public void Operation_I() { attribute _attr = this.gameObject.GetComponent <attribute>(); Skill_2_active = true; Skill_2_CoolDownTime = Skill_2_CoolDownTime_Max; if (ParticalHPUp != null) { ParticalHPUp.SetActive(true); } _attr.update_HP(Skill_2_Value[0] + Skill_1_Value[2] * _attr.Skill_Level[1]); }
public void UseItem() { if (MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture.Equals(nan)) { return; } if (_x == 0) { float _percentage = _y == 0 ? 0.2f : _y == 1 ? 0.4f : _y == 2 ? 0.6f : 1.0f; player.update_HP(player.HP_max * _percentage); player.gameObject.transform.Find("HPup").gameObject.SetActive(true); ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y]--; MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Number").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y].ToString(); if (ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y] == 0) { MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = nan; } } }
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider colli) { attribute colli_attribute = colli.gameObject.GetComponent <attribute> (); if (colli.gameObject == null || colli_attribute == null) { return; } // player can get the goods if (colli_attribute.if_Player && type == "HP+") { colli_attribute.update_HP(value); Destroy(this.gameObject); } if (colli_attribute.if_Player && type == "GOLD+") { colli_attribute.update_gold(value); Destroy(this.gameObject); } }
public IEnumerator attribute_Test_update_HP_WithEnumeratorPasses() { UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene("Untitled"); SetCharacter.istest = true; yield return(null); /// init GameObject test GameObject hero = SetCharacter.hero; Assert.AreNotEqual(hero, null); hero.transform.position = new Vector3(12, 0, 15); hero.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; /// init script test yield return(null); attribute testcs = hero.GetComponent <attribute> (); Assert.IsTrue(testcs.ifAlive); /// test hero /// test update_HP testcs.HP_max = testcs.HP = 100f; testcs.update_HP(-10f); // 100 - 10 = 90 Assert.GreaterOrEqual(1e-5, Math.Abs(testcs.HP - 90f)); testcs.update_HP(30f); // 90 + 30 = 120 (>HP_max) --> 100(HP_max) Assert.GreaterOrEqual(1e-5, Math.Abs(testcs.HP - 100f)); // will dead testcs.update_HP(-110f); // wait it dead yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); Debug.Log(testcs.HP); Debug.Log(testcs.ifAlive); Assert.IsTrue(hero != null); GameObject enemy = SetCharacter.enemy; Assert.AreNotEqual(enemy, null); enemy.transform.position = new Vector3(12, 0, 15); enemy.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; /// init script test yield return(null); testcs = enemy.GetComponent <attribute> (); Assert.IsTrue(testcs.ifAlive); /// test enemy /// test update_HP testcs.HP_max = testcs.HP = 100f; testcs.update_HP(-10f); // 100 - 10 = 90 Assert.GreaterOrEqual(1e-5, Math.Abs(testcs.HP - 90f)); testcs.update_HP(30f); // 90 + 30 = 120 (>HP_max) --> 100(HP_max) Assert.GreaterOrEqual(1e-5, Math.Abs(testcs.HP - 100f)); // will dead testcs.update_HP(-110f); // wait it dead yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); Debug.Log(testcs.HP); Debug.Log(testcs.ifAlive); Assert.IsTrue(enemy == null); SetCharacter.istest = false; }
// Fixed update is called in sync with physics private void FixedUpdate() { attribute _attr = this.gameObject.GetComponent <attribute>(); if (CoolDownTime > 0) { CoolDownTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; } if (Skill_1_CoolDownTime > 0) { Skill_1_CoolDownTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; Skill_1_Icon.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = Mathf.Max(0, Skill_1_CoolDownTime) / Skill_1_CoolDownTime_Max; StateIcon.transform.Find("Skill1").gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = Mathf.Max(1 - (Skill_1_CoolDownTime_Max - Skill_1_CoolDownTime) / Skill_1_Duration, 0.0f); if (Skill_1_CoolDownTime_Max - Skill_1_CoolDownTime >= Skill_1_Duration && Skill_1_active) { Skill_1_active = false; Renderer[] list; list = this.