Example #1
 // TODO: maybe use endless interfaces so we can request something that is actually a ui thing, eh?
 public void AddKeyFocus(Trigger key, ZComponent focus, Action onSwitchAction, bool pressAgainToRevert)
     RegisterListener(new InputListener(key, x =>
         currentFocus = focus;
         var escapeListeners = new List <InputListener>();
         var escapeTriggers  = new List <Trigger>()
             Trigger.Escape, Trigger.LeftMouseClick
         if (pressAgainToRevert)
         foreach (var trigger in escapeTriggers)
             var listener = new InputListener(trigger, y =>
                 currentFocus = defaultFocus;
                 foreach (var l in escapeListeners)
Example #2
 private void SimulateKeyPress(MockInputManager mockInputManager, UIContext uiContext, Keys key)
Example #3
 public Light(ZComponent parent)
     : base(parent)
     Enabled = true;
     SpotDirection = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
     SpotCutoff = 45;
Example #4
 public Camera(ZComponent parent)
     : base(parent)
     Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 5);
     Target = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
     UpVector = Vector3.UnitY;
     ClipNear = 0.1f;
     ClipFar = 1000.0f;
Example #5
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)

            // TODO: Add your update logic here

Example #6
        public void CreateOrUpdateComponent(ZComponent zComponent, GameObject gameObject)
            switch (zComponent.ComponentCase)
            case ZComponent.ComponentOneofCase.Behaviour:
                CreateOrUpdateBehaviour(zComponent.Behaviour, gameObject);

            case ZComponent.ComponentOneofCase.CanvasRenderer:
                UpdateCanvasRenderer(zComponent.CanvasRenderer, gameObject);
        public CompositionTemplate()
            references = new ReferenceDataComponent();
            var nameText = new BasicText();

            nameText.position = new Vector2(5, 5);
            var tracker = new PointCollectionTracker <Reference>(references, x =>
                return((TemplateManager.LOADED_TEMPLATES[x.name].GetBoundingBox().Min + TemplateManager.LOADED_TEMPLATES[x.name].GetBoundingBox().Max) / 2 + x.position);

            selector = new Selector <Reference>(new CameraSelectionProvider <Reference>(tracker), x =>
                referenceOutlines[x].boxColor = Color.Orange;
                nameText.text = GetSelectedText(selector.selected);
            }, x =>
                referenceOutlines[x].boxColor = Color.White;
                nameText.text = GetSelectedText(selector.selected);
            Register(selector, nameText);
            RegisterListener(new InputListener(Trigger.E, x =>
                if (selector.selected.Count != 1)
                editMode    = true;
                editingItem = TemplateManager.LOADED_TEMPLATES[selector.selected.Single().name];
                var listener = new InputListener(Trigger.Escape, y =>
                    editingItem = null;
                    editMode    = false;
Example #8
        //public delegate void ModelMethod(ZComponent caller);
        //[Browsable(false), CategoryAttribute("Expressions")]
        //[MethodSignature("public override void OnUpdate()")]
        //public VirtualMethod OnUpdateExpr = new VirtualMethod();
        //[Browsable(false), CategoryAttribute("Expressions")]
        //[MethodSignature("public override void OnRender()")]
        //public VirtualMethod OnRenderExpr = new VirtualMethod();

        public Model(ZComponent parent)
            : base(parent)
            Scale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            if (App != null) App.AddModel(this);
 public List<ZEvent> FindEvents(ZComponent parent)
     return eventList.FindAll(it => it.Owner == parent);
        private void RenderComponentForHitTest(ZComponent comp,
            Dictionary<uint, ZComponent> hitMap, ref uint currentName)
            //  If the element is disabled, we're done.
            //  Also, never hit test the current camera.
            if (comp.Enabled == false || comp is Camera)

            if (comp is Group)
                //  Recurse through the children.
                foreach (var childElement in comp.Children)
                    RenderComponentForHitTest(childElement, hitMap, ref currentName);
            else if (comp is IRenderable)
                //  Load and map the name.
                hitMap[currentName] = comp;

                //  Render the bounding volume.
                //((IVolumeBound) comp).BoundingVolume.Render(gl, RenderMode.HitTest);

                //  Render the object with no materials
                IRenderable obj = comp as IRenderable;
                if (obj != null) obj.Render();

                //  Increment the name.

