Example #1
        private static void RunDiversion(IntPtr handle, ref bool ranOnce, ref string poolIp, ref bool running)
            byte[] packet = new byte[65535];
            try {
                while (running)
                    uint              readLength = 0;
                    WINDIVERT_IPHDR * ipv4Header = null;
                    WINDIVERT_TCPHDR *tcpHdr     = null;
                    WINDIVERT_ADDRESS addr       = new WINDIVERT_ADDRESS();

                    if (!WinDivertMethods.WinDivertRecv(handle, packet, (uint)packet.Length, ref addr, ref readLength))

                    if (!ranOnce && readLength > 1)
                        ranOnce = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("Diversion running..");

                    fixed(byte *inBuf = packet)
                        byte *payload = null;

                        WinDivertMethods.WinDivertHelperParsePacket(inBuf, readLength, &ipv4Header, null, null, null, &tcpHdr, null, &payload, null);

                        if (ipv4Header != null && tcpHdr != null && payload != null)
                            string text    = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)payload);
                            string dstIp   = ipv4Header->DstAddr.ToString();
                            var    dstPort = tcpHdr->DstPort;
                            string arrow   = $"->{dstIp}:{dstPort}";
                            if (dstIp == poolIp)
                                arrow = $"{dstIp}:{dstPort}<-";
                                Console.WriteLine($"<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")}<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-");
                                Console.WriteLine($"->->->->->->->->->->->->->{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")}->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->");
                            Console.WriteLine(arrow + text);

                    WinDivertMethods.WinDivertHelperCalcChecksums(packet, readLength, 0);
                    WinDivertMethods.WinDivertSendEx(handle, packet, readLength, 0, ref addr, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
            catch (Exception e) {
Example #2
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate { s_running = false; };

            if (args.Length >= 1)
                if (args[0].StartsWith("keyword="))
                    s_keyword = args[0].Substring("keyword=".Length);
                    s_poolIp = args[0];
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: No poolIp argument was found.");
            if (args.Length >= 2)
                Console.Title = args[1] + "开始时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff");
                Console.Title = "开始时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff");


            string filter;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s_keyword))
                filter = $"ip && (ip.DstAddr = {s_poolIp} || ip.SrcAddr = {s_poolIp}) && tcp && tcp.PayloadLength > 100";
                filter = $"ip && tcp && tcp.PayloadLength > 100";
            var divertHandle = WinDivertMethods.WinDivertOpen(filter, WINDIVERT_LAYER.WINDIVERT_LAYER_NETWORK, 0, 0);

            try {
                if (divertHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Parallel.ForEach(Enumerable.Range(0, Environment.ProcessorCount), x => RunDiversion(divertHandle, ref s_ranOnce, ref s_poolIp, ref s_running));
            catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine(e.Message, e.StackTrace);
            finally {
 public void Close()
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the packet diversion with the given number of threads.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numThreads">
        /// The number of threads to use for diversion. If equal to or less than zero, will default
        /// to Environment.ProcessorCount.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The number of threads ought not to exceed Environment.ProcessorCount but this is not
        /// enforced with a bounds check.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Start(int numThreads)
            lock (m_startStopLock)
                if (m_running)

                if (numThreads <= 0)
                    numThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount;

                m_diversionThreads = new List <Thread>();

                string mainFilterString = "outbound and tcp and ((ip and ip.SrcAddr != or (ipv6 and ipv6.SrcAddr != ::1))";
                string mainFilterString = "outbound and tcp";
                string QUICFilterString = "udp and (udp.DstPort == 80 || udp.DstPort == 443)";

                m_diversionHandle = WinDivertMethods.WinDivertOpen(mainFilterString, WINDIVERT_LAYER.WINDIVERT_LAYER_NETWORK, -1000, 0);

                if (m_diversionHandle == new IntPtr(-1) || m_diversionHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // Invalid handle value.
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to open main diversion handle. Got Win32 error code {0}.", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));

                m_QUICDropHandle = WinDivertMethods.WinDivertOpen(QUICFilterString, WINDIVERT_LAYER.WINDIVERT_LAYER_NETWORK, -999, WinDivertConstants.WINDIVERT_FLAG_DROP);

                if (m_QUICDropHandle == new IntPtr(-1) || m_QUICDropHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // Invalid handle value.
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to open QUIC diversion handle. Got Win32 error code {0}.", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));

