Example #1
 public static void Multiply(out Int128 c, ref Int128 a, ref Int128 b)
     if (a.IsNegative)
         UInt128 aneg;
         UInt128.Negate(out aneg, ref a.v);
         if (b.IsNegative)
             UInt128 bneg;
             UInt128.Negate(out bneg, ref b.v);
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref aneg, ref bneg);
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref aneg, ref b.v);
             UInt128.Negate(ref c.v);
         if (b.IsNegative)
             UInt128 bneg;
             UInt128.Negate(out bneg, ref b.v);
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref a.v, ref bneg);
             UInt128.Negate(ref c.v);
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref a.v, ref b.v);
     Debug.Assert((BigInteger)c == (BigInteger)a * (BigInteger)b);
Example #2
 public static void Divide(out Int128 c, ref Int128 a, int b)
     if (a.IsNegative)
         UInt128 aneg;
         UInt128.Negate(out aneg, ref a.v);
         if (b < 0)
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref aneg, (uint)(-b));
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref aneg, (uint)b);
             UInt128.Negate(ref c.v);
         if (b < 0)
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref a.v, (uint)(-b));
             UInt128.Negate(ref c.v);
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref a.v, (uint)b);
     Debug.Assert((BigInteger)c == (BigInteger)a / (BigInteger)b);
 public void Multiply0ShouldReturn0()
     Assert.AreEqual(UInt128.Zero, UInt128.Multiply(0, 0));
     Assert.AreEqual(UInt128.Zero, UInt128.Multiply(0, 1));
     Assert.AreEqual(UInt128.Zero, UInt128.Multiply(1, 0));
     Assert.AreEqual(UInt128.Zero, UInt128.Multiply(0, ulong.MaxValue));
Example #4
 public static void Multiply(out Int128 c, ref Int128 a, long b)
     if (a.IsNegative)
         UInt128 aneg;
         UInt128.Negate(out aneg, ref a.v);
         if (b < 0)
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref aneg, (ulong)(-b));
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref aneg, (ulong)b);
             UInt128.Negate(ref c.v);
         if (b < 0)
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref a.v, (ulong)(-b));
             UInt128.Negate(ref c.v);
             UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref a.v, (ulong)b);
     //Debug.Assert((BigInteger)c == (BigInteger)a * (BigInteger)b);
Example #5
        public static ulong ModularProduct(ulong a, ulong b, ulong modulus)
            UInt128 product;

            UInt128.Multiply(out product, a, b);
            var c = UInt128.Remainder(ref product, modulus);

            Debug.Assert((BigInteger)a * b % modulus == c);
Example #6
File: int128.cs Project: sgf/SCTP
 public static void Multiply(out Int128 c, ref Int128 a, ulong b)
     if (a.IsNegative)
         UInt128 aneg;
         UInt128.Negate(out aneg, ref a.v);
         UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref aneg, b);
         UInt128.Negate(ref c.v);
         UInt128.Multiply(out c.v, ref a.v, b);
     Debug.Assert((BigInteger)c == (BigInteger)a * (BigInteger)b);
Example #7
File: int128.cs Project: sgf/SCTP
 public static void SubtractProduct(ref Int128 a, ref UInt128 b, long c)
     UInt128 d;
     if (c < 0)
         UInt128.Multiply(out d, ref b, (ulong)(-c));
         UInt128.Add(ref a.v, ref d);
         UInt128.Multiply(out d, ref b, (ulong)c);
         UInt128.Subtract(ref a.v, ref d);
Example #8
File: int128.cs Project: sgf/SCTP
 public static void AddProduct(ref Int128 a, ref UInt128 b, long c)
     UInt128 product;
     if (c < 0)
         UInt128.Multiply(out product, ref b, (ulong)(-c));
         UInt128.Subtract(ref a.v, ref product);
         UInt128.Multiply(out product, ref b, (ulong)c);
         UInt128.Add(ref a.v, ref product);
Example #9
        /// <summary>Compute the modulo (division remainder) of a number raised to the power
        /// of another number.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Overflow safe for all input values. </remarks>
        /// <param name="value">The number to raise to the exponent power.</param>
        /// <param name="exponent">The exponent to raise value by.</param>
        /// <param name="modulus">The number by which to divide value raised to the exponent power.</param>
        /// <returns>The remainder after dividing value raised to the exponent power.</returns>
        public static ulong ModPow(this ulong value, ulong exponent, ulong modulus)
            if (modulus == 0)
            value %= modulus;
            if (value == 0)
            if (exponent < 3)
                if (exponent == 0)
                if (exponent == 1)
                if (exponent == 2)
                    var sqr = UInt128.Square(value);
                    return((modulus == (uint)modulus) ? sqr.Mod((uint)modulus) : sqr.Mod(modulus));
            if (modulus == (uint)modulus)
                return(ModPow(value, exponent, (uint)modulus));
            ulong result = 1;

