Example #1
        private static Window getParentWindow(DependencyObject s)
            Window window = UITools.FindAncestor <Window>(s);

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Get current culture
            culture = SessionState.Culture;
            user    = SessionState.User;

                // Get parameters
                item    = QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest();
                culture = QDEUtils.UpdateCultureCodeFromRequest();

                if (Request["f"] != null)
                    inputformId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["f"]);

            // Check
            //	- user is valid
            //	- culture is valid
            //	- item is valid
            //	- user has the current culture in its scope
            //	- user has the item in its scope
            if (user != null && culture != null && item != null &&
                user.HasCultureInScope(culture.Code) &&
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "initVars", "var cultureCode='" + culture.Code + "';", true);
                if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                    lbError.Visible  = false;
                    dg.Visible       = false;
                    lbResult.Visible = false;

                    // Update title (current item name)
                    if (item != null)
                        lbTitle.Text = item.FullName;
                        if (lbTitle.Text.Length > 50)
                            lbTitle.Text = lbTitle.Text.Substring(0, 49) + "...";

                        if (inputformId > -1)
                            pnlChildren.Visible = false;
                            UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "AnalyzeSep");
                            UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "Analyze");

                            Analyze();                             // analyse the content for this input form

                            // Retrieve input form name
                            string inputFormName = HyperCatalog.Business.InputForm.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(inputformId)).Name;
                            Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "InitFormName", "<script>inputFormName='" + inputFormName + "';</script>");
                            pnlChildren.Visible = true;
                            UITools.ShowToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "AnalyzeSep");
                            UITools.ShowToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "Analyze");
Example #3
 private void UpdateDataView()
     ChunkModifier1.Chunk = chunk;
     lbChunkValue.Text    = chunk.Text == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue ? HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText : UITools.HtmlEncode(chunk.Text);
Example #4
 private void OnClickSetting()
     UITools.OpenWindow <UISetting>();
        private void Analyze()
            dg.Visible       = false;
            lbResult.Visible = false;
            lbError.Visible  = false;

            if (item != null)
                    DataSet ds = item.GetContent(culture.Code, inputformId, cbWithChildren.Checked);

                    if (ds != null)
                        if (ds.Tables != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            // Add column containing the count of error
                            ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("Error", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                                HyperComponents.WebUI.CustomSpellChecker.SpellChecker c = UITools.GetSpellChecker();
                                #region debugging

/*                Trace.Warn("c.AllowCaseInsensitiveSuggestions =" + c.AllowCaseInsensitiveSuggestions.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.AllowMixedCase =" + c.AllowMixedCase.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.AllowWordsWithDigits =" + c.AllowWordsWithDigits.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.AllowXML =" + c.AllowXML.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.CheckHyphenatedText =" + c.CheckHyphenatedText.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SetIncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions= " + c.GetIncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions().ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.LanguageParser" + c.LanguageParser.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SetAllowCapitalizedWords = " + c.GetAllowCapitalizedWords().ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.CheckCompoundWords =" + c.CheckCompoundWords.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SetConsiderationRange=" + c.GetConsiderationRange().ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SplitWordThreshold = " + c.SplitWordThreshold.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SuggestSplitWords = " + c.SuggestSplitWords.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SetSeparateHyphenWords=" + c.GetSeparateHyphenWords().ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SetSuggestionsMethod=" + c.GetSuggestionsMethod().ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.userDictionary.dictFile=" + c.userDictionary.dictFile);
                                 *                              c.AllowCaseInsensitiveSuggestions = true;
                                 *                              c.AllowMixedCase = false;
                                 *                              c.AllowWordsWithDigits = true;
                                 *                              c.AllowXML = true;
                                 *                              c.CheckHyphenatedText = true;
                                 *                              c.SetIncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions(true);
                                 *                              c.LanguageParser = LanguageType.English;
                                 *                              c.SetAllowCapitalizedWords(true);
                                 *                              c.CheckCompoundWords = false;
                                 *                              c.SetConsiderationRange(-1);
                                 *                              c.SplitWordThreshold = 3;
                                 *                              c.SuggestSplitWords = true;
                                 *                              c.SetSeparateHyphenWords(false);*/
                                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                    //spellTest.HasErrors(dr["ChunkValue"].ToString(), true);
                                    dr["Error"] = UITools.TextHasErrors(ref c, dr["ChunkValue"].ToString());

                                dg.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                                Utils.InitGridSort(ref dg, true);
                                dg.DisplayLayout.AllowSortingDefault = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.AllowSorting.No;
                                //dg.DisplayLayout.Pager.AllowPaging = true;

                                if (dg.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    dg.Visible       = true;
                                    lbResult.Visible = false;
                                    dg.Visible       = false;
                                    lbResult.Text    = "No errors found.";
                                    lbResult.Visible = true;
                            catch (Exception e)
                                lbError.CssClass = "hc_error";
                                lbError.Text     = e.ToString();
                                lbError.Visible  = true;
                                if (ds != null)
                        else // chunks count equals 0
                            lbResult.Visible = true;

                            if (ds != null)
                    else // ds is null
                        lbError.CssClass = "hc_error";
                        lbError.Text     = "DataSet is null";
                        lbError.Visible  = true;
                catch (DataException de)
                    lbError.CssClass = "hc_error";
                    lbError.Text     = de.ToString();
                    lbError.Visible  = true;
Example #6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                containerId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["d"]);
                if (Request["m"] != null)
                    isMandatory = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["m"]);
                culture           = QDEUtils.UpdateCultureCodeFromRequest();
                item              = QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest();
                itemId            = item.Id;
                chunk             = ChunkWindow.GetChunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code);
                uwToolbar.Enabled = Request["ui"] != null;

                if (Request["ifid"] != null)
                    ifContainer = InputFormContainer.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(Request["ifid"]));

                /*#ACQ10.0 Starts --Commented
                 * Commented to bring out ILB for all catalogue irespective of mandatory status
                 * if (!isMandatory || culture.Type == CultureType.Regionale)
                 * {
                 * UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "ilb");
                 * }
                UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "ilb");
                //#ACQ10.0 Ends

                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "blanktext", "<script>ILBText = '" + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText + "';</script>");

                //Modified this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                ChunkButtonBar.Chunk = chunk;
                //Modified this line for QCs# 839 and 1028