Example #11
 public InteractiveCamera(ZComponent parent)
     : base(parent)
Example #12
        private static void ProcessNode(ZComponent parent, IList parent_list, TreeNodeCollection parent_nodes, XmlNode xmlNode)
            if (xmlNode == null) return;
            //Console.WriteLine("Processing: {0}", xmlNode.Name);

            ZComponent comp = parent;
            IList list = null;
            if (xmlNode.Name == "ZApplication")
                SetFields(comp, xmlNode);
                // Check if this node is a List property of the parent
                FieldInfo fi = parent.GetType().GetField(xmlNode.Name, BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                //if (pi != null) Console.WriteLine(" Parent property found: {0}", pi.PropertyType.Name);
                if (parent is ZComponent && fi != null && typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(fi.FieldType))
                    //Console.WriteLine("List found: {0}", xmlNode.Name);
                    list = (IList) fi.GetValue(parent);
                // Check if this node is a ZCode property of the parent
                else if (parent is ZComponent && fi != null && typeof(CodeLike).IsAssignableFrom(fi.FieldType))
                    CodeLike code = (CodeLike) fi.GetValue(parent); // Activator.CreateInstance(fi.FieldType);
                    code.Text = xmlNode.InnerText;
                    //code.Owner = parent;
                    Console.WriteLine("Code Text:\n{0}", code.Text);
                    fi.SetValue(comp, code);
                    return; //no TreeNode should be created for this
                    comp = CreateComponent(xmlNode.Name, xmlNode, parent, parent_list);
                    if (comp == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("SKIPPING subtree - Cannot find type: {0}", xmlNode.Name);

            TreeNode treeNode = null;
            if (parent_nodes != null)
                string displayName = xmlNode.Name;
                XmlAttribute attribute = xmlNode.Attributes["Name"];
                if (attribute != null)
                    displayName = displayName + " - " + attribute.Value;
                treeNode = new TreeNode(displayName);

                // clear subtree
                if (treeNode != null) treeNode.Nodes.Clear();

            // recursively build SubTree
            foreach (XmlNode childNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes)
                if (childNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    if (treeNode != null)
                        ProcessNode(comp, list, treeNode.Nodes, childNode);
                        ProcessNode(comp, list, null, childNode);
            // construct ZNodeProperties object for the TreeNode and assign it to Tag property            
            object target = (object) list ?? (object) comp;
            object parentObj = (object) parent_list ?? (object) parent;
            ZNodeProperties props = new ZNodeProperties(target, parentObj, xmlNode, treeNode);
            if (list == null) comp.Tag = props;

            if (_treeView != null)
                treeNode.Tag = props;
                ZTreeView.HighlightTreeNode(treeNode, props);
                //props.XmlNodePropertyChanged += new XmlNodePropertyChangedEventHandler(_treeView.UpdateNodeText);
Example #13
 public Texture(ZComponent parent)
     : base(parent)
Example #14
 private static void SetFields(ZComponent comp, XmlNode xmlNode)
     Type type = comp.GetType();
     // Add attributes to the properties
     if (xmlNode.Attributes != null)
         foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in xmlNode.Attributes)
             string val = attribute.Value;
             FieldInfo fi = type.GetField(attribute.Name, BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
             if (fi != null)
                 //Console.WriteLine(" Field found: {0}", attribute.Name);
                 object obj = Deserialize(val, fi.FieldType);
                 if (obj != null)
                     fi.SetValue(comp, obj);
                 /*else if (typeof(ZCode).IsAssignableFrom(fi.FieldType))  //CODE CANNOT BE STORED AS A PROPERTY
                     ZCode code = (ZCode)Activator.CreateInstance(fi.FieldType);
                     code.Text = val;
                     code.Owner = comp;
                     //Console.WriteLine("Code Text:\n{0}", code.Text);
                     fi.SetValue(comp, code);
                 else if (fi.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ZComponent)))
                     _unresolved.Add(new Unresolved { comp = comp, prop = fi, value = val });
                     Console.WriteLine(" Unsupported field: {0}-{1}", attribute.Name, val);
                 Console.WriteLine(" Field not found: {0}-{1}", attribute.Name, val);
             //properties.Add(new CustomProperty(attribute.Name, attribute.Value, typeof(string), false, true));
Example #15
 public override void ReplaceOwner(ZComponent parent)
     if (parent is GUIControl)
         m_Parent = parent as GUIControl;
Example #16
 public ProjectiveCamera(ZComponent parent)
     : base(parent)
 public MeshSphere(ZComponent parent): base(parent) {}
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Base"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent control.</param>
        public GUIControl(ZComponent parent): base(parent)
            m_Children = new List<GUIControl>();
            m_Accelerators = new Dictionary<string, GwenEventHandler>();

