Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static Window getParentWindow(DependencyObject s)
            Window window = UITools.FindAncestor <Window>(s);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Get current culture
            culture = SessionState.Culture;
            user    = SessionState.User;

                // Get parameters
                item    = QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest();
                culture = QDEUtils.UpdateCultureCodeFromRequest();

                if (Request["f"] != null)
                    inputformId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["f"]);

            // Check
            //	- user is valid
            //	- culture is valid
            //	- item is valid
            //	- user has the current culture in its scope
            //	- user has the item in its scope
            if (user != null && culture != null && item != null &&
                user.HasCultureInScope(culture.Code) &&
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "initVars", "var cultureCode='" + culture.Code + "';", true);
                if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                    lbError.Visible  = false;
                    dg.Visible       = false;
                    lbResult.Visible = false;

                    // Update title (current item name)
                    if (item != null)
                        lbTitle.Text = item.FullName;
                        if (lbTitle.Text.Length > 50)
                            lbTitle.Text = lbTitle.Text.Substring(0, 49) + "...";

                        if (inputformId > -1)
                            pnlChildren.Visible = false;
                            UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "AnalyzeSep");
                            UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "Analyze");

                            Analyze();                             // analyse the content for this input form

                            // Retrieve input form name
                            string inputFormName = HyperCatalog.Business.InputForm.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(inputformId)).Name;
                            Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "InitFormName", "<script>inputFormName='" + inputFormName + "';</script>");
                            pnlChildren.Visible = true;
                            UITools.ShowToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "AnalyzeSep");
                            UITools.ShowToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "Analyze");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void UpdateDataView()
     ChunkModifier1.Chunk = chunk;
     lbChunkValue.Text    = chunk.Text == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue ? HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText : UITools.HtmlEncode(chunk.Text);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void OnClickSetting()
     UITools.OpenWindow <UISetting>();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void Analyze()
            dg.Visible       = false;
            lbResult.Visible = false;
            lbError.Visible  = false;

            if (item != null)
                    DataSet ds = item.GetContent(culture.Code, inputformId, cbWithChildren.Checked);

                    if (ds != null)
                        if (ds.Tables != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            // Add column containing the count of error
                            ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("Error", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                                HyperComponents.WebUI.CustomSpellChecker.SpellChecker c = UITools.GetSpellChecker();
                                #region debugging

/*                Trace.Warn("c.AllowCaseInsensitiveSuggestions =" + c.AllowCaseInsensitiveSuggestions.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.AllowMixedCase =" + c.AllowMixedCase.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.AllowWordsWithDigits =" + c.AllowWordsWithDigits.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.AllowXML =" + c.AllowXML.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.CheckHyphenatedText =" + c.CheckHyphenatedText.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SetIncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions= " + c.GetIncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions().ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.LanguageParser" + c.LanguageParser.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SetAllowCapitalizedWords = " + c.GetAllowCapitalizedWords().ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.CheckCompoundWords =" + c.CheckCompoundWords.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SetConsiderationRange=" + c.GetConsiderationRange().ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SplitWordThreshold = " + c.SplitWordThreshold.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SuggestSplitWords = " + c.SuggestSplitWords.ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SetSeparateHyphenWords=" + c.GetSeparateHyphenWords().ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.SetSuggestionsMethod=" + c.GetSuggestionsMethod().ToString());
 *              Trace.Warn("c.userDictionary.dictFile=" + c.userDictionary.dictFile);
                                 *                              c.AllowCaseInsensitiveSuggestions = true;
                                 *                              c.AllowMixedCase = false;
                                 *                              c.AllowWordsWithDigits = true;
                                 *                              c.AllowXML = true;
                                 *                              c.CheckHyphenatedText = true;
                                 *                              c.SetIncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions(true);
                                 *                              c.LanguageParser = LanguageType.English;
                                 *                              c.SetAllowCapitalizedWords(true);
                                 *                              c.CheckCompoundWords = false;
                                 *                              c.SetConsiderationRange(-1);
                                 *                              c.SplitWordThreshold = 3;
                                 *                              c.SuggestSplitWords = true;
                                 *                              c.SetSeparateHyphenWords(false);*/
                                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                    //spellTest.HasErrors(dr["ChunkValue"].ToString(), true);
                                    dr["Error"] = UITools.TextHasErrors(ref c, dr["ChunkValue"].ToString());

                                dg.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                                Utils.InitGridSort(ref dg, true);
                                dg.DisplayLayout.AllowSortingDefault = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.AllowSorting.No;
                                //dg.DisplayLayout.Pager.AllowPaging = true;

                                if (dg.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    dg.Visible       = true;
                                    lbResult.Visible = false;
                                    dg.Visible       = false;
                                    lbResult.Text    = "No errors found.";
                                    lbResult.Visible = true;
                            catch (Exception e)
                                lbError.CssClass = "hc_error";
                                lbError.Text     = e.ToString();
                                lbError.Visible  = true;
                                if (ds != null)
                        else // chunks count equals 0
                            lbResult.Visible = true;

                            if (ds != null)
                    else // ds is null
                        lbError.CssClass = "hc_error";
                        lbError.Text     = "DataSet is null";
                        lbError.Visible  = true;
                catch (DataException de)
                    lbError.CssClass = "hc_error";
                    lbError.Text     = de.ToString();
                    lbError.Visible  = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                containerId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["d"]);
                if (Request["m"] != null)
                    isMandatory = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["m"]);
                culture           = QDEUtils.UpdateCultureCodeFromRequest();
                item              = QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest();
                itemId            = item.Id;
                chunk             = ChunkWindow.GetChunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code);
                uwToolbar.Enabled = Request["ui"] != null;

                if (Request["ifid"] != null)
                    ifContainer = InputFormContainer.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(Request["ifid"]));

                /*#ACQ10.0 Starts --Commented
                 * Commented to bring out ILB for all catalogue irespective of mandatory status
                 * if (!isMandatory || culture.Type == CultureType.Regionale)
                 * {
                 * UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "ilb");
                 * }
                UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "ilb");
                //#ACQ10.0 Ends

                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "blanktext", "<script>ILBText = '" + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText + "';</script>");

                //Modified this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                ChunkButtonBar.Chunk = chunk;
                //Modified this line for QCs# 839 and 1028