                ChunkButtonBar.Container = SessionState.QDEContainer;
                ChunkButtonBar.User      = SessionState.User;
                ChunkButtonBar.Culture   = culture;
                ChunkButtonBar.Item      = item;
                if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                    //Added these lines for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    ChunkComment1.Chunk  = chunk;
                    ChunkModifier1.Chunk = chunk;
                    //Added these lines for QCs# 839 and 1028

                    lbResult.Text = string.Empty;
                    if (Request["__EVENTTARGET"] != null) // Check if user is trying to sort a group
                        if (Request["__EVENTTARGET"].ToString() == "rowup" || Request["__EVENTTARGET"].ToString() == "rowdown")
                            SortRow(Request["__EVENTTARGET"].ToString() == "rowup", Convert.ToInt32(Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"]));

            catch (Exception ex)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "close", "<script>alert('" + UITools.CleanJSString(ex.ToString()) + "');top.window.close();</script>");
Example #7
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            var uploadDialog = this.UploadDialog;

            if (uploadDialog != null)
                uploadDialog.CssClass = "sn-du-uploaddialog sn-du-uploaddialog-" + this.ClientID;

            var container = this.Container;

            if (container != null)
                container.CssClass = "sn-du-container sn-du-container-" + this.ClientID;

            var clientIdControl = this.ClientIdControl;

            if (clientIdControl != null)
                clientIdControl.Text = this.ClientID;

            var dialogClientIdControl = this.DialogClientIdControl;

            if (dialogClientIdControl != null)
                dialogClientIdControl.Text = this.ClientID;

            // set the current date for checking user's upload list - but do not set it at postbacks, therefore it is stored in controlstate
            if (this._startUploadDate == DateTime.MinValue && DateLimitMinutes != 0)
                this._startUploadDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-DateLimitMinutes);

            var startUploadDateControl = this.StartUploadDateControl;

            if (startUploadDateControl != null)
                startUploadDateControl.Text = this._startUploadDate.ToString();

            var uploadButtonControl = this.UploadButtonControl;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ButtonText) && uploadButtonControl != null)
                uploadButtonControl.Text = this.ButtonText;

            var uploadPathControl = this.UploadPathControl;

            if (uploadPathControl != null)
                string containerPath = string.Empty;

                // if a contextinfo is present, it controls the context
                var contextInfo = UITools.FindContextInfo(this, ContextInfoID);
                if (contextInfo != null)
                    containerPath = contextInfo.Path;
                    // in add scenario, the content does not exist, so container for Uploads folder should be the parent.
                    // set containerpath to parent, to use consistent containers for both new and existing content
                    var contentView = UITools.FindFirstContainerOfType <ContentView>(this);
                    var contextNode = contentView.Content.ContentHandler;
                    containerPath = contextNode.ParentPath;

                uploadPathControl.Text = containerPath;

                var targetFolderControl = this.TargetFolderControl;
                if (targetFolderControl != null)
                    targetFolderControl.Text = this.TargetFolderName;

            this.ChildControlsCreated = true;
Example #8
        protected virtual void InitImagePickerParams()
            var script = string.Format("SN.tinymceimagepickerparams = {{ DefaultPath:'{0}' }};", this.ContentHandler.ParentPath);

            UITools.RegisterStartupScript("tinymceimagepickerparams", script, this.Page);
        protected override IScriptCommand executeInner(ParameterDic pm, UIElement sender, RoutedEventArgs evnt, IUIInput input, IList <IUIInputProcessor> inpProcs)
            Point position = input.Position;

            //Console.WriteLine(input.IsDragging.ToString() +  position.ToString());
            switch (PositionRelativeTo)
            case PositionRelativeToType.Sender:
                position = input.PositionRelativeTo(sender);

            case PositionRelativeToType.Scp:
                var scp = ControlUtils.GetScrollContentPresenter(sender is Control ? (Control)sender : UITools.FindAncestor <Control>(sender));
                position = input.PositionRelativeTo(scp);

            case PositionRelativeToType.Panel:
                var parentPanel = UITools.FindAncestor <Panel>(sender);
                position = input.PositionRelativeTo(parentPanel);

            case PositionRelativeToType.Window:
                var parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(sender);
                position = input.PositionRelativeTo(parentWindow);

            return(ScriptCommands.Assign(DestinationKey, position, SkipIfExists, NextCommand));
Example #10
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Example #11
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            if (this.Visible)
                if (DisplayMode == Mode.Complete && !SessionState.User.HasCapability(Business.CapabilitiesEnum.MANAGE_RESOURCES))

                #region init grids
                Utils.InitGridSort(ref rGd);
                //Utils.InitGridSort(ref variantsGrid);

                propertiesMsgLbl.Visible = false;

                mTb.Items.FromKeyButton("Add").Visible = completePanel.Visible = (DisplayMode == Mode.Complete);
                minimalCell.ColSpan = (DisplayMode == Mode.Complete ? 1 : 3);

                if (!IsPostBack)
                    HyperCatalog.Business.CultureList cultures = HyperCatalog.Business.Culture.GetAll();
                    _currentCultureCode = HyperCatalog.Shared.SessionState.MasterCulture.Code;
                    if (cultures != null)
                        cultures.Sort("Name ASC");
                    txtVariantCultureValue.DataSource = cultures;

                    _currentResourceId = -1;
                    _currentLibrary    = null;
                    _resourceTypes     = null;
                    if (Request["l"] != null)
                            _currentLibraryId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["l"]);
                        catch { }
                    else if (Request["resource"] != null)
                            string[] splitted = Request["resource"].Split('/');
                            if (splitted.Length == 2)
                                _currentLibrary = Library.GetByKey(splitted[0]);
                                if (_currentLibrary != null)
                                    _currentResource = _currentLibrary.Resources[splitted[1].Split('.')[0]];
                        catch { }
                    if (Request["culture"] != null)
                        CurrentCultureCode = Request["culture"];
                    if (_currentLibraryId < 0 && Session["DAM_currentLibraryId"] is int)
                        _currentLibraryId = (int)Session["DAM_currentLibraryId"];


