Example #1
    IEnumerator Refresh()
        while (true)
            foreach (Unit U in AllEnemies)
                if ((LocalMap.GetDistance(Player.GridPos, U.GridPos) <= U.unitStats.VisionRange) && U.IsAttacking == false && Player.IsAttacking == false)
                    Player.IsAttacking  = true;
                    U.IsAttacking       = true;
                    LocalMap.TurnModeOn = true;
                    LocalMap.PlayerTurn = true;
                    Player.StopMoving   = true;
                    LocalMap.CurrentTile = LocalMap.FindTile(Player.GridPos.x, Player.GridPos.y);
                } //It stars the attack phase

                if (U.IsAttacking && Player.IsAttacking) //it waits until the player moves
                    if (PassTurnBool)
                        if (U.GetComponent <AI_Handler>())
                            U.GetComponent <AI_Handler>().CurOnTurn = true;

                        PlayersTurn = false;
                        //Should not change UIM from here but whatever
                        UIM.Top_Right.CurrentIndicatorText.text = "Enemy's Turn";
                        U.unitStats.ActionPoints = U.unitStats.MaxActionPoints;

                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(TimeForAITurn));

                        /* This just doesnt affect anything literally
                         * while(U.IsUnitInMoveAnim)
                         * {
                         *  Debug.Log("Bro");
                         * }*/

                        //Then it gives AP to the player
                        Player.unitStats.ActionPoints = Player.unitStats.MaxActionPoints;
                        PlayersTurn = true;
                        UIM.Top_Right.CurrentIndicatorText.text = "Player's Turn";

                        PassTurnBool = false;

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(RefreshRate));