            if (parent == null || parent is GUIControl)
                ParentControl = parent as GUIControl;
                ParentControl = App.Canvas;            

            m_Hidden = false;
            m_Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10);
            m_Padding = Padding.Zero;
            m_Margin = Margin.Zero;

            RestrictToParent = false;

            MouseInputEnabled = true;
            KeyboardInputEnabled = false;

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            //ToolTip = null;
            IsTabable = false;
            ShouldDrawBackground = true;
            m_Disabled = false;
            m_CacheTextureDirty = true;
            m_CacheToTexture = false;

            BoundsOutlineColor = Color.Red;
            MarginOutlineColor = Color.Green;
            PaddingOutlineColor = Color.Blue;
 public MeshBox(ZComponent parent): base(parent) {}
 public MeshCylinder(ZComponent parent) : base(parent) { }
 public MeshProducer(ZComponent parent)
     : base(parent)
     Scale = Vector3.One;
Example #22
        public Model CreateClone(ZComponent parent)
            if (this.Prototype == false) return null; // you cannot clone a GameObject
            Model comp = (Model) this.Clone();

            // Use the application as a parent
            if (parent == null) parent = App;

            if (parent == App)
                comp.SetOwner(parent, App.Scene);
                comp.SetOwner(parent, null);

            return comp;            
 public static void RestoreEvent(ZEvent ev, ZComponent comp, string methodName)
     if (comp == null || ev == null || ev.Owner == null) return;
     //if (ev.Owner is ZApplication || ev.Owner is Model) ev.Owner = comp;      //This would be too late: moved to restore
     // Find the field that is backing the event 
     // GetEvent would not work as we have to null and reset the event (the old delegate must be released)
     FieldInfo field = GetField(ev.Owner.GetType(), ev.EventName);            
     if (field != null)
         field.SetValue(ev.Owner, Delegate.CreateDelegate(field.FieldType, comp, methodName));
         Console.WriteLine("Field-like event not found {0} / {1}", ev.Owner.GetType().Name, ev.EventName);            
Example #24
 public MeshHeightmap(ZComponent parent): base(parent) {}
Example #25
 public StateSwitcher()
     this.defaultFocus = this;
     this.currentFocus = this;
Example #26
        public Material(ZComponent parent)
            : base(parent)

Example #27
 public static ZComponent CreateComponent(string typeName, XmlNode xmlNode, ZComponent parent, IList parent_list)
     var type = _types.Find(it => it.Name == typeName);
     ZComponent comp = null;
     if (type != null)
         //Console.WriteLine("Creating instance of: {0}", type.FullName);
         comp = (ZComponent) Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[] { parent });
         comp.SetOwner(parent, parent_list);
         if (xmlNode != null)
             SetFields(comp, xmlNode);                
     return comp;
Example #28
 public OrthoCamera(ZComponent parent)
     : base(parent)
Example #29
 public void ChangeScreen(ZComponent p_nextScreen)
     m_currentScreen = p_nextScreen;
Example #30
 public override void SetOwner(ZComponent parent, IList parent_list)
     base.SetOwner(parent, parent_list);
     if (parent == null || parent is GUIControl)
         ParentControl = parent as GUIControl;
         ParentControl = App.Canvas; // Use App.Canvas if the parent is not a GUIControl                       
Example #31
        private void AddElementToTree(ZComponent component, TreeNodeCollection nodes)
            //  Add the element.
            TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode()
                Tag = component
            newNode.Text = component.GetType().Name;
            if (component.HasName())
                newNode.Text = newNode.Text + ": " + component.Name;
                newNode.Text += " (No name)";