            //Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page.GetType(), "ChgLib", "function ChgLib(libId){window.location='" + Request.Url.PathAndQuery.Substring(0, Request.Url.PathAndQuery.Length - Request.Url.Query.Length) + "?w=" + WorkspaceId.ToString() + "&l=' + libId;}", true);
            //libraryList.Attributes.Add("onchange", "ChgLib(this.value)");
Example #12
 public static string GetFriendlyDate(DateTime date)
Example #13
        public static string GetPostMarkup(string markupStr, string commentSectionStr, PostInfo postInfo, string contextPath, string hiddenCommentsMarkup, string commentsMarkup, int commentCount, LikeInfo likeInfo, bool drawBoundary)
            if (markupStr == null)

            if (commentSectionStr == null)

            markupStr = ReplaceResources(markupStr);

            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{commentsection}}", commentSectionStr);
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{postid}}", postInfo.ClientId.ToString());
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{avatar}}", UITools.GetAvatarUrl(postInfo.CreatedBy));
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{username}}", postInfo.CreatedBy.FullName);
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{userlink}}", Actions.ActionUrl(Content.Create(postInfo.CreatedBy), "Profile"));

            var text = postInfo.Text;

            if (text != null)
                text = text.Replace("{{path}}", postInfo.LastPath ?? string.Empty);

            var haspermission = WallHelper.HasWallPermission(contextPath);

            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{text}}", text);
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{date}}", postInfo.CreationDate.ToString());
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{friendlydate}}", UITools.GetFriendlyDate(postInfo.CreationDate));
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{hiddencomments}}", hiddenCommentsMarkup);
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{comments}}", commentsMarkup);
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{commentboxdisplay}}", (commentCount > 0) && haspermission ? "block" : "none");
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{hiddencommentboxdisplay}}", commentCount > 2 ? "block" : "none");
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{commentcount}}", commentCount.ToString());
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{likeboxdisplay}}", likeInfo.Count > 0 ? "block" : "none");
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{likes}}", likeInfo.GetLongMarkup());
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{ilikedisplay}}", !likeInfo.iLike ? "inline" : "none");
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{iunlikedisplay}}", likeInfo.iLike ? "inline" : "none");

            // content card - only manualposts count here, journals don't have this markup
            if (postInfo.Type == PostType.BigPost && postInfo.SharedContent != null)
                markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{contentcard}}", WallHelper.GetContentCardMarkup(postInfo.SharedContent, contextPath));
                markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{contentcard}}", string.Empty);

            // small post icon
            var smallposticon = "/Root/Global/images/icons/16/add.png";

            if (postInfo.Type == PostType.JournalModified)
                smallposticon = "/Root/Global/images/icons/16/edit.png";
            if (postInfo.Type == PostType.JournalDeletedPhysically)
                smallposticon = "/Root/Global/images/icons/16/delete.png";
            if (postInfo.Type == PostType.JournalMoved)
                smallposticon = "/Root/Global/images/icons/16/move.png";
            if (postInfo.Type == PostType.JournalCopied)
                smallposticon = "/Root/Global/images/icons/16/copy.png";
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{smallposticon}}", smallposticon);

            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{postboundaryclass}}", drawBoundary ? "sn-post-boundary" : string.Empty);

            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{action}}", postInfo.Action);

            // small post details
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{detailsdisplay}}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(postInfo.Details) ? "none" : "inline");
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{detailssection}}", ReplaceResources(postInfo.Details));

            // user interaction allowed
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{interactdisplay}}", haspermission ? "inline" : "none");

Example #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Save translations
    /// </summary>
    private void Save()
        bool canUpdate;

        for (int i = 0; i < dg.Rows.Count; i++)
            string                  languageCode         = dg.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("LanguageCode").Text;
            TemplatedColumn         col                  = (TemplatedColumn)dg.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("Value").Column;
            TextBox                 tb                   = (TextBox)((CellItem)col.CellItems[i]).FindControl("TXTChangedValue");
            string                  newTMExpressionValue = tb.Text;
            TMExpressionTranslation tt;
            using (tt = TMExpressionTranslation.GetByKey(expressionId, languageCode))
                if (tt == null)
                    canUpdate = newTMExpressionValue != null;
                    if (canUpdate)
                        canUpdate = newTMExpressionValue.Trim() != string.Empty;
                    #region New Translation
                    if (canUpdate)
                        tt = new TMExpressionTranslation(expressionId, newTMExpressionValue, languageCode, dg.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("Rtl").Text.ToLower() == "true",
                                                         SessionState.User.Id, DateTime.UtcNow);
                        int r = tt.Save();
                        if (r < 0)
                            lbMessage.Text     = "Error: Translation [" + languageCode + "] can't be created";
                            lbMessage.CssClass = "hc_error";
                            lbMessage.Visible  = true;
                #region Translation already exist
                    if (tt.Value != newTMExpressionValue)
                        tt.LanguageCode = languageCode;
                        tt.Value        = newTMExpressionValue;
                        tt.Rtl          = dg.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("Rtl").Text.ToLower() == "true";
                        canUpdate       = newTMExpressionValue != null;
                        if (canUpdate)
                            canUpdate = newTMExpressionValue.Trim() != string.Empty;
                        #region Value modified
                        if (canUpdate)
                            int r = tt.Save();
                            if (r < 0)
                                lbMessage.Text     = "Error: Translation [" + languageCode + "] can't be updated";
                                lbMessage.CssClass = "hc_error";
                                lbMessage.Visible  = true;
                        #region Value deleted
                            if (!tt.Delete(HyperCatalog.Shared.SessionState.User.Id))
                                lbMessage.Text     = "Error: localization [" + languageCode + "] can't be deleted";
                                lbMessage.CssClass = "hc_error";
                                lbMessage.Visible  = true;
        lbMessage.Text     = "Data saved";
        lbMessage.CssClass = "hc_success";
        lbMessage.Visible  = true;
        using (Database dbObj = Utils.GetMainDB())
            UITools.RefreshTab(Page, "Translations", Utils.GetCount(dbObj, String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TMTranslations WHERE TMExpressionId = {0}", expressionId)));
Example #15
        public static XslTransformExecutionContext GetXslt(string nodePath, bool resolveScripts)
            string nodeKey = "xslt:" + nodePath;