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { list[i].materials[0].color = Color.white; } _attr.ATK_bouns -= _attr.ATK * (Skill_1_Value[0] + Skill_1_Value[3] * _attr.Skill_Level[0] - 1); //_attr.DEF_bouns -= _attr.DEF * (Skill_1_Value[1] + Skill_1_Value[4] * _attr.Skill_Level[0] - 1); //_attr.ATK /= Skill_1_Value[0] + Skill_1_Value[3] * _attr.Skill_Level[0]; //_attr.DEF /= Skill_1_Value[1] + Skill_1_Value[4] * _attr.Skill_Level[0]; this.gameObject.GetComponent <ThirdPersonCharacter>().m_MoveSpeedMultiplier /= Skill_1_Value[2] + Skill_1_Value[5] * _attr.Skill_Level[0]; } } if (Skill_2_CoolDownTime > 0) { Skill_2_CoolDownTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; Skill_2_Icon.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = Mathf.Max(0, Skill_2_CoolDownTime) / Skill_2_CoolDownTime_Max; StateIcon.transform.Find("Skill2").gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = Mathf.Max(1 - (Skill_2_CoolDownTime_Max - Skill_2_CoolDownTime) / Skill_2_Duration, 0.0f); if (Skill_2_active) { this.gameObject.GetComponent <attribute>().update_HP((Skill_2_Value[1] + Skill_2_Value[3] * this.gameObject.GetComponent <attribute>().Skill_Level[1]) * Time.fixedDeltaTime); } if (Skill_2_CoolDownTime_Max - Skill_2_CoolDownTime >= Skill_2_Duration && Skill_2_active) { Skill_2_active = false; } } if (Skill_3_CoolDownTime > 0) { Skill_3_CoolDownTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; Skill_3_Icon.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = Mathf.Max(0, Skill_3_CoolDownTime) / Skill_3_CoolDownTime_Max; StateIcon.transform.Find("Skill3").gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = Mathf.Max(1 - (Skill_3_CoolDownTime_Max - Skill_3_CoolDownTime) / (Skill_3_Value[0] + Skill_3_Value[1] * _attr.Skill_Level[2]), 0.0f); if (Skill_3_CoolDownTime_Max - Skill_3_CoolDownTime >= Skill_3_Value[0] + Skill_3_Value[1] * _attr.Skill_Level[2] && Skill_3_active) { Skill_3_active = false; this.gameObject.transform.Find("Skill_3_shelter").gameObject.SetActive(false); Sa.DamagePerSecond = Safe_area_damage_persecond_record; _attr.DEF_bouns -= _attr.DEF * (Skill_1_Value[1] + Skill_1_Value[4] * _attr.Skill_Level[2] - 1); } } if (Skill_4_CoolDownTime > 0) { Skill_4_CoolDownTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; Skill_4_Icon.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = Mathf.Max(0, Skill_4_CoolDownTime) / Skill_4_CoolDownTime_Max; } if (ATKTime > 0) { ATKTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; StateIcon.transform.Find("ATK").gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = Mathf.Max(ATKTime / ATKTime_max, 0.0f); if (ATKTime <= 0) { _attr.ATK_bouns -= _attr.ATK * (ATK_multiplier - 1); } } if (DEFTime > 0) { DEFTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; StateIcon.transform.Find("DEF").gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = Mathf.Max(DEFTime / DEFTime_max, 0.0f); if (DEFTime <= 0) { _attr.DEF_bouns -= _attr.DEF * (DEF_multiplier - 1); } } if (item_cooldown > 0) { item_cooldown -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; } if (!(this.gameObject.GetComponent <attribute>().ifAlive)) { return; } // read inputs float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); float v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); if (v < 0) { v = 0; } m_Move = 3f * v * this.transform.forward + 1f * h * this.transform.right; int state_now = m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).shortNameHash; if (state_now == Animator.StringToHash("Grounded") && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.J) && CoolDownTime <= 0) //If use mouse, change to Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") { CoolDownTime = _attri.FireRate; m_Animator.SetFloat("Random", UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f)); m_Animator.SetTrigger("attack"); GameObject temp = Instantiate(attack_object, attaction_generate_position.position, attaction_generate_position.rotation); temp.GetComponent <ballistic>().speed = _attri.BallisticSpeed; temp.GetComponent <ballistic>().side =; temp.GetComponent <ballistic>().damage = _attri.ATK + _attri.ATK_bouns + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-3, 3); temp.GetComponent <ballistic>().From = this.gameObject; temp.GetComponent <ballistic>().duration = this.gameObject.GetComponent <attribute>().ZhiYe == "warrior" ? 1.0f : 3.0f; temp.