                ChunkButtonBar.Container = SessionState.QDEContainer;
                ChunkButtonBar.User      = SessionState.User;
                ChunkButtonBar.Culture   = culture;
                ChunkButtonBar.Item      = item;
                if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                    //Added these lines for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    ChunkComment1.Chunk  = chunk;
                    ChunkModifier1.Chunk = chunk;
                    //Added these lines for QCs# 839 and 1028

                    lbResult.Text = string.Empty;
                    if (Request["__EVENTTARGET"] != null) // Check if user is trying to sort a group
                        if (Request["__EVENTTARGET"].ToString() == "rowup" || Request["__EVENTTARGET"].ToString() == "rowdown")
                            SortRow(Request["__EVENTTARGET"].ToString() == "rowup", Convert.ToInt32(Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"]));

            catch (Exception ex)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "close", "<script>alert('" + UITools.CleanJSString(ex.ToString()) + "');top.window.close();</script>");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            var uploadDialog = this.UploadDialog;

            if (uploadDialog != null)
                uploadDialog.CssClass = "sn-du-uploaddialog sn-du-uploaddialog-" + this.ClientID;

            var container = this.Container;

            if (container != null)
                container.CssClass = "sn-du-container sn-du-container-" + this.ClientID;

            var clientIdControl = this.ClientIdControl;

            if (clientIdControl != null)
                clientIdControl.Text = this.ClientID;

            var dialogClientIdControl = this.DialogClientIdControl;

            if (dialogClientIdControl != null)
                dialogClientIdControl.Text = this.ClientID;

            // set the current date for checking user's upload list - but do not set it at postbacks, therefore it is stored in controlstate
            if (this._startUploadDate == DateTime.MinValue && DateLimitMinutes != 0)
                this._startUploadDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-DateLimitMinutes);

            var startUploadDateControl = this.StartUploadDateControl;

            if (startUploadDateControl != null)
                startUploadDateControl.Text = this._startUploadDate.ToString();

            var uploadButtonControl = this.UploadButtonControl;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ButtonText) && uploadButtonControl != null)
                uploadButtonControl.Text = this.ButtonText;

            var uploadPathControl = this.UploadPathControl;

            if (uploadPathControl != null)
                string containerPath = string.Empty;

                // if a contextinfo is present, it controls the context
                var contextInfo = UITools.FindContextInfo(this, ContextInfoID);
                if (contextInfo != null)
                    containerPath = contextInfo.Path;
                    // in add scenario, the content does not exist, so container for Uploads folder should be the parent.
                    // set containerpath to parent, to use consistent containers for both new and existing content
                    var contentView = UITools.FindFirstContainerOfType <ContentView>(this);
                    var contextNode = contentView.Content.ContentHandler;
                    containerPath = contextNode.ParentPath;

                uploadPathControl.Text = containerPath;

                var targetFolderControl = this.TargetFolderControl;
                if (targetFolderControl != null)
                    targetFolderControl.Text = this.TargetFolderName;

            this.ChildControlsCreated = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected virtual void InitImagePickerParams()
            var script = string.Format("SN.tinymceimagepickerparams = {{ DefaultPath:'{0}' }};", this.ContentHandler.ParentPath);

            UITools.RegisterStartupScript("tinymceimagepickerparams", script, this.Page);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected override IScriptCommand executeInner(ParameterDic pm, UIElement sender, RoutedEventArgs evnt, IUIInput input, IList <IUIInputProcessor> inpProcs)
            Point position = input.Position;

            //Console.WriteLine(input.IsDragging.ToString() +  position.ToString());
            switch (PositionRelativeTo)
            case PositionRelativeToType.Sender:
                position = input.PositionRelativeTo(sender);

            case PositionRelativeToType.Scp:
                var scp = ControlUtils.GetScrollContentPresenter(sender is Control ? (Control)sender : UITools.FindAncestor <Control>(sender));
                position = input.PositionRelativeTo(scp);

            case PositionRelativeToType.Panel:
                var parentPanel = UITools.FindAncestor <Panel>(sender);
                position = input.PositionRelativeTo(parentPanel);

            case PositionRelativeToType.Window:
                var parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(sender);
                position = input.PositionRelativeTo(parentWindow);

            return(ScriptCommands.Assign(DestinationKey, position, SkipIfExists, NextCommand));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            if (this.Visible)
                if (DisplayMode == Mode.Complete && !SessionState.User.HasCapability(Business.CapabilitiesEnum.MANAGE_RESOURCES))

                #region init grids
                Utils.InitGridSort(ref rGd);
                //Utils.InitGridSort(ref variantsGrid);

                propertiesMsgLbl.Visible = false;

                mTb.Items.FromKeyButton("Add").Visible = completePanel.Visible = (DisplayMode == Mode.Complete);
                minimalCell.ColSpan = (DisplayMode == Mode.Complete ? 1 : 3);

                if (!IsPostBack)
                    HyperCatalog.Business.CultureList cultures = HyperCatalog.Business.Culture.GetAll();
                    _currentCultureCode = HyperCatalog.Shared.SessionState.MasterCulture.Code;
                    if (cultures != null)
                        cultures.Sort("Name ASC");
                    txtVariantCultureValue.DataSource = cultures;

                    _currentResourceId = -1;
                    _currentLibrary    = null;
                    _resourceTypes     = null;
                    if (Request["l"] != null)
                            _currentLibraryId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["l"]);
                        catch { }
                    else if (Request["resource"] != null)
                            string[] splitted = Request["resource"].Split('/');
                            if (splitted.Length == 2)
                                _currentLibrary = Library.GetByKey(splitted[0]);
                                if (_currentLibrary != null)
                                    _currentResource = _currentLibrary.Resources[splitted[1].Split('.')[0]];
                        catch { }
                    if (Request["culture"] != null)
                        CurrentCultureCode = Request["culture"];
                    if (_currentLibraryId < 0 && Session["DAM_currentLibraryId"] is int)
                        _currentLibraryId = (int)Session["DAM_currentLibraryId"];


