Example #1
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            // Only handle message activities
            if (context.Activity.Type != ActivityTypes.Message)

            ConversationReference self = TurnContext.GetConversationReference(context.Activity);

            // If you're connected, forward your message
            ConversationReference otherRef = connectionManager.ConnectedTo(self);

            if (otherRef != null)
                await ForwardTo(context, otherRef);


            // If you're waiting, you need to be patient
            if (connectionManager.IsWaiting(self))
                await context.SendActivity("You are still waiting for someone");


            // You're new!
            IList <Connection> pending = connectionManager.GetWaitingConnections();

            if (pending.Count > 0)
                // Found someone to pair you with
                ConversationReference waitingRef = pending[0].References.Ref0;
                connectionManager.CompleteConnection(waitingRef, self);
                await SendTo(context, "You have been connected to someone who just joined", waitingRef);

                await context.SendActivity("You have been connected to someone who was waiting");
                // No one to pair you with, so try to wait for someone
                    await context.SendActivity("You are now waiting for someone");
                    // startConnection() threw because there's already a connection
                    await context.SendActivity("Sorry, I can't connect you");
Example #2
        private JobData CreateJob(ITurnContext context, Dictionary <int, JobData> jobLog)
            int number = 5;
            var job    = new JobData
                JobNumber    = number,
                Conversation = TurnContext.GetConversationReference(context.Activity)

            jobLog.Add(job.JobNumber, job);
Example #3
        public Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            // Only handle message activities
            if (context.Activity.Type != ActivityTypes.Message)

            ConversationReference self = TurnContext.GetConversationReference(context.Activity);

            return(ForwardTo(context, self));
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext turnContext)
            // turnContext.Responded will be false if qna doesn't know how to answer. An example is 'how do I install office 365'.
            if (!turnContext.Responded && turnContext.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var conversationReference = TurnContext.GetConversationReference(turnContext.Activity);

                var filepath = Path.Combine(hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "resume.json");
                File.WriteAllText(filepath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(conversationReference));

                await turnContext.SendActivity($"Sorry, I don't know how to answer that automatically, we will get an answer to you ASAP and get back to you. Your reference number is {String.Format("{0:X}", conversationReference.ActivityId.GetHashCode())}");
Example #5
        public async Task Do(LoggerBotContext context)
            var userId     = context.Activity.From.Id;
            var serviceUrl = context.Activity.ServiceUrl;
            var botId      = "28:" + LoggerBot.MicrosoftAppCredentials.MicrosoftAppId;
            var botName    = "PlaceholderName";

            var connectorClient = new ConnectorClient(
                baseUri: new Uri(serviceUrl),
                microsoftAppId: LoggerBot.MicrosoftAppCredentials.MicrosoftAppId,
                microsoftAppPassword: LoggerBot.MicrosoftAppCredentials.MicrosoftAppPassword);

            dynamic channelDataNew = new ExpandoObject();
            dynamic tenantObj      = new ExpandoObject();

            tenantObj.id          = "72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47";
            channelDataNew.tenant = tenantObj;

            var parameters = new ConversationParameters
                Bot         = new ChannelAccount(botId, botName),
                Members     = new ChannelAccount[] { new ChannelAccount(userId) },
                ChannelData = channelDataNew,

            ConversationResourceResponse conversationResource = await connectorClient.Conversations.CreateConversationAsync(parameters);

            if (conversationResource != null)
                var createdActivity = new Activity
                    From         = new ChannelAccount(userId),
                    Recipient    = new ChannelAccount(botId, botName),
                    Conversation = new ConversationAccount(
                        id: conversationResource.Id,
                        isGroup: false,
                        name: "PlaceholderName"),
                    ChannelId  = "msteams",
                    ServiceUrl = serviceUrl,

                ConversationReference conversationReference = TurnContext.GetConversationReference(createdActivity);
                await context.Adapter.ContinueConversation(
                    async (ctx) =>
                    await ctx.SendActivity("Proactive Message");
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context, MiddlewareSet.NextDelegate next)
            var authToken = TokenStorage.LoadConfiguration(context.Activity.Conversation.Id);

            if (authToken == null)
                if (context.Activity.UserHasJustSentMessage() || context.Activity.UserHasJustJoinedConversation())
                    var conversationReference = TurnContext.GetConversationReference(context.Activity);

                    var serializedCookie = WebUtility.UrlEncode(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(conversationReference));

                    var signInUrl = AzureAdExtensions.GetUserConsentLoginUrl(AzureAdTenant, AppClientId, AppRedirectUri, PermissionsRequested, serializedCookie);

                    var activity = context.Activity.CreateReply();

                    await context.SendActivity(activity);
            else if (authToken.ExpiresIn < DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-10))
                if (context.Activity.UserHasJustSentMessage() || context.Activity.UserHasJustJoinedConversation())
                    var client      = new HttpClient();
                    var accessToken = await AzureAdExtensions.GetAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(client, AzureAdTenant, authToken.RefreshToken, AppClientId, AppRedirectUri, AppClientSecret, PermissionsRequested);

                    // have to save it
                    authToken = new ConversationAuthToken(context.Activity.Conversation.Id)
                        AccessToken  = accessToken.accessToken,
                        RefreshToken = accessToken.refreshToken,
                        ExpiresIn    = accessToken.refreshTokenExpiresIn

