Example #1
         * {A} |- (--A)
         * /param v1 Truth value of the premise
         * /return Truth value of the conclusion
        public static TruthValue negation(TruthValue v1)
            float f = 1 - v1.frequency;
            float c = v1.confidence;

            return(TruthValue.make(f, c));
Example #2
        public TruthValue projectionTruth(long targetTime, long currentTime)
            TruthValue newTruth = null;

            if (!stamp.isEternal)
                newTruth = TruthFunctions.eternalize(truth);
                if (targetTime != Stamp.ETERNAL)
                    long   occurrenceTime      = stamp.occurrenceTime;
                    double factor              = TruthFunctions.temporalProjection(occurrenceTime, targetTime, currentTime);
                    float  projectedConfidence = (float)(factor * truth.confidence);
                    if (projectedConfidence > newTruth.confidence)
                        newTruth = TruthValue.make(truth.frequency, projectedConfidence);

            if (newTruth == null)
                newTruth = truth.clone();

Example #3
         * {M, <M ==> P>} |- P
         * /param v1 Truth value of the first premise
         * /param reliance Confidence of the second (analytical) premise
         * /return Truth value of the conclusion
        public static TruthValue deduction(TruthValue v1, float reliance)
            float f1 = v1.frequency;
            float c1 = v1.confidence;
            float c  = UtilityFunctions.and(f1, c1, reliance);

            return(TruthValue.make(f1, c, true));
Example #4
         * {(&&, <#x() ==> M>, <#x() ==> P>), S ==> M} |- <S ==> P>
         * /param v1 Truth value of the first premise
         * /param v2 Truth value of the second premise
         * /return Truth value of the conclusion
        public static TruthValue anonymousAnalogy(TruthValue v1, TruthValue v2)
            float      f1 = v1.frequency;
            float      c1 = v1.confidence;
            TruthValue v0 = TruthValue.make(f1, UtilityFunctions.w2c(c1));

            return(analogy(v2, v0));
Example #5
         * {<A ==> B>} |- <B ==> A>
         * /param v1 Truth value of the premise
         * /return Truth value of the conclusion
        public static TruthValue conversion(TruthValue v1)
            float f1 = v1.frequency;
            float c1 = v1.confidence;
            float w  = UtilityFunctions.and(f1, c1);
            float c  = UtilityFunctions.w2c(w);

            return(TruthValue.make(1, c));
Example #6
         * {<S ==> M>, <M ==> P>} |- <S ==> P>
         * /param v1 Truth value of the first premise
         * /param v2 Truth value of the second premise
         * /return Truth value of the conclusion
        public static TruthValue deduction(TruthValue v1, TruthValue v2)
            float f1 = v1.frequency;
            float f2 = v2.frequency;
            float c1 = v1.confidence;
            float c2 = v2.confidence;
            float f  = UtilityFunctions.and(f1, f2);
            float c  = UtilityFunctions.and(c1, c2, f);

            return(TruthValue.make(f, c));
Example #7
         * A function specially designed for desire value [To be refined]
         * /param v1 Truth value of the first premise
         * /param v2 Truth value of the second premise
         * /return Truth value of the conclusion
        public static TruthValue desireInd(TruthValue v1, TruthValue v2)
            float f1 = v1.frequency;
            float f2 = v2.frequency;
            float c1 = v1.confidence;
            float c2 = v2.confidence;
            float w  = UtilityFunctions.and(f2, c1, c2);
            float c  = UtilityFunctions.w2c(w);

            return(TruthValue.make(f1, c));
Example #8
         * {<M ==> S>, <M ==> P>} |- <S <=> P>
         * /param v1 Truth value of the first premise
         * /param v2 Truth value of the second premise
         * /return Truth value of the conclusion
        public static TruthValue comparison(TruthValue v1, TruthValue v2)
            float f1 = v1.frequency;
            float f2 = v2.frequency;
            float c1 = v1.confidence;
            float c2 = v2.confidence;
            float f0 = UtilityFunctions.or(f1, f2);
            float f  = (f0 == 0) ? 0 : (UtilityFunctions.and(f1, f2) / f0);
            float w  = UtilityFunctions.and(f0, c1, c2);
            float c  = UtilityFunctions.w2c(w);