            //Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page.GetType(), "ChgLib", "function ChgLib(libId){window.location='" + Request.Url.PathAndQuery.Substring(0, Request.Url.PathAndQuery.Length - Request.Url.Query.Length) + "?w=" + WorkspaceId.ToString() + "&l=' + libId;}", true);
            //libraryList.Attributes.Add("onchange", "ChgLib(this.value)");
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static string GetFriendlyDate(DateTime date)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static string GetPostMarkup(string markupStr, string commentSectionStr, PostInfo postInfo, string contextPath, string hiddenCommentsMarkup, string commentsMarkup, int commentCount, LikeInfo likeInfo, bool drawBoundary)
            if (markupStr == null)

            if (commentSectionStr == null)

            markupStr = ReplaceResources(markupStr);

            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{commentsection}}", commentSectionStr);
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{postid}}", postInfo.ClientId.ToString());
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{avatar}}", UITools.GetAvatarUrl(postInfo.CreatedBy));
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{username}}", postInfo.CreatedBy.FullName);
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{userlink}}", Actions.ActionUrl(Content.Create(postInfo.CreatedBy), "Profile"));

            var text = postInfo.Text;

            if (text != null)
                text = text.Replace("{{path}}", postInfo.LastPath ?? string.Empty);

            var haspermission = WallHelper.HasWallPermission(contextPath);

            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{text}}", text);
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{date}}", postInfo.CreationDate.ToString());
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{friendlydate}}", UITools.GetFriendlyDate(postInfo.CreationDate));
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{hiddencomments}}", hiddenCommentsMarkup);
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{comments}}", commentsMarkup);
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{commentboxdisplay}}", (commentCount > 0) && haspermission ? "block" : "none");
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{hiddencommentboxdisplay}}", commentCount > 2 ? "block" : "none");
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{commentcount}}", commentCount.ToString());
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{likeboxdisplay}}", likeInfo.Count > 0 ? "block" : "none");
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{likes}}", likeInfo.GetLongMarkup());
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{ilikedisplay}}", !likeInfo.iLike ? "inline" : "none");
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{iunlikedisplay}}", likeInfo.iLike ? "inline" : "none");

            // content card - only manualposts count here, journals don't have this markup
            if (postInfo.Type == PostType.BigPost && postInfo.SharedContent != null)
                markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{contentcard}}", WallHelper.GetContentCardMarkup(postInfo.SharedContent, contextPath));
                markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{contentcard}}", string.Empty);

            // small post icon
            var smallposticon = "/Root/Global/images/icons/16/add.png";

            if (postInfo.Type == PostType.JournalModified)
                smallposticon = "/Root/Global/images/icons/16/edit.png";
            if (postInfo.Type == PostType.JournalDeletedPhysically)
                smallposticon = "/Root/Global/images/icons/16/delete.png";
            if (postInfo.Type == PostType.JournalMoved)
                smallposticon = "/Root/Global/images/icons/16/move.png";
            if (postInfo.Type == PostType.JournalCopied)
                smallposticon = "/Root/Global/images/icons/16/copy.png";
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{smallposticon}}", smallposticon);

            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{postboundaryclass}}", drawBoundary ? "sn-post-boundary" : string.Empty);

            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{action}}", postInfo.Action);

            // small post details
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{detailsdisplay}}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(postInfo.Details) ? "none" : "inline");
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{detailssection}}", ReplaceResources(postInfo.Details));

            // user interaction allowed
            markupStr = markupStr.Replace("{{interactdisplay}}", haspermission ? "inline" : "none");

Ejemplo n.º 14
    /// <summary>
    /// Save translations
    /// </summary>
    private void Save()
        bool canUpdate;

        for (int i = 0; i < dg.Rows.Count; i++)
            string                  languageCode         = dg.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("LanguageCode").Text;
            TemplatedColumn         col                  = (TemplatedColumn)dg.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("Value").Column;
            TextBox                 tb                   = (TextBox)((CellItem)col.CellItems[i]).FindControl("TXTChangedValue");
            string                  newTMExpressionValue = tb.Text;
            TMExpressionTranslation tt;
            using (tt = TMExpressionTranslation.GetByKey(expressionId, languageCode))
                if (tt == null)
                    canUpdate = newTMExpressionValue != null;
                    if (canUpdate)
                        canUpdate = newTMExpressionValue.Trim() != string.Empty;
                    #region New Translation
                    if (canUpdate)
                        tt = new TMExpressionTranslation(expressionId, newTMExpressionValue, languageCode, dg.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("Rtl").Text.ToLower() == "true",
                                                         SessionState.User.Id, DateTime.UtcNow);
                        int r = tt.Save();
                        if (r < 0)
                            lbMessage.Text     = "Error: Translation [" + languageCode + "] can't be created";
                            lbMessage.CssClass = "hc_error";
                            lbMessage.Visible  = true;
                #region Translation already exist
                    if (tt.Value != newTMExpressionValue)
                        tt.LanguageCode = languageCode;
                        tt.Value        = newTMExpressionValue;
                        tt.Rtl          = dg.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("Rtl").Text.ToLower() == "true";
                        canUpdate       = newTMExpressionValue != null;
                        if (canUpdate)
                            canUpdate = newTMExpressionValue.Trim() != string.Empty;
                        #region Value modified
                        if (canUpdate)
                            int r = tt.Save();
                            if (r < 0)
                                lbMessage.Text     = "Error: Translation [" + languageCode + "] can't be updated";
                                lbMessage.CssClass = "hc_error";
                                lbMessage.Visible  = true;
                        #region Value deleted
                            if (!tt.Delete(HyperCatalog.Shared.SessionState.User.Id))
                                lbMessage.Text     = "Error: localization [" + languageCode + "] can't be deleted";
                                lbMessage.CssClass = "hc_error";
                                lbMessage.Visible  = true;
        lbMessage.Text     = "Data saved";
        lbMessage.CssClass = "hc_success";
        lbMessage.Visible  = true;
        using (Database dbObj = Utils.GetMainDB())
            UITools.RefreshTab(Page, "Translations", Utils.GetCount(dbObj, String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TMTranslations WHERE TMExpressionId = {0}", expressionId)));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static XslTransformExecutionContext GetXslt(string nodePath, bool resolveScripts)
            string nodeKey = "xslt:" + nodePath;

