Example #1
        internal void AddSphereRing(BoundingSphere sphere, Color color, Matrix onb)
            float increment = 1.0f / 32;

            for (float i = 0; i < 1; i += increment)
                float a0 = 2 * (float)Math.PI * i;
                float a1 = 2 * (float)Math.PI * (i + increment);

                    Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(Math.Cos(a0), 0, Math.Sin(a0)) * sphere.Radius, onb) + sphere.Center,
                    Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(Math.Cos(a1), 0, Math.Sin(a1)) * sphere.Radius, onb) + sphere.Center,
Example #2
        internal void AddCone(Vector3 translation, Vector3 directionVec, Vector3 baseVec, int tessalation, Color color)
            var axis = directionVec;


            var apex = translation + directionVec;

            var steps    = tessalation;
            var stepsRcp = (float)(Math.PI * 2 / steps);

            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                float a0 = i * stepsRcp;
                float a1 = (i + 1) * stepsRcp;

                var A = translation + Vector3.Transform(baseVec, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, a0));
                var B = translation + Vector3.Transform(baseVec, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, a1));

                Add(A, B, color);
                Add(A, apex, color);
        //	Special method that loads data into GPU, and can be called only from Draw method, never from LoadContent or from background thread.
        //	Because that would lead to empty vertex/index buffers if they are filled/created while game is minimized (remember the issue - alt-tab during loading screen)
        static void LoadInDraw()
            if (m_backgroundOrientationDirty)

            if (m_loaded)

            //  In fact it doesn't matter how large is cube, it will always look same as we are always in its middle
            //  I changed it from 1.0 to 100.0 only because will small length I had problems with near frustum plane and crazy aspect ratios.
            const float CUBE_LENGTH_HALF = 100;

            Vector3 shapeSize     = Vector3.One * CUBE_LENGTH_HALF;
            Vector3 shapePosition = Vector3.Zero;

            MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3[] boxVertices = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3[36];

            Vector3 topLeftFront     = shapePosition + new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f) * shapeSize;
            Vector3 bottomLeftFront  = shapePosition + new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f) * shapeSize;
            Vector3 topRightFront    = shapePosition + new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f) * shapeSize;
            Vector3 bottomRightFront = shapePosition + new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f) * shapeSize;
            Vector3 topLeftBack      = shapePosition + new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * shapeSize;
            Vector3 topRightBack     = shapePosition + new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * shapeSize;
            Vector3 bottomLeftBack   = shapePosition + new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f) * shapeSize;
            Vector3 bottomRightBack  = shapePosition + new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f) * shapeSize;

            Vector3 textureTopLeftFront     = MyUtils.Normalize(topLeftFront);
            Vector3 textureBottomLeftFront  = MyUtils.Normalize(bottomLeftFront);
            Vector3 textureTopRightFront    = MyUtils.Normalize(topRightFront);
            Vector3 textureBottomRightFront = MyUtils.Normalize(bottomRightFront);
            Vector3 textureTopLeftBack      = MyUtils.Normalize(topLeftBack);
            Vector3 textureTopRightBack     = MyUtils.Normalize(topRightBack);
            Vector3 textureBottomLeftBack   = MyUtils.Normalize(bottomLeftBack);
            Vector3 textureBottomRightBack  = MyUtils.Normalize(bottomRightBack);

            textureTopLeftFront.Z     *= -1;
            textureBottomLeftFront.Z  *= -1;
            textureTopRightFront.Z    *= -1;
            textureBottomRightFront.Z *= -1;
            textureTopLeftBack.Z      *= -1;
            textureTopRightBack.Z     *= -1;
            textureBottomLeftBack.Z   *= -1;
            textureBottomRightBack.Z  *= -1;

            // Front face.
            boxVertices[0] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topLeftFront, textureTopLeftFront);
            boxVertices[1] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomLeftFront, textureBottomLeftFront);
            boxVertices[2] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topRightFront, textureTopRightFront);
            boxVertices[3] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomLeftFront, textureBottomLeftFront);
            boxVertices[4] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomRightFront, textureBottomRightFront);
            boxVertices[5] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topRightFront, textureTopRightFront);

            // Back face.
            boxVertices[6]  = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topLeftBack, textureTopLeftBack);
            boxVertices[7]  = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topRightBack, textureTopRightBack);
            boxVertices[8]  = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomLeftBack, textureBottomLeftBack);
            boxVertices[9]  = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomLeftBack, textureBottomLeftBack);
            boxVertices[10] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topRightBack, textureTopRightBack);
            boxVertices[11] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomRightBack, textureBottomRightBack);

            // Top face.
            boxVertices[12] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topLeftFront, textureTopLeftFront);
            boxVertices[13] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topRightBack, textureTopRightBack);
            boxVertices[14] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topLeftBack, textureTopLeftBack);
            boxVertices[15] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topLeftFront, textureTopLeftFront);
            boxVertices[16] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topRightFront, textureTopRightFront);
            boxVertices[17] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topRightBack, textureTopRightBack);

            // Bottom face.
            boxVertices[18] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomLeftFront, textureBottomLeftFront);
            boxVertices[19] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomLeftBack, textureBottomLeftBack);
            boxVertices[20] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomRightBack, textureBottomRightBack);
            boxVertices[21] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomLeftFront, textureBottomLeftFront);
            boxVertices[22] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomRightBack, textureBottomRightBack);
            boxVertices[23] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomRightFront, textureBottomRightFront);

            // Left face.
            boxVertices[24] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topLeftFront, textureTopLeftFront);
            boxVertices[25] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomLeftBack, textureBottomLeftBack);
            boxVertices[26] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomLeftFront, textureBottomLeftFront);
            boxVertices[27] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topLeftBack, textureTopLeftBack);
            boxVertices[28] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomLeftBack, textureBottomLeftBack);
            boxVertices[29] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topLeftFront, textureTopLeftFront);

            // Right face.
            boxVertices[30] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topRightFront, textureTopRightFront);
            boxVertices[31] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomRightFront, textureBottomRightFront);
            boxVertices[32] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomRightBack, textureBottomRightBack);
            boxVertices[33] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topRightBack, textureTopRightBack);
            boxVertices[34] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(topRightFront, textureTopRightFront);
            boxVertices[35] = new MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3(bottomRightBack, textureBottomRightBack);

            // if we've loaded the cube from DDS, orient it towards the sun
            for (int i = 0; i < boxVertices.Length; i++)
                boxVertices[i].Position = Vector3.Transform(boxVertices[i].Position, m_backgroundOrientation);

            m_boxVertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(MyRender.GraphicsDevice, MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3.Stride * boxVertices.Length, Usage.WriteOnly, VertexFormat.None, Pool.Default);
            m_boxVertexBuffer.DebugName = "BackgroundCube";


            m_backgroundOrientationDirty = false;
            m_loaded = true;