            //  Add each child.
            //if (component.GetType() == typeof(Model))
            foreach (var element in component.Children)
                AddElementToTree(element, newNode.Nodes);
        /*private static void FindFields(IList<FieldInfo> fields, Type t)
            var flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;


            var baseType = t.BaseType;
            if (baseType != null)
                FindFields(fields, baseType);

        public static void MemberwiseCopy(ZComponent newObj, Type newType, ZComponent oldObj, Type oldType)
            foreach (FieldInfo dest in newType.GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                if (dest.Name == "ID") continue;
                if (typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(dest.FieldType))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Skipping Delegate: {0}", dest.Name);
                    continue;    // Delegates (i.e. field-like events) are not copied
                // Check if this node is a List property of the parent
                FieldInfo src = oldType.GetField(dest.Name, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                if (src != null && src.FieldType == dest.FieldType)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Setting Field of {0}: {1} {2}->{3}", dest.DeclaringType.Name, dest.Name, src.FieldType.Name, dest.FieldType.Name);
                    dest.SetValue(newObj, src.GetValue(oldObj));
                //    Console.WriteLine("Field not found: {0} {1}->{2}", dest.Name, (src != null) ? src.FieldType.Name : "NONE", dest.FieldType.Name);
            // Walk the type hierarchy recursively in order to copy the private fields in the base classes as well
            if (newType.BaseType != typeof(Object) && oldType.BaseType != typeof(Object))
                // The type of newObj might be higher in the hierarchy (e.g. SomeModel vs. Model)
                // We need to level the playing field
                if (newType.BaseType.Name == oldType.Name)
                    MemberwiseCopy(newObj, newType.BaseType, oldObj, oldType);
                    MemberwiseCopy(newObj, newType.BaseType, oldObj, oldType.BaseType);
        public void AddNewComponent(ZComponent comp)
            Type type = comp.GetType();
            // Do NOT register ZApplication and its derived classes
            if (typeof(ZApplication).IsAssignableFrom(type)) return;
            // Store the name in the name cache
            if (comp.HasName()) nameCache[comp.Name] = comp;

            // TODO: consider all ancestor types
            if (!typeMap.ContainsKey(type))
                typeMap[type] = new HashSet<ZComponent>();            
        public static void Restore(ZComponent newObj, ZComponent oldObj)
            if (newObj == null || oldObj == null) return;
            //Console.WriteLine("Restore: {0}({1}) -> {2}({3})", oldObj.GetType().Name, oldObj.Name ?? "", newObj.GetType().Name, newObj.Name ?? "");

            MemberwiseCopy(newObj, newObj.GetType(), oldObj, oldObj.GetType());

            // A reference to oldObj should be updated to newObj in its Children
            foreach (ZComponent child in newObj.Children)
                if (child.Owner == oldObj) child.ReplaceOwner(newObj);

            // If it is NOT a ZApplication
            if (typeof(ZApplication).IsAssignableFrom(newObj.GetType()) == false)
                ZComponent.App.RemoveComponent(oldObj);     // remove the old component
                //ZComponent.App.AddNewComponent(newObj);        // add the new component
                // We should always set the Owner <= old Owner has been copied to newObj
                if (newObj.OwnerList != null)  // replace old object in OwnerList
                    //newObj.OwnerList = oldObj.OwnerList;
                    int idx = newObj.OwnerList.IndexOf(oldObj);
                    if (idx != -1) newObj.OwnerList[idx] = newObj;
                else if (newObj.Owner != null) // replace old object among Owner's Children
                    int idx = newObj.Owner.Children.IndexOf(oldObj);
                    if (idx != -1) newObj.Owner.Children[idx] = newObj;