            XslTransformExecutionContext context = (XslTransformExecutionContext)(DistributedApplication.Cache.Get(nodeKey));

            if (context == null)
                context = new XslTransformExecutionContext();

                context.XslCompiledTransform = new XslCompiledTransform(Debugger.IsAttached);
                RepositoryPathResolver resolver = new RepositoryPathResolver();

                    context.XslCompiledTransform.Load(nodePath, XsltSettings.Default, resolver);
                catch (NullReferenceException e) // rethrow
                    throw new NullReferenceException(e.Message + "<br/>" + nodePath + " (or include)");

                AggregateCacheDependency aggregatedDependency = new AggregateCacheDependency();

                context.NamespaceExtensions    = resolver.ImportNamespaceCollection.Distinct().ToArray();
                context.ImportScriptCollection = resolver.ImportScriptCollection;
                context.ImportCssCollection    = resolver.ImportCssCollection;

                foreach (var dependencyPath in resolver.DependencyPathCollection)
                    // Create an aggregate cache dependeny that includes NodeId, Path, NodeTypeId
                    // Our cache item will be invalidated if the dependency node is invalidated
                    //  - by node id
                    //  - by path
                    //  - by nodeType
                    string fsFilePath = null;
                    if (HttpContext.Current != null &&
                        WebApplication.DiskFSSupportMode == DiskFSSupportMode.Prefer)
                        fsFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(dependencyPath);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fsFilePath) && System.IO.File.Exists(fsFilePath))
                        aggregatedDependency.Add(new CacheDependency(fsFilePath));
                        var nodeHead = NodeHead.Get(dependencyPath);
                            new PathDependency(nodeHead.Path),
                            new NodeIdDependency(nodeHead.Id),
                            new NodeTypeDependency(nodeHead.NodeTypeId)

                DistributedApplication.Cache.Insert(nodeKey, context, aggregatedDependency);

            if (resolveScripts)
                foreach (var script in context.ImportScriptCollection)
                foreach (var css in context.ImportCssCollection)
                    UITools.AddStyleSheetToHeader(UITools.GetHeader(), css);

Example #16
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
            ci.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern        = SessionState.User.FormatDate;
            ci.DateTimeFormat.LongDatePattern         = SessionState.User.FormatDate;
            wdMasterPublishing.CalendarLayout.Culture = ci;
            wdMasterPublishing.MinDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

            warningMessage = "<font color='red' size='2'><b>Error:</b> Regional MATF is not possible.</font><br><br>" +
                             "This item has project with BOR date in future. Hence this item cannot be region validated. <br>" +
                             "Requesting user to try again after BOR date has reached.";

            if (SessionState.User.IsReadOnly)
                uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("Save").Enabled = false;

            // Hide or show button switch capabilities
            if (!SessionState.User.HasCapability(CapabilitiesEnum.EDIT_DELETE_FINAL_CHUNKS_MARKET_SEGMENT))
                UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "Save");
                UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "SaveSep");

            // Retrieve current user and current culture
            user    = SessionState.User;
            culture = SessionState.Culture;

                // Get parameters
                if (Request["i"] != null)
                    item = HyperCatalog.Business.Item.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt64(Request["i"]));
                else if (QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest() != null)
                    item = QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest();

                if (Request["l"] != null)
                    culture = QDEUtils.UpdateCultureCodeFromRequest("l");

                if (Request["f"] != null)
                    inputFormId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["f"]);

                //Added by Prabhu for CR 5160 & ACQ 8.12 (PCF1: Auto TR Redesign)-- 21/May/09
                if (Request["isATRButton"] != null)
                    isAutoTRButton = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["isATRButton"]);

                if (inputFormId > 0)
                    containerMATFList = Request["c"].ToString();
                    if (culture.Type == CultureType.Regionale && isAutoTRButton)
                        lblChkBoxAlert.Visible = true;
                        lblChkBoxAlert.Text    = "<font color='red'><b>Note:</b> Move status to will be performed on locally authored content only.</font>";

                // Check
                //	- user is valid
                //	- culture is valid
                //	- item is valid
                //	- user has the current culture in its scope
                //	- user has the item in its scope
                if (user != null && culture != null && item != null &&
                    user.HasCultureInScope(culture.Code) &&
                    if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                        DateTime today = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        item.RegionCode = culture.Code;
                        // check if this item or its inherited item has BOR date in future.
                        if (item.Milestones != null && culture.Type == CultureType.Regionale && inputFormId < 0)
                            if (!item.Milestones.Inherited)
                                if ((item.Milestones.BeginningOfRegionalization != null && item.Milestones.BeginningOfRegionalization.Value > today))
                                    panelMATF.Visible         = false;
                                    lblWarningMessage.Visible = true;
                                    lblWarningMessage.Text    = warningMessage;
                                item.Milestones.InheritedItem.RegionCode = culture.Code;
                                if ((item.Milestones.InheritedItem.Milestones.BeginningOfRegionalization != null && item.Milestones.InheritedItem.Milestones.BeginningOfRegionalization.Value > today))
                                    panelMATF.Visible         = false;
                                    lblWarningMessage.Visible = true;
                                    lblWarningMessage.Text    = warningMessage;
            catch (Exception excep)
Example #17
        private void SaveChunk(ChunkStatus status, bool lockTranslations)
            string error = string.Empty;
            string Value = string.Empty;

            if (Request["rd"] != null || !dg.Columns.FromKey("InScope").ServerOnly || uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                //#ACQ10.0 Starts
                if (Request["rd"] == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText)
                    uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected = true;
                //#ACQ10.0 Ends
                if (uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                    Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
                else if (Request["rd"] != null) // --> radion button (single choice)
                    if (ViewState["Source"].ToString() == "Lookup")
                        LookupValue lValue = LookupValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(Request["rd"]));
                        Value = lValue.Text;
                        InputFormValue lValue = InputFormValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(Request["rd"]));
                        Value = lValue.Text;
                else // (multi choice)
                    string separator = "; ";
                    bool   success   = true;
                    string curText   = string.Empty;
                    if (dg != null && dg.Rows != null && dg.Rows.Count > 0)
                        foreach (UltraGridRow r in dg.Rows)
                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(r.Cells.FromKey("InScope").Value))
                                //#ACQ10.0 Stats  Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "scrollview", "<script>rowIndex = " + e.Row.Index.ToString() + ";</script>");
                                if ((Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells.FromKey("Id").Value) != 0) && (Value.IndexOf(HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue) < 0))
                                    //#ACQ10.0 Ends
                                    if (ViewState["Source"].ToString() == "Lookup")
                                        LookupValue lValue = LookupValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells.FromKey("Id").Value));
                                        curText = lValue.Text;
                                        InputFormValue lValue = InputFormValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells.FromKey("Id").Value));
                                        curText = lValue.Text;
                                    if (Value.Length > 0)
                                        Value += separator.ToString();
                                    Value += curText;
                                    Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
                //ACQ10.0 Starts
                //If the value is empty the user will get a message asking the select a value and no value will be saved into application
                if (Value.Length <= 0)
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Please, select a value!');</script>");
                //ACQ10.0 Ends