            if ((exponent & 1) == 1)
                result = value;
            while ((exponent /= 2) != 0)
                value = UInt128.Square(value).Mod(modulus);
                if ((exponent & 1) != 0)
                    result = UInt128.Multiply(result, value).Mod(modulus);
 public static T InvokeImpl(T arg1, T arg2)
     if (null != default(T))
         if (typeof(Int32) == typeof(T))
             return((T)(object)checked ((Int32)(object)arg1 * (Int32)(object)arg2));
         else if (typeof(Int64) == typeof(T))
             return((T)(object)checked ((Int64)(object)arg1 * (Int64)(object)arg2));
         else if (typeof(UInt32) == typeof(T))
             return((T)(object)checked ((UInt32)(object)arg1 * (UInt32)(object)arg2));
         else if (typeof(UInt64) == typeof(T))
             return((T)(object)checked ((UInt64)(object)arg1 * (UInt64)(object)arg2));
         else if (typeof(Int16) == typeof(T))
             return((T)(object)checked ((Int16) unchecked ((int)(Int16)(object)arg1 * (int)(Int16)(object)arg2)));
         else if (typeof(UInt16) == typeof(T))
             return((T)(object)checked ((UInt16) unchecked ((uint)(UInt16)(object)arg1 * (uint)(UInt16)(object)arg2)));
         else if (typeof(Byte) == typeof(T))
             return((T)(object)checked ((Byte) unchecked ((uint)(Byte)(object)arg1 * (uint)(Byte)(object)arg2)));
         else if (typeof(SByte) == typeof(T))
             return((T)(object)checked ((SByte) unchecked ((int)(SByte)(object)arg1 * (int)(SByte)(object)arg2)));
         else if (typeof(Int128) == typeof(T))
             return((T)(object)(Int128.Multiply((Int128)(object)arg1, (Int128)(object)arg2)));
         else if (typeof(UInt128) == typeof(T))
             return((T)(object)(UInt128.Multiply((UInt128)(object)arg1, (UInt128)(object)arg2)));
     return(InvokeImpl1(arg1, arg2));
Example #11
 /// <summary>Compute the modulo (division remainder) of a number multiplied by another number.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Overflow safe for all input values. </remarks>
 /// <param name="value1">The number to be multiplied by value2.</param>
 /// <param name="value2">The number to be multiplied by value1.</param>
 /// <param name="modulus">The number by which to divide value raised to the exponent power.</param>
 /// <returns>The remainder after dividing the product of multiplying value1 and value2.</returns>
 public static ulong MulMod(this ulong value1, ulong value2, ulong modulus)
     return(UInt128.Multiply(value1, value2) % modulus);
Example #12
 public static UInt128 Multiply(this UInt128 value, decimal d)
Example #13
 public static UInt128 Divide(this UInt128 value, decimal d)
     return(value.Multiply(1m / d));
 public void SquareShouldEqualMultiplySame()
     Assert.AreEqual(UInt128.Square(ulong.MaxValue), UInt128.Multiply(ulong.MaxValue, ulong.MaxValue));
     Assert.AreEqual(UInt128.Square(ulong.MaxValue / 3), UInt128.Multiply(ulong.MaxValue / 3, ulong.MaxValue / 3));
 public void MultiplyMax()
     Assert.AreEqual(new UInt128(ulong.MaxValue << 1, 1), UInt128.Multiply(ulong.MaxValue, ulong.MaxValue));
 public void Multiply1ShouldReturnOther()
     Assert.AreEqual(UInt128.One, UInt128.Multiply(1, 1));
     Assert.AreEqual(new UInt128(0, ulong.MaxValue), UInt128.Multiply(1, ulong.MaxValue));
     Assert.AreEqual(new UInt128(0, ulong.MaxValue), UInt128.Multiply(ulong.MaxValue, 1));