                if (typeof(Model).IsAssignableFrom(newObj.GetType()))
                    ZComponent.App.RemoveModel(oldObj as Model);
                    Model newMod = newObj as Model;
                    // Find named reference in App (only necessary for GameObjects)
                    if (newMod != null && newMod.Prototype == false && newMod.HasName())
                        FieldInfo fi = ZComponent.App.GetType().GetField(newMod.Name, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                        if (fi != null && fi.FieldType == newObj.GetType())
                            //Console.WriteLine("Setting named reference {0} / {1}", fi.Name, fi.FieldType.Name);
                            fi.SetValue(ZComponent.App, newObj);
                    // Clear the static CustomGame reference 'App' in the old model classes
                    // It is enough to do this for the prototypes (there is one prototype for each class)
                    // If we don't null this, the old application will never be finalized
                    if (newMod.Prototype)
                        FieldInfo fi = oldObj.GetType().GetField("App", BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
                        if (fi != null)
                            //Console.WriteLine("Setting named reference {0} / {1}", fi.Name, fi.FieldType.Name);
                            fi.SetValue(oldObj, null);
            // Correct the Treeview tags
            ZNodeProperties props = newObj.Tag as ZNodeProperties;
            if (props != null)
                props.Component = newObj;          

                TreeNode treeNode = props.treeNode;
                if (treeNode != null)
                    foreach (TreeNode childNode in treeNode.Nodes)
                        ZNodeProperties props1 = childNode.Tag as ZNodeProperties;
                        // Clear the reference to oldObj in the ZNodeProperties of all children / member lists
                        if (props1 != null && props1.Parent == oldObj)
                            props1.Parent = newObj;                            
                        /*foreach (TreeNode grandchildNode in childNode.Nodes)
                            ZNodeProperties props2 = grandchildNode.Tag as ZNodeProperties;
                            if (props2 != null && props2.parent_component == oldObj)
                                props2.parent_component = newObj;
                                // oldObj can also be the Owner of its grandchildren (in various member lists)
                                // this reference must be updated to newObj 
                                ZComponent grandchild = props2.component as ZComponent;
                                if (grandchild != null && grandchild.Owner == oldObj) grandchild.Owner = newObj;

            // oldObj can also be the Owner of its grandchildren (in various member lists)
            // the Owner reference must be updated to newObj in all components 
            foreach(ZComponent comp in ZComponent.App.GetAllComponents())
                if (comp.Owner == oldObj) comp.ReplaceOwner(newObj);

            // oldObj can also be the Owner of ZEvent instances
            // update the Owner reference to newObj
            foreach (ZEvent ev in ZComponent.App.FindEvents(oldObj))
                ev.Owner = newObj;

            // If it is a ZApplication
            if (typeof(ZApplication).IsAssignableFrom(newObj.GetType()))
                // Check named references in CustomGame                
                foreach(FieldInfo fi in newObj.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                    // If the named reference is null, then try to find the component
                    // This is necessary for all newly-added or renamed components
                    if (fi.GetValue(newObj) == null)                       
                        ZComponent comp = ZComponent.App.Find(fi.Name);
                        if (comp != null && fi.FieldType == comp.GetType())
                            Console.WriteLine("Setting new named reference {0} / {1}", fi.Name, fi.FieldType.Name);
                            fi.SetValue(newObj, comp);

            // If the oldObj was selected in the editor, then we have to replace it with newObj 
            if (editor.SelectedComponent == oldObj)
                editor.SelectedComponent = newObj;
                //Console.WriteLine("SelectedComponent changed to {0}", newObj.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName);
        public void RemoveComponent(ZComponent comp)
            Type type = comp.GetType();
            // Do NOT register ZApplication and its derived classes
            if (typeof(ZApplication).IsAssignableFrom(type)) return;
            //if (comp.HasName()) nameCache.Remove(comp.Name);
            // Remove the component from the nameMap - if necessary
            foreach (var item in nameCache.Where(kvp => kvp.Value == comp).ToList())

            // TODO: consider all ancestor types
            if (typeMap.ContainsKey(type))
                if (typeMap[type].Count == 0)
Example #36
 public StateSwitcher(ZComponent defaultFocus)
     this.defaultFocus = defaultFocus;
     this.currentFocus = defaultFocus;
 public void RefreshName(ZComponent comp, string name, string oldName)
     if (oldName != null)
     // Remove the component from the nameMap - if necessary
     foreach (var item in nameCache.Where(kvp => kvp.Value == comp).ToList())
     if (comp.HasName())
         nameCache[comp.Name] = comp;
 public ZEvent FindEvent(ZComponent parent, string eventName)
     ZEvent result = null;
     result = eventList.Find(it => it.Owner == parent && it.EventName == eventName);
     return result;
Example #39
 public ScreenManager()
     m_currentScreen = null;