            XslTransformExecutionContext context = (XslTransformExecutionContext)(DistributedApplication.Cache.Get(nodeKey));

            if (context == null)
                context = new XslTransformExecutionContext();

                context.XslCompiledTransform = new XslCompiledTransform(Debugger.IsAttached);
                RepositoryPathResolver resolver = new RepositoryPathResolver();

                    context.XslCompiledTransform.Load(nodePath, XsltSettings.Default, resolver);
                catch (NullReferenceException e) // rethrow
                    throw new NullReferenceException(e.Message + "<br/>" + nodePath + " (or include)");

                AggregateCacheDependency aggregatedDependency = new AggregateCacheDependency();

                context.NamespaceExtensions    = resolver.ImportNamespaceCollection.Distinct().ToArray();
                context.ImportScriptCollection = resolver.ImportScriptCollection;
                context.ImportCssCollection    = resolver.ImportCssCollection;

                foreach (var dependencyPath in resolver.DependencyPathCollection)
                    // Create an aggregate cache dependeny that includes NodeId, Path, NodeTypeId
                    // Our cache item will be invalidated if the dependency node is invalidated
                    //  - by node id
                    //  - by path
                    //  - by nodeType
                    string fsFilePath = null;
                    if (HttpContext.Current != null &&
                        WebApplication.DiskFSSupportMode == DiskFSSupportMode.Prefer)
                        fsFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(dependencyPath);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fsFilePath) && System.IO.File.Exists(fsFilePath))
                        aggregatedDependency.Add(new CacheDependency(fsFilePath));
                        var nodeHead = NodeHead.Get(dependencyPath);
                            new PathDependency(nodeHead.Path),
                            new NodeIdDependency(nodeHead.Id),
                            new NodeTypeDependency(nodeHead.NodeTypeId)

                DistributedApplication.Cache.Insert(nodeKey, context, aggregatedDependency);

            if (resolveScripts)
                foreach (var script in context.ImportScriptCollection)
                foreach (var css in context.ImportCssCollection)
                    UITools.AddStyleSheetToHeader(UITools.GetHeader(), css);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
            ci.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern        = SessionState.User.FormatDate;
            ci.DateTimeFormat.LongDatePattern         = SessionState.User.FormatDate;
            wdMasterPublishing.CalendarLayout.Culture = ci;
            wdMasterPublishing.MinDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

            warningMessage = "<font color='red' size='2'><b>Error:</b> Regional MATF is not possible.</font><br><br>" +
                             "This item has project with BOR date in future. Hence this item cannot be region validated. <br>" +
                             "Requesting user to try again after BOR date has reached.";

            if (SessionState.User.IsReadOnly)
                uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("Save").Enabled = false;

            // Hide or show button switch capabilities
            if (!SessionState.User.HasCapability(CapabilitiesEnum.EDIT_DELETE_FINAL_CHUNKS_MARKET_SEGMENT))
                UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "Save");
                UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "SaveSep");

            // Retrieve current user and current culture
            user    = SessionState.User;
            culture = SessionState.Culture;

                // Get parameters
                if (Request["i"] != null)
                    item = HyperCatalog.Business.Item.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt64(Request["i"]));
                else if (QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest() != null)
                    item = QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest();

                if (Request["l"] != null)
                    culture = QDEUtils.UpdateCultureCodeFromRequest("l");

                if (Request["f"] != null)
                    inputFormId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["f"]);

                //Added by Prabhu for CR 5160 & ACQ 8.12 (PCF1: Auto TR Redesign)-- 21/May/09
                if (Request["isATRButton"] != null)
                    isAutoTRButton = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["isATRButton"]);

                if (inputFormId > 0)
                    containerMATFList = Request["c"].ToString();
                    if (culture.Type == CultureType.Regionale && isAutoTRButton)
                        lblChkBoxAlert.Visible = true;
                        lblChkBoxAlert.Text    = "<font color='red'><b>Note:</b> Move status to will be performed on locally authored content only.</font>";

                // Check
                //	- user is valid
                //	- culture is valid
                //	- item is valid
                //	- user has the current culture in its scope
                //	- user has the item in its scope
                if (user != null && culture != null && item != null &&
                    user.HasCultureInScope(culture.Code) &&
                    if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                        DateTime today = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        item.RegionCode = culture.Code;
                        // check if this item or its inherited item has BOR date in future.
                        if (item.Milestones != null && culture.Type == CultureType.Regionale && inputFormId < 0)
                            if (!item.Milestones.Inherited)
                                if ((item.Milestones.BeginningOfRegionalization != null && item.Milestones.BeginningOfRegionalization.Value > today))
                                    panelMATF.Visible         = false;
                                    lblWarningMessage.Visible = true;
                                    lblWarningMessage.Text    = warningMessage;
                                item.Milestones.InheritedItem.RegionCode = culture.Code;
                                if ((item.Milestones.InheritedItem.Milestones.BeginningOfRegionalization != null && item.Milestones.InheritedItem.Milestones.BeginningOfRegionalization.Value > today))
                                    panelMATF.Visible         = false;
                                    lblWarningMessage.Visible = true;
                                    lblWarningMessage.Text    = warningMessage;
            catch (Exception excep)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void SaveChunk(ChunkStatus status, bool lockTranslations)
            string error = string.Empty;
            string Value = string.Empty;

            if (Request["rd"] != null || !dg.Columns.FromKey("InScope").ServerOnly || uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                //#ACQ10.0 Starts
                if (Request["rd"] == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText)
                    uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected = true;
                //#ACQ10.0 Ends
                if (uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                    Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
                else if (Request["rd"] != null) // --> radion button (single choice)
                    if (ViewState["Source"].ToString() == "Lookup")
                        LookupValue lValue = LookupValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(Request["rd"]));
                        Value = lValue.Text;
                        InputFormValue lValue = InputFormValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(Request["rd"]));
                        Value = lValue.Text;
                else // (multi choice)
                    string separator = "; ";
                    bool   success   = true;
                    string curText   = string.Empty;
                    if (dg != null && dg.Rows != null && dg.Rows.Count > 0)
                        foreach (UltraGridRow r in dg.Rows)
                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(r.Cells.FromKey("InScope").Value))
                                //#ACQ10.0 Stats  Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "scrollview", "<script>rowIndex = " + e.Row.Index.ToString() + ";</script>");
                                if ((Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells.FromKey("Id").Value) != 0) && (Value.IndexOf(HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue) < 0))
                                    //#ACQ10.0 Ends
                                    if (ViewState["Source"].ToString() == "Lookup")
                                        LookupValue lValue = LookupValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells.FromKey("Id").Value));
                                        curText = lValue.Text;
                                        InputFormValue lValue = InputFormValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells.FromKey("Id").Value));
                                        curText = lValue.Text;
                                    if (Value.Length > 0)
                                        Value += separator.ToString();
                                    Value += curText;
                                    Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
                //ACQ10.0 Starts
                //If the value is empty the user will get a message asking the select a value and no value will be saved into application
                if (Value.Length <= 0)
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Please, select a value!');</script>");
                //ACQ10.0 Ends

