Example #1
    public void UpdateValues()
        t_level.text = string.Format("Lv. {0}", cUtil._user._playerInfo.weapon.level.GetValueToString());
        //현재 공격력
        t_curValue[0].text = cUtil._user._playerInfo.weapon.damage.GetValueToString();
        //현재 Hp
        t_curValue[1].text = cUtil._user._playerInfo.weapon.hp.GetValueToString();
        //현재 공격속도
        t_curValue[2].text = string.Format("{0:F2}", cUtil._user._playerInfo.weapon.attackSpeed);
        //현재 내구도
        t_curValue[3].text = cUtil._user._playerInfo.weapon.indurance.GetValueToString();

        //슬라이더 맥시멈값 계산
        cProperty MaxLevel = new cProperty("MaxLevel", 9000000000000000000);
        cProperty canLevel = cWeaponTable.GetMaxUpgradeLevelByMaxGold(

        if (MaxLevel.value < canLevel.value)
            canLevel.value = MaxLevel.value;

        slider_upgrade.maxValue = canLevel.value;
        slider_upgrade.value = 0;
Example #2
    public static cProperty GetMaxUpgradeLevelByMaxGold(cProperty pCurLevel, cProperty pMoney)
        cProperty canLevel = new cProperty("adsf", 0);

        long factor            = 1;
        long upgradeTotalMoney = 0;

        while (true)
            upgradeTotalMoney += 1000 * (pCurLevel.value + factor);
            if (upgradeTotalMoney > 9000000000000000000)
                canLevel.value += factor;

            if (pMoney.value < upgradeTotalMoney)
                canLevel.value += (factor - 1);


        static cExcelEmployeeData_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[14];

            aProperties[0]  = new cProperty("sFirstName", "First Name", "", enDataType.String, 512, false, false);
            aProperties[1]  = new cProperty("sMiddleName", "Middle Name", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[2]  = new cProperty("sLastNam", "Last Nam", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[3]  = new cProperty("sWorkEmailaID", "Work Emaila ID", "", enDataType.String, 512, false, false);
            aProperties[4]  = new cProperty("sDepartment", "Department", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[5]  = new cProperty("sFunctionalGroup", "Functional Group", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[6]  = new cProperty("sDesignation", "Designation", "", enDataType.String, 512, false, false);
            aProperties[7]  = new cProperty("sPersonalEmailID", "Personal Email ID", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[8]  = new cProperty("sTitle", "Title", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[9]  = new cProperty("sPassword", "Password", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[10] = new cProperty("sReportingHead", "Reporting Head", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[11] = new cProperty("sRollAccess", "Roll Access", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[12] = new cProperty("sLocation", "Location", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[13] = new cProperty("dtDOJ", "DOJ", "", enDataType.DateTime, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cExcelEmployeeData", "HRIMS", "Excel Employee Data", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #4
    private void SliderChanged(float pVal)
        upLevel = new cProperty("asdfa", 0);
        upGold  = new cProperty("asdf", 0);

        long val = (long)pVal;

        //강화 횟수
        t_curUpgradeNum.text = val.ToString();

        //강화 레벨
        upLevel.value  = cUtil._user._playerInfo.weapon.level.value;
        upLevel.value += val;
        //강화 골드
        upGold.value       = cWeaponTable.GetUpgradeGoldByLevel(cUtil._user._playerInfo.weapon.level.value, val).value;
        t_upgradeGold.text = upGold.GetValueToString();
        //강화 공격력
        t_nextValue[0].text = cWeaponTable.GetAxeInfo(upLevel).damage.GetValueToString();
        //강화 Hp
        t_nextValue[1].text = cWeaponTable.GetAxeInfo(upLevel).hp.GetValueToString();
        //강화 공격속도
        t_nextValue[2].text = string.Format("{0:F2}", cWeaponTable.GetAxeInfo(upLevel).attackSpeed);
        //강화 내구도
        t_nextValue[3].text = cWeaponTable.GetAxeInfo(upLevel).indurance.GetValueToString();
        static cEmpPersonalDetails_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[21];