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = (attaction_generate_position.forward).normalized * _attri.BallisticSpeed; temp.tag = "Team0"; } if (state_now == Animator.StringToHash("Grounded") && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.U) && Skill_1_CoolDownTime <= 0 && _attr.Skill_Level[0] > 0) { Skill_1_active = true; Skill_1_CoolDownTime = Skill_1_CoolDownTime_Max; Renderer[] list; list = this.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { list[i].materials[0].color =; } _attr.ATK_bouns += _attr.ATK * (Skill_1_Value[0] + Skill_1_Value[3] * _attr.Skill_Level[0] - 1); //_attr.DEF_bouns += _attr.DEF * (Skill_1_Value[1] + Skill_1_Value[4] * _attr.Skill_Level[0] - 1); //_attr.ATK *= Skill_1_Value[0] + Skill_1_Value[3] * _attr.Skill_Level[0]; //_attr.DEF *= Skill_1_Value[1] + Skill_1_Value[4] * _attr.Skill_Level[0]; this.gameObject.GetComponent <ThirdPersonCharacter>().m_MoveSpeedMultiplier *= Skill_1_Value[2] + Skill_1_Value[5] * _attr.Skill_Level[0]; } if (state_now == Animator.StringToHash("Grounded") && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I) && Skill_2_CoolDownTime <= 0 && _attr.Skill_Level[1] > 0) { Skill_2_active = true; Skill_2_CoolDownTime = Skill_2_CoolDownTime_Max; ParticalHPUp.SetActive(true); _attr.update_HP(Skill_2_Value[0] + Skill_1_Value[2] * _attr.Skill_Level[1]); } if (state_now == Animator.StringToHash("Grounded") && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O) && Skill_3_CoolDownTime <= 0 && _attr.Skill_Level[2] > 0) { Skill_3_active = true; Skill_3_CoolDownTime = Skill_3_CoolDownTime_Max; this.gameObject.transform.Find("Skill_3_shelter").gameObject.SetActive(true); Safe_area_damage_persecond_record = Sa.DamagePerSecond; Sa.DamagePerSecond = 0; _attr.DEF_bouns += _attr.DEF * (Skill_1_Value[1] + Skill_1_Value[4] * _attr.Skill_Level[2] - 1); } if (state_now == Animator.StringToHash("Grounded") && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P) && Skill_4_CoolDownTime <= 0 && _attr.Skill_Level[3] > 0) { Skill_4_active = true; Skill_4_CoolDownTime = Skill_4_CoolDownTime_Max; ParticleSystem.MainModule _m = this.gameObject.transform.Find("Skill_4 Partical").gameObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().main; ParticleSystem.EmissionModule _e = this.gameObject.transform.Find("Skill_4 Partical").gameObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().emission; _m.duration = 0.5f * (Skill_4_Value[2] + Skill_4_Value[5] * _attr.Skill_Level[3]); _e.rateOverTime = (Skill_4_Value[1] + Skill_4_Value[4] * _attr.Skill_Level[3]); this.gameObject.transform.Find("Skill_4 Partical").gameObject.SetActive(true); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) && item_cooldown < 0) { item_cooldown = 0.5f; if (ShopObject.activeInHierarchy) { ShopObject.SetActive(false); } else { ShopObject.SetActive(true); ShopObject.GetComponent <bagManager>().RefreshBag(); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F) && item_cooldown < 0) { if (MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture.Equals(Bag.nan) == false) { float _percentage = 0.0f; item_cooldown = 0.5f; int _x = Bag._x; int _y = Bag._y; if (_x == 0) { _percentage = _y == 0 ? 0.2f : _y == 1 ? 0.4f : _y == 2 ? 0.6f : 1.0f; _attr.update_HP(_attr.HP_max * _percentage); _attr.gameObject.transform.Find("HPup").gameObject.SetActive(true); Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y]--; Bag.RefreshBag(); MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Number").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y].ToString(); if (Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y] == 0) { MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = Bag.nan; Bag.ItemGameObject[4 * _x + _y].transform.Find("Choosen").gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (_x == 1) { _percentage = _y == 0 ? 0.3f : _y == 1 ? 0.6f : _y == 2 ? 0.9f : 1.5f; if (ATKTime < 0) { ATKTime = ATKTime_max; ATK_multiplier = 1 + _percentage; _attr.ATK_bouns += _attr.ATK * _percentage; //_attr.ATK *= 1 + _percentage; } else { if (1 + _percentage == ATK_multiplier) { ATKTime = ATKTime_max; } else { ATKTime = ATKTime_max; _attr.ATK_bouns -= _attr.ATK * (ATK_multiplier - 1); //_attr.ATK /= ATK_multiplier; ATK_multiplier = 1 + _percentage; _attr.ATK_bouns += _attr.ATK * _percentage; //_attr.ATK *= 1 + _percentage; } } Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y]--; Bag.RefreshBag(); MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Number").