                if (chunk != null)
                // Test if user has made a change that allows database update
                    if (Value != chunk.Text || ChunkComment1.Comment != chunk.Comment || status != chunk.Status)
                        chunk.Text    = Value;
                        chunk.Comment = ChunkComment1.Comment;
                        chunk.Status  = status;
                    chunk = new HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code, Value, ChunkComment1.Comment, status, SessionState.User.Id);
                if (chunk.Save(SessionState.User.Id))
                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    chunk.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028

                    lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Chunk saved!";
                    lbResult.CssClass = "hc_success";
                    lbResult.Visible  = true;
                    if (chunk.Text == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue)
                        chunk.Text = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText;
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "update", "<script>UpdateGrid('" + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.GetStatusFromEnum(chunk.Status) + "', '" + UITools.CleanJSString(chunk.Text) + "');</script>");
                    if (!lockTranslations)
                        chunk.ForceTranslationsTo(SessionState.User.Id, ChunkStatus.Draft);
                        SessionState.QDEChunk = chunk;

                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    ChunkModifier1.Chunk = chunk;
                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Error: " + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.LastError;
                    lbResult.CssClass = "hc_error";
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Please, select a value!');</script>");
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void SaveChunk(ChunkStatus status, bool lockTranslations)
            string error = string.Empty;
            string Value = txtValue.Text;

            if (uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
            //ACQ10.0 Starts
            if (Value.Length <= 0)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Please, enter a value!');</script>");
            //ACQ10.0 Ends

            if (chunk != null)
            // Test if user has made a change that allows database update
                if (txtValue.Text != chunk.Text || ChunkComment1.Comment != chunk.Comment || status != chunk.Status)
                    chunk.Text    = Value;
                    chunk.Comment = ChunkComment1.Comment;
                    chunk.Status  = status;
                chunk = new HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code, Value, ChunkComment1.Comment, status, SessionState.User.Id);
            if (chunk.Save(SessionState.User.Id))
                lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Chunk saved!";
                lbResult.CssClass = "hc_success";
                if (Value == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue)
                    Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText;
                if (!lockTranslations)
                    chunk.ForceTranslationsTo(SessionState.User.Id, ChunkStatus.Draft);
                SessionState.QDEChunk = chunk;
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "update", "<script>UpdateGrid('" + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.GetStatusFromEnum(chunk.Status) + "', '" + UITools.CleanJSString(Value) + "');</script>");
                lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Error: " + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.LastError;
                lbResult.CssClass = "hc_error";
            lbResult.Visible = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void DoTranslation()
            lbError.Visible = dg.Visible = false;
            threshholdLimit = Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationSettings.Parameters["AutoTR_UIThresholdLimit"].Value.ToString());
            int TotalTRChunksCount;

            dgContainer.Visible = false;
            //QC 1646 : Cannot Auto-translate -> The time-out parameter is extended to 1 hr
            using (Database dbObj = new Database(SessionState.CacheComponents["Crystal_DB"].ConnectionString, 3600))
                //Modified by Prabhu for CR 5160 & ACQ 8.12 (PCF1: Auto TR Redesign)-- 21/May/09
                using (DataSet ds = dbObj.RunSPReturnDataSet("_TM_TranslateItem", new SqlParameter("@ItemId", itemId), new SqlParameter("@ContainerList", containerList),
                                                             new SqlParameter("@RegionCode", cultureCode), new SqlParameter("@UserId", SessionState.User.Id)))
                    if (dbObj.LastError != string.Empty)
                        lbError.Text        = dbObj.LastError;
                        lbError.Visible     = true;
                        dg.Visible          = false;
                        dgContainer.Visible = false;
                        UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "CloseSep");
                        UITools.HideToolBarButton(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "Export");
                    else if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() != "")
                        TotalTRChunksCount = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
                        if (TotalTRChunksCount > threshholdLimit)
                            warningMessage = "<font color='red' size='2'><b>Error:</b> Selected containers cannot be auto translated.</font><br><br>" +
                                             "Translatable Chunk Count: " + TotalTRChunksCount + "<br>" +
                                             "IT Threshold Limit: " + threshholdLimit + "<br><br>" +
                                             "Total number of chunks to be auto translated is more than IT recommended threshold limit. <br>" +
                                             "Requesting user to uncheck few containers and try again.";

                            lblWarningMessage.Text    = warningMessage;
                            lblWarningMessage.Visible = true;
                            dg.Visible             = false;
                            dgContainer.Visible    = true;
                            dgContainer.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];
                            Utils.InitGridSort(ref dgContainer);
                            UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "CloseSep");
                            UITools.HideToolBarButton(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "Export");
                            dg.Visible          = true;
                            dgContainer.Visible = false;
                            dg.DataSource       = ds.Tables[1];
                            ViewState["ds"] = ds;
                            Utils.InitGridSort(ref dg);
                            //reset checkbox on success
                            Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "ResetParentCheckBox", "ResetParentCheckBox();", true);
                        lbError.Visible     = true;
                        lbError.Text        = "No content was eligible for Auto Translation.";
                        dg.Visible          = false;
                        dgContainer.Visible = false;
                        UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "CloseSep");
                        UITools.HideToolBarButton(Ultrawebtoolbar1, "Export");
                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "ResetParentCheckBox", "ResetParentCheckBox();", true);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                containerId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["d"]);
                if (Request["m"] != null)
                    isMandatory = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["m"]);
                culture           = QDEUtils.UpdateCultureCodeFromRequest();
                item              = QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest();
                itemId            = item.Id;
                chunk             = ChunkWindow.GetChunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code);
                container         = SessionState.QDEContainer;
                uwToolbar.Enabled = Request["ui"] != null;

