Example #1
         * Evaluate the quality of a revision, then de-prioritize the premises
         * \param tTruth The truth value of the judgment in the task
         * \param bTruth The truth value of the belief
         * \param truth The truth value of the conclusion of revision
         * \return The budget for the new task
        static public ClassicalBudgetValue revise(TruthValue tTruth, TruthValue bTruth, TruthValue truth, bool feedbackToLinks, nars.control.DerivationContext nal)
            float         difT = truth.getExpDifAbs(tTruth);
            ClassicalTask task = nal.currentTask;

            task.budget.decPriority(1 - difT);
            task.budget.decDurability(1 - difT);

            /* commented because links are not jet implemented
             * if (feedbackToLinks) {
             *  TaskLink tLink = nal.currentTaskLink;
             *  tLink.decPriority(1 - difT);
             *  tLink.decDurability(1 - difT);
             *  TermLink bLink = nal.currentBeliefLink;
             *  float difB = truth.getExpDifAbs(bTruth);
             *  bLink.decPriority(1 - difB);
             *  bLink.decDurability(1 - difB);
             * } */
            float dif        = truth.confidence - Math.Max(tTruth.confidence, bTruth.confidence);
            float priority   = UtilityFunctions.or(dif, task.budget.priority);
            float durability = UtilityFunctions.aveAri(dif, task.budget.durability);
            float quality    = truthToQuality(truth);

             * if (priority < 0) {
             *  memory.nar.output(ERR.class,
             *          new RuntimeException("BudgetValue.revise resulted in negative priority; set to 0"));
             *  priority = 0;
             * }
             * if (durability < 0) {
             *  memory.nar.output(ERR.class,
             *          new RuntimeException("BudgetValue.revise resulted in negative durability; set to 0; aveAri(dif=" + dif + ", task.getDurability=" + task.getDurability() +") = " + durability));
             *  durability = 0;
             * }
             * if (quality < 0) {
             *  memory.nar.output(ERR.class,
             *          new RuntimeException("BudgetValue.revise resulted in negative quality; set to 0"));
             *  quality = 0;
             * }

            return(new ClassicalBudgetValue(priority, durability, quality));