private static void FirstTimeExperience(Ui ui, DashboardModel model) { ui.BeginDiv("ui info message") .Div("Welcome to HQ!", new { @class = "header" }) .BeginUl("list") .Li("This instance is a new install. You need to configure it before using it.") .Li( "If you intended to add this instance to an existing cluster, you may do some from <a href=\"/settings\">Settings</a>.") .EndUl(); ui.EndDiv(); ui.BeginH4("ui horizontal divider header") .Icon(InterfaceIcons.Cogs) .Literal("New Cluster Setup") .EndH4(); ui.BeginDiv("ui three cards"); { CreateSettingsBox(ui, model); CreateAppBox(ui, model); CreateAccessTokenBox(ui, model); } ui.EndDiv(); // cards ui.BeginH4("ui horizontal divider header") .Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.ChartBar) .Literal("Diagnostics") .EndH4(); ui.Component <LogStreamViewer>(); }