                //code added on 17th November 2011 for Chunk Edit Validation for XSS Vulnerability Fix - start
                if (SessionState.CacheParams.Exists("XSS_RestrictedHTMLTags"))
                    keyword = SessionState.CacheParams["XSS_RestrictedHTMLTags"].Value.ToString();
                //code added on 17th November 2011 for Chunk Edit Validation for XSS Vulnerability Fix - end

                #region Spell Checker
                string masterLanguage = string.Empty;
                masterLanguage = HyperCatalog.Shared.SessionState.MasterCulture.LanguageCode;
                if (culture.LanguageCode != masterLanguage)
                    UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "spellsep");
                    UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "spell");
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "VarsForSpellChecker", "<script>var itemId=" + itemId.ToString() + ";var containerId=" + containerId + ";</script>");

                /*#ACQ10.0 Starts
                 * // Commented to bring out ILB for all catalogue irespective of mandatory status
                 * // Only allow ILB for mandatory chunks and only at sku level for push down
                 * if (!isMandatory  || culture.Type == CultureType.Regionale)
                 * {
                 *  UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "ilbSep");
                 *  UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "ilb");
                 * }
                 * #ACQ10.0 Ends
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "close", "<script>alert('Chunk not found!');window.close()</script>");

            ChunkComment1.Chunk      = ChunkModifier1.Chunk = ChunkButtonBar.Chunk = chunk;
            ChunkButtonBar.Container = container;
            ChunkButtonBar.User      = SessionState.User;
            ChunkButtonBar.Culture   = culture;
            ChunkButtonBar.Item      = item;
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                lbResult.Text = string.Empty;
                WebSpellChecker1.WebSpellCheckerDialogPage += "?i=" + itemId.ToString() + "&c=" + containerId.ToString();
            #region Spell Checker
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.AllowCaseInsensitiveSuggestions = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.AllowMixedCase       = false;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.AllowWordsWithDigits = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.AllowXML             = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.CheckHyphenatedText  = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.IncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions       = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.PerformanceOptions.AllowCapitalizedWords = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.PerformanceOptions.CheckCompoundWords    = false;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.PerformanceOptions.ConsiderationRange    = -1;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.PerformanceOptions.SplitWordThreshold    = 3;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.PerformanceOptions.SuggestSplitWords     = true;
            WebSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.SeparateHyphenWords = false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    void UpdateDataView()
        string filter = txtFilter.Text;

        if (isPopup)
            pnlTitle.Visible = true;
            UITools.HideToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "ListSep");
            UITools.HideToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "List");

            if (containerId.Length > 0)
                using (HyperCatalog.Business.Container container = HyperCatalog.Business.Container.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(containerId)))
                    if (container != null)
                        uwtoolbarTitle.Items.FromKeyLabel("Action").Text = "[" + container.Tag + "] - " + container.Name;
            pnlTitle.Visible = false;
            UITools.ShowToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "ListSep");
            UITools.ShowToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "List");

        string sqlFilter = string.Empty;

        if (filter != string.Empty)
            string cleanFilter = filter.Replace("'", "''").ToLower();
            cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("[", "[[]");
            cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("_", "[_]");
            cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("%", "[%]");

            sqlFilter += " (LOWER(Name) like '%" + cleanFilter + "%'";
            sqlFilter += " OR LOWER(Description) like '%" + cleanFilter + "%')";

        using (Database dbObj = Utils.GetMainDB())
            using (DataSet ds = dbObj.RunSPReturnDataSet("dbo._Container_GetInputForms", "InputForms",
                                                         new SqlParameter("@ContainerId", containerId),
                                                         new SqlParameter("@Filter", sqlFilter)))

                if (dbObj.LastError.Length == 0)
                    if (ds != null)
                        if (ds.Tables["InputForms"] != null && ds.Tables["InputForms"].Rows.Count > 0)
                            dg.DataSource = ds.Tables["InputForms"];
                            Utils.InitGridSort(ref dg);

                            UITools.RefreshTab(this.Page, "InputForms", dg.Rows.Count);

                            dg.Visible          = true;
                            lbNoresults.Visible = false;
                            if (txtFilter.Text.Length > 0)
                                lbNoresults.Text = "No record match your search (" + txtFilter.Text + ")";

                            dg.Visible          = false;
                            lbNoresults.Visible = true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public override IEnumerable <GenericMetadataModel> GetMetadata(EntryModel <FileInfoEx, DirectoryInfoEx, FileSystemInfoEx>[] appliedModels)
            if (appliedModels.Length == 1)
                EntryModel <FileInfoEx, DirectoryInfoEx, FileSystemInfoEx> model = appliedModels[0];
                FileSystemInfoEx entry = model.EmbeddedEntry;
                yield return(new EntryMetadataModel <string, FileInfoEx, DirectoryInfoEx, FileSystemInfoEx>(appliedModels, model.Label, "Key_Selected_0_Label"));

                if (entry is FileInfoEx)
                    yield return(new EntryMetadataModel <string, FileInfoEx, DirectoryInfoEx, FileSystemInfoEx>(appliedModels, UITools.SizeInK((ulong)model.Length), "Key_Selected_0_Size", "Selected size"));
                yield return(new EntryMetadataModel <DateTime, FileInfoEx, DirectoryInfoEx, FileSystemInfoEx>(appliedModels, DateTime.Now, "DateTime_Test", "Now"));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private void dg_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.RowEventArgs e)
     Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridRow r = e.Row;
     UITools.HiglightGridRowFilter(ref r, txtFilter.Text);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void RenderScriptReferences()
            // Get scripts that are added by the framework
            var frameworkScriptPaths = GetFrameworkScripts();

            // Construct smart list
            var smartList = new List <string>();

            // Hard-code WebForms.js - it will be rendered here, and not in Page (like by default)
            smartList.Add(GetUrl(new ScriptReference(this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(System.Web.UI.Page), "WebForms.js"))));
            // Add scripts needed by the framework
            // Add scripts previously added to this control
            smartList.AddRange(this.Scripts.Select(s => GetUrl(s)));
            // Add scripts from the smart loader

            // Clear previous scripts (they are now part of smartList)

