// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        double[]     p            = new double[3];
        LineRenderer line         = gameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
        GameObject   UIController = GameObject.Find("UI Controller");
        string       data;

        //Get Constraint Information
        UI_Controller UIscr = UIController.GetComponent <UI_Controller>();

        if (UIscr.toBrowse)
            StreamReader constraint_data;
                constraint_data = new StreamReader(UIscr.constraintDataFilePath);
                data            = constraint_data.ReadLine();
                string[] consData = data.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                wx     = double.Parse(consData[0]);
                wy     = double.Parse(consData[1]);
                wz     = double.Parse(consData[2]);
                dx     = double.Parse(consData[3]);
                dy     = double.Parse(consData[4]);
                dz     = double.Parse(consData[5]);
                radius = double.Parse(consData[6]);
            }catch {
                LogHandler.Logger.Log(gameObject.name + " - Constraint_axial.cs: Constraint data file cannot be read or does not exist!", LogType.Warning);
                LogHandler.Logger.ShowMessage("Constraint data file cannot be read or does not exist!", "Error!");
                wx     = double.Parse(UIscr.info[0].text);
                wy     = double.Parse(UIscr.info[1].text);
                wz     = double.Parse(UIscr.info[2].text);
                dx     = double.Parse(UIscr.info[3].text);
                dy     = double.Parse(UIscr.info[4].text);
                dz     = double.Parse(UIscr.info[5].text);
                radius = double.Parse(UIscr.info[6].text);
            }catch {
                LogHandler.Logger.Log(gameObject.name + " - Constraint_axial.cs: Constraint input data is null or not in the correct format!", LogType.Warning);

        StreamReader xyz_data;

            xyz_data = new StreamReader(UIscr.pointDataFilePath);
        }catch {
            LogHandler.Logger.Log(gameObject.name + " - Constraint_axial.cs: Point data file cannot be read or does not exist!", LogType.Warning);
            LogHandler.Logger.ShowMessage("Point data file cannot be read or does not exist!", "Error!");

        UIscr.AddConstriantInfo(wx, wy, wz, dx, dy, dz, radius, "Axial");
        //TextAsset xyz_data = Resources.Load<TextAsset>(dataFileName);
        //string[] data = xyz_data.text.Split(new char[] {'\n'} );

        //Get each row from csv data file
        data = xyz_data.ReadLine();
        line.positionCount = 0;
        //Plot each point
            string[] pointData = data.Split(new char[] { ',' });
            p[0] = double.Parse(pointData[0]);
            p[1] = double.Parse(pointData[2]);
            p[2] = double.Parse(pointData[1]);
            transform.position = new Vector3((float)p[0], (float)p[1], (float)p[2]);
            var point = Instantiate(pointPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            point.name = "Point " + UIscr.selectedConsIdx.ToString();

            //Set a vertex for the line at the point
            line.SetPosition(line.positionCount++, transform.position);

            //Check if point is on constraint
            //int resConstraint = Func.check_constraint_axial(wx, wy, wz, dx, dy, dz, radius, p);

            data = xyz_data.ReadLine();
        }while(data != null);

        //Move constraint center to centroid

        double[,] w  = { { -wx }, { wz }, { -wy } };
        double[,] ew = new double[3, 3];
        float qx = 0, qy = 0, qz = 0, qw = 0;

        ew = Func.exp_map(w);
        Func.matToQ(ew, ref qx, ref qy, ref qz, ref qw);

        Quaternion rot = new Quaternion(qx, qy, qz, qw);
        GameObject obj_axialTorus;
        Vector3    center = new Vector3((float)dx, (float)dz, (float)dy);

        obj_axialTorus      = /*(GameObject)*/ Instantiate(torusPrefab, center, rot);
        obj_axialTorus.name = "Constraint " + UIscr.selectedConsIdx.ToString();
        ParticleSystem.ShapeModule ring = obj_axialTorus.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().shape;
        ring.radius = Mathf.Abs((float)radius);
Example #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        double[] p    = new double[3];
        double[] cent = new double[3];
        int      n    = 0;