            return(TruthValue.make(f, c));
Example #9
         * {M, <P ==> M>} |- P
         * /param v1 Truth value of the first premise
         * /param reliance Confidence of the second (analytical) premise
         * /return Truth value of the conclusion
        public static TruthValue abduction(TruthValue v1, float reliance)
            if (v1.analytic)
                return(TruthValue.make(0.5f, 0f));
            float f1 = v1.frequency;
            float c1 = v1.confidence;
            float w  = UtilityFunctions.and(c1, reliance);
            float c  = UtilityFunctions.w2c(w);

            return(TruthValue.make(f1, c, true));
Example #10
        static void testNars()
            CompoundAndTermContext compoundAndTermContext = new CompoundAndTermContext();

            RuleDispatcher.compoundAndTermContext = compoundAndTermContext; // for debugging

            PrototypingInput prototypingInput = new PrototypingInput(compoundAndTermContext);

            Nar nar = Nar.make(compoundAndTermContext, new MetaNix.nars.config.RuntimeParameters());

            CompoundIndex compoundIndex1 = prototypingInput.makeInheritance("a", "b");

            ClassicalSentence.MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters task1SentenceParameters = new ClassicalSentence.MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters();
            task1SentenceParameters.term       = compoundAndTermContext.accessCompoundByIndex(compoundIndex1).thisTermReferer;
            task1SentenceParameters.truth      = TruthValue.make(1.0f, 0.5f);
            task1SentenceParameters.stamp      = Stamp.makeWithPresentTense(nar.memory);
            task1SentenceParameters.punctation = ClassicalSentence.EnumPunctation.JUDGMENT;
            ClassicalSentence task1Sentence = ClassicalSentence.makeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalize(task1SentenceParameters);

            ClassicalTask.MakeParameters task1MakeParameters = new ClassicalTask.MakeParameters();
            task1MakeParameters.sentence = task1Sentence;
            task1MakeParameters.budget   = new ClassicalBudgetValue(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);


            CompoundIndex compoundIndex2 = prototypingInput.makeInheritance("b", "c");

            ClassicalSentence.MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters task2SentenceParameters = new ClassicalSentence.MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters();
            task2SentenceParameters.term       = compoundAndTermContext.accessCompoundByIndex(compoundIndex2).thisTermReferer;
            task2SentenceParameters.truth      = TruthValue.make(1.0f, 0.5f);
            task2SentenceParameters.stamp      = Stamp.makeWithPresentTense(nar.memory);
            task2SentenceParameters.punctation = ClassicalSentence.EnumPunctation.JUDGMENT;
            ClassicalSentence task2Sentence = ClassicalSentence.makeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalize(task2SentenceParameters);

            ClassicalTask.MakeParameters task2MakeParameters = new ClassicalTask.MakeParameters();
            task2MakeParameters.sentence = task2Sentence;
            task2MakeParameters.budget   = new ClassicalBudgetValue(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);


            for (;;)

            int here = 5;
Example #11
         * {<M ==> S>, <P ==> M>} |- <S ==> P>
         * /param v1 Truth value of the first premise
         * /param v2 Truth value of the second premise
         * /return Truth value of the conclusion
        public static TruthValue exemplification(TruthValue v1, TruthValue v2)
            if (v1.analytic || v2.analytic)
                return(TruthValue.make(0.5f, 0f));
            float f1 = v1.frequency;
            float f2 = v2.frequency;
            float c1 = v1.confidence;
            float c2 = v2.confidence;
            float w  = UtilityFunctions.and(f1, f2, c1, c2);
            float c  = UtilityFunctions.w2c(w);

            return(TruthValue.make(1, c));
Example #12
        /* ----- double argument functions, called in MatchingRules ----- */

         * {<S ==> P>, <S ==> P>} |- <S ==> P>
         * /param v1 Truth value of the first premise
         * /param v2 Truth value of the second premise
         * /return Truth value of the conclusion
        public static TruthValue revision(TruthValue v1, TruthValue v2)
            return(revision(v1, v2, TruthValue.make(0, 0)));