            aProperties[0]  = new cProperty("sFirstName", "First Name", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[1]  = new cProperty("sMiddleName", "Middle Name", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[2]  = new cProperty("sLastName", "Last Name", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[3]  = new cProperty("sGender", "Gender", "", enDataType.String, 10, false, false);
            aProperties[4]  = new cProperty("sFatherName", "Father Name", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[5]  = new cProperty("sMotherName", "Mother Name", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[6]  = new cProperty("sCurrAddress", "Curr Address", "", enDataType.String, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[7]  = new cProperty("sPerAddress", "Per Address", "", enDataType.String, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[8]  = new cProperty("sMartialStatus", "Martial Status", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[9]  = new cProperty("dtDOB", "DOB", "", enDataType.DateTime, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[10] = new cProperty("sGovtID", "Govt ID", "", enDataType.String, 512, false, false);
            aProperties[11] = new cProperty("sCity", "City", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[12] = new cProperty("sState", "State", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[13] = new cProperty("sZipCode", "Zip Code", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[14] = new cProperty("sCountry", "Country", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[15] = new cProperty("sNationality", "Nationality", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[16] = new cProperty("sPerContactNo", "Per Contact No", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[17] = new cProperty("sWorkTelp", "Work Telp", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[18] = new cProperty("sPersoanlEmailID", "Persoanl Email ID", "", enDataType.String, 100, false, false);
            aProperties[19] = new cProperty("bIsActive", "Is Active", "", enDataType.Boolean, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[20] = new cProperty("objEmpLogin", "Emp Login", "", enDataType.ObjectReference, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cEmpPersonalDetails", "HRIMS", "Emp Personal Details", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #6
    public virtual void Init(enemyInitStruct pEs)
        base.Init(pEs.nickName, pEs.damage, pEs.maxMoveSpeed, pEs.maxHp, pEs.curHp);
        rt              = originObj.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
        defaultGravity  = 300.0f;
        changingGravity = defaultGravity;
        jumpHeight      = 200.0f;
        id              = pEs.id;
        rocks           = new cProperty(pEs.rocks);
        isDead          = false;
        respawnTime     = 5.0f;
        InitPos         = this.transform.localPosition;
        isInNoticeRange = false;
        playerPos       = Vector3.zero;
        attackBoxPos[0] = new Vector3(1.5f, 0f, 0f);
        attackBoxPos[2] = new Vector3(-1.5f, 0f, 0f);
        respawnCor      = RespawnTimer();
        curMoveSpeed    = maxMoveSpeed;
        attackCoolTime  = 3.0f;
        attackBoxMng    = attackBox.GetComponent <cEnemy_AttckBox>();
        isInAttackRange = false;
        _animator = this.GetComponent <Animator>();

        curPatternId = 0;