        LineRenderer line         = gameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
        GameObject   UIController = GameObject.Find("UI Controller");
        string       data;

        //Get Constraint Information
        UI_Controller UIscr = UIController.GetComponent <UI_Controller>();

        if (UIscr.toBrowse)
            StreamReader constraint_data;
                constraint_data = new StreamReader(UIscr.constraintDataFilePath);
                data            = constraint_data.ReadLine();
                string[] consData = data.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                wx = double.Parse(consData[0]);
                wy = double.Parse(consData[1]);
                wz = double.Parse(consData[2]);
                dx = double.Parse(consData[3]);
                dy = double.Parse(consData[4]);
                dz = double.Parse(consData[5]);
            }catch {
                LogHandler.Logger.Log(gameObject.name + " - Constraint_planar.cs: Constraint data file cannot be read or does not exist!", LogType.Warning);
                LogHandler.Logger.ShowMessage("Constraint data file cannot be read or does not exist!", "Error!");
                wx = double.Parse(UIscr.info[0].text);
                wy = double.Parse(UIscr.info[1].text);
                wz = double.Parse(UIscr.info[2].text);
                dx = double.Parse(UIscr.info[3].text);
                dy = double.Parse(UIscr.info[4].text);
                dz = double.Parse(UIscr.info[5].text);
            }catch {
                LogHandler.Logger.Log(gameObject.name + " - Constraint_planar.cs: Constraint input data is null or not in the correct format!", LogType.Warning);

        StreamReader xyz_data;

            xyz_data = new StreamReader(UIscr.pointDataFilePath);
        }catch {
            LogHandler.Logger.Log(gameObject.name + " - Constraint_plane.cs: Point data file cannot be read or does not exist!", LogType.Warning);
            LogHandler.Logger.ShowMessage("Point data file cannot be read or does not exist!", "Error!");

        UIscr.AddConstriantInfo(wx, wy, wz, dx, dy, dz, 0, "Planar");

        data = xyz_data.ReadLine();
        line.positionCount = 0;
        //Plot each point
            string[] pointData = data.Split(new char[] { ',' });
            p[0] = double.Parse(pointData[0]);
            p[1] = double.Parse(pointData[2]);
            p[2] = double.Parse(pointData[1]);
            transform.position = new Vector3((float)p[0], (float)p[1], (float)p[2]);
            var point = Instantiate(pointPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            point.name = "Point " + UIscr.selectedConsIdx.ToString();

            //Set a vertex for the line at the point
            line.SetPosition(line.positionCount++, transform.position);

            double[,] norm = { { 0 }, { 1 }, { 0 } };
            double resConstraint = Func.check_constraint_plane(wx, wy, wz, dx, dy, dz, norm, p);
            //Find centroid
            if (resConstraint < 0.001 && resConstraint > -0.001)
                cent[0] += p[0];
                cent[1] += p[1];
                cent[2] += p[2];
            data = xyz_data.ReadLine();
        }while(data != null);

        //Move plane center to centroid
        if (n == 0)
            LogHandler.Logger.Log(gameObject.name + " - Constraint_plane.cs: Planar constraint cannot be placed using current constraint data!", LogType.Warning);
            LogHandler.Logger.ShowMessage("Planar constraint cannot be placed using current constraint data!", "Warning!");

        cent[0] /= n;
        cent[1] /= n;
        cent[2] /= n;

        double[,] w  = { { -wx }, { wz }, { -wy } };
        double[,] ew = new double[3, 3];
        float qx = 0, qy = 0, qz = 0, qw = 0;

        ew = Func.exp_map(w);
        Func.matToQ(ew, ref qx, ref qy, ref qz, ref qw);

        Quaternion rot   = new Quaternion(qx, qy, qz, qw);
        GameObject plane = Instantiate(planePrefab, new Vector3((float)cent[0], (float)cent[1], (float)cent[2]), rot);

        plane.name = "Constraint " + UIscr.selectedConsIdx.ToString();