.183f), new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
        doorData Door2 = new doorData(new Vector2(1.227f, -0.796f), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
        doorData Door3 = new doorData(new Vector2(1.802f, -1.39f), new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
        doorData Door4 = new doorData(new Vector2(3.245f, -0.126f), new Vector3(-1, 0, 0));
        doorData Door5 = new doorData(new Vector2(4.14f, -0.126f), new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
        doorData Door6 = new doorData(new Vector2(3.77f, -0.58f), new Vector3(0, -1, 0));
        doorData Door7 = new doorData(new Vector2(3.77f, -1.243f), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
        doorData Door8 = new doorData(new Vector2(4.875f, -0.135f), new Vector3(-1, 0, 0));

        Node1.neighbours.Add(Node2, Door1);

        Node2.neighbours.Add(Node1, Door2);
        Node2.neighbours.Add(Node3, Door3);

        Node3.neighbours.Add(Node2, Door4);
        Node3.neighbours.Add(Node4, Door6);
        Node3.neighbours.Add(Node5, Door5);

        Node4.neighbours.Add(Node3, Door7);

        Node5.neighbours.Add(Node3, Door8);


        // Node1.fighterCount = 0;

        var room1 = GameObject.Find("Room1");
        var act   = room1.GetComponent <RoomAction>();

        act.node = Node1;

        var room2 = GameObject.Find("Room2");

        act      = room2.GetComponent <RoomAction>();
        act.node = Node2;

        var room3 = GameObject.Find("Room3");

        act      = room3.GetComponent <RoomAction>();
        act.node = Node3;

        var room4 = GameObject.Find("Room4");

        act      = room4.GetComponent <RoomAction>();
        act.node = Node4;

        var room5 = GameObject.Find("Room5");

        act      = room5.GetComponent <RoomAction>();
        act.node = Node5;

        var f  = (GameObject.Find("K")).GetComponent <Fighter>();
        var f1 = (GameObject.Find("K1")).GetComponent <Fighter>();

        f.currentNode = Node1;
        f.currentNode = Node1;