                WinDivertMethods.WinDivertSetParam(m_diversionHandle, WINDIVERT_PARAM.WINDIVERT_PARAM_QUEUE_LEN, 8192);
                WinDivertMethods.WinDivertSetParam(m_diversionHandle, WINDIVERT_PARAM.WINDIVERT_PARAM_QUEUE_TIME, 2048);

                m_running = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i)
                    m_diversionThreads.Add(new Thread(() =>

Example #5
        private void Drop()
                _dropPacket      = true;
                _dropPacketCount = _random.Next(2, 4);
                _dropHandler     = WinDivertMethods.WinDivertOpen(string.Format(Resources.Template_PacketFilter, _port),
                                                                  WINDIVERT_LAYER.WINDIVERT_LAYER_NETWORK, 0, 0);


                while (_dropPacketCount > 0)
                        uint               packetLen  = 0;
                        byte[]             pack       = new byte[MaxBuff];
                        WINDIVERT_ADDRESS  addr       = new WINDIVERT_ADDRESS();
                        WINDIVERT_TCPHDR **packHeader = default(WINDIVERT_TCPHDR * *);

                        if (HasError())

                        if (
                            !WinDivertMethods.WinDivertRecv(_dropHandler, pack, (uint)pack.Length, ref addr,
                                                            ref packetLen))

                        WinDivertMethods.WinDivertHelperParsePacket(pack, packetLen, null, null, null, null, packHeader,
                                                                    null, null, null);


                        OnMessage(string.Format(Resources.Template_DropPacket, _dropPacketCount));
                _dropPacket = false;
            catch (Exception exp)
                Console.WriteLine(Resources.ExceptionMessage, exp.Message);
        private void TXLoop()
            uint slen = 0;

            while (true)
                var txPacket = txBuffer.Take();
                if (!WinDivertMethods.WinDivertSend(handle, txPacket.Data, (uint)txPacket.Data.Length, ref txPacket.Addr, ref slen))
                    Console.WriteLine("Send Failed");
                    Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(txPacket.Data).Replace("-", ""));
 private void RXLoop()
     while (true)
         uint rxLen    = 0;
         var  rxPacket = new DivertPacket {
             Addr = new WINDIVERT_ADDRESS {
                 Direction = 0
             }, Data = new byte[65535]
         WinDivertMethods.WinDivertRecv(handle, rxPacket.Data, (uint)rxPacket.Data.Length, ref rxPacket.Addr, ref rxLen);
         rxPacket.Data = rxPacket.Data.Take((int)rxLen).ToArray();
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// If running, stops the diversion process and disposes of diversion handles.
        /// </summary>
        public void Stop()
            lock (m_startStopLock)
                if (!m_running)

                m_running = false;

                foreach (var dt in m_diversionThreads)

Example #9
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate { running = false; };
            Console.WriteLine("================================================\n" +
                              "DevFee diversion v1.0.4.1 by GTANAdam\n" +
                              "================================================\n" +
                              "If you'd like to buy me a beer:\n" +
                              "ETH: 0x27B8EeAca8947d449b8B659705a30E1cf8Bc1BC2\n" +
                              "BTC: 17qvaCk52y1MgYdQ46cjUzbBUEGDhzeLsj\n" +

            if (args.Length >= 1)
                if (args[0].Length < 42 || args[0].Length > 42)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Invalid ETH Wallet, should be 42 chars long.");

                strOurWallet  = args[0];
                byteOurWallet = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strOurWallet);
                Console.WriteLine("INFO: No wallet argument was found, using the default wallet.");

            Console.WriteLine("Current Wallet: {0}\n", strOurWallet);

            var divertHandle = WinDivertMethods.WinDivertOpen("outbound && ip && ip.DstAddr != && tcp && tcp.PayloadLength > 100", WINDIVERT_LAYER.WINDIVERT_LAYER_NETWORK, 0, 0);

            if (divertHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                Parallel.ForEach(Enumerable.Range(0, Environment.ProcessorCount), x => RunDiversion(divertHandle));

Example #10
        private void RunDiversion()
            byte[] packet = new byte[65536];

            WINDIVERT_IPHDR *  ipV4Header = null;
            WINDIVERT_IPV6HDR *ipV6Header = null;
            WINDIVERT_TCPHDR * tcpHeader  = null;

            uint recvLength = 0;


            NativeOverlapped recvOverlapped;

            IntPtr recvEvent      = IntPtr.Zero;
            uint   recvAsyncIoLen = 0;

            bool isLocalIpv4    = false;
            bool modifiedPacket = false;

            byte *payloadBufferPtr    = null;
            uint  payloadBufferLength = 0;

            while (m_running)
                payloadBufferPtr    = null;
                payloadBufferLength = 0;

                recvLength = 0;
                modifiedPacket = false;
                isLocalIpv4    = false;
                recvAsyncIoLen = 0;

                recvOverlapped = new NativeOverlapped();

                recvEvent = WinApiHelpers.CreateEvent(IntPtr.Zero, false, false, IntPtr.Zero);

                if (recvEvent == IntPtr.Zero)
                    LoggerProxy.Default.Warn("Failed to initialize receive IO event.");

                recvOverlapped.EventHandle = recvEvent;

                fixed(byte *inBuf = packet)
                    if (!WinDivertMethods.WinDivertRecvEx(m_diversionHandle, packet, (uint)packet.Length, 0, ref addr, ref recvLength, ref recvOverlapped))
                        var error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                        // 997 == ERROR_IO_PENDING
                        if (error != 997)
                            LoggerProxy.Default.Warn(string.Format("Unknown IO error ID {0}while awaiting overlapped result.", error));

                        // 258 == WAIT_TIMEOUT
                        while (WinApiHelpers.WaitForSingleObject(recvEvent, 1000) == 258)

                        if (!WinApiHelpers.GetOverlappedResult(m_diversionHandle, ref recvOverlapped, ref recvAsyncIoLen, false))
                            LoggerProxy.Default.Warn("Failed to get overlapped result.");

                        recvLength = recvAsyncIoLen;

                    if (addr.Direction == WinDivertConstants.WINDIVERT_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND)
                        WinDivertMethods.WinDivertHelperParsePacket(inBuf, recvLength, &ipV4Header, &ipV6Header, null, null, &tcpHeader, null, &payloadBufferPtr, &payloadBufferLength);

                        if (tcpHeader != null && tcpHeader->Syn > 0)
                            // Brand new outbound connection. Grab the PID of the process holding
                            // this port and map it.
                            if (ipV4Header != null)
                                m_v4portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort] = GetLocalPacketInfo(tcpHeader->SrcPortNw, ipV4Header->SrcAddr);

                                if (m_v4portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort]?.OwnerPid == m_thisPid)
                                    // This is our process.
                                    Volatile.Write(ref m_v4ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort], false);
                                    if (m_v4portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort] == null || m_v4portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort].OwnerPid == 4 || m_v4portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort].OwnerPid == 0)
                                        // System process. Don't bother.
                                        Volatile.Write(ref m_v4ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort], false);
                                        var procPath = m_v4portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort] == null ? string.Empty : m_v4portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort].OwnerProcessPath;

                                        if (procPath.Length <= 0)
                                            // This is something we couldn't get a handle on. Since
                                            // we can't do that that's probably a bad sign (SYSTEM
                                            // process maybe?), don't filter it.
                                            Volatile.Write(ref m_v4ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort], true);
                                            // If no firewall callback is available, just default to true, meaning we will force
                                            // this connection through the filter.
                                            var result = ConfirmDenyFirewallAccess?.Invoke(procPath);
                                            Volatile.Write(ref m_v4ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort], result.HasValue ? result.Value : true);

                            if (ipV6Header != null)
                                m_v6portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort] = GetLocalPacketInfo(tcpHeader->SrcPortNw, ipV6Header->SrcAddr);

                                if (m_v6portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort]?.OwnerPid == m_thisPid)
                                    // This is our process.
                                    Volatile.Write(ref m_v6ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort], false);
                                    if (m_v6portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort] == null || m_v6portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort].OwnerPid == 6 || m_v6portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort].OwnerPid == 0)
                                        // System process. Don't bother.
                                        Volatile.Write(ref m_v6ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort], false);
                                        var procPath = m_v6portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort] == null ? string.Empty : m_v6portInfo[tcpHeader->SrcPort].OwnerProcessPath;

                                        if (procPath.Length <= 0)
                                            // This is something we couldn't get a handle on. Since
                                            // we can't do that that's probably a bad sign (SYSTEM
                                            // process maybe?), don't filter it.
                                            Volatile.Write(ref m_v6ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort], false);
                                            // If no firewall callback is available, just default to true, meaning we will force
                                            // this connection through the filter.
                                            var result = ConfirmDenyFirewallAccess?.Invoke(procPath);
                                            Volatile.Write(ref m_v6ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort], result.HasValue ? result.Value : true);

                        // I put the checks for ipv4 and ipv6 as a double if statement rather than an
                        // else if because I'm not sure how that would affect dual-mode sockets.
                        // Perhaps it's possible for both headers to be defined. Probably not, but
                        // since I don't know, I err on the side of awesome, or uhh, something like that.

                        // We check local packets for TOR/SOCKS packets here. However, if we don't
                        // find something we want to block on local addresses, then we want to skip
                        // these for the rest of the filtering and just let them through.

                        if (ipV4Header != null && tcpHeader != null)
                            // Let's explain the weird arcane logic here. First, we check if the
                            // current flow should even be filtered. We do this, because there's a
                            // good chance that this flow belongs to our proxy's connections, which
                            // we never want to filter. If we didn't check this, then we would end up
                            // setting the isLocalIpv4 flag to true on every single one of our
                            // proxy's connections, and clients would never get packets ever because
                            // with that flag set, the direction of the packets wouldn't be sorted.
                            // So, we check this, ensure it's actually something we want to filter.
                            // Then, we check if the packet is destined for a local address. We set
                            // the flag accordingly, and if true, then we will allow these packets to
                            // go out uninterrupted.
                            // If false, who cares. Regardless of true or false, we check to see if
                            // this is a TOR/SOCKS4/5 proxy CONNECT, and drop it if it is.
                            // Also note, by letting local/private address destined packets go, we
                            // also solve the problem of private TLS connections using private TLS
                            // self signed certs, such as logging into one's router. If we didn't do
                            // this check and let these through, we would break such connections.

                            if (Volatile.Read(ref m_v4ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort]))
                                isLocalIpv4 = ipV4Header->DstAddr.IsPrivateIpv4Address();

                                if (isLocalIpv4)
                                    byte[] payload = null;
                                    if (payloadBufferLength > 0)
                                        payload = new byte[payloadBufferLength];
                                        Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)payloadBufferPtr, payload, 0, (int)payloadBufferLength);

                                        if (payload.IsSocksProxyConnect())
                                            LoggerProxy.Default.Info("Blocking SOCKS proxy connect.");

                        if (!isLocalIpv4)
                            if (ipV4Header != null && tcpHeader != null)
                                if (tcpHeader->SrcPort == m_v4HttpProxyPort || tcpHeader->SrcPort == m_v4HttpsProxyPort)
                                    modifiedPacket = true;

                                    // Means that the data is originating from our proxy in response
                                    // to a client's request, which means it was originally meant to
                                    // go somewhere else. We need to reorder the data such as the src
                                    // and destination ports and addresses and divert it back
                                    // inbound, so it appears to be an inbound response from the
                                    // original external server.
                                    // In our case, this is very easy to figure out, because we are
                                    // not yet doing any port independent protocol mapping and thus
                                    // are only diverting port 80 traffic to m_httpListenerPort, and
                                    // port 443 traffic to m_httpsListenerPort. However, XXX TODO -
                                    // When we start doing these things, we'll need a mechanism by
                                    // which to store the original port before we changed it. This
                                    // would have to be part of a proper flow tracking system.