                if (chunk != null)
                // Test if user has made a change that allows database update
                    if (Value != chunk.Text || ChunkComment1.Comment != chunk.Comment || status != chunk.Status)
                        chunk.Text    = Value;
                        chunk.Comment = ChunkComment1.Comment;
                        chunk.Status  = status;
                    chunk = new HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code, Value, ChunkComment1.Comment, status, SessionState.User.Id);
                if (chunk.Save(SessionState.User.Id))
                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    chunk.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028

                    lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Chunk saved!";
                    lbResult.CssClass = "hc_success";
                    lbResult.Visible  = true;
                    if (chunk.Text == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue)
                        chunk.Text = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText;
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "update", "<script>UpdateGrid('" + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.GetStatusFromEnum(chunk.Status) + "', '" + UITools.CleanJSString(chunk.Text) + "');</script>");
                    if (!lockTranslations)
                        chunk.ForceTranslationsTo(SessionState.User.Id, ChunkStatus.Draft);
                        SessionState.QDEChunk = chunk;

                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    ChunkModifier1.Chunk = chunk;
                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Error: " + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.LastError;
                    lbResult.CssClass = "hc_error";
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Please, select a value!');</script>");
Example #18
        private void SaveChunk(ChunkStatus status, bool lockTranslations)
            string error = string.Empty;
            string Value = txtValue.Text;

            if (uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
            //ACQ10.0 Starts
            if (Value.Length <= 0)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Please, enter a value!');</script>");
            //ACQ10.0 Ends

            if (chunk != null)
            // Test if user has made a change that allows database update
                if (txtValue.Text != chunk.Text || ChunkComment1.Comment != chunk.Comment || status != chunk.Status)
                    chunk.Text    = Value;
                    chunk.Comment = ChunkComment1.Comment;
                    chunk.Status  = status;
                chunk = new HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code, Value, ChunkComment1.Comment, status, SessionState.User.Id);
            if (chunk.Save(SessionState.User.Id))
                lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Chunk saved!";
                lbResult.CssClass = "hc_success";
                if (Value == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue)
                    Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText;
                if (!lockTranslations)
                    chunk.ForceTranslationsTo(SessionState.User.Id, ChunkStatus.Draft);
                SessionState.QDEChunk = chunk;
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "update", "<script>UpdateGrid('" + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.GetStatusFromEnum(chunk.Status) + "', '" + UITools.CleanJSString(Value) + "');</script>");
                lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Error: " + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.LastError;
                lbResult.CssClass = "hc_error";
            lbResult.Visible = true;
        private void DoTranslation()
            lbError.Visible = dg.Visible = false;
            threshholdLimit = Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationSettings.Parameters["AutoTR_UIThresholdLimit"].Value.ToString());
            int TotalTRChunksCount;

            dgContainer.Visible = false;
            //QC 1646 : Cannot Auto-translate -> The time-out parameter is extended to 1 hr
            using (Database dbObj = new Database(SessionState.CacheComponents["Crystal_DB"].ConnectionString, 3600))
                //Modified by Prabhu for CR 5160 & ACQ 8.12 (PCF1: Auto TR Redesign)-- 21/May/09
                using (DataSet ds = dbObj.RunSPReturnDataSet("_TM_TranslateItem", new SqlParameter("@ItemId", itemId), new SqlParameter("@ContainerList", containerList),
                                                             new SqlParameter("@RegionCode", cultureCode), new SqlParameter("@UserId", SessionState.User.Id)))
                    if (dbObj.LastError != string.Empty)
                        lbError.Text        = dbObj.LastError;
                        lbError.Visible     = true;
                        dg.Visible          = false;
                        dgContainer.Visible = false;
                        UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "CloseSep");
                        UITools.HideToolBarButton(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "Export");
                    else if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() != "")
                        TotalTRChunksCount = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
                        if (TotalTRChunksCount > threshholdLimit)
                            warningMessage = "<font color='red' size='2'><b>Error:</b> Selected containers cannot be auto translated.</font><br><br>" +
                                             "Translatable Chunk Count: " + TotalTRChunksCount + "<br>" +
                                             "IT Threshold Limit: " + threshholdLimit + "<br><br>" +
                                             "Total number of chunks to be auto translated is more than IT recommended threshold limit. <br>" +
                                             "Requesting user to uncheck few containers and try again.";

                            lblWarningMessage.Text    = warningMessage;
                            lblWarningMessage.Visible = true;
                            dg.Visible             = false;
                            dgContainer.Visible    = true;
                            dgContainer.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];
                            Utils.InitGridSort(ref dgContainer);
                            UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "CloseSep");
                            UITools.HideToolBarButton(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "Export");
                            dg.Visible          = true;
                            dgContainer.Visible = false;
                            dg.DataSource       = ds.Tables[1];
                            ViewState["ds"] = ds;
                            Utils.InitGridSort(ref dg);
                            //reset checkbox on success
                            Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "ResetParentCheckBox", "ResetParentCheckBox();", true);
                        lbError.Visible     = true;
                        lbError.Text        = "No content was eligible for Auto Translation.";
                        dg.Visible          = false;
                        dgContainer.Visible = false;
                        UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "CloseSep");
                        UITools.HideToolBarButton(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "Export");
                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "ResetParentCheckBox", "ResetParentCheckBox();", true);
Example #20
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                containerId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["d"]);
                if (Request["m"] != null)
                    isMandatory = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["m"]);
                culture           = QDEUtils.UpdateCultureCodeFromRequest();
                item              = QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest();
                itemId            = item.Id;
                chunk             = ChunkWindow.GetChunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code);
                container         = SessionState.QDEContainer;
                uwToolbar.Enabled = Request["ui"] != null;

