Example #1
    public deckDraw randomDraw(int drawSize, Deck deck)

        /* for (int x = 0; x < deck.cards.Count; x++){
         *  Debug.Log(deck.cards[x]);
         * } */
        deckDraw drawnCards = new deckDraw();

        drawnCards.cards = new List <card>();

        // select random cards from deck and add them to drawnCards List
        for (int x = 0; x < drawSize; x++)
            //Debug.Log("Cards in deck:" + deck.cards.Count);
            int cardNum = Random.Range(0, deck.cards.Count - 1);
            Debug.Log("cardNum:" + cardNum);

        /* for (int x = 0; x < drawnCards.cards.Count; x++){
         *  Debug.Log(drawnCards.cards[x]);
         * } */
    public void drawCard(int numCards)
        Debug.Log("This is the drawCard method being called");

        Deck deck = Deck.GetComponent <deckManager>().deck;

        deckDraw pull = Deck.GetComponent <cardGenerator>().randomDraw(numCards, deck);

        Debug.Log("First card title: " + pull.cards[0].title);

        //GameObject[] hand = new GameObject[10];
        Vector2 leftOffset  = new Vector2(2f, 0);
        Vector2 rightOffset = new Vector2(2f, 0);
        Vector2 origin      = new Vector2(0, -3.72f);
        //hand[0] = Instantiate(cardPrefab, new Vector2(0, -3.72f), Quaternion.identity);
        GameObject card = Instantiate(cardPrefab, origin, Quaternion.identity);

        card.name             = "card0";
        card.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
        List <Text> cardText = new List <Text>();

        card.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(cardText);
        //cardText[0].text = "This is the origin";
        cardText[0].text = pull.cards[0].title;
        cardText[1].text = pull.cards[0].description;
        //hand[0].transform.parent = gameObject.transform;

        for (int i = 1; i < numCards; i++)
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                card                  = Instantiate(cardPrefab, origin + rightOffset * (i / 2), Quaternion.identity);
                card.name             = "card" + i;
                card.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                //rightOffset += new Vector2(2f,0);
                card.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(cardText);
                //cardText[0].text = "This is the origin";
                cardText[0].text = pull.cards[i].title;
                cardText[1].text = pull.cards[i].description;
                /* Debug.Log(i);
                 * Debug.Log(Mathf.Ceil(i/2f));
                 * Debug.Log(origin - leftOffset*(Mathf.Ceil(i/2f))); */
                card                  = Instantiate(cardPrefab, origin - leftOffset * (Mathf.Ceil(i / 2f)), Quaternion.identity);
                card.name             = "card" + i;
                card.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                //leftOffset += new Vector2(2f,0);
                card.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(cardText);
                //cardText[0].text = "This is the origin";
                cardText[0].text = pull.cards[i].title;
                cardText[1].text = pull.cards[i].description;


        //return hand;