                    // make the authtoken available to downstream pipeline components
                    context.Services.Add(AUTH_TOKEN_KEY, authToken);
                    await next();
                // make the authtoken available to downstream pipeline components
                context.Services.Add(AUTH_TOKEN_KEY, authToken);
                await next();
Example #7
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(context);

            var state2 = context.GetConversationState <State>();
            //    state2.name = "Valeriia";

            var dc = dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);

            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                await dc.Continue();

                if (!context.Responded)
                    if (context.Activity.Text.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("proactive"))
                        var jobLog       = GetJobLog(context);
                        var job          = CreateJob(context, jobLog);
                        var appId        = "f68cf47c-cbdd-4f23-9eda-71cca9dc4632";
                        var conversation = TurnContext.GetConversationReference(context.Activity);
                        await context.SendActivity($"We're starting job {job.JobNumber} for you. We'll notify you when it's complete.");

                        var adapter = context.Adapter;
                        await Task.Run(() =>

                            // Perform bookkeeping and send the proactive message.
                            CompleteJob(adapter, appId, conversation, job.JobNumber);
                        await dc.Begin("greetings");
Example #8
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            if (context.Activity.Type is ActivityTypes.Message)
                var message = context.Activity;

                //check mentions in the message -> MSTEAMS
                if (context.Activity.ChannelId == "msteams")
                    Mention[] m = context.Activity.GetMentions();

                    for (int i = 0; i < m.Length; i++)
                        if (m[i].Mentioned.Id == context.Activity.Recipient.Id)
                            //Bot is in the @mention list.
                            //The below example will strip the bot name out of the message, so you can parse it as if it wasn't included. Note that the Text object will contain the full bot name, if applicable.
                            if (m[i].Text != null)
                                message.Text = message.Text.Replace(m[i].Text, "").Trim();

                //when user ask about info in VSTS, he/she should be authenticated
                if (message.AsMessageActivity().Text == "vsts")
                    //check in the DB if there is a valid token for the specific user
                    CosmosDbHelper cdh = new CosmosDbHelper("VSTSDb", "VSTSToken");
                    var            tk  = await cdh.ReadTokenFromDB("VSTSDb", "VSTSToken", context.Activity.From.Id);

                    if (tk != null)
                        //TODO: query VSTS to retrieve information
                        await context.SendActivity("Here there will be the result of a custom query...");
                        //if there isn't a token for the user get ConversationReference
                        var cf = TurnContext.GetConversationReference(context.Activity);

                        //and generate the URL for user authentication
                        var      url = AuthenticationHelper.GenerateAuthorizeUrl(cf);
                        Activity replyToConversation = message.CreateReply();
                        replyToConversation.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();

                        List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                        CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                            Value = url,
                            Type  = "openUrl",
                            Title = "Connect"


                        SigninCard plCard = new SigninCard(text: "You need to authorize me", buttons: cardButtons);

                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                        var reply = await context.SendActivity(replyToConversation);

                        await context.SendActivity(url);
                    // send the information about the Activity, at the moment
                    //TODO: manage other features for the bot
                    await context.SendActivity(
                        $"ConversationId " + context.Activity.Conversation.Id + "\n" +
                        "BotId " + context.Activity.Recipient.Id + "\n" +
                        "BotName " + context.Activity.Name + "\n" +
                        "tenantId " + context.Activity.ChannelData);
Example #9
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            // Welcome message when user or agent joins conversation
            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate)
                if (context.Activity.MembersAdded.Any(m => m.Id != context.Activity.Recipient.Id))
                    string msg = IsAgent(context)
                        ? "Say 'list' to list pending users, or say a user ID to connect to"
                        : "Say 'agent' to connect to an agent";
                    await context.SendActivity(msg);


            // Ignore non-message activities
            if (context.Activity.Type != ActivityTypes.Message)

            // If connected, forward activity
            ConversationReference self        = TurnContext.GetConversationReference(context.Activity);
            ConversationReference connectedTo = connectionManager.ConnectedTo(self);

            if (connectedTo != null)
                await ForwardTo(context, connectedTo);


            // Agent code
            if (IsAgent(context))
                IList <Connection> pending = connectionManager.GetWaitingConnections();

                if (context.Activity.Text == "list")
                    // Send agent a list of pending users
                    var pendingStrs = pending.Select(c => $"{c.References.Ref0.User.Name} ({c.References.Ref0.User.Id})");
                    await context.SendActivity(pendingStrs.Count() > 0?string.Join("\n\n", pendingStrs) : "No users waiting");

                    // Assume the agent said a pending user's id. Find that user
                    // TODO: this is kind of messy b/c Connection is a value type
                    Connection conn = pending.FirstOrDefault(p => p.References.Ref0.User.Id == context.Activity.Text);
                    if (conn.References.Ref0 == null)
                        await context.SendActivity($"No pending user with id {context.Activity.Text}");


                    // Connect to the pending user
                    connectionManager.CompleteConnection(conn.References.Ref0, self);

                    // Send message to both user and agent
                    await SendTo(context, $"You are connected to {context.Activity.From.Name}", conn.References.Ref0);

                    await context.SendActivity($"You are connected to {conn.References.Ref0.User.Name}");


            // User code
                if (context.Activity.Text == "agent")
                    // Start waiting for an agent
                    await context.SendActivity("Waiting for an agent... say 'stop' to stop waiting");

                else if (context.Activity.Text == "stop")
                    // Stop waiting for an agent
                    await context.SendActivity("Stopped waiting");

                    // Echo bot
                    await context.SendActivity($"You said: {context.Activity.Text}");