                //code added on 17th November 2011 for Chunk Edit Validation for XSS Vulnerability Fix - start
                if (SessionState.CacheParams.Exists("XSS_RestrictedHTMLTags"))
                    keyword = SessionState.CacheParams["XSS_RestrictedHTMLTags"].Value.ToString();
                //code added on 17th November 2011 for Chunk Edit Validation for XSS Vulnerability Fix - end

                #region Spell Checker
                string masterLanguage = string.Empty;
                masterLanguage = HyperCatalog.Shared.SessionState.MasterCulture.LanguageCode;
                if (culture.LanguageCode != masterLanguage)
                    UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "spellsep");
                    UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "spell");
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "VarsForSpellChecker", "<script>var itemId=" + itemId.ToString() + ";var containerId=" + containerId + ";</script>");

                /*#ACQ10.0 Starts
                 * // Commented to bring out ILB for all catalogue irespective of mandatory status
                 * // Only allow ILB for mandatory chunks and only at sku level for push down
                 * if (!isMandatory  || culture.Type == CultureType.Regionale)
                 * {
                 *  UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "ilbSep");
                 *  UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "ilb");
                 * }
                 * #ACQ10.0 Ends
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "close", "<script>alert('Chunk not found!');window.close()</script>");

            ChunkComment1.Chunk      = ChunkModifier1.Chunk = ChunkButtonBar.Chunk = chunk;
            ChunkButtonBar.Container = container;
            ChunkButtonBar.User      = SessionState.User;
            ChunkButtonBar.Culture   = culture;
            ChunkButtonBar.Item      = item;
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                lbResult.Text = string.Empty;
                WebSpellChecker1.WebSpellCheckerDialogPage += "?i=" + itemId.ToString() + "&c=" + containerId.ToString();
            #region Spell Checker
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.AllowCaseInsensitiveSuggestions = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.AllowMixedCase       = false;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.AllowWordsWithDigits = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.AllowXML             = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.CheckHyphenatedText  = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.IncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions       = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.PerformanceOptions.AllowCapitalizedWords = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.PerformanceOptions.CheckCompoundWords    = false;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.PerformanceOptions.ConsiderationRange    = -1;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.PerformanceOptions.SplitWordThreshold    = 3;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.PerformanceOptions.SuggestSplitWords     = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.SeparateHyphenWords = false;
Example #21
    void UpdateDataView()
        string filter = txtFilter.Text;

        if (isPopup)
            pnlTitle.Visible = true;
            UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "ListSep");
            UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "List");

            if (containerId.Length > 0)
                using (HyperCatalog.Business.Container container = HyperCatalog.Business.Container.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(containerId)))
                    if (container != null)
                        uwtoolbarTitle.Items.FromKeyLabel("Action").Text = "[" + container.Tag + "] - " + container.Name;
            pnlTitle.Visible = false;
            UITools.ShowToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "ListSep");
            UITools.ShowToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "List");

        string sqlFilter = string.Empty;

        if (filter != string.Empty)
            string cleanFilter = filter.Replace("'", "''").ToLower();
            cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("[", "[[]");
            cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("_", "[_]");
            cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("%", "[%]");

            sqlFilter += " (LOWER(Name) like '%" + cleanFilter + "%'";
            sqlFilter += " OR LOWER(Description) like '%" + cleanFilter + "%')";

        using (Database dbObj = Utils.GetMainDB())
            using (DataSet ds = dbObj.RunSPReturnDataSet("dbo._Container_GetInputForms", "InputForms",
                                                         new SqlParameter("@ContainerId", containerId),
                                                         new SqlParameter("@Filter", sqlFilter)))

                if (dbObj.LastError.Length == 0)
                    if (ds != null)
                        if (ds.Tables["InputForms"] != null && ds.Tables["InputForms"].Rows.Count > 0)
                            dg.DataSource = ds.Tables["InputForms"];
                            Utils.InitGridSort(ref dg);

                            UITools.RefreshTab(this.Page, "InputForms", dg.Rows.Count);

                            dg.Visible          = true;
                            lbNoresults.Visible = false;
                            if (txtFilter.Text.Length > 0)
                                lbNoresults.Text = "No record match your search (" + txtFilter.Text + ")";

                            dg.Visible          = false;
                            lbNoresults.Visible = true;
Example #22
        public override IEnumerable <GenericMetadataModel> GetMetadata(EntryModel <FileInfoEx, DirectoryInfoEx, FileSystemInfoEx>[] appliedModels)
            if (appliedModels.Length == 1)
                EntryModel <FileInfoEx, DirectoryInfoEx, FileSystemInfoEx> model = appliedModels[0];
                FileSystemInfoEx entry = model.EmbeddedEntry;
                yield return(new EntryMetadataModel <string, FileInfoEx, DirectoryInfoEx, FileSystemInfoEx>(appliedModels, model.Label, "Key_Selected_0_Label"));

                if (entry is FileInfoEx)
                    yield return(new EntryMetadataModel <string, FileInfoEx, DirectoryInfoEx, FileSystemInfoEx>(appliedModels, UITools.SizeInK((ulong)model.Length), "Key_Selected_0_Size", "Selected size"));
                yield return(new EntryMetadataModel <DateTime, FileInfoEx, DirectoryInfoEx, FileSystemInfoEx>(appliedModels, DateTime.Now, "DateTime_Test", "Now"));
Example #23
 private void dg_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.RowEventArgs e)
     Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridRow r = e.Row;
     UITools.HiglightGridRowFilter(ref r, txtFilter.Text);
Example #24
        private void RenderScriptReferences()
            // Get scripts that are added by the framework
            var frameworkScriptPaths = GetFrameworkScripts();

            // Construct smart list
            var smartList = new List <string>();

            // Hard-code WebForms.js - it will be rendered here, and not in Page (like by default)
            smartList.Add(GetUrl(new ScriptReference(this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(System.Web.UI.Page), "WebForms.js"))));
            // Add scripts needed by the framework
            // Add scripts previously added to this control
            smartList.AddRange(this.Scripts.Select(s => GetUrl(s)));
            // Add scripts from the smart loader