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y].ToString(); if (Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y] == 0) { MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = Bag.nan; Bag.ItemGameObject[4 * _x + _y].transform.Find("Choosen").gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (_x == 2) { _percentage = _y == 0 ? 0.3f : _y == 1 ? 0.6f : _y == 2 ? 0.9f : 1.5f; if (DEFTime < 0) { DEFTime = DEFTime_max; DEF_multiplier = 1 + _percentage; _attr.DEF_bouns += _attr.DEF * _percentage; //_attr.DEF *= 1 + _percentage; } else { if (1 + _percentage == DEF_multiplier) { DEFTime = DEFTime_max; } else { DEFTime = DEFTime_max; //_attr.DEF /= DEF_multiplier; _attr.DEF_bouns -= _attr.DEF * (DEF_multiplier - 1); DEF_multiplier = 1 + _percentage; //_attr.DEF *= 1 + _percentage; _attr.DEF_bouns += _attr.DEF * _percentage; } } Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y]--; Bag.RefreshBag(); MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Number").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y].ToString(); if (Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y] == 0) { MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = Bag.nan; Bag.ItemGameObject[4 * _x + _y].transform.Find("Choosen").gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } } // pass all parameters to the character control script m_Character.Move(m_Move, false, m_Jump); m_Jump = false; }
public void Operation_F() { attribute _attr = this.gameObject.GetComponent <attribute>(); if (MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture.Equals(Bag.nan) == false) { float _percentage = 0.0f; item_cooldown = 0.5f; int _x = Bag._x; int _y = Bag._y; if (_x == 0) { _percentage = _y == 0 ? 0.2f : _y == 1 ? 0.4f : _y == 2 ? 0.6f : 1.0f; _attr.update_HP(_attr.HP_max * _percentage); _attr.gameObject.transform.Find("HPup").gameObject.SetActive(true); Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y]--; Bag.RefreshBag(); MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Number").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y].ToString(); if (Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y] == 0) { MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = Bag.nan; Bag.ItemGameObject[4 * _x + _y].transform.Find("Choosen").gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (_x == 1) { _percentage = _y == 0 ? 0.3f : _y == 1 ? 0.6f : _y == 2 ? 0.9f : 1.5f; if (ATKTime < 0) { ATKTime = ATKTime_max; ATK_multiplier = 1 + _percentage; _attr.ATK_bouns += _attr.ATK * _percentage; //_attr.ATK *= 1 + _percentage; } else { if (1 + _percentage == ATK_multiplier) { ATKTime = ATKTime_max; } else { ATKTime = ATKTime_max; _attr.ATK_bouns -= _attr.ATK * (ATK_multiplier - 1); //_attr.ATK /= ATK_multiplier; ATK_multiplier = 1 + _percentage; _attr.ATK_bouns += _attr.ATK * _percentage; //_attr.ATK *= 1 + _percentage; } } Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y]--; Bag.RefreshBag(); MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Number").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y].ToString(); if (Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y] == 0) { MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = Bag.nan; Bag.ItemGameObject[4 * _x + _y].transform.Find("Choosen").gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (_x == 2) { _percentage = _y == 0 ? 0.3f : _y == 1 ? 0.6f : _y == 2 ? 0.9f : 1.5f; if (DEFTime < 0) { DEFTime = DEFTime_max; DEF_multiplier = 1 + _percentage; _attr.DEF_bouns += _attr.DEF * _percentage; //_attr.DEF *= 1 + _percentage; } else { if (1 + _percentage == DEF_multiplier) { DEFTime = DEFTime_max; } else { DEFTime = DEFTime_max; //_attr.DEF /= DEF_multiplier; _attr.DEF_bouns -= _attr.DEF * (DEF_multiplier - 1); DEF_multiplier = 1 + _percentage; //_attr.DEF *= 1 + _percentage; _attr.DEF_bouns += _attr.DEF * _percentage; } } Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y]--; Bag.RefreshBag(); MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Number").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y].ToString(); if (Bag.ItemOwned[4 * _x + _y] == 0) { MainScreenItem.transform.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = Bag.nan; Bag.ItemGameObject[4 * _x + _y].transform.Find("Choosen").gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } }