public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); webCam = WebCam.Create(); webCam.StartLiveStreamAsync(liveStreamElement); // display camera's live stream in UI imgurClient = new ImgurApi(); keypad = new KeyPad(); Debug.WriteLine("keypad created"); keypad.OnPress += UpdateApartmentTextBoxAsync; // UI keypad.OnRing += HandleVisitorAsync; keypad.OnReset += ResetApartmentTextBoxAsync; // UI doorLock = DoorLock.Create(); httpClient = new HttpClient(); baseUri = ""; httpResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(); deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(iotHubUri, new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(deviceId, deviceKey), TransportType.Mqtt); // wait for a visitor to enter an apartment number Task a = Task.Run(() => { while (true) { resetEvent.Reset(); keypad.GetAparmentNumber(); resetEvent.WaitOne(); } } ); }
public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); webCam = WebCam.Create(); webCam.StartLiveStreamAsync(liveStreamElement); // display camera's live stream in UI keypad = new KeyPad(); keypad.OnPress += UpdateApartmentTextBoxAsync; // UI keypad.OnRing += HandleVisitorAsync; keypad.OnReset += ResetApartmentTextBoxAsync; // UI doorLock = DoorLock.Create(); httpClient = new HttpClient(); baseUri = ""; httpResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(); // wait for a visitor to enter an apartment number Task a = Task.Run(() => { while (true) { resetEvent.Reset(); keypad.GetAparmentNumber(); resetEvent.WaitOne(); } } ); }