            // Clear previous scripts (they are now part of smartList)

            // Initialize bundling
            var allowJsBundling = PortalBundleOptions.Current.AllowJsBundling;
            var bundle          = allowJsBundling ? new JsBundle() : null;

            // Go through all scripts
            foreach (var spath in smartList)
                var lower = spath.ToLower();

                if (lower.EndsWith(".css"))
                    UITools.AddStyleSheetToHeader(UITools.GetHeader(), spath);
                    var isPostponed       = PortalBundleOptions.JsIsBlacklisted(spath);
                    var isFrameworkScript = frameworkScriptPaths.Contains(spath);

                    if (isPostponed)
                    if (allowJsBundling && !isPostponed)
                    if (!isPostponed && !isFrameworkScript)
                        Scripts.Add(new ScriptReference(spath));

            // Go through postponed scripts
            foreach (var spath in _postponedList)
                Scripts.Add(new ScriptReference(spath));

            // NOTE: At this point, script order is the following:
            // 1) scripts added by the framework
            // 2) scripts added directly to this control
            // 3) scripts from SmartLoader (that are not blacklisted from bundling)
            // 4) scripts from SmartLoader (that are blacklisted from bundling)

            // Finalize bundling
            if (allowJsBundling)
                // If bundling is allowed, close the bundle and process it
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(x => BundleHandler.AddBundleToCache(bundle));

                if (BundleHandler.IsBundleInCache(bundle))
                    // If the bundle is complete, use its path to replace the path of all the scripts that are not postponed
                    _bundle = bundle;
Example #25
        private void dg_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.RowEventArgs e)
            System.Int64 itemId      = Convert.ToInt64(e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ItemId").Value);
            int          containerId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ContainerId").Value);

            bool keep = true;

            // Error field
            e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Style.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
            if (e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text == "0")
                keep = false;
                if (e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text == "1")
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text = e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text + " error";
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text = e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text + " errors";
                e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Style.CssClass = "hc_error";

            if (keep)
                // Index
                e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Index").Value = e.Row.Index;

                // Read only container
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ReadOnly").Value))
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ContainerName").Text = e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ContainerName").Text + " <img src='/hc_v4/img/ed_glasses.gif'/>";

                //If RTL languages, ensure correct display
                if ((bool)e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Rtl").Value)
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Style.CustomRules = "direction: rtl;";                    //unicode-bidi:bidi-override;";
                string rowItem = e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ItemId").Text;
                if (currentItem != rowItem)
                    currentItem = rowItem;
                int index = e.Row.Index + itemCount;
                //Display Edit Link in Container Name
                e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ContainerName").Text = "<a href='javascript://' onclick=\"ed(" + index + ", " + e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ItemId").ToString() + ")\">" + e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ContainerName").Text + "</a>";

                //Display Status logo
                if (e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Status").Text != null)
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Status").Style.CssClass = "S" + e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Status").Text;
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Status").Value          = string.Empty;

                // BLANK Value is replace by Readable sentence
                if (e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Text == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue)
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Text = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText;
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Style.CustomRules = string.Empty;
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Text = UITools.HtmlEncode(e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Text);
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the callback URL of the ActionMenu. It represents the service url with correct parameters for the actions.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetServiceUrl()
            var scParams = GetReplacedScenarioParameters();
            var context  = UITools.FindContextInfo(this, ContextInfoID);
            var path     = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ContextInfoID) ? context.Path : NodePath;

            var encodedReturnUrl = Uri.EscapeDataString(PortalContext.Current.RequestedUri.PathAndQuery);
            var encodedParams    = Uri.EscapeDataString(scParams ?? string.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                path = GetPathFromContentView(this);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                this.Visible = false;

            var head = NodeHead.Get(path);

            if (head == null || !SecurityHandler.HasPermission(head, PermissionType.See))
                this.Visible = false;

            this.Content = Content.Load(path);

            //Pre-check action count. If empty, hide the action menu.
            if (CheckActionCount)
                //var sc = ScenarioManager.GetScenario(Scenario, scParams);
                var actionCount = 0;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Scenario))
                    actionCount = ActionFramework.GetActions(this.Content, Scenario, scParams, null).Count();

                if (actionCount < 2 && string.Equals(Scenario, "new", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    ClickDisabled = true;
                else if (actionCount == 0)
                    this.Visible = false;

            //Pre-check required permissions
            var permissions = ActionFramework.GetRequiredPermissions(RequiredPermissions);

            if (permissions.Count > 0 && !SecurityHandler.HasPermission(head, permissions.ToArray()))
                this.Visible = false;

            var encodedPath = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(path);

            ServiceUrl = String.Format("/SmartAppHelper.mvc/GetActions?path={0}&scenario={1}&back={2}&parameters={3}",
                                       encodedPath, Scenario, encodedReturnUrl, encodedParams);
Example #27
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
         if (Request["m"] != null)
             isMandatory = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["m"]);
         containerId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["d"]);
         culture     = QDEUtils.UpdateCultureCodeFromRequest();
         item        = QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest();
         itemId      = item.Id;
         chunk       = ChunkWindow.GetChunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code);
         container   = SessionState.QDEContainer;
         if (!Page.IsPostBack)
             lbResult.Text = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.LastError;
     catch (Exception ex)
         Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "close", "<script>alert('" + UITools.CleanJSString(ex.ToString()) + "');top.window.close();</script>");
Example #28
    void Start()
        speakerText                 = GameObject.Find("SpeakerText");
        dialogueText                = GameObject.Find("DialogueText");
        dialogueBGSprite            = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Graphics/UI/Dialogue Sprites/dialogue temp cropped 2") as Sprite;
        dialogueBGSpriteSpeakerless = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Graphics/UI/Dialogue Sprites/dialogue temp cropped 2 speakerless") as Sprite;

        textBG = new GameObject("DialogueBG");
        Image dialogueBG = textBG.AddComponent <Image>();