            // Initialize bundling
            var allowJsBundling = PortalBundleOptions.Current.AllowJsBundling;
            var bundle          = allowJsBundling ? new JsBundle() : null;

            // Go through all scripts
            foreach (var spath in smartList)
                var lower = spath.ToLower();

                if (lower.EndsWith(".css"))
                    UITools.AddStyleSheetToHeader(UITools.GetHeader(), spath);
                    var isPostponed       = PortalBundleOptions.JsIsBlacklisted(spath);
                    var isFrameworkScript = frameworkScriptPaths.Contains(spath);

                    if (isPostponed)
                    if (allowJsBundling && !isPostponed)
                    if (!isPostponed && !isFrameworkScript)
                        Scripts.Add(new ScriptReference(spath));

            // Go through postponed scripts
            foreach (var spath in _postponedList)
                Scripts.Add(new ScriptReference(spath));

            // NOTE: At this point, script order is the following:
            // 1) scripts added by the framework
            // 2) scripts added directly to this control
            // 3) scripts from SmartLoader (that are not blacklisted from bundling)
            // 4) scripts from SmartLoader (that are blacklisted from bundling)

            // Finalize bundling
            if (allowJsBundling)
                // If bundling is allowed, close the bundle and process it
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(x => BundleHandler.AddBundleToCache(bundle));

                if (BundleHandler.IsBundleInCache(bundle))
                    // If the bundle is complete, use its path to replace the path of all the scripts that are not postponed
                    _bundle = bundle;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void dg_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.RowEventArgs e)
            System.Int64 itemId      = Convert.ToInt64(e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ItemId").Value);
            int          containerId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ContainerId").Value);

            bool keep = true;

            // Error field
            e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Style.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
            if (e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text == "0")
                keep = false;
                if (e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text == "1")
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text = e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text + " error";
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text = e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Text + " errors";
                e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Error").Style.CssClass = "hc_error";

            if (keep)
                // Index
                e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Index").Value = e.Row.Index;

                // Read only container
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ReadOnly").Value))
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ContainerName").Text = e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ContainerName").Text + " <img src='/hc_v4/img/ed_glasses.gif'/>";

                //If RTL languages, ensure correct display
                if ((bool)e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Rtl").Value)
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Style.CustomRules = "direction: rtl;";                    //unicode-bidi:bidi-override;";
                string rowItem = e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ItemId").Text;
                if (currentItem != rowItem)
                    currentItem = rowItem;
                int index = e.Row.Index + itemCount;
                //Display Edit Link in Container Name
                e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ContainerName").Text = "<a href='javascript://' onclick=\"ed(" + index + ", " + e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ItemId").ToString() + ")\">" + e.Row.Cells.FromKey("ContainerName").Text + "</a>";

                //Display Status logo
                if (e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Status").Text != null)
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Status").Style.CssClass = "S" + e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Status").Text;
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Status").Value          = string.Empty;

                // BLANK Value is replace by Readable sentence
                if (e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Text == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue)
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Text = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText;
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Style.CustomRules = string.Empty;
                    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Text = UITools.HtmlEncode(e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Value").Text);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the callback URL of the ActionMenu. It represents the service url with correct parameters for the actions.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetServiceUrl()
            var scParams = GetReplacedScenarioParameters();
            var context  = UITools.FindContextInfo(this, ContextInfoID);
            var path     = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ContextInfoID) ? context.Path : NodePath;

            var encodedReturnUrl = Uri.EscapeDataString(PortalContext.Current.RequestedUri.PathAndQuery);
            var encodedParams    = Uri.EscapeDataString(scParams ?? string.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                path = GetPathFromContentView(this);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                this.Visible = false;

            var head = NodeHead.Get(path);

            if (head == null || !SecurityHandler.HasPermission(head, PermissionType.See))
                this.Visible = false;

            this.Content = Content.Load(path);

            //Pre-check action count. If empty, hide the action menu.
            if (CheckActionCount)
                //var sc = ScenarioManager.GetScenario(Scenario, scParams);
                var actionCount = 0;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Scenario))
                    actionCount = ActionFramework.GetActions(this.Content, Scenario, scParams, null).Count();

                if (actionCount < 2 && string.Equals(Scenario, "new", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    ClickDisabled = true;
                else if (actionCount == 0)
                    this.Visible = false;

            //Pre-check required permissions
            var permissions = ActionFramework.GetRequiredPermissions(RequiredPermissions);

            if (permissions.Count > 0 && !SecurityHandler.HasPermission(head, permissions.ToArray()))
                this.Visible = false;

            var encodedPath = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(path);

            ServiceUrl = String.Format("/SmartAppHelper.mvc/GetActions?path={0}&scenario={1}&back={2}&parameters={3}",
                                       encodedPath, Scenario, encodedReturnUrl, encodedParams);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
         if (Request["m"] != null)
             isMandatory = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["m"]);
         containerId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["d"]);
         culture     = QDEUtils.UpdateCultureCodeFromRequest();
         item        = QDEUtils.GetItemIdFromRequest();
         itemId      = item.Id;
         chunk       = ChunkWindow.GetChunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code);
         container   = SessionState.QDEContainer;
         if (!Page.IsPostBack)
             lbResult.Text = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.LastError;
     catch (Exception ex)
         Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "close", "<script>alert('" + UITools.CleanJSString(ex.ToString()) + "');top.window.close();</script>");
Ejemplo n.º 28
    void Start()
        speakerText                 = GameObject.Find("SpeakerText");
        dialogueText                = GameObject.Find("DialogueText");
        dialogueBGSprite            = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Graphics/UI/Dialogue Sprites/dialogue temp cropped 2") as Sprite;
        dialogueBGSpriteSpeakerless = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Graphics/UI/Dialogue Sprites/dialogue temp cropped 2 speakerless") as Sprite;

        textBG = new GameObject("DialogueBG");
        Image dialogueBG = textBG.AddComponent <Image>();

        dialogueBG.sprite = null;
        dialogueBG.color  = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0);
        textBG.GetComponent <RectTransform>().pivot            = new Vector2(0, 0);
        textBG.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
        textBG.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
        textBG.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-316, -126);
        textBG.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta        = new Vector2(632 * UITools.GetUIScalingFactor(), 104 * UITools.GetUIScalingFactor());
Ejemplo n.º 29
 /* ========================================================================================= Methods */
 protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
     UITools.AddStyleSheetToHeader(UITools.GetHeader(), "$skin/styles/icons.css");
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private void UpdateDataView()
            Item _item = Item.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(itemId));