        isInit = true;
Example #7
 public cItem(string pName, string pDesc, cProperty pPrice, byte pKind)
     _name = pName;
     desc  = pDesc;
     price = new cProperty(pPrice);
     kind  = pKind;
Example #8
 public cItem_equip(cItem_equip pIe)
     : base(pIe._name, pIe.desc, pIe.price, pIe.kind)
     damage      = new cProperty(pIe.damage);
     maxHp       = new cProperty(pIe.maxHp);
     attackSpeed = pIe.attackSpeed;
     drainValue  = pIe.drainValue;
Example #9
 public Tile(Vector3Int pLocation, TileBase pTileBase, cProperty pLevel, cProperty pMaxHp, cProperty pCurHp, cProperty pRocks)
     location = pLocation;
     tileBase = pTileBase;
     level    = new cProperty(pLevel);
     maxHp    = new cProperty(pMaxHp);
     curHp    = new cProperty(pCurHp);
     rocks    = new cProperty(pRocks);
 private void Start()
     isInDanger  = false;
     isRestoring = false;
     distance    = 0;
     restoringHP = new cProperty("restore", 1); // 디버깅용 수치이므로 나중에 값 수정해야 함
     time        = 0;
Example #11
 public cItem_equip(string pName, string pDesc, cProperty pPrice, byte pKind,
                    cProperty pDamage, cProperty pMaxHp, float pAttackSpeed = 0, float pDrainValue = 0)
     : base(pName, pDesc, pPrice, pKind)
     damage      = new cProperty(pDamage);
     maxHp       = new cProperty(pMaxHp);
     attackSpeed = pAttackSpeed;
     drainValue  = pDrainValue;
Example #12
 public cAxe()
     level       = new cProperty("Level");
     damage      = new cProperty("Damage");
     hp          = new cProperty("Hp");
     value       = new cProperty("Value");
     indurance   = new cProperty("Indurance");
     attackSpeed = 1.0f;
     AxeImgNum   = 0;
Example #13
 public cAxe(cProperty pLevel, cProperty pDamage, cProperty pHp, cProperty pIndurance, cProperty pValue, float pAs, byte pImgNum)
     level       = new cProperty(pLevel);
     damage      = new cProperty(pDamage);
     hp          = new cProperty(pHp);
     pIndurance  = new cProperty(pIndurance);
     value       = new cProperty(pValue);
     attackSpeed = pAs;
     AxeImgNum   = pImgNum;
Example #14
 public cAxe(cAxe pAxe)
     level       = new cProperty(pAxe.level);
     damage      = new cProperty(pAxe.damage);
     hp          = new cProperty(pAxe.hp);
     indurance   = new cProperty(pAxe.indurance);
     value       = new cProperty(pAxe.value);
     attackSpeed = pAxe.attackSpeed;
     AxeImgNum   = pAxe.AxeImgNum;
Example #15
 public void Init(string pNickName, cProperty pDmg, float pMaxMoveSpeed, cProperty pMaxHp, cProperty pCurHp, int pId, cProperty pRocks)
     nickName     = pNickName;
     damage       = new cProperty("Damage", pDmg.value);
     maxMoveSpeed = pMaxMoveSpeed;
     maxHp        = new cProperty("MaxHp", pMaxHp.value);
     curHp        = new cProperty("CurHp", pCurHp.value);
     id           = pId;
     rocks        = new cProperty("Rocks", pRocks.value);
Example #16
        static cCountry_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[0];

            m_oClass = new cClass("cCountry", "HRIMS", "Country", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #17
    public static cProperty GetUpgradeGoldByLevel(long pCurLevel, long pNextLevel)
        cProperty money = new cProperty("adsf", 0);

        for (long i = pCurLevel; i < (pCurLevel + pNextLevel); i++)
            money.value += (i + 1) * 1000;

Example #18
 private void Start()
     rt            = originObj.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     damage        = new cProperty("damage", 100);
     timer         = 0;
     isAttatched   = false;
     isTimeDone    = false;
     isExplodeDone = false;
     originTPos    = Vector3.zero;
        static cFunctionalDepartment_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[1];

            aProperties[0] = new cProperty("bIsActive", "Is Active", "", enDataType.Boolean, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cFunctionalDepartment", "HRIMS", "Functional Department", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #20
    private void Start()
        curMoveSpeed = curMoveSpeed * 0.7f;
        maxMoveSpeed = maxMoveSpeed * 0.7f;

        isRestoring     = false;
        lastAttackTime  = 0;
        waitTimeRestore = 7.0f;                     // 7초 후 회복 시작
        time            = 0;
        healAmount      = new cProperty("temp", 1); // 힐량 임시
Example #21
    //예상 수익 업데이트
    private void UpdateSellProperty()
        cProperty sellProperty = new cProperty("adsf", 0);

        for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            sellProperty.value = cUtil._user._playerInfo.curStorePrice[i].value *