                                    tcpHeader->SrcPort = (tcpHeader->SrcPort == m_v4HttpProxyPort) ? s_httpStandardPort : s_httpsStandardPort;
                                    addr.Direction     = WinDivertConstants.WINDIVERT_DIRECTION_INBOUND;

                                    var dstIp = ipV4Header->DstAddr;
                                    ipV4Header->DstAddr = ipV4Header->SrcAddr;
                                    ipV4Header->SrcAddr = dstIp;
                                else if (tcpHeader->DstPort == s_httpStandardPort || tcpHeader->DstPort == s_httpsStandardPort)
                                    // This means outbound traffic has been captured that we know for
                                    // sure is not coming from our proxy in response to a client, but
                                    // we don't know that it isn't the upstream portion of our proxy
                                    // trying to fetch a response on behalf of a connected client.
                                    // So, we need to check if we have a cached result for
                                    // information about the binary generating the outbound traffic
                                    // for two reasons.
                                    // First, we need to ensure that it's not us, obviously.
                                    // Secondly, we need to ensure that the binary has been granted
                                    // firewall access to generate outbound traffic.

                                    if (Volatile.Read(ref m_v4ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort]))
                                        modifiedPacket = true;

                                        // If the process was identified as a process that is
                                        // permitted to access the internet, and is not a system
                                        // process or ourselves, then we divert its packets back
                                        // inbound to the local machine, changing the destination
                                        // port appropriately.
                                        var dstAddress = ipV4Header->DstAddr;

                                        ipV4Header->DstAddr = ipV4Header->SrcAddr;
                                        ipV4Header->SrcAddr = dstAddress;

                                        addr.Direction = WinDivertConstants.WINDIVERT_DIRECTION_INBOUND;

                                        tcpHeader->DstPort = (tcpHeader->DstPort == s_httpStandardPort) ? m_v4HttpProxyPort : m_v4HttpsProxyPort;

                            // The ipV6 version works exactly the same, just with larger storage for
                            // the larger addresses. Look at the ipv4 version notes for clarification
                            // on anything.
                            if (ipV6Header != null && tcpHeader != null)
                                if (tcpHeader->SrcPort == m_v6HttpProxyPort || tcpHeader->SrcPort == m_v6HttpsProxyPort)
                                    modifiedPacket = true;

                                    tcpHeader->SrcPort = (tcpHeader->SrcPort == m_v6HttpProxyPort) ? s_httpStandardPort : s_httpsStandardPort;
                                    addr.Direction     = WinDivertConstants.WINDIVERT_DIRECTION_INBOUND;

                                    var dstIp = ipV6Header->DstAddr;
                                    ipV6Header->DstAddr = ipV6Header->SrcAddr;
                                    ipV6Header->SrcAddr = dstIp;
                                else if (tcpHeader->DstPort == s_httpStandardPort || tcpHeader->DstPort == s_httpsStandardPort)
                                    if (Volatile.Read(ref m_v6ShouldFilter[tcpHeader->SrcPort]))
                                        modifiedPacket = true;

                                        // If the process was identified as a process that is
                                        // permitted to access the internet, and is not a system
                                        // process or ourselves, then we divert its packets back
                                        // inbound to the local machine, changing the destination
                                        // port appropriately.
                                        var dstAddress = ipV6Header->DstAddr;

                                        ipV6Header->DstAddr = ipV6Header->SrcAddr;
                                        ipV6Header->SrcAddr = dstAddress;

                                        addr.Direction = WinDivertConstants.WINDIVERT_DIRECTION_INBOUND;