            lItemName.Text  = _item.Name;
            lItemLevel.Text = _item.Level.Name;

            using (Database dbObj = Utils.GetMainDB())
                using (DataSet ds = dbObj.RunSPReturnDataSet("dbo._Item_WhosWho", "Items",
                                                             new SqlParameter("@ItemId", itemId),
                                                             new SqlParameter("@CultureCode", cultureCode)))

                    if (dbObj.LastError == string.Empty)
                        Label     title;
                        DataTable dt;
                        DataRow   dr;
                        int       i;
                        string    curRole;
                        bool      canSeeRealEmails = SessionState.User.HasCapability(HyperCatalog.Business.CapabilitiesEnum.SEE_REAL_EMAIL);

                        Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.WebPanel wp;
                        string userEmail;
                        int    nbUsers;

                        #region Creator
                        dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            #region title
                            title          = new Label();
                            title.Text     = "Creator";
                            title.CssClass = "ptbgroup";
                            title.Width    = Unit.Percentage(100);
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>"));
                            for (i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                dr = dt.Rows[i];
                                Label creator = new Label();
                                creator.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(Environment.NewLine + "<tr><td width='200'><a href='mailto:" + UITools.GetDisplayEmail(dr["eMail"].ToString()) + "'>" + dr["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></td><td align='right'>" + dr["Organization"].ToString() + "</td>"));
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));

                        #region Modifier
                        dt = ds.Tables[1];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            #region title
                            title          = new Label();
                            title.Text     = "Modifier";
                            title.CssClass = "ptbgroup";
                            title.Width    = Unit.Percentage(100);
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>"));
                            for (i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                dr = dt.Rows[i];
                                Label creator = new Label();
                                creator.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(Environment.NewLine + "<tr><td width='200'><a href='mailto:" + UITools.GetDisplayEmail(dr["eMail"].ToString()) + "'>" + dr["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></td><td align='right'>" + dr["Organization"].ToString() + "</td>"));
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                            panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));

                        #region Item users list
                        dt = ds.Tables[2];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            #region title
                            title          = new Label();
                            title.Text     = "Item Users list";
                            title.CssClass = "ptbgroup";
                            title.Width    = Unit.Percentage(100);
                            curRole = string.Empty;
                            nbUsers = 0;
                            wp      = null;
                            for (i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                dr = dt.Rows[i];
                                if (dr["RoleName"].ToString() != curRole)
                                    if (wp != null)
                                        wp.Header.Text = curRole + " (" + nbUsers + ")";
                                        wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                                    wp                = new Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.WebPanel();
                                    curRole           = dr["RoleName"].ToString();
                                    wp.ID             = "role" + i.ToString();
                                    wp.Width          = Unit.Percentage(100);
                                    wp.ImageDirectory = "/hc_v4/img";
                                    wp.Header.ExpandedAppearance.Style.CssClass    = "ptb5"; // "hc_webpanelexp";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.AlternateText     = "Expand/Collapse";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.CollapsedImageUrl = "ed_dt.gif";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.ExpandedImageUrl  = "ed_upt.gif";
                                    wp.Header.CollapsedAppearance.Style.CssClass   = "ptb5"; // "hc_webpanelcol";
                                    wp.Header.TextAlignment = Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.TextAlignment.Left;
                                    wp.Expanded             = false;
                                    panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                                    wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>"));
                                wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(Environment.NewLine + "<tr><td width='200'><a href='mailto:" + UITools.GetDisplayEmail(dr["eMail"].ToString()) + "'>" + dr["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></td><td align='right'>" + dr["Organization"].ToString() + "</td>"));
                            wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                            wp.Header.Text = curRole + " (" + nbUsers + ")";

                        #region Content contributors
                        dt = ds.Tables[3];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            #region title
                            title          = new Label();
                            title.Text     = "Content contributors";
                            title.CssClass = "ptbgroup";
                            title.Width    = Unit.Percentage(100);
                            curRole = string.Empty;
                            nbUsers = 0;
                            wp      = null;
                            for (i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                dr = dt.Rows[i];
                                if (dr["RoleName"].ToString() != curRole)
                                    if (wp != null)
                                        wp.Header.Text = curRole + " (" + nbUsers + ")";
                                        wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                                    wp                = new Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.WebPanel();
                                    curRole           = dr["RoleName"].ToString();
                                    wp.ID             = "contributorsrole" + i.ToString();
                                    wp.Width          = Unit.Percentage(100);
                                    wp.ImageDirectory = "/hc_v4/img";
                                    wp.Header.ExpandedAppearance.Style.CssClass    = "ptb5"; // "hc_webpanelexp";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.AlternateText     = "Expand/Collapse";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.CollapsedImageUrl = "ed_dt.gif";
                                    wp.Header.ExpansionIndicator.ExpandedImageUrl  = "ed_upt.gif";
                                    wp.Header.CollapsedAppearance.Style.CssClass   = "ptb5"; // "hc_webpanelcol";
                                    wp.Header.TextAlignment = Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.TextAlignment.Left;
                                    wp.Expanded             = true;
                                    panelUsers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                                    wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>"));
                                wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(Environment.NewLine + "<tr><td width='200'><a href='mailto:" + UITools.GetDisplayEmail(dr["eMail"].ToString()) + "'>" +
                                                                   dr["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></td><td><a href='javascript://' title='Click here to show the full list' onclick=\"OpenDetail(" + itemId + ",'" + cultureCode + "'," + dr["UserId"].ToString() + ");return false;\">" +
                                                                   dr["ChunkCount"].ToString() + (Convert.ToInt32(dr["ChunkCount"]) > 1 ? " chunks" : " chunk") +
                                                                   "</a></td><td align='right'>" + dr["Organization"].ToString() + "</td>"));
                            wp.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
                            wp.Header.Text = curRole + " (" + nbUsers + ")";
                        lbError.Text     = "Error: " + dbObj.LastError.ToString();
                        lbError.CssClass = "hc_error";
                        lbError.Visible  = true;