            obj_jewerly[i].transform.GetChild(5).GetComponent <Text>().text = sellProperty.GetValueToString();
Example #22
        static cPermission_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[2];

            aProperties[0] = new cProperty("iParentID", "Parent ID", "", enDataType.Int32, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[1] = new cProperty("bIsActive", "Is Active", "", enDataType.Boolean, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cPermission", "HRIMS", "Permission", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #23
        static cQuadrant_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[2];

            aProperties[0] = new cProperty("objEmpLogin", "Emp Login", "", enDataType.ObjectReference, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[1] = new cProperty("bIsActive", "Is Active", "", enDataType.Boolean, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cQuadrant", "HRIMS", "Quadrant", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #24
        static cLeaveType_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[2];

            aProperties[0] = new cProperty("iAllowDays", "Allow Days", "", enDataType.Int32, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[1] = new cProperty("bIsActive", "Is Active", "", enDataType.Boolean, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cLeaveType", "HRIMS", "Leave Type", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #25
        static cSummaryComments_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[2];

            aProperties[0] = new cProperty("sDescription", "Description", "", enDataType.String, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[1] = new cProperty("objEmpLogin", "Emp Login", "", enDataType.ObjectReference, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cSummaryComments", "HRIMS", "Summary Comments", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #26
        static cRatings_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[2];

            aProperties[0] = new cProperty("sRatingName", "Rating Name", "", enDataType.String, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[1] = new cProperty("bIsActive", "Is Active", "", enDataType.Boolean, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cRatings", "HRIMS", "Ratings", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #27
        static cNews_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[3];

            aProperties[0] = new cProperty("sHeadLine", "Head Line", "", enDataType.String, 1024, false, false);
            aProperties[1] = new cProperty("sDescription", "Description", "", enDataType.String, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[2] = new cProperty("bIsActive", "Is Active", "", enDataType.Boolean, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cNews", "HRIMS", "News", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #28
        static cManageGroup_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[3];

            aProperties[0] = new cProperty("objFunctionalGroup", "Functional Group", "", enDataType.ObjectReference, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[1] = new cProperty("iReportingHead", "Reporting Head", "", enDataType.Int32, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[2] = new cProperty("bIsActive", "Is Active", "", enDataType.Boolean, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cManageGroup", "HRIMS", "Manage Group", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #29
        static cFile_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[3];

            aProperties[0] = new cProperty("sFileName", "File Name", "", enDataType.String, 1024, false, false);
            aProperties[1] = new cProperty("objEmpLogin", "Emp Login", "", enDataType.ObjectReference, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[2] = new cProperty("objCareerDevelopmentPlan", "Career Development Plan", "", enDataType.ObjectReference, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cFile", "HRIMS", "File", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #30
        static cTimeSheetActivity_Base()
            // Register the class

            cProperty[] aProperties = new cProperty[3];

            aProperties[0] = new cProperty("objTimesheet", "Timesheet", "", enDataType.ObjectReference, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[1] = new cProperty("objActivity", "Activity", "", enDataType.ObjectReference, 0, false, false);
            aProperties[2] = new cProperty("bIsActive", "Is Active", "", enDataType.Boolean, 0, false, false);

            m_oClass = new cClass("cTimeSheetActivity", "HRIMS", "Time Sheet Activity", "", enClassType.Standard, true, aProperties, enStorageType.MSSQL);

Example #31
        //protected sAttribute pAttr;

        public sGraphicFont(sAttribute attr, Int32 x, Int32 y, String text, float size, sFont font, sColor color, cProperty.eHAlign hAlignment, cProperty.eVAlign vAlignment)
            : base(attr)
            //pAttr = attr;

            pX = x;
            pY = y;

            pText = text;
            pSize = size;
            pFont = font;
            pColor = color;
            pHAlignment = hAlignment;
            pVAlignment = vAlignment;

            pTranparent = true;