                                        tcpHeader->DstPort = (tcpHeader->DstPort == s_httpStandardPort) ? m_v6HttpProxyPort : m_v6HttpsProxyPort;
                        } // if(!isLocalIpv4)
                    }     // if (addr.Direction == WINDIVERT_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND)

                    if (modifiedPacket)
                        WinDivertMethods.WinDivertHelperCalcChecksums(packet, recvLength, 0);
                        WinDivertMethods.WinDivertHelperCalcChecksums(packet, recvLength, WinDivertHelpers.WINDIVERT_HELPER_NO_REPLACE);

                    WinDivertMethods.WinDivertSendEx(m_diversionHandle, packet, recvLength, 0, ref addr, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                } // fixed (byte* inBuf = packet)
            }     // while (m_running)
Example #11
        private static void RunDiversion(IntPtr handle)
            byte[] packet = new byte[65535];
                while (running)
                    uint              readLength = 0;
                    WINDIVERT_IPHDR * ipv4Header = null;
                    WINDIVERT_TCPHDR *tcpHdr     = null;
                    WINDIVERT_ADDRESS addr       = new WINDIVERT_ADDRESS();

                    if (!WinDivertMethods.WinDivertRecv(handle, packet, (uint)packet.Length, ref addr, ref readLength))

                    if (!ranOnce && readLength > 1)
                        ranOnce = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("Diversion running..");

                    fixed(byte *inBuf = packet)
                        byte *payload = null;

                        WinDivertMethods.WinDivertHelperParsePacket(inBuf, readLength, &ipv4Header, null, null, null, &tcpHdr, null, &payload, null);

                        if (ipv4Header != null && tcpHdr != null && payload != null)
                            string text = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)payload);
                            string dwallet;
                            var    pos = 0;
                            if (text.Contains("eth_submitLogin"))
                                pos = 91;
                            else if (text.Contains("eth_login"))
                                pos = 96;
                            if (pos != 0 && !text.Contains(strOurWallet) && !(dwallet = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet, pos, 42)).Contains("eth_"))
                                var dstIp   = ipv4Header->DstAddr.ToString();
                                var dstPort = tcpHdr->DstPort;

                                Buffer.BlockCopy(byteOurWallet, 0, packet, pos, 42);
                                Console.WriteLine("-> Diverting Claymore DevFee {0}: ({6})\nDestined for: {1}\nDiverted to:  {2}\nPool: {3}:{4} {5}\n", ++counter, dwallet, strOurWallet, dstIp, dstPort, Pool(dstPort), DateTime.Now);

                    WinDivertMethods.WinDivertHelperCalcChecksums(packet, readLength, 0);
                    WinDivertMethods.WinDivertSendEx(handle, packet, readLength, 0, ref addr, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
            catch (Exception e)
Example #12
        private void Steg()
                _stegPacket = true;
                int breakCount = 1;
                _stegPacketCount = 1;

                    _stegHandler = WinDivertMethods.WinDivertOpen(string.Format(Resources.Template_DestinationFilter, _port),
                                                                  WINDIVERT_LAYER.WINDIVERT_LAYER_NETWORK, 0, 0);

                    while (_stegPacketCount > 0)
                        byte[]             pack       = new byte[MaxBuff];
                        WINDIVERT_ADDRESS  addr       = new WINDIVERT_ADDRESS();
                        WINDIVERT_TCPHDR **packHeader = default(WINDIVERT_TCPHDR * *);
                        uint packetLen = 0;

                        if (
                            !WinDivertMethods.WinDivertRecv(_stegHandler, pack, (uint)pack.Length, ref addr,
                                                            ref packetLen))

                        WinDivertMethods.WinDivertHelperParsePacket(pack, packetLen, null, null, null, null, packHeader,
                                                                    null, null, null);

                        if (breakCount > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < _stegWord.Length; i++)
                                pack[41 + i] = Convert.ToByte(_stegWord[i]);

                        if (!WinDivertMethods.WinDivertSend(_stegHandler, pack, packetLen, ref addr, IntPtr.Zero))
                            if (breakCount == 0)
                _stegPacket = false;
            catch (Exception exp)
                Console.WriteLine(Resources.ExceptionMessage, exp.Message);