        dialogueBG.sprite = null;
        dialogueBG.color  = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0);
        textBG.GetComponent <RectTransform>().pivot            = new Vector2(0, 0);
        textBG.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
        textBG.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
        textBG.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-316, -126);
        textBG.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta        = new Vector2(632 * UITools.GetUIScalingFactor(), 104 * UITools.GetUIScalingFactor());
Example #29
 /* ========================================================================================= Methods */
 protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
     UITools.AddStyleSheetToHeader(UITools.GetHeader(), "$skin/styles/icons.css");
Example #30
        private void UpdateDataView()
            Item _item = Item.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(itemId));

            lItemName.Text  = _item.Name;
            lItemLevel.Text = _item.Level.Name;

            using (Database dbObj = Utils.GetMainDB())
                using (DataSet ds = dbObj.RunSPReturnDataSet("dbo._Item_WhosWho", "Items",
                                                             new SqlParameter("@ItemId", itemId),
                                                             new SqlParameter("@CultureCode", cultureCode)))

                    if (dbObj.LastError == string.Empty)
                        Label     title;
                        DataTable dt;
                        DataRow   dr;
                        int       i;
                        string    curRole;
                        bool      canSeeRealEmails = SessionState.User.HasCapability(HyperCatalog.Business.CapabilitiesEnum.SEE_REAL_EMAIL);

                        Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.WebPanel wp;
                        string userEmail;
                        int    nbUsers;

                        #region Creator
                        dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            #region title
                            title          = new Label();
                            title.Text     = "Creator";
                            title.CssClass = "ptbgroup";
                            title.Width    = Unit.Percentage(100);
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>"));
                            for (i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                dr = dt.Rows[i];
                                Label creator = new Label();
                                creator.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(Environment.NewLine + "<tr><td width='200'><a href='mailto:" + UITools.GetDisplayEmail(dr["eMail"].ToString()) + "'>" + dr["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></td><td align='right'>" + dr["Organization"].ToString() + "</td>"));
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));

                        #region Modifier
                        dt = ds.Tables[1];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            #region title
                            title          = new Label();
                            title.Text     = "Modifier";
                            title.CssClass = "ptbgroup";
                            title.Width    = Unit.Percentage(100);
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>"));
                            for (i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                dr = dt.Rows[i];
                                Label creator = new Label();
                                creator.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(Environment.NewLine + "<tr><td width='200'><a href='mailto:" + UITools.GetDisplayEmail(dr["eMail"].ToString()) + "'>" + dr["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></td><td align='right'>" + dr["Organization"].ToString() + "</td>"));
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));

                        #region Item users list
                        dt = ds.Tables[2];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            #region title
                            title          = new Label();
                            title.Text     = "Item Users list";
                            title.CssClass = "ptbgroup";
                            title.Width    = Unit.Percentage(100);
                            curRole = string.Empty;
                            nbUsers = 0;
                            wp      = null;
                            for (i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                dr = dt.Rows[i];
                                if (dr["RoleName"].ToString() != curRole)
                                    if (wp != null)
                                        wp.Header.Text = curRole + " (" + nbUsers + ")";
                                        wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                                    wp                = new Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.WebPanel();
                                    curRole           = dr["RoleName"].ToString();
                                    wp.ID             = "role" + i.ToString();
                                    wp.Width          = Unit.Percentage(100);
                                    wp.ImageDirectory = "/hc_v4/img";
                                    wp.Header.ExpandedAppearance.Style.CssClass    = "ptb5"; // "hc_webpanelexp";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.AlternateText     = "Expand/Collapse";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.CollapsedImageUrl = "ed_dt.gif";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.ExpandedImageUrl  = "ed_upt.gif";
                                    wp.Header.CollapsedAppearance.Style.CssClass   = "ptb5"; // "hc_webpanelcol";
                                    wp.Header.TextAlignment = Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.TextAlignment.Left;
                                    wp.Expanded             = false;
                                    panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                                    wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>"));
                                wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(Environment.NewLine + "<tr><td width='200'><a href='mailto:" + UITools.GetDisplayEmail(dr["eMail"].ToString()) + "'>" + dr["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></td><td align='right'>" + dr["Organization"].ToString() + "</td>"));
                            wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                            wp.Header.Text = curRole + " (" + nbUsers + ")";

                        #region Content contributors
                        dt = ds.Tables[3];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            #region title
                            title          = new Label();
                            title.Text     = "Content contributors";
                            title.CssClass = "ptbgroup";
                            title.Width    = Unit.Percentage(100);
                            curRole = string.Empty;
                            nbUsers = 0;
                            wp      = null;
                            for (i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                dr = dt.Rows[i];
                                if (dr["RoleName"].ToString() != curRole)
                                    if (wp != null)
                                        wp.Header.Text = curRole + " (" + nbUsers + ")";
                                        wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                                    wp                = new Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.WebPanel();
                                    curRole           = dr["RoleName"].ToString();
                                    wp.ID             = "contributorsrole" + i.ToString();
                                    wp.Width          = Unit.Percentage(100);
                                    wp.ImageDirectory = "/hc_v4/img";
                                    wp.Header.ExpandedAppearance.Style.CssClass    = "ptb5"; // "hc_webpanelexp";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.AlternateText     = "Expand/Collapse";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.CollapsedImageUrl = "ed_dt.gif";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.ExpandedImageUrl  = "ed_upt.gif";
                                    wp.Header.CollapsedAppearance.Style.CssClass   = "ptb5"; // "hc_webpanelcol";
                                    wp.Header.TextAlignment = Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.TextAlignment.Left;
                                    wp.Expanded             = true;
                                    panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                                    wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>"));
                                wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(Environment.NewLine + "<tr><td width='200'><a href='mailto:" + UITools.GetDisplayEmail(dr["eMail"].ToString()) + "'>" +
                                                                   dr["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></td><td><a href='javascript://' title='Click here to show the full list' onclick=\"OpenDetail(" + itemId + ",'" + cultureCode + "'," + dr["UserId"].ToString() + ");return false;\">" +
                                                                   dr["ChunkCount"].ToString() + (Convert.ToInt32(dr["ChunkCount"]) > 1 ? " chunks" : " chunk") +
                                                                   "</a></td><td align='right'>" + dr["Organization"].ToString() + "</td>"));
                            wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                            wp.Header.Text = curRole + " (" + nbUsers + ")";
                        lbError.Text     = "Error: " + dbObj.LastError.ToString();
                        lbError.CssClass = "hc_error";